Ch. 88 – Noise
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I'm still stuck in the fortress cellar area, but I think I'm starting to figure this nonsense out. It seems like as long as I don't take the same direction three times in a row, I'm not sent back. Though there also seems to be a time limit. By my estimate, I must reach the next passage within 3 minutes or it doesn't matter which direction I choose. Likewise, turning back also brings me back to the start instantly. Or just taking a single step back...

As long as I keep running into monsters that I can take out instantly via spells, this is not a problem but anything that forces me to move to not get my face clawed in, is basically a one-way ticket back to the beginning.

But still no signs of anyone else. At least in the party and familiar menus is everyone still present so that should put my mind at ease, for now. Though it doesn't tell me their status, I can only hope...

And the system clock is still frozen at 11:42, so still no hope of randomly running into a rescue squad. I really should've added unlimited deus ex machinas on command to my list of demands when I agreed to this life...

Lucia on the other hand seems to have made more progress. About half a day ago, she has written that she left the ice cave behind and is now in a mountain-like area ornated with bottomless chasms.

I'm not sure if this brings us closer to each other or further apart.

Anyway, I continue my aimless journey through the labyrinth, trying different combinations of turning left or right but eventually, I always reach a dead end where I have to turn left or right for the third time in a row. And given that it takes between twenty and thirty corners before that happens, taking notes only gets me so far. I'm honestly relying more on dumb luck to finally find the right way...

On my next trip, I run into a human-adjacent creature wrapped in toilet paper.


It moves slowly and thanks to [NO EXP] doesn't have any skills worth mentioning.

Thinking about it, I never had an opportunity to test Water Magic or find out what its status effect would do. Maybe I should take this opportunity to correct that.

I raise my hand toward the shambling figure and start casting the spell. A moment later a ball of water shoots forth and rams into the rummage sales reject.

Your Water Cannon has inflicted 1386 damage and wet status.

It now looks appropriately drenched but what exactly does that status do?

Name N/A
Status wet
Age N/A
Classes Mummy 1
Race Generic Monster 1
Extra Monster 1
HP 1197/2583
MP 399/399
SP 1596/1596
STR 294
DEX 105
VIT 168
MAG 168
FTH 231
WIL 84
CHA 63
Skills Undead 1, NO EXP
Weakness Fire, Light, Holy

Doesn't affect its stats, no idea what it does. Maybe I should've asked Karen, her team has collected all kinds of knowledge.

To finish it off, I throw an ice spell at it.

Your Ice Shot has inflicted 1799 damage and defeated the mummy.
Obtained 1 Food Pill.

The creature freezes over and then shatters.

Uh, wait, it isn't weak to ice so why did that do more damage than the water spell? Did it interact with the wet effect? Well, good to know.

But now I have to hurry or I'll be sent back to the start again.

But alas, it shouldn't be. Another mummy demands my attention.

Name Ṭ̶̓ẹ̶̎d̸̲͛
Age N/A
Classes Mummy 1
Race Generic Monster 1
Extra Monster 1

Since when do trash mobs have names? Did I just not notice before? Does it even matter?

No, I guess it doesn't. It's probably just the difference between 'naturally' formed monsters and those that are born from dead humans whose souls couldn't escape thanks to the world barrier keeping everything in...

Well, I guess there's one more usable element I should try out while I have the chance. So let's see what Titanium spells are like.

I raise my hand again, cast the spell and-


A chunk of titanium shoots forth but instantly drops to the ground just about half a meter away from me. Seems like the system has no idea how to handle spell projectiles of that type.

Just for curiosity's sake, I go a lot closer and cast the spell again. It hits!

Your T̸͙͝i̷͈͒t̷̮̊à̶̳n̷͕̕i̸͓̔u̶̯̇m̸̉͜ ̷͝ͅC̸͔͋ḧ̴̤ȗ̸̼n̶̝̚ḳ̵̾ has inflicted 1386 damage and G̴̨̚l̵̳͌ì̷̮t̷͔̄c̴̨̈h̸͎͌ status.

I guess that was a dumb idea... not doing that again. So all it is good for is producing free metals.

Wait, what is that status?

It seems I have no time to figure that out, the mummy grabs its head, groaning and jerking around.

I take a few steps back, I don't want firsthand experience of what it is going through. So I start preparing a fire spell.

While I do so the mummy collapses to the ground. Purple fog starts to envelop it and then the mummy gets up again, changed. The eyes are now empty, instead, the yellowed bandages have now eyestalks at their end, and one of its legs is replaced with a pink fishtail.

