The Awakening of the Dark Lord
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Chapter one

In a faraway land, deep in a cave, an entity opened its eyes full of the vicissitude of time and a hint of confusion, realizing that it is enveloped in darkness.

He can see !, Trying to find out what is wrong, he found out that he's in a cave filled with dark purple mists so thick that it is almost tangible to grasp. Suddenly a huge amount of memory that doesn't belong to him flashes through his mind making him dizzy for a moment.

 The confusion on his face suddenly disappeared due to the amount of information he gained which can make nations wage wars against each other, experts fight for thousands of years, and mortals reach the sky in one leap.

 Sorting these memories, he observed his surroundings once more and realized that the dark purple mists is emitting from his body, and with one thought he sealed it deep into his spirit gate - the source of the purple mists he was emitting. He was shocked to be able to do this.

After doing that, he entered into deep thought.

' This world is a cultivation world where strength and power rules and mortals are viewed as slaves and this body I'm in is one of the oldest beings of the Elven tribe - a Dark Elf.

In this world, dark elves are not viewed as evil creatures but are viewed as a normal race. some of them with strengths comparable to gods and I'm one of them, and this old bone I'm living in died cultivating a powerful secret technique to promote a new realm, he achieved that,  in exchange for his life making it cheap for me and now I'm living in a body named sakura.

Sakura which means 'The fallen one' in the Elf's ancient tongue.

What a strange name' cackled with evil glee.

Getting up on his feet.

Using his left hand, he touched his lips and muttered an ancient wording…

" As I rise today, let the magic of this world surge through my body and make me immortal and powerful "

As those words left his lips, the cave shook violently from its foundation almost causing an earthquake to shake its formation laid for God knows how long.

Even though he had already achieved immortality, he can't help but voice out those words because of the nature of the body he is in.

The world he reincarnated into is a lawless world filled with vices, greed, and evil without caution and luck even gods can fall because, in this world, those mysterious energies and laws are part of one's strength.

The cultivation of this world is divided into Sixteen steps : 

Awaken step

Base step

Solid step

Grand step 

Heroic step

Epic step

Legend step 

Mystic step 

Sovereign step 

Venerable step 

Skybrick step 

Holy step 

Empyrean step 

Immortal step

Supreme Immortal step

Overgod / Transcendent step

Each of the steps is further divided into five steps namely :






The realm known to the entities of this world is from the first to the thirteenth realm and this body feared by the entire world has achieved the realm none have thought existed which is the OVER-GOD realm.