the life of the first year, part 1
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I nodded at that and looked back at my parents who were shocked to say the least. They of course started speaking to me in the garbled voices of adults. But we soon arrived at the place they were going to. I for one had no idea what this place was. The spirit told me this was the place where they could legally name me, since I was born at home.

It was also the place where my parents could find out what I was, the spirit knew but my father only had suspicions. We walked up into the building and at the front desk sat a human lady. The woman had red brown hair as well as blue eyes and was very beautiful, as well as short even compared to my mother.

Maybe we were just tall. The woman said something in the language of this world, but I could not understand her. My parents responded and she looked up from her paperwork. Then her eyes widened, her mouth stood agape. Was there something strange with being born as a spirit beastkin?

Four months had gone by, and it turns out spirit beastkin are rare. One in every 50 years is born. And normally an earth spirit beastkin is even more rare. That is what I am, a earth spirit beastkin. I also have the power of earth spirit magic, and old man spirit is teaching me the rules and how to command lesser essence spirits (they power the bulk of spirit magic). I also learned how to walk, which shocked my parents and brother. Old man spirit also has been helping me translate the local language. He can’t understand why every mortal just learns the same language but that’s beyond me. He also hears everyone speaking the same language.

“Your parents are coming,” said old man spirit.

“shanks,” I responded.

You’re welcome Aisling,” said the spirit.

My parents entered the nursery where I was talking to old man spirit. They came closer and my father picked me up in his rather large farmers arms. They spoke to me as if I knew what they were speaking. Then my mother started rubbing her stomach like she was carrying yet another child. She was, wasn’t she? Ah yes of course the late Middle Ages to early Renaissance age. How much I missed the pop spike.

9 months later my younger sister was born. She had the same brown hair that everyone had, and the same ears. I had had my first birthday a month before that This was a turning point in my new life. Because beastkin aged quicker than humans. They reached sexual maturity at 15 but they looked older than their current age until then. So if I was 9 I would look 12. They also had denser bones and muscles than humans.

Right now I looked 3. This ageing would keep going until I turned 13 that’s when it would slow down. While I was growing up my brother had started dating. For reference, he was 15 when I was born. The girl he was dating seemed to like me, she was a short stack. It seemed my brother had taste. Good to know.

We were currently at a festival. It was celebrating the birth of saint Pettric, he was the founder of the religion this area worshipped. It was like Mormonism mixed with insular Christianity. I am following my father through the throngs of people, while looking for anything that catches my eye, Ever since reincarnating I haven’t been able to speak this worlds language. It all comes out English. So my parents just think I’m a bit smart in some areas and slower in others. They’ve been calling English spirit speak, since they know that I can talk to spirits. Though I still speak it in front of others directly to their faces whenever people like the neighborhood bullies come to pick on my brother. They just either laugh at me or run away thinking they’re cursed.

“alright Aisling see anything you like?” my father asks.

I nod my head and point to a wooden carving of a knight on horseback with a wheellock in one hand and a circular cross in the other. He askes the stall owner and pays for it handing me the carving.

The cross looks like if you took a circle and drew a line from the bottom down, then draw a straight line across the circle as well as a smiley face without the eyes over that line and the top half of the circle. This stemmed from an ancient torture practice this worlds equivalent of a Rome.

Imagine if Israel was an empire and Christ was born there and did Jesus things, then a very evil and racist version of Rome stole him and tortured him for the secrets of his power.

A circled cross was a torture device that was a bronze hoop on a pole with holes on either side. They’d nail a person’s feet to the pole and bend the dude backward through the hoop slowly sticking the pole through the person.

This was done to this worlds equivalent of Christ to gain info, in front of the king and 55000 citizens.