Name Ṭ̶̓ẹ̶̎d̸̲͛
Status none
Age N/A
Classes M̴̼̓ủ̶̧m̴͎͝m̸̗͒y̷̹̅ 1
Race Generic Monster 1
Extra Monster 1
HP 1217/1218
MP 1596/1596
SP 1470/1470
STR 1638
DEX 63
VIT 294
MAG 147
FTH 588
CHA 0 [-63]
Skills U̶̠̇ņ̴̓d̷̼̔e̴̞͊á̸̠d̷̤̓ 1, NO EXP
Weakness Fire, Dark, Water

Yeah, definitely not using that spell again.

My fire spell is ready so I unleash it. The fire orb rams into the mutated mummy and incinerates it.

Your Fireball has inflicted 2932 damage and defeated the M̴̼̓ủ̶̧m̴͎͝m̸̗͒y̷̹̅.
Obtained 1 Retroactive Super Potion.

Shit, this test almost backfired. But I should've seen this coming, none of the affinity options from the glitched version of [Extra Affinity] made any sense to be usable, why should they have working projectiles or sensible status effects...

What is the item I got there? Previously, all [NO EXP] monsters left Food Pills behind, no exceptions.

Retroactive Super Potion
Heal up to 50 HP while at full health.

Nice trash...

I continue my journey through the corridor and as expected I was too slow, I'm back at the start, great.

Well, now that I'm back here I might as well take a moment and experiment again with how the glitched items react to the new items being put in the sixth item slot. Haven't done that in a while.

First, the Food Pills... result in a Jelly-filled Donut which appears extra moldy, great.

That leaves the useless potion...

Can be used to capture Pródbeasts.
[Feature not yet implemented, please don't hit me, boss!]

Aaaand that's enough stupid for today, the potion goes into the trash bin.

Really, what idiot runs out of synonyms for pocket...

I set out on another try to get through this labyrinth. Though on this next trip I get an ominous feeling.

Previously, all monsters would more or less wait idly in their spots until they notice me or die from my surprise attack spells. But this time, a few Crystal Beasts rush towards me and I can hear footsteps and creepy, otherworldly breathing in the distance.

I every so often watch behind me and on every branch carefully peek around the corner to check if I can see the source of that noise. The first dozen are safe but the noise keeps getting louder and louder. Very unnerving.

Shouldn't I as a vampire be the hunter? Why then do I feel like I'm the prey here? This feels wrong on so many levels...

I have to remember that as long as I don't get surrounded I can always just go back and instantly reappear at the start.

Steeling my resolve again, I turn around the next corner and there I see it. Dan's avatar. The monstrosity that killed two of my spirits as if it was nothing.

Shit, shit, shit!

I run back, reappear at the beginning and instantly the noise ceases.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

Though that only delays the inevitable, it is still out there searching for us.

I can't wait here but neither can I follow it, once it notices me all will be over.

Anxiously I set out again but choose a very different direction this time. The last few times I started with turning right at the first junction, now I go left.

But I need a plan in case I run into it again, just hoping doesn't cut it and running back to the start won't let me make progress either. Although... why could I even find it that easily? Didn't that abomination have insanely high [Stealth] skills? Does it want to be found? This is unnerving, really.

POV: E1#d_$




Teg tuo fo ym daeh!!

You've taken 95 damage from Magus Spider.
Your Acid Skin inflicted 38 damage.

Teg tuo fo ym daeh, uoy diputs gub!!

Teg tuo fo ym daeh!!

You've inflicted 636 damage to Magus Spider.

Sevres uoy thgir!

POV: Chloe

Great, I've left the underlit underground cave with shadow monsters behind me and now I'm in some mountain range. Still no sign of anyone.

I look around. The path forward looks pretty narrow, on one side a steep rock wall, on the other side seems to await death, just a bottomless chasm, and nowhere any spots to hide or take cover either, just perfect.

I need to hurry, the masters await me.

Argh, this pesky voice again. Stop imitating my voice!

What am I thinking? There's no foreign voice in my head.

Am I...

No, stop it! This shit is driving me insane...


I carefully follow the path, always on the lookout for ambushes from behind, up or below. But there's nothing, just a few monkey-like monsters wielding quarterstaves that are easily dispatched.

What am I worried about? There's nothing here that could pose any danger to us. I should just hurry.

No, you're wrong. Recklessness will get me killed.

No that isn't very likely, I have too much experience to be threatened by this, but the others need me, I have to hurry.

Argh, shut up!


Eventually, I reach a fork in the path and I have no hints as to where I should go, great. Now what?

I think I should head left.

Ugh, if the nasty voice in my head says left, so right has to be the correct path.

No, it has to be left. I have to.

Explain yourself!


Damn it, I've gone crazy, haven't I? I'm still talking to a phantom voice in my head. These six days of loneliness haven't done me any favors, in fact, it has only gotten worse...

