Chapter 30
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AN: First of the Double Chapters, enjoy! (Sorry I didn't upload yesterday but my internet didn't come back up until 2am)


Nemu looked up to see a grotesque monkey staring at the students, she doesn't know what it was but something about... that thing made her very uneasy....

Quickly grabbing Sophia's hand to try to flee towards the door.

But before she could take a single step the monkey dropped from the ceiling and fell on top of a student who was forming a lot of commotion

because of the whole situation... killing him instantly.....


This left the students in shock and in a few moments they understood the situation they were in....

...the intruder... was in front of them...

Taking a closer look... the monkey... no, the thing, it was horrible... it had a humanoid form of 2 meters high, with long arms that almost reached the knees. Its appearance was disgusting, you felt like vomiting just by looking at it, its skin seemed to be muscle, several parts of its body seemed to be beating by themselves, you could see how its ribs were sticking out of its... skin? But you could see how his ribs protruded from inside his body outwards leaving a slight bleeding on his body, he had an elongated mouth with sharp teeth and multiple eyes a total of 4 spread all over his head in no specific order, his claws were very large and sharp almost like blades.

Nemu felt like she was going to lose her stomach at any second....

Just as the students were about to run away the monkey moved much faster than anyone could see and decapitated a student with only its hands.


That made the students react and they started to run in the opposite direction but....

...the thing was too fast, killing 3 other students in no time, and appearing in front of the students to cut them off...

Shit! I can barely see it! We won't make it to the gate!.... Nemu thought with fear and urgency for her situation.

It was then that Nemu remembered the emergency call...

Alert Level 3: High Level Red creature detected in the facility, please meet with your nearest teacher for better security.
High Level Red... shit... as strong as a Red Rank almost Black adventurer... perfect... it's our funeral... Nemu thought as she squeezed her hand with Sofia's to ease her fears a little.

It was then that her heard a voice coming from beside her, Sofia's voice.

"...I shouldn't...lose...why?...I don't want to...let me...die..." Sofia was in trace muttering strange things.

When Nemu heard these words The Thing had killed 2 more students, the students were trying to use magic to try to kill the creature, but it

didn't seem to do them any harm, but at least they were able to stall it a little.

Paying attention for a moment to Sophia she saw that her eyes were much more dead than usual and that her skin seemed almost as white as cloth, also her temperature was incredibly low despite being sweating a few moments ago....


Slapping Sofia's face in an attempt to snap her out of her trance....

"Uh? Where-"

But before Sofia could say anything...a big shadow was projected behind Sofia...Nemu quickly used all her Inner Mana in her whole body to move behind Sofia and try to block the blow with her two hands...

... but she didn't succeed, breaking both of her arms in strange directions and sending her flying next to Sofia...

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH.... GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Nemu screamed in pain as tears started coming out of her eyes from the intense pain, blood was coming out of her arms and you could see how some of her bones were sticking out, it was getting a little hard to breathe and she was sweating too fast.....

"Nemu!!!" Sofia shouted as she stood up and went to inspect Nemu, the mist around her arms had vanished and the eyes in her mist seemed to disappear all at once....

Before Sophia could do more she saw the black smog of the thing moving rapidly towards her....
Instinctively in an attempt to defend herself Sofia tried to create a tornado with as much of her Mana as she could...

...but the creation was very slow...

The thing grabbed her from behind and lifted her up, before slamming her to the ground, creating a small crater...

Fortunately Sofia had used the new method of Inner Mana all over her body... but it was just enough for Sofia not to die from the blow...

Overwhelming pain soon made itself known in Sofia's back as she passed out for a moment, only to wake up a second later from the intense pain.


The creature only looked on while emitting unintelligible noises, before raising its arm and slamming it down like a sledgehammer....
Sofia who could barely open her eyes to look at the black smog-formed death in the eyes and....

...nothing happened...

Just before the blow hit Sofia and turned her into a bloody mess, the monster stopped before shuddering violently and exploding....

After that Sofia fainted due to her serious injuries....




"*Haa*, well that was a waste of resources... I thought Sofia was already ready to face something of this level but I guess I was wrong, a miscalculation I guess... mnnn... fortunately Sofia didn't take much damage... her friend however... looks like the blow managed to destroy her arms possibly her Expulsion Points as well... maybe I could heal her and recruit her, she could be useful to me in the future.... well minor details... back to the main thing..." Sighed a red-eyed, white-haired woman.

Walking through a scientific facility where you could see various tools, tubes with creatures floating in a liquid and some people with deformities imprisoned in cages....

After walking for a while, he finally reached a white door, she opened it to find a girl with red hair and red eyes, who was moaning in pain while chained on a bed, next to him a woman with black hair, yellow eyes and a tail was injecting him with some kind of liquid.

"How is the assimilation going?" the scientist asked.

"It's almost complete... I'm surprised she hasn't turned into a hideous monster yet, but that's to be expected since she carries part of your genes... but there seem to be side effects... but overall it was a success..." Replied the black-haired woman respectfully towards the scientist.

"As expected of her... Flora has lived up to all my expectations so far... well no wonder... hehe" Said the scientist as she recalled Flora's origins.

"So...when will we start phase 2?" asked the assistant.

"It will be delayed a bit...for some reason Sofia is bad weak than expected...anyway, I will give Sofia 4 years so she can reach the expected expectations...if she doesn't make it...well, we can always repeat the experiment..." Said the scientist with a bored sigh.

"Try to unlock Amanda's inheritance, Flora already has your inheritance unlocked... even if I unlocked it unintentionally and without your permission, you shouldn't lump Sofia in the same bag as Flora and expect them to do the same..." The assistant suggested.

"Maybe you're right... well I'll try... if she fails and the inheritance that drives her crazy... at least I can have a fight with a mini Amanda... if the inheritance works and she stabilizes... history will repeat itself from hundreds of years ago... and I'll have a front row seat to witness it...hahahahahhaa"


AN: My new novel is now available!

MHA: Slipstream, if you want to see it you can find it by clicking on my profile and going to series.

I'd love for you to give it a try!