֍CHAPTER 46: Confession
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A loud sound can be heard coming from what Kirill assumed to be the front door and with that, came a voice screaming at the top of his lungs into the cabin. “Kirill!!!!” It was a familiar voice. Stepan’s voice. Kirill was relieved as soon as he heard this voice but the feeling was also coupled with a little bit of anger and pain.

“Fuck!” Mr. Lebedev cursed and quickly bolted out of the door of the room without looking back or taking anything with him. Kirill could only scream a muffled scream from behind his sealed mouth and moved his body as much as he could to make a loud sound so that Stepan could detect his whereabouts in response.

As Mr. Lebedev ran off through the backdoor, Stepan’s men started to run after him. “You better get him, you son of a bitch!” Stepan ordered Maxim. “You fucking let Kirill get away like that! If anything happens to him, I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you and I’ll dismember you and I’ll feed you to the fucking dogs!” He shouted angrily as he shoved Maxim towards the back door. Maxim quickly joined the chase.

Stepan hurried to check every room of the cabin until he found Kirill lying on the floor in one of the rooms. “Kirill!” he called and quickly came over to untie Kirill’s hands and unseal his mouth. As he seated him, he looked at him worriedly. “Are you okay?” He asked.

Kirill only looked back at him with mixed emotions. This guy is his saviour but he had done something unforgivable as well. He didn’t know if he should be thankful or spiteful towards this person. “Stepan, be frank with me,” Kirill said, without answering Stepan’s question. “What did you do? What did you do to my brother?!”

Stepan immediately avoided looking into Kirill’s eyes the moment he heard the questions. He bit his lips slightly before answering in an unconvincing tone; “I didn’t do anything to him.”

“Tell me the truth!” Kirill shouted.

“That is the truth!” Stepan shouted back in return.

“Then how come all his stuffs are in that fucking room behind the bookcase? How did that get there? And my pictures on the wall. What about that? What about all those pictures?! You fucking tell me now!!”

Stepan closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in frustration. “Look, I can explain,” he said through his gritted teeth.

“Tell me everything now!” Kirill insisted. He knew that if he waited, he wouldn't hear the truth from him. Stepan would avoid answering.

“Fuck!!” Stepan got up in anger and kicked a chair that was beside him, causing it to hit the wall and broke into pieces. “Fuck it, Kirill! I’m telling you the truth. I didn’t do anything. That's what I did. I didn’t do anything. Happy?!”

Kirill looked back at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Stepan combed through his own hair roughly with his fingers to sort out his chaotic head. He gritted his teeth in anger as he answered; “I didn’t do anything. I saw Mr. Lebedev strangled him. But I didn’t do anything. I just watched. From a distance where he couldn’t see me, I just watched it all happen.” Kirill couldn’t believe what he was hearing and his tears streamed down without warning. “I saw him use a knife to take out his eyes. He stripped his body and dismembered him. Here, in this cabin. It happened here. He buried him behind this cabin. That’s where your brother is,” Stepan continued. There was no guilt written in his eyes. He was emotionless as he spilled the details.

That emotionless face caused Kirill to become furious. He also got up from where he was seated and immediately punched Stepan in the face. He staggered back to balance himself before falling back down on his knees. Tears are flowing non-stop from his eyes. “And you did nothing?! You just watched?! You did nothing?!” Kirill said angrily. Stepan only looked at Kirill from a side angle and wiped blood from his lips. He still looked remorseless and uncaring. “You’re a fucking monster!!!” Kirill shouted.

Stepan started to laugh as he heard him. “No, Kirill. Your brother was a monster. I only did you a favour. And this is what I get in return?” Stepan said scornfully. “Fuck, fine. Since it’s you, I don’t mind getting hit. Only you can hit me,” he continued saying as he watched his own blood on his fingers. He wiped the remainder of the blood on his pants before looking Kirill straight in the eyes. He was no longer angry. He just didn’t give a shit past this point. There was no need to pretend to be the good guy anymore. “Kliment was the fucking monster, Kirill. Ask Alberto or Stanley or Andre. They all knew of his plan. He told us his plan that year. That Christmas, he planned to go back to New Japan to actualise his fantasies on you, Kirill. He was going to tie you up, rape you, and God knows what else! You knew his fantasies. You read his journal, right? He’s sick, Kirill. He’s fucking sick. I only did you a favour. I fucking saved you by not saving him! Do you get it? I chose you. I chose to save you!” Stepan continued.

“Then why didn’t you call the police? All these years people had been looking for him. Me and my family. We were grieving. We didn’t even have a body to have a fucking funeral and you knew where he was all along and you fucking kept mum about it. Why the fuck is that, Stepan?!”

Stepan smiled as he heard the question like he was saying ‘isn’t it obvious?’ on his face. Why should he care about what others feel? He only did things that benefited himself. So, isn’t it obvious? “If he was found, I won’t get to finally meet you,” he said. He then licked the blood on his lips and smiled, thinking back on how perfect his plan was.

“What-...” Kirill couldn’t even begin to fathom Stepan’s logic.