Against my better judgment, I follow the voice's opinion and head left.

The path is still narrow and winding even more than before. Some dumb monsters even try to lunge at me but misjudge the distance and fall off the cliff. Damn, could've used their food drops...

A while later, the ground gives away and I almost fall off but I can quickly step back before anything happens. Guess I need to slow down and be even more careful where I step.

I should hurry.

Do you want to kill me?! Didn't you just see what happened?

I should hurry, the masters need me.

Can't you think for once? If I die I'm of use to no one! So stop distracting me!


That voice is so annoying.


The ground crumbles again, this time behind me. This is just as unnerving as this damn stalker voice.


I can hear an explosion and some shouting in the distance. It seems to come from the same direction I'm heading toward anyway.

Carefully, I continue to approach the source of the noise and in the distance, I see a person-like shape, can't tell yet who that is.

Soon I can see that it is in fact Lucia, I finally found someone!

"Hey, Lucia!", I wave at her.

She looks in my direction, first happy, then disappointed, she forces herself to smile, "Uh, hey, Chloe. Where did you leave everyone else?"

"No idea, haven't found any clues either."

She scoffs, "Disappointing."

What did you want me to do, Lucia? I've been trying my best. that isn't true, I could've done more. I should've prevented us from getting split up. I should've-

Shut it!

Lucia snaps me out of it, "Is something going on? You've just been gazing into the air for a while instead of, you know, being happy to have found ME."

"Huh, uh, sorry, I was just... thinking about something."

She glares at me, "Is that so? And tell me, what could be more important right now than our reunion?"

No matter what, she mustn't find out about my condition.

For once, I agree.

Wait, damn, I'm losing track again of which voice is mine and which is that fake...

"Nothing important, just a fleeting thought."

Suddenly, she grabs me by the neck and continues in a threatening tone, "Do you think I'm dumb? What is really going on with you? Every time we meet your behavior has been nothing but irritating. Even now-"

I interrupt her, "I've no idea what you're talking about, Lucia."

Her gaze grows colder, "That's not good enough for me. You've stolen what should've been rightfully mine, Jared's first familial relationship in this world. Then time and time again, I see you hitting on him even with me around. And now, you're absentmindedly staring into the void, claiming nothing is wrong. I can't believe that. So you either tell me what is up with you or we find out how bottomless this chasm really is."

Lucia is disappointed with me, I should just off myself.

No, I don't want to die... Please... no...

"Fine, I'll talk, I'll talk! Just let me down."

No, no! I can't...!

Shut up, you'll get us both killed! Though I wouldn't mind losing you.

No, I don't want to lose either of me.

Lucia slams me on the ground, "That sounds more like it. So what is going on between you and Jared?"

"Nothing, I swear. He's just... he's... a friend? My lord? I... I don't know...", for the first time in ages, I can feel tears in my eyes.

Despite her hatred toward me, I rush into her arms and cry into her chest, "I... don't want to be alone anymore... everyone's... everyone always avoids me once they find out that I'm a changeling... He was the first to rely on me even outside military regulations... the first who made me... feel needed... I just... didn't want to lose that..."

She hugs me, "You're an idiot, you know that, Chloe?"

I'm still sobbing, "...yeah, probably."

"But that doesn't explain half of what is going on. What else is there?"

I can't tell her-

Silence, I have to.

No, no, no. If I do she'll kill me!

Then so be it.

"No, there is one other thing. I-"

I pause for a moment, I'm scared of the outcome.

Lucia threatens me again, "Chloe, we don't have all day. Out with it."

"There's a voice in my head, it sounds exactly like me. At times it is very hard to tell my own thoughts apart from it..."

She pats my head for some reason, "I think I get the idea. Hey, 'voice', if you can hear me, you better stop tormenting Chloe, I still need her. I allow you to help her but if Chloe tells you no, you'll remain silent, understand?"

I'll obey, master.

Wait, you do?

Yes, if my master wills it.

"It... agreed? What the hell is going on now..."

Lucia lets go of me and smiles satisfied, "So it is as I guessed."

"What is?"

"Not important, let's go", she gestures for me to follow, "Come, we need to make some progress. And don't worry, I'm sure that as long as you don't go against me or Jared the voice will leave you in peace now. Though I'd advise you to not mention it to Jared, he has already enough problems on his plate."

Great, just what I needed...

Chloe? I'm sorry...

I don't believe that. You've been driving me insane the whole time and only stopped once... Lucia asked you to. You even drove me to accept Ephran's proposal despite seeing nothing in him...

And do you... regret it?

Maybe, not sure yet...

The voice thing is unique to Chloe, source? The source is that I made it the fuck up! Chapter 62, Lucia unknowingly cursed her.