Part 3 – Slaying 5 Lizardmen
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Waking up late in the morning, I walked into the guild hall to see what new quests I could take on. While looking at the different monster-slaying quests, I saw a D-Ranked quest. Since from the time I've been an adventurer of this guild, this was the first time I saw a D-Ranked quest.


I tore the request off the board for a closer look. Hmm, a town by the forest had recently suffered a raid from a small group of Lizardmen? Now, the town's mayor wanted the guild to send someone over there to slay them...or at least five of them.


Although the quest was D-Ranked, with my Ghost mask, I might just be able to pull it off. Taking the request, I hurried over to the receptionist desk to have it approved.


When the receptionist saw the contents of the request, she looked towards me with worry. "You know this is a D-Ranked quest, right? Are you able to handle it alone? I think it would be best if you joined a party instead."


"No worries." I reassured her. "I've go a couple of trump cards up my sleeves."


"Oh...but I still think you should form a party with someone. At least you'll have someone to watch your back. We can't afford to keep losing promising E-Ranks like yourself."


"No worries, I got this."


"You sure?"




"Fine. Here you go then. Safe travels." The receptionist resignedly returned my guild card and approved my application.


Thanking the receptionist, I rushed out the door. It was already late in the morning when I arrived. After a quick and simple brunch, I started patrolling the perimeter.


Walking around the edges of the town for a bit, I spotted some Lizardmen eating near the outskirts of the forest next to the town...a total of six Lizardmen. Silently, I walked up to their encampment and saw that the Lizardmen were eating...Orc meat?!


Does this mean that the Lizardmen and the Orcs were enemies? That was good news. We could use this information to indirectly cause some minor skirmishes between the Lizardmen and the Orc army.


I knew what I should do. I took out my Orc Mask and, after a few seconds, I transformed into an Orc. Taking out a blade trap, an explosive, and a mine that I got from trading with a fellow adventurer and inventor called Shadow, I started strategically setting up two traps at key exits or entrances around the encampment.


Then, I threw the explosive into the Lizardmen cluster. The explosive landed in the fire pit and exploded with a deafening roar, blowing back the Lizardmen. Two of the Lizardmen who were closer to the fire and the explosion died immediately, with burnt marks on their bodies and on their faces. Damn it!


While the other Lizardmen were dazed, I quickly rushed in with my skinning knife and slit the throats of two more Lizardmen. Taking my time, I carefully removed their faces, dried them, and stored them in my bag. The other two Lizardmen turned tail and ran, each in different directions...each towards one of the traps.




The mine went off and torn apart the lower half of the nearby Lizardman, instantly killing him. The last Lizardman, who thought that he was lucky to have escaped the mine, stepped on the blade trap. With a swoosh, the blade trap activated and the blade shot towards the Lizardman.


Seeing the incoming blade, the Lizardman jumped back, however, he was not fast enough as the blade sliced off one of his legs. Seething in pain and terror, the Lizardman continued to limp onward without looking back.


Seeing the Lizardman a distance away, I decided to let him go. If he had died, I would have to play as a Lizardman and spread the dissent among the other Lizardmen that I would have to search for myself. However, with this one alive, maybe he would do my part for me.


I took off my Orc Mask and proceeded to de-face the other Lizardmen. Taking the tails of the five bodies as proof of kill, I strode off towards the guild. Upon entering, I placed the Lizardmen tails on the counter in front of the guild receptionist who glanced up in shock, a look of respect flared in her eyes.


"Tails of five Lizardmen as proof of kill." I grinned.


"Welcome back." The guild receptionist smiled in return.




In the forest, some tens of miles away from the slaughter, a large encampment of Lizardmen were eating and discussing plans for the future. Suddenly, a pained cry sounded out and the Lizardmen all looked to see what was going on.


Upon seeing a wounded Lizardman limping in with one leg and collapsing on the floor, an old Lizardman jumped forward to support the half-dead Lizardman up.


"Son...what happened?! Who did this to you?" The old Lizardman said with slight urgency. This Lizardman was the Chieftain of the Lizardmen clan. "Tell me who did this to you and I'll swear upon the Dragon Gods I would wipe out their entire clan!"


"Lord was them pig bastards...there were 20 of them...they attacked with fire and swords." The injured Lizardman gasped, but he lied as he was afraid of being disgraced for the fact that only one Orc had killed his entire squad. "They...they killed my guards...father...please help me...I want to live...please...hel-"


With a final breath, the Lizardman bled to death in his father's arms. The Chieftain held back his tears and ground his teeth. "Those damned Orcs...they will pay for this."


Standing up, the Chieftain looked at his warriors. "Warriors! This is WAR!!!"