Chapter 18 – Instructors. Ryo became a father? Pff-
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Hey guys, SR here. Due to some reasons, WN shadow banned some of my uploaded images from the previous chapter. I will post the images them on both this as well as the previous chapter's comment section. WN is getting worse as the time is passing by. There was no nudity used in the images that I used, except the Ryo's reflection image, but it also only showed his upper half body.

Like bruh.

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Coming out of the glass tube, Zero Two walked out of the tube excitedly, wearing the same red tight suit that she wore in the anime, walk out of it. As soon as her eyes landed on Ryo, Ryo felt her eyes shine for a second as she quickly approached him.

"Darling, how do I look?"

After approaching Ryo, Zero Two smiled excitedly as she swirled in a circular motion, giving Ryo a complete view of her red tight suit. As she turned around, her middle length hair swirled around, making the scene look beautiful, making him fell in to a bit of trace for an instance.

Looking at Zero Two looking at him with excitement, Ryo smiled a little, removing the always stoic look of his. Patting her head a little, he replied, "You look beautiful, Zero Two."

This comment on her look made Zero Two smile brightly.

Sadly this moment was broken by the sound of the reminder that Ryo had set on his comm device.

Knowing that he will be late if they didn't left now, Ryo took Zero Two's hands and walked off quickly, rushing to the hall where the meeting was about to take place while returning to his stoic look while Zero Two walked alongside him with a smile.



Walking calmly into the instructed room, Ryo started to examine the interior. While Zero Two also followed him inside, the previous smug-ish and excited smile that she adored previous was nowhere to be see as she also examined the room with an uninterested manner.

Inside the the room, two people were standing in the room. One of them was a male while the other on was a female. Looking at both of them, Ryo felt a sense of danger, not at the deadly level, but they can still hurt him a little; Afterall, he doesn't have a Klaxosaur blood for nothing.

The only man except Ryo in the room was astonishingly 6'1 and looked like he was in his late 30s. He had a muscular built with muscles showing even after he wore a tight suit. He had light brown hair with shiny yellowish brown eyes. The man adored a black tight suit which didn't his arms. He was standing there with his hands on the side of his stomach and hips with a small smile covering his face.

The main thing that attracted Ryo's attention was that the chin and the upper half of his neck was covered in metallic structure while his left hand was also made up of metallic structure.

The woman standing by that man was also very tall, reaching astonishing 5'8 in height. She adored a black tight suit, which covered her whole body. She had a stoic face with a muscular body. Her hair were light brown in color while her eyes were also light brown color. She was standing in the room with a stoic face with her hands folded, observing both Ryo an Zero Two.

The room went silent for a while as both the parties continued to observe each other. But suddenly the man with the smile nodded at them and said, "Code 002, Code 003, welcome to the training tutorial. We will start our lesson when the other participants arrive. While I will train the guys in the start while Kiara, my fellow instructor will teach girls; we will exchange students after you have gotten a bit comfortable with us."

Saying that, Arato, the huge buffed man calmly walked up to Ryo and extended his hands while the other woman, Kiara went to shake Zero Two's hands.

'Other participants... Hmm.'

Extending his hands, Ryo looked at the man in his eyes. The man shook his hands and continued, "Well, I will be your instructor and will be teaching you all how to fight and use fire arms. You can call me instructor Arato, but I am fine with Arato only.", but as soon as the man introduced himself, his hand grip around Ryo's hands suddenly tightened as he suddenly lifted his left hand and threw a fist at Ryo at a fast quick action.


The next second, Arato was on the ground as Ryo lifted his leg and stomped at Arato.

Astonished by the previous counter, Arato quickly composed himself as he rolled to the side before Ryo's leg could come to his face.

"Code 003, I am quite impressed. In my so many years of experience, your reaction speed is awesome, your skills are quite rusty. And if I am right, your skills are for that made up by yourself, a person who has suffered a lot and wants to survive. Hmm. Like a street fighting style? Yeah. Something like that."

With a wry smile, Arato stood up, but with quite a great difficulty. If one look at him, his nose was bleeding while his upper lips had turned a bit puffy. Furthermore, the back of his knees was hurting pretty badly because of the counter that Ryo threw at him.

"I do have to say, your counter was perfect. Just when I punched, you kicked my thigh and pulled my hand which made me use my other hand, which was in motion to be broken and be used to stop myself from falling while making my grip on my hand loosen up"

"Then you used this opportunity to break free of my grip on your arm, and pull me forward, making me almost fall me to the ground, and then you slide smoothly to my back and pulled my neck, making my balance turn toward backward and used your knees to force me to make me fall backward toward the ground and then punched me to make me get into a bit of confused state and stomp your leg toward my face."

"Tell me, Code 003, how did you find out that I was going to attack you? Because my actions were quite fast and smooth. I don't think I ever alerted you about it. If you were an expert, you would have not made a few mistakes that I noticed like quite a rigid movement and panicked state of yours."

Stroking his bleeding nose and removing his blood, Arato looked at Ryo with a huge smile. This was the first time in a while where he noticed a talented fighter.


