3. A Meeting Of A Grandmaster And A New Hope (Part 2)
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*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Motoaki-san, we are here.." Nagoyaka-san knocked on the door leading to the supposed office of the Grandmaster, Motoaki Tanigo. It is to be expected but the building really looks like and feels like a futuristic office building.

Based off what Nagoyaka-san said, Motoaki-san was one of the higher ups in the hierarchy of the kingdom. Motoaki-san manages one of the most important powerhouse, Magical and Technological Invention. 

She also said that Motoaki-san's nickname the 'Grandmaster' doesn't even came from any normal person.. but it came from the Bringer of Hope herself.. yes the Bringer of Hope was supposedly a female.

'Well, I guess that just meant that he is strong as shit..' I thought in my mind. I do not have the plan on dying again foolishly fighting him. But I also wouldn't stay down if he ever forced me to do anything he wanted.

"You could enter" We heard the voice of Motoaki-san from inside of the room allowing us to enter. Well without any wasted time, Nagoyaka-san immediately stepped forward and I also followed suit. The door automatically opened and closed behind us.

Inside the room was a normal office just like in my past life, but I could see that this room is much more technologically advanced. I could also sense something enveloping this room like the same invisible that is covering the portal back then.

"Well, please sit down" Motoaki-san said again and I just does as he said. I sat down feeling the comfiness of the sofa..

'Hmm~ Hmm~ High quality soft sofa..' I really like the sofa.. It fits my taste of furnitures as well. It is not so shiny shimmering splendid yet it has the quality of a top tier.

"Ha-ha, glad you liked the sofa" Motoaki-san chuckled while looking at me. I was a little surprised at how he could know what is inside my mind. 

'Can he read minds..?' I knitted my eyebrows in a little frustrated expression. Because if he could that means I couldn't lie in front of him as it would get immediately exposed.

"Do not worry, little one. I could not read mind, Ha-Ha-Ha. It's just you are easily readable.." He said with another chuckle.. I take that as little insult but I didn't let it bother me too much.

"Well, let's get into the topic immediately.." He said with a serious expression.

"I am sure you know this already, but this is not the same world as your past one isn't it?" He immediately brought up the topic of my past world.

'Tch, no avoiding this one, huh..' I thought a little annoyed. I don't like to talk about my personal issues so I will just say things as vague as possible..

"Indeed, I already knew about that" I answered him truthfully without any lies.

"Great, you are what we call as 'Lost One'. There are many recorded Lost Ones in history but majority of them don't remember a big chunk of their past lives. But you are what we call as a special case.. 'Lost Wanderer'. Basically you are a special case of 'Lost One' that still recalls your memories and personality" Motoaki-san explained in detail. There are a few things I still wanted to ask but I will keep silent and hear his explanation first.

"And so.. you are the first 'Lost Wanderer' that had appeared in this 2000 years with the last being the.. Bringer of Destruction.." A new title struck my ear. It was honestly a little cringy hearing the name but I could honestly suspect that both of that title belongs to influential people..

"Go straight to the point" I said to Motoaki-san not wanting to hear more things that I still don't understand yet..

"Of course, what I wanted to offer is.. for you to work under-" Immediately as I heard hps words I just cut him off..

"I refuse" and rejected his offer immediately. 

"I do not want to be treated as an underling, if you wants me to work with you I am fine. But treat me as a colleague not an underling" I said to him which earned an amused smile from him.

"Then, I shall change my proposal" He said with a businessman expression.

"I offer you my.. no the whole institution to protect you. But then as a payback, you will work alongside myself." He offered. It was an interesting offer but I need something more..

"I'd like to add one more request, is that fine..?" I asked Motoaki-san politely. He seemed to be expecting it and gestured me to go ahead.

"Well, I would like to request.. education" Knowledge, that is what I need. I mau could communicate with them, read their writings, and understand manners.. but I still do not know a lot of things about this world.. and I yearn to know them.

"Ha-Ha-Ha, certainly an unusual request!" He remarked while chuckling to himself.

"Very well, I shall offer you my protection and education and you shall work alongside me, is that fine?" He asked again with a professional smile while offering a handshake.

"I accept the offer" I said to him while accepting his handshake. But then something remarkable happened..

Suddenly a snake-like mark appeared around our arms and coiled itself until our shoulder. But then after a while, the mark disappeared leaving nothing there.

"And so the [Contract] has been formed" He said which earned a raised eyebrow from me. He noticed it and decided to explain it to me..

"A [Contract] is a {World Automatic Skill} which will activate when two souls had a will agreement on something" He said another confusing word again but I just remarked it as important to know later..

"That mark which appeared earlier symbolises the contract.. when the world deemed you had violated the contract, {Judgement} would be done towards your soul.." He said with a serious remark on the {Judgement} part.

'Seems important..' I placed a note upon myself to not break our [Contract]..

"Well as I stated, I shall offer you my protection and such, if I'm correct you do not have any place to stay the night?" He asked me and I just realised that right now..

"Well.. kind of.." I said with a low voice.

"Hmm.. I will give you a place to live and next week you will move to the academy dormitory." He said which kinda surprises me how he can just do that without any hesitation..

"Well, that is all I wanted to say.." Motoaki-san