The Stellumber Party
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(CW: Sex around other people who don't know what's going on, mainly cause they are all passed out drunk at a party.)


“Let’s get schwasted bitches! Who wants to do shots off my titties?” The lovely host of my first ever all girls sleepover shouted, as she opened a bottle of tequila with her cleavage.

I always wondered what went on as these things as a kid, but I never expected to see five other college girls doing shots off each other and smoking weed from a blowup doll’s asshole. It was something I envisioned as being a fun little get together. We’d play board games, watch scary movies, talk about boys (though, lez be honest, I’d rather talk about girls), do some karaoke, and paint each other's nails. 

There was still plenty of fun to be had, don’t get me wrong. Nothing like being treated like one of the girls and seeing people makeout. But, I was never a huge drinker, and it looked like I wasn’t the only one. 

“Hey there. Not joining in on the boozy boobies?” A girl walked up and leaned against the countertop next to me.

Oh gosh, she was so pretty. Damn my weakness for pretty dark haired women. 

“Uh, not really my thing. I mean, the drinking that is. Boobies are great. I–fuck, I mean, they’re the breast–fuck. Hi, I’m Stella, I’m awkward and gay.” I hadn’t prayed since I was a kid, but I was hoping that maybe she didn’t hear how much of a disaster I was.

At that moment, by some grace of the gay gods, she giggled. The tension building in my chest receded and I let out a small laugh as well.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Stella, I’m Violet.” Her voice alone made my heart skip a beat. Either that or the virgin rum and coke I was drinking was hitting me harder than I thought. “This your first time at one of these?” She asked.

I nodded, “Yeah, I never really got to go to these things when I was younger. But I’m sadly not much of an alcohol kind of person.” 

“Me neither.” She raised her glass. “All mixer, no elixir. And I also never went to many girls' nights as a kid. Hell, it’s only been about a year since I realized I was one.” 

“Ha, mood.” My instinct of subtle deflection had spoken before my mind had even gotten a chance to process what she had just said. Not to mention subtly outing myself in the process. 

“Pffft, you’re adorable.” Violet laughed and slid closer to me, still leaning against the counter. 

My face turned as red as the cliché cup in my hand. Doing my best to keep my composure, I turned to meet her gaze. How could anyone be so pretty? Like, damn. I was just standing there, metaphorical barbeque sauce on my titties, and god damned aphrodite walks in like “Hey there”, fuck I’m gay. 

I was getting ready to give my best line, the thing that would not only help me make up for my previous bumbling, but would also solidify my standing as another hella cool transfem. I was, however, tragically ripped from the moment before my glorious comeback as our wonderfully drunk host grabbed my arm and drug me to the center of the living room.

“C’mon Stells, let’s dance. Gotta shake it goose girl!” She probably meant “loose”, but who could tell at that point. 

Violet looked on in amusement as I flashed an awkward smile back at her. There were several girls grinding against each other and me. In any other situation I would have been delighted at the scene taking place around me. But all I could think about was the girl leaning on the counter, playfully twirling her hair and biting her lip in my direction. Before the night was over, I was going to ask for her number.


The night seemed to fly by as I was constantly pulled from one activity to another. The girls meant well, but they were, as it was so eloquently put, schwasted. Finally though, things calmed down and everyone started either passing out or getting ready to go to sleep. 

There was a pile of girls on the bed, a few splayed out on the couch and then there was me, standing there awkwardly trying to figure out where to put my sleeping bag. Until, I saw Violet give me a slight wave from over in a corner away from everyone. I nervously walked over, the butterflies in my chest began to turn into a swarm. 

“Hey, you.” She said with a soft, almost sleepy voice. “Looking for a place to get comfy?”


She looked over the area, “Well, it is a bit chilly here in this corner. You can sleep next to me if you’d like.” 

Sappho please, give me strength. “Oh gosh, I’d like that. You’re right, it is cold in here.” I set my pillow down, “Um, if you want; we could open up your sleeping bag and use mine as a blanket. That way we’d be able to have direct body heat.” 

Fuck, did I really suggest that? My brain wasn’t thinking clearly. We’d only just met, of course she wouldn’t want…

“That sounds lovely. I was thinking the exact same thing.” She let out a giggle and unzipped her bag, laying it out and patting the side for me to join her. 

Shakily, yet semi confidently. I unzipped my bag and spread it out, before sliding in underneath. There I was, face to chest with…face to face with a stunningly beautiful girl. Her hair was lightly ruffled, her shirt undone, showing just enough for me to see the bralette underneath. Her lips, so soft, kissable, pink, and being bitten down on while she stared through my soul with her eyes. 

She closed what little distance there was between us, “You’re really cute Stella. You know that?” Error, Stella not found. “And you’re really warm.” 

I felt her body cuddle up to mine. I felt her breath on my chest and face. I felt my own body heating up and reacting in many different ways. 

“You are too Violet.” I slowly eased my arm over her. “I’ll keep you warm tonight.” 

We laid there for several minutes. She had closed her eyes, smiled, and seemed to drift off. Until I felt her, lightly at first, start to rub against me. Her hips against mine. I thought for a moment that maybe it was just because she was cold. But the biting of her lip and ever so slightly quickening pace confirmed it was more than that. 

My heart was beating faster than I thought possible while lying down, as I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. “Are you awake?” I whispered.

Violet opened her eyes and gazed into mine, “Yeah. Sorry, was I bothering you?” 

Bothering would definitely not be the word I’d use. “Not at all. I just wanna make sure you’re staying warm.” I flashed a slight grin.

“We might have to stay cuddled up close, and–use friction to do so.” Her voice came off all sleepy and coy. But I could tell exactly what she was doing. And fuck if it wasn’t working. 

Very carefully, I began to rub against her as well. Her eyes pierced through me, the warmth of her breath against my face set my soul ablaze. “I want to kiss you.” I said, feeling myself getting more and more erect as the grinding continued. 

“Then kiss me Stella.” She responded.

I wasted no time in obliging. Our lips met, as did our hips, hands, and everything else we could manage. Her kiss was divine, it was electric, it was the raw yearning and desire I had wanted for so long. 

It could have been hours, minutes, days, decades, or a mere tenth of a second. But that kiss felt like an eternity that I never wanted to end. I would commit countless atrocities, break every convention, climb my way to the top of the war criminal list, even start a trash fire behind the local supermarket if it meant I could lay in her embrace for even another minute. 

As our passion grew, so did other things. I realized that both myself and Violet had become completely, unabashedly erect. Still locked in our kisses, I eased my hand down to both our girldicks and began to caress them. Violet let out a deep breath and quickly slid her panties down, releasing herself fully into my hand. I followed suit, and before any time had passed, there we were, intensely making out and stroking ourselves. 

Violet was leaking all over my cock, lubricating things even further. Hers was on top of mine, and my entire body was quivering in an attempt to keep quiet. Each stroke, each muffled moan, each touch was as if my nerves were being set ablaze by Aphrodite wielding her cestus on me. 

We broke from the kiss, trying to catch our breath. Our eyes locked, the electricity filled the air, the chemicals between us, lying in this makeshift bed, I wanted to remember it for the rest of my life. I, however, was getting dangerously close to finishing. It had been years since I’d come so close to…well, cumming. There was something about this girl, something that just clicked.

She leaned her head in close to mine and whispered, “Fuck, Stella. I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum, god I wanna cum so bad,” 

“Me too. Cum for me Violet. Cum for me.”

In a wave of ecstasy and euphoria, we both tensed up and up and released ourselves over each other. The warm sensation coated my thighs and waist in her delectable slutty putty. If there was anywhere to collapse, I would have. 

“You’re incredible Violet.” I let out in an exasperated whisper.

She ran her hand down my cheek and cupped my chin. I tried my best to stifle a whimper. 

“So are you Stella.” Her lips met mine once more.


Falling asleep in each other's arms was the most soothing experience I’d had in months. She was so warm and cozy. I could have laid there forever next to her. But morning had to come at some point. When I woke up, however, morning hadn’t come. I hadn’t expected to wake up in the middle of the night rock hard next a naked Violet. I certainly hadn’t expected her to wake up, roll over, and look at me while also fully erect. 