Ryo gave a glance at the system notification of him earning 500 UP for impressing the instructor, he thought, 'Let me test one of my theory.'

Then Ryo huff-ed and looked back at Arato with a calm gaze and replied, "It was easy to notice. You used the terms like 'other participants' trying to make me a bit confused and a bit absorbed in my thoughts. A perfect opportunity for a surprise attack as I will have my reactions slowed down because of the confusion."

'Indeed. I am quite surprised. Its been several years since I last find training someone as interesting as this guy. Code 003, I am looking forward to training you.'


'Hm? Another wave of points for impressing Arato? Heh. Looks like I found my exp farm. But, I will not be showing my abilities beyond 10% I know about. I have knowledge about several different fighting styles and have mastered tens of them. I don't know if there are other fighting styles and arts which can be learned since this is a new world and quite advance one too.'


Coming out of his thoughts, both Ryo and Arato both looked at the other side of the room, only to notice Zero two being pushed to the wall while Kiara had Zero Two's neck captured while her she locked her in a difficult situation to come out of.


Feeling the need to breathe air, Zero Two used her hands to put a grip on Kiara's hands holding her in chocking position and tried to kick her in stomach, which was easily countered by Kiara while maintaining her choke.


Throwing Zero Two to the ground when she felt that she was already in a state where it was impossible to counter, Kiara looked emotionlessly at the coughing Zero Two breathing quickly while trying to breathe air.

Looking at the scene, Arato felt amused as he looked back at Ryo, trying to perceive any anger and notice his facial expression. but he was surprised to see Ryo looking at the scene calmly. Although he did indeed saw a bit of anger from his eyes, he was astonished to find him looking at the scene calmly.

Feeling a bit interested, he asked, "Code 003, well, let me call you Three, its quite hard to repeat the same long stuff again and again. So, Three, do you not feel anger when looking at the scene? Shouldn't you go and help Code 002 up?"

Ryo looked ay Arato with an bored look and replied, "If I try to interfere Zero Two and instructor Kiara, I will only be hindering Zero Two's growth. I do not want that to happen."

Nodding in satisfaction and evaluating Zero Three's behavioral pattern, Arato walked to the middle end edge of the room and stood there, waiting for the next participants to enter the evaluating zone.

On the other hand, Kiara helped Zero Two up, but as soon as Zero Two stood up, she used her hands to swipe her hands to hit Kiara, only for Kiara to turn her body to side, dodging the attack and using her legs to trip Zero Two again. Then she calmly walked toward the side of Arato, leaving Zero Two on the ground as she fell face first.

Looking at the scene, Ryo signed and walked up to Zero Two and helped her up. As he helped her up, he saw her expression to be in a mess. She looked like a person in fury. But as soon as she saw Ryo, her anger faded instantly but she her face showed a frown. Then with a quick action, she huff-ed and looked at another direction.

Knowing that she was showing her dissatisfaction, Ryo quickly traced his fingers through her neck, through the placed which were red showing the places of grip from Kiara. He whispered, "I am sorry.", quietly such that only she could hear.

Although a bit unsatisfied, Zero Two pouted a little and looked back at Ryo showing a blaming looked.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Suddenly multiple footsteps were heard, gaining all their attention.

As soon as all of them looked at the direction of the stepping sound, they saw 8 people enter the room. Each of them looked the same age as Ryo and Zero Two, but as soon as Ryo looked at the person in the lead of the group, an quick answer appeared inside his mind when he saw the blonde hair and emerald green eyes.

'The members of the 9's from the anime. The special force which directly worked under the instructions from the highest members of APEs, the Seven Sages. They were the clones made from the DNA of Zero Two, and probably mine too. Does that mean that I am their father? Pfff-'


[Congratulations! For bringing a significant change in the course of history, you gained 5,000 UP!]

[UP: 22,500-->27,500]


[ Infinity System

Name: Code 003 (Ryo Otsuki)

Age: 12 year

Gender: Male


Titles: ---

Bloodlines: Fake Klaxosaur

Core (?): Infinity (Not Awakened): Turn all stats to Infinity for a certain amount of time, directly related to stats. The host will also be able to manipulate the concept of Infinity, Nothingness, and Void once the host reaches a certain power level.



[1. Chunnibyo Effect: The host sees everything in an animated style. Triple the talent to learn supernatural stuff. This perk will decrease the ability to perceive distances for the Host.]

[2. Brave: Will stay brave and calm in dangerous situations. Increase stats by 15% when in fights or deadly situations. But decrease stats by 15% when not in fight or deadly situations. This perk will take 3 sec to take effect every time.]

[3. Cockroach: Have a 75% chance of getting no damage in one-shot killing attacks. No Drawback.]


HP: 100%

MP: ---


Body: F

Mind: F+ (Cursed by Chaos & Order)

Astral Body (Currently Unusable): F -

~Overall Ranking~: F


Unique Points: 27,500

[Show Skills]  [Show Inventory] ]



Ryo became a father?? Heh. you got... name baited... I guess?

We are now in an unknown territory! What will Ryo do? Will he be able to calmly face the calamities coming his way that had been planned for him? Continue to watch drago-*Ahem* Code: Infinity Reboot.

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