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"Micah!!!" Dominic screamed in the darkness for his best friend, Micah. He keeps on running forward blindly in the dark. Despite if the full moon up in the sky, this part of the woods is always darker, colder, and quieter than the rest. It's the part where most people would avoid going even during the day. For it is easy to get lost and from one tree line to another, it looks just the same, like we are running in circle. But Dominic doesn't care about that anymore. He also doesn't care if the creature might come back to attack him next.

"Micah!!!" He screamed again. He's more worried for the safety of Micah instead of himself. However, the silent is deafening to him. There was nothing in the air... He can hear nothing now. No sounds at all. Dead silence. There's no more of the dread screams of help coming from Micah. Not even the faint sounds of anything. The woods are maddeningly quiet. Dominic falls down kneeling to the soft wet ground of the woods. "Micah..." He called softly for his best friend. He fears the worst. He fears that Micah might be dead.

He's afraid that he would no longer be able to see that lazy smile on Micah's face. He would no longer be able to hear his calming deep voice. No way... Is Micah really has gone from his life? No way... He's not going to give up. To this thought, he stands back up on his feet. "Micah!!!" He screamed again. He will keep on looking for his best friend. He won't give up. He didn't even have the chance to tell Micah about his feelings for him. He can't let this happen. "Micah!!!!!!!!" He kept on screaming.

Red and blue lights approached the scene. They have to pull Dominic away from the woods since he refused to leave. They said "we will take it from here," to him. He keeps on rambling madly at them about an unknown creature that had attacked his best friend and how he could not find any trace of him. They give him a blanket for him to cover himself. They didn't say anything.

He waited... for a long time. They still said nothing. The next day, it was all over the news. Micah Stantleton is missing. And the next news hurts him the most because he refused to believe it. The Stantletons will hold a funeral for Micah. No. He refused to believe that Micah is dead. It can't be true. He closes his eyes and tears trickle down quickly. He last cried when he was a kid. But now, he can't help himself. He can't help it. His Micah is gone...
