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Good afternoon/Day dear reader, i have decided to delete the third chapter and continue whit what i have planned for the original story. It will take me some time to upload it but i hope you all can enjoy and wait for the following chapter. Thank you for your patience.

Pov Andrew Wincenty

Several weeks have passed since Helen had done that spell and thank God nothing has happened to me, but it seems that something happened to Helen whatever she saw made her more determined in her studies.

From what I've heard she locks herself in the library every day the only times she goes out are to eat, attend sermons for the lady in white, and get some sun on her skin.

From what I have seen no one was worried they were proud the prodigy Helen was tuning her skills, she has already turned in weeks of homework that has not yet been assigned to her.

Great more compliments for Helen, everything was so cliche, worse now Helen had a butler and a maid they were under her command they were an emotionless elf and an overprotective busty woman. Her butler and maid were already talking behind my back, calling me lazy and dishonoring the surname Wincenty how I was going to drag lady Helen whit me, it was cliché the only thing missing was that they were some secret assassins. It could be worse they could have started talking about realms and special pills.

Sometimes I ask myself if my destiny is to make the usual cliché of an heir that dishonors the family to get some petty revenge.

Damn clichés how I hate them, I'm starting to think that Helena is the protagonist because there is no other way for her to be as perfect, in magic, sword fighting, and alchemy. My other idea is that she is a Mari Sue, but that can't be, she has faults one being her impulses of anger and perfection. Everybody knows a Mary-sue is perfect.

She is more like a Shonen, innocent, brave, kind, and loyal character. She’s always looking for ways to solve her problems without violence and her appetite is huge for a bonus. It surprises me, she was not like that in her childhood, if I think a bit more it started after t-.

“!Andrew come down it’s time for dinner¡” came my mother's voice yelling at the top of her lungs.

“! I’m coming ¡ "I yelled back while looking at myself in the mirror, it was already night and I was wearing ordinary clothes. Why dress elegantly if I'm at my home.

I was wearing a blue cotton shirt, brown shorts, and two pairs of leather shoes.

 left my room, looking at the corridor there were no maids or butlers, they had this night off, I don't know why, but better for me since I can't stand them talking behind my back.

Walking down the hall gave me a shiver something bad happened today, after several minutes I arrived at the dining room, there was my mother sitting and to my surprise, Helen and Kyomi were next to her, both were sitting together while my mother was sited alone.

They seemed to be talking about something important because when they saw me, they stopped talking. Kyomi was looking at me whit a serious face while Helen didn’t even look at my face

"Mother, Kyomi, how are you?" I greeted them as I sat next to my mother.

Neither spoke and without taking importance I began to eat.

Hmm, it seems that my mother cooked today. Vegetable soup with chicken, grabbing the spoon I began to eat without waiting for the others.

I better enjoy it bad news awaits me

After having eaten the soup I put the spoon inside the plate, grabbing a napkin I began to wipe my mouth.

"We need to talk" I heard my mother tell me in a serious tone.

After I finished wiping my mouth, I put the dirty pie back on the plate.

"Something bad happened mother" I spoke to her with the friendliest tone I could.

"You see, we have noticed that you haven't tried to study or look for help since you failed that exam" she told me while Kyomi nodded

Why improve if I just have to wait for my 16 and everything will solve itself. Besides I was the Protagonist the chosen one whatever it’s called In this world. Because I reincarnate whit all my memories…well only with the memory of how I died.

"I have also been told that you have not gone to any combat class and from what the maids have told me, you have done nothing but laze around and sleep in your room"

Well now I feel a little bad, but what can I do I'm a little lazy there's nothing wrong with that. But everything will be fine I just must wait for my cheat.

"It's that I don't like sword or hand-to-hand combat very much, I prefer magic" I replied with a little lie as I began to check my nails

"¡Enough is enough!  *pam* I am tired of your laziness and neglect of your studies in combat classes. You have not given me a choice and with great pain in my heart I have decided to take your inheritance and give it to someone who deserves it " my mother shouted while hitting the table whit her fist

"What!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, like I'm to blame if she stopped helping me and stopped hiring me tutors.

"As you heard Andrew, your mother and I have been talking these last few weeks and we have agreed on something, our great ancestors always wanted to unite the Wincenty and Emerald families, but the opportunity hasn’t presented itself until now." my mother said as she glared at me.

“Your inheritance is going to be inherited by Helen" she told me

Helena just lowered her head, her silver hair hiding her face.

"Yes, she has proven to be a combat mage, something really impressive for her age, because, although it pains me to tell you, -" my mother said, but was interrupted by Yuki

"You're a disappointment," Yuki told me as she stood up from her chair and moved behind Helena to start rubbing her shoulders.

Annoyed I got up from my chair to protest


"Hush, I'm not done talking yet," Yuki told me as she looked at me annoyed.

I just shut my mouth for her to continue.

"Don't misunderstand my words, you are not a disappointment, you are just too lazy for your age, and for your protection and the future of the Wincenty house we have decided to pass on the inheritance to Helen, don't worry when you show improvement It is not to do you harm but to prepare you for life, Helen has been improving and studying all he life and by becoming a combat mage she has cemented herself for the position. We cannot trust you whit the inheritance of these lands, the lives of the people, and political problems. While here you have all the powers of a noble house and its benefits but out there you will only be a defenseless sheep ready to be devoured by hungry wolves" Yuki finished speaking seriously.

"It hurts me to do this, but you must learn. Meanwhile, from now on, you are just Andrew, owner of nothing and heir to nothing. Keep in mind that I am only doing this to protect you, it would break my heart to lose you in the future due to your negligence" my mother told me after Kyomi finished speaking.

Annoyed I stood up from my seat and went to my room, I couldn't say anything since everything said was true. I became to focus on my supposed cheat powers and let myself go. What’s the point I should just surrender I’m never going to improve I’m just a disappointment im worthless.

Arriving at my room I entered it and closed the door harshly, going to my bed I flopped face first. My tears were staining my bed.





I stood up from my bed and cleaned my face from my snot and tears.

No, I’m not going to surrender, why should I let misery and disappointment swallow me whole it was my laziness that put me here, and now my determination is going to get me out of it.

Whit determination running through my veins I went and picked up a blank book ad started to write all the ideas that were flowing through my mind. From medieval weapons to the modern cropping system used in England. After that I went into the library and picked some important books, these were “Learning magic 101”, “Advance Magic”, “Metalworking 101”,” Carpentry” and finally “Theorist of Magic: Influencing your surroundings whit magic”. Putting them on my desk I started to read them and copy notes on cheats of papers. Cheat or not I will improve and show my mother that I can and deserve my surname. I will show her.


While Andrew was busy in his room Kyomi was looking sad and miserable. After Andrew left during the revelation of his inheritance nobody ate or talked. Until Kyomi broke the silence

"Do you think I did well Yuki," Kyomi asked her best friend as she looked at her very sadly

"You did it right, it was time for him to open his eyes, his blindness would only lead to his death" Yuki replied to her friend.

"You're right, I don't want to lose him, I suffered enough with his father, I don't know what I would do if something bad happened to him," Kyomi told her as she started to cry.

"Don’t cry, if we are lucky, he should be better tomorrow" Yuki told her as she stood up from her chair and began to comfort her friend.

"Helena, sweetie" Yuki called to her daughter who was with her head down.

"I need you to go to your room, I will stay here whit Kyomi" Yuki told her as she went back to comforting Kyomi

Helena didn't say anything, standing still with her head down she went to her guest room, it didn't take her long to arrive.

Upon entering the room, the first thing she did was close the door and put a spell that would block all noise from coming out.

She threw herself on the bed, fell on her back, and after several minutes she began to take a deep breath. Then she let out a cry of happiness

"Yesssssssssssss" Helena is full of happiness.

After giving such a long scream she began to take a deep breath.

"It worked," Helena told herself as a big smile appeared on her face.

"System Show me mission status" Helena spoke as a floating screen appeared in front of her face.

{It’s for your own good}

{Don’t help Andrew, let him suffer the consequences for his actions. If he’s smart he should look for help…and who better at helping him than us}

{Status: completed}

{Reward: 100 EXP, UNLOCKED path}

"I'm so happy... but I feel really bad for not talking and not trying to defend Andrew. I should have helped him" Helena said to herself as the screen disappeared

[Don't be sad Helena, this was the best option, now that he has to improve, you will help him and he will thank you, remember the path to a man's heart comes with obstacles in its path, but your victory is assured] The system told Helen who smiled.

"You're right, if I want him to love me, I have to make him depend on me, so little by little I'll win his heart until the day comes when he asks me to marry him..." Helena said to herself while her a blush covered her cheeks.

[You are very right Helena, the road to victory is full of obstacles] the system told Helen but she didn't listen since she was lost in her fantasies.

"Don't worry Andrew, I'll do whatever it takes for us to be together... I promise, your destiny is my destiny, no matter what it takes no matter how much blood I must spill." Helena said as she summoned a flame on her fingers it illuminated her glowing red eyes.