Stepan became quite frustrated as he saw the confusion on Kirill’s face. “I saw you in New Japan once. I was curious so I flew there without Kliment knowing. You caught my eye. It’s funny that you looked like Kliment but I was never attracted to him. You’re different. You’re wild, beautiful and attractive,” he said. He then squatted down by Kirill’s side and brushed Kirill’s cheek with the back of his fingers. “I fell for you the moment I laid eyes on you. I never believed in love at first sight and all those bullshits before but you… You, Kirill, you’re love at first sight. If he was never found, you would come to Krasniy and I would get to meet you. I could make you fall in love with me,” he said. He eyed Kirill from head to toe with obsession in his eyes.

Kirill felt a chill down his spine. He pushed Stepan’s hands away with disgust. “You took my pictures! You stalked me! What fucking shit love is that?”

Stepan sighed in frustration but he also smiled helplessly because he thought to himself that Kirill’s naivety is quite adorable. He knew that Kirill wouldn’t understand it. But he could slowly let him understand it soon enough. “I had to do what I had to do. I just sent those guys to follow you discreetly. Your life was not troubled in any way, right?”

Kirill couldn’t believe the words he was hearing. He could only conclude it with one statement; “You’re crazy…”

Stepan smiled helplessly at Kirill again. By now, he only felt more amused than frustrated. “You see, my plan was to help you find Kliment as soon as I’m certain you’re mine. I was so close to succeeding but damn, why are you so hard to please? Your curiosity is attractive but it’s also a little bit annoying. You shouldn’t have found that room. If you found it a week later, it would be empty by then. But you just had to be smart and curious, huh? It’s really annoying,” Stepan complained in an endearing tone. “I’m angry but I can’t be angry for long with you. I love you, Kirill. And I know that you love me too, don’t you?” He asked. He didn’t need an answer though. It wouldn’t matter now. He would still make Kirill his with love or without love. It was too late to turn back now. “Let’s just dismiss the fact that you found the room and the fact that I let your brother get killed. Without those, we’re good, right?” Stepan asked with a smile.

Kirill only felt more chill to the bones. “You’re crazy. You’re fucking crazy!” he said. He couldn’t believe that the guy he was with has a side that was inhumane. He didn’t know how to feel because he couldn’t understand such a thing. He couldn’t understand how someone could be so emotionless and dismiss something that was so unethical and unspeakable.

Stepan started to laugh again. He then cupped Kirill’s face with both of his hands and forced him to face him. “You make me crazy! Now, don’t make me crazier than this. I don’t want to scare you, okay?” Stepan said. Kirill started to cry again at this point. Stepan’s grip was strong and he couldn’t pull his hands off of him. Stepan let go of Kirill’s face and tried to hug him but he was shoved off. “Kirill, don’t be like this. We can sort things out between us,” Stepan said.

“You’re crazy! There’s nothing to sort out between us,” Kirill continued to resist.

Stepan felt angry again. Kirill’s resistance caused him to feel frustrated and furious. Wouldn’t it be better if he turned Kirill into a doll? He could no longer resist him or say anything that would hurt him by then. ‘That is under consideration’, Stepan thought to himself. Before he could complete his thoughts, his men had come back. “We couldn’t catch up to him, young master,” Maxim stated. He looked like he was trying to act calm but his fear of how his young master would act upon his failure could clearly be seen in his eyes. Stepan glared at Maxim angrily. “Should we put a bounty on him?” Maxim then suggested in order to appease his young master.

Stepan got up furiously and rushed over towards Maxim. He didn’t say a word as he started to beat the shit out of him non-stop. Kirill was first surprised to see what was happening. He could only watch the bloody scene before he finally had the strength in him to speak; “Stop it.” Stepan turned a deaf ear on him. Or maybe he really couldn’t hear him? “Stop hitting him, Stepan!!!” Kirill shouted.

It is only now that Kirill noticed that Stanley with his head wrapped in bandages was standing by the door of the room. There were tears in his eyes. Kirill could gather that he had probably heard Stepan’s prior confession about witnessing Kliment’s murder. Andre and Alberto were there too. They also looked as if their soul had flown out of their body. Nonetheless, Alberto was holding tightly to a box in his hands. Kirill recognised that as the box with Kliment’s belongings that was hidden in Stepan’s secret room. Kirill didn’t know how far they all knew about what Stepan had done but he could pretty much guess that that was news for them too. They did try to look for Kliment through the dark web and connections after all.

Stepan had stopped with his aggression and only looked back at Kirill emotionlessly. “I’m angry. So I’m going to kill him,” he stated. “But if you would take my hand and come with me without complaint, I might reconsider this,” he then threatened with a smile. “I never wanted you to see this side of me. But if you continue to be stubborn, I’ll let you meet my dark side. It’s your choice, of course,” Stepan then said. A doll? He could make Kirill become a doll with threats. Kirill would abide by his words. He wouldn’t resist him. He just has to find the right people and things to threaten him with and all would be well.

Kirill looked at him as if he was looking at a stranger. He knew he didn’t have a choice. It was clear that he could only choose to do whatever Stepan wanted. It was at this moment that Kirill finally saw the real Stepanov Chenkov. The ruthless, emotionless, and calculative Stepanov Chenkov. He never had a choice from the beginning. He was already pulled by the strings from the moment they met. He was in a game where he could only lose.


Next update: 2022/12/12

*Author’s Note: This book is now available for purchase as e-book on Amazon kindle. I would appreciate it if you guys can support me. Thanks. -K

Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNLTKFP8