Chapter 3: A dream of fire.
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An abyss yawned wide, a vacuum that consumed all air in its vicinity stretching open. Drell woke with a yawn, blinking herself awake as the events of last night flooded back into her mind. She sighed at the weight of Veska still on her back, then heaved the succubus off and rolled over. 

The furs beneath her were sticky, as was most of her body, she discovered heartbeats later. A problem to be rectified. Veska was now splayed out upon the bed, firmly within the center of a pool of cum. 

Throne's above, how much had she produced last night? Drell groaned and rubbed her temples, fangs bared as she yawned again. Arms stretched wide, she regained her feet and stood, taking a moment to stare down at the woman on her bed. 

The demoness slept deep and peacefully, her chest rising and falling in continuous rhythm. She looked content, a small smile on her face. Covered in her own cum, Drell noted as she remembered her own state. If Veska was wet from lying in what coated the bed, then Drell was absolutely drenched. Her thighs, ass, belly, back and even breasts had a sticky layer on them from the ungodly amounts of semen the succubus had produced. 

A groan left her mouth as she realized even the soles of her feet were not safe from this undulating invasion of fluid. Naked and covered in cum, she turned and stalked away, exiting the main chamber of her home. The spacious circular chamber gave way to smaller, efficient corridors. Dimly lit by the earliest hints of morning light shining through glass panels. Her eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness in moments as she strode along. 

Drell was thoroughly tired of her own smell by the time she found the rain-room. One hand pulled the unresponsive slab of metal aside and the half-orc stepped into near complete darkness. Through touch and memory, she clumsily made her way to one of the few working cells and stooped inside. 

She stood bent in darkness, surrounded by a strange smooth metal in a space obviously made for humans of smaller stature than her. Her hands found the lever on the wall and turned it. 

Preparation and knowledge of what was coming could still not fully prepare her for the sensation that followed. Torrents of cold, clear water poured from the ceiling. A small gasp of surprise escaped Drell's lips as the sensation flooded over her skin. For a moment she shivered, then sighed in comfort as her body inevitably adjusted. 

Pure water flooded from above, cleansing her body of the sweat and semen that permeated her skin. She let it run through her hair, even leaning backwards and swallowing a mouthful. It tasted clean. Cleaner than anything she had drank before. 

Just another mystery about this place. 

Hands planted against the wall, she rotated her body beneath the waterfall, careful not to buck her head and slam her horns through the metal. She winced in memory of the last time that had occured. What a way to waste an evening. 

Water was a luxury so few could afford where she had been raised, she thought almost bitterly. Oases were precious resources tribes were willing to fight and die for. Yet here she stood, in the center of an even greater sandsea, bathing in more water than her ancestors had ever dreamed of seeing. 

Memories of Veska shoved the sour rumination from her mind. Abruptly, she turned the lever back and stepped from the cell, drenched and dripping. Her jade skin ran with liquid, as did the mane of hair now stuck to her back. Uncaring, she let the wetness track along behind her and walked back to her chamber. The inside of this place was visibly lit now, she came to realize with surprise. 

The sun had risen, and its light danced over the dunesea. 

Veska was gone when she returned. The fur-covered bed lay empty, save for the sticky evidence of last night's pleasures. She was gone, Drell thought for a sinking moment. Well, at least the sex had been great. Her memories, and her sore privates certainly attested to that. She was halfway through another thought when the smell of cum hit her nostrils once more. 

She hadn't fully washed after all, she groaned inwardly. Then she noticed it again, but fainter. Mixed with the succubi's distinctive scent. A laugh shook her body when Drell realized what was tickling her nostrils. 

Cum footprints. 

Droplets of water pooled on the floor beneath her as Drell laughed deep and loud at the sheer absurdity of it all. In all the years she had spent on this blasted world, the experience of tracking someone through literal semen footprints had not presented itself to her. 

After a time, she sighed, wrinkled her nose at the smell, grabbed her clothes and stalked after it. The scent stayed close to her own earlier journey as both trails exited the main chamber, into the dimly lit corridors of metal that lay beyond. They soon diverged, Drell's headed towards the darkened floodroom and the succubi's wandering in the iron depths. 

The half-orc followed her for a time, as the trail moved back and forth, down one corridor and the next, almost at random. Almost too soon, her hunt ended as she came upon her destination. The stained footprints and distinct smell of ashes led to a metal stairway, an open door mounted into the ceiling itself and sunlight above. 

Well, at least she could dry off before re-clothing herself, Drell thought. She clambered up the stairs, marveling how the deceptively thin metal didn't so much as dent under her weight. 

She emerged horns-first into the heat and morning light of the dunesea, eyes blinking at the furious dawn struck her. 

Veska gloried upon the edge, her arms stretched to the sky, draconic wings unfurled and stretched to their limits. She bathed in sunlight, body visibly shivering with delight. 

"It has been," She exalted, fingertips reaching for the wrathful star of scorn above. "So, so long. I have not felt sunlight kiss my skin in an unbearably long time." 

Her back still turned to Drell, she raised her wings even further, upturned eyes closed as she basked in the heat. 

"You will never know this glory," She spoke in a dreamy sigh. "This feeling. I pity you, Drell. If only for this." 

The half-orc tossed her clothes to dry upon the smooth metal surface, glad that there was no wind to whip sand at her naked form and raised a single eyebrow at Veska. 

"Perhaps I would be more impressed if I knew what's gotten you so happy." 

Veska spun around, wings flapping, a smile of genuine happiness on her face. 

"This," She gestured at the sky above. "Light. Sunlight. Feeling it again." 

She cut off Drell's reply with a sigh, her head still upturned, naked body caught in her own rapture. 

"You slay demons, Drell. You don't understand them." She spoke, breathless." I am a creature of ethereal power and hunger. I am fire and lust. A succubus draws power from both sources. And there is no greater fire than what lights the cold void above and brings life unto this world." 

"There is nothing," She uttered, suddenly quiet. "So glorious and powerful as the sun." 

"Too powerful." Her tone was sad now. "Even for me." 

They lapsed in silence for a while, Veska lost in her thoughts, Drell unwilling to speak and break the mood. 

"Show me." She finally spoke. "I can't understand you without seeing it." 

A sad smile came to the succubi's face, as she turned away once more, perched upon the edge. 

"My kind lives below the light, Drell. In the deepest dungeons, in hells of our own creation. When we venture to the surface, it is during the night. Come morning, we are gone, returned to where we came." 

"Yet here you are." Drell interjected. "Decidedly not gone." 

"I am not a full succubi." Veska sighed. "I have traces of dragon-blood in my veins. It is the sole reason why I came to stand here and not be burnt to ashes as my body attempts to absorb the heat and fire from above and immolates itself." 

That was a very, very sudden concern and possible obstacle to Drell's unfolding dream. 

"Are you able to travel at all on the surface?" She asked with some degree of concern. 

"Yes." Veska visibly grimaced. "To a degree. As of current, Attempting to draw upon my powers under the sun would have...unpleasant consequences, however." 

That, Drell could live with. 

A few further queries gave her some information on Veska's unique situation. Her body craved sunlight as demons were naturally attracted to fire and derived pleasure from it's presence, she learned. Draconic blood allowed Veska to safely traverse it. However, calling upon her powers which were drawn from her fire aspect would have disastrous consequences for herself and anyone in her general vicinity. 

Drell found herself sitting upon the edges of the structure after some time, next to Veska as the succubus discussed what she wanted to do in the future. 

The opportunity finally arose, and Drell pounced at the chance. 

"It seems," Drell asked, leaning close to the other woman. "You want to see more of the world. Explore your way around, see the sights, fuck the locals, fight the resident monsters. In other words, enjoy yourself." 

"Precisely." Veska sighed. "I have no desire to become another Dungeon Guardian, or even worse, be banished back to one of the hells." 

"Well," Drell grinned. "That perfectly happens to coincide with my own plans." 

She raised her fingers and counted off each point. 

"I travel far and wide, minus the actual part where it takes weeks or days to get somewhere. I fuck around, and like to get very aquainted with the locals. And you already know my reputation when it comes to fighting." 

"So it seems." Veska nodded. "You wish for me to travel with you?" 

Drell's smile almost reached her eyes at that. 

"You're a dungeon boss, so I already know you're down for a good fight. The sex was amazing, and we'll get to meet and fuck all sorts of new people. I see no downsides to this." 

Veska mulled it over for a moment, then smiled to herself. She leaned back, legs dangling off the edge. 

"You realize I've been dreaming of this for years," She grinned and turned to look Drell dead in the eye. "First it was to get out of the hells and stop being fuckmeat for anyone stronger than me, then it was somehow breaking my contract and leaving the dungeon core's service. Now, you've dumped the exact thing I've been chasing for years into my lap. There is no reality in which I would refuse this, Demonsbane. This is an absolute win for me and my dreams." 

"So," She hopped up, clothes suddenly appearing around her naked form. "Where to first?"