The Coincidence
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And thus an undercover worldwide search for these potential "marked" individuals began. 

On the first day, The DSUF(Deputy Staff of the Undercover FBI) gave out invitations to retired soldiers and drafted young soldiers from all over the United States. 

This was a private investigation, they signed their contracts and waited for their letters. The officers and soldiers that were on duty for this investigation were financially compensated generously. They had no idea what they were walking into. But they knew it had to be dangerous. 

On the second day, They got time to pack and were secretly given over 300 lbs of weapons, gear, and MREs.

In the evening they were sent a letter via email. The letter was encrypted and gave the locations of the Military Bases in which they should meet for the Briefing.

On the 3rd day----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this breaking news.

 The state of Wisconsin is on high alert as we are heartbroken to report the disappearance of 700 people overnight.
These individuals were reported as being "alive" less than 10 hours ago by their families.

This is the most terrifying thing that has happened to the United States other than the Carpet Bombings of 57.

We have no factual evidence of what happened many have given their opinions on the situation. People say that they have seen sightings of UFO's, some say its the end times and god has finally come for his people, others say they seen demons and these people have been dragged to hell through the earth. When we get any information on the current situation we will be sure to update you.


We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

This news about the 700 missing individuals petrified the soldiers in fear as this was the day that they were to arrive at the Military Base. This could not have been a coincidence.