Sure, I’d had a very pleasant dream about railing her in my dorm to relieve pressure from studying. But like, I figured that’d be a ways away. I wasn’t even sure if she actually liked me or not. I mean, yeah we made out and came over each other. But maybe she was just doing it in a friend way. Maybe she was just really nice and that’s how she gets to know people. Maybe she was just pent up being the only other sober person at the party. Or maybe I was a fucking dumbass useless lesbian who was trying to create reasons for her not to be into me. 

“I didn’t wake you up did I?” She asked.

I shook my head, “No, I was just having a really good dream and it ended early.” 

“Oh no. What was it about?” 

“Well, um…” Oh god, I was gonna embarrass myself by telling the truth. “You–might have been there. And um–we were uh, doing stuff.” If I wasn’t fully awake before, my heart trying to make a daring escape from my chest made sure I was. 

“Aww, really? And you didn’t even get to finish.” She knew full well what she was doing. “Poor girl. We could make your dreams come true Stella. If you want.” Violet bit her lip and flitted her eyelashes at me. 

The Lion, The Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch. If she wanted to tease me, it was fucking working. I leaned in, placing a kiss on her cheek. “Be a good girl and roll over for me Violet.” 

My commanding tone took her by surprise as a wide grin spread across her face. She happily obliged and did as she was told. Luckily I was already leaking again; mixed with a bit of my own saliva and a generous bit from her, I lubed myself up. 

“Tell me what you want Violet. I want to hear you say it.” I whispered in her ear. 

She squirmed and shifted, “Fuck me Stella. I want you inside of me. Plea…”

I cut her off by inserting the head of my cock into her. Eliciting a delightful squeak. That squeak, unfortunately, was louder than either of us had expected. We both froze, simultaneously realizing we were still in an apartment full of other girls. 

We laid as still and silent as an audience for an improv show. The moments lasted longer than watching an adult pretend to mime a bicycle in a mirror shop. After several panic inducing waves of silence, we continued. 

I went slower this time. Easing inside of her. It was wondrous. My body lit up with sensations. I was aching for her, yearning for more. She let out deep breaths, trying her hardest not to moan. There was a tug at my hand that was underneath her. It was carefully guided to her lips. Once my hand had covered her mouth, she began to let out small whines and whimpers. Fuck she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever met.

Sex had always felt like a puzzle to me. Like trying to solve a rubik's cube, trying to fit all the pieces in the box before it spits them back out at you, trying to twist it, grip it, slap it, pull it, bop it, aaaaaahhhhh! But in that moment, it was like the stars had finally aligned. All the nerves, all the special sensors were flashing green. Penetrating another girl, as a girl, was the best feeling in the world. Not to mention that Violet was fucking radiant. The pleasure, the ecstasy spread throughout my body. Holding her to me, thrusting with everything I had, relishing the muffled sounds from her. It was like dominating citrus, truly sublime. 

She began to shake and quiver against me. I felt her legs tensing up. She reached back and grabbed my hair. The tightening of her ass only sent me further into pure bliss. She was cumming, and I was dangerously close to the edge myself. I let go of her mouth as she let out several deep breaths and small sounds. Her body pulsating against mine, and her grip on my hair tightening gave me the push I needed as I felt the culmination of a thousand years of gaynetic engiqueering course through me and erupt inside of her. 

I held her gently. Tracing her hips and thighs with my fingers; placing small kisses along her shoulders and neck. There was nothing more I wanted in the entire cosmos than to stay cuddled up and fall asleep with her in my arms again. The issue was, however, that the sun was coming up, and we both desperately needed to wash the fresh, “I just had amazingly hot sex in a sleeping bag” smell off of ourselves before people woke up and played twenty questions. Not that they had any high ground to stand on considering I’m pretty sure there had been a drunken orgy in the bedroom. But we had to shower fast. 

After a short whisper and strategy cuddle huddle, we grabbed our clothes and tiptoed into the bathroom, quickly setting the tap to the hottest setting and lathering up with soap. 

The tension was thicker than the steam rising through the tub. My hands gliding over her body, her’s floating atop mine. We both wanted nothing more than to go for round three right then and there. I wanted to kneel before her and take her into my mouth. Sadly, we had heard the sounds of other girls waking up and the clinking of some pans. So we settled for sneaking kisses where we could. 

