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So. Heya lol. 

Yes, Next chapter will be released soon and I've already mostly finished the next hot n heavy sexytimes scene after that and gotten outlines prepared for up to chapter 40. Been busy busy for ya'll. 

I lan to full commit into writing TNH, and as such, will more heavily lean into it being hopefully a moneymaker for me. I've been dumping Patreon content onto SH wholesale, but now it's time to focus on my patrons. 

As of current, this is the tier structure planned: 

Tier 1: Stays 1 week -or 3 chapters- ahead of the public. Gets a discord role. 

Tier 2: Stays 2 weeks -or 6 chapters- ahead of the public. Gets access to an archive to download all my past and finished works as convenient epubs for offline reading. Gets sneak-peaks at upcoming art. Gets access to bonus smut scenes for 1-2 weeka before theyre released and slotted in on SH. 

Tier 3: Stays 1 month -or 12 chapters- ahead of the public, gets all benefits above, and will get exclusive access to short stories, novellas for several months before they go to Kindle and KU, and gets 750 words per month subscribed in their commision bank. 

Commiting to this means releases on SH will TEMPORARILY slow down to 2/week as I pre-write for Patreon. 

Gimme some comments on what ya'll think on this structure and the progress of the story so far. 

Peace, Fearnaught