A knock on the bathroom door caused me to have temporary heart failure. “Hey, I have to pee.” One of the girls called out. 

“Just a second!” Violet and I said in unison. Causing my soul to rend from its vessel and escape to another plane of existence. 

There was a pause, a panicked glance shared between us, and the deafening silence from outside the door. Before the girl sleepily responded, “Whatever, just hurry up.” 

With a sigh of relief and a quick rinse we were done. 

“Okay, so I’ll go out first, then you wait a minute, and come out after. That way it’ll seem like you just got in here right after me.” Violet whispered as I nodded in affirmation. 

It was a brilliant plan, a foolproof one. There were absolutely zero holes and no way in any shape or form it could go wrong. The ways in which things could go wrong, were none. It was solid, firm, and unbreakable. No loops or holes to be found anywhere. Yeah!

Violet gave me a kiss on the cheek and poked her head out to make sure the coast was clear, then popped out, closing the door behind her. She had gotten dried off and dressed so fast I was still completely naked and sitting on the toilet. I placed my face in my hands, thinking about everything that had happened. At least, that’s what I was going to do, until almost immediately after Violet stepped out, one of the other girls opened the door and saw me, fully nude, with the biggest shocked look on my face.

That was it. I was done for. Found out, the truth uncovered, our plan, the loopiest of loops and holiest of holes. My hands moved faster than ever before as I covered my breasts and stared in shock, embarrassment, and horror. 

The girl looked back at me, the visible inclinations of gears turning in her head on full display. “Oh shit! You’re fast, girl. Let me know when you’re done I gotta piss like a camgirl on Spiro.”  She walked out, shutting the door behind her. 

I sat there, blinking, stunned and dumbfounded at the fact that she in no way put the wacky chain of events together. After twenty seconds of reevaluating if there actually was some form of higher gay power watching over me, I got dressed at olympic speed and made my way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. 

Violet was sitting at the breakfast bar, sipping a cup of orange juice and talking with the host of the party. There were several other girls wandering around and one person making pancakes for everyone. Violet flashed me a small smile and a wink. I waved hi to everyone and went to grab my phone next to my sleeping bag, which had been separated and folded up next to Violets. There was a small note underneath it with Violet's name and phone number written on it. 

My face lit up and my heart melted. I was looking forward to getting to know her better and spending more…unrestricted time with her. Though, something told me that she liked being restricted in more ways than one.  

I slid the note in my pocket and took a seat at the breakfast bar. Happily humming and pouring myself a glass of apple juice. 

“Looks like someone had a fun night.” The host looked at me with a smirk. 

“Uh, yeah. I had a lot of fun. Thank you so much for inviting me.” I played it cool.

“Well duh, you’re like, the only reason I’m passing that stupid physics class. You’re always welcome, Stells.” She then downed an entire glass of water and poured herself another one. 

Then, as if the universe was trying to play some tragic cosmic prank on me, she started sniffing, like she had caught a whiff of something. 

“Do you smell that?” She stood up and walked over between myself and Violet. Sniffing like a bloodhound. “It smells like–cum.”

My heart couldn’t take anymore of this. We had been so careful. Gotten so lucky. I felt as if I was caught in a dirty, sexy, web of lies. Lies and cum. There was no use trying to hide it anymore. I had to cum clean. 

Time stopped. The day the earth stood still there were no alien invasions. No metal men that would inspire the iconic enemy in one of my favorite games. No Keanu Reeves to save us. Only a girl, and her desire to passionately fuck other girls. 

Before I could open my mouth, the person at the stove turned around, holding a large bowl. “Oh, that’s the bisquick. It just smells like that for some weird reason.” 

“Oh yeah, why does it smell like that?” She asked.

The person at the stove just shrugged. “Fuck if I know…Who wants cumcakes?” 


Hiya! I hope you enjoyed this little romp. I really liked the idea of these stories being based around comics that Kenzie drew. So there will be plenty more of these two gay disasters. I've also created a Tumblr recently sue to the bird app's uncertain future, the link is on my author page. Thanks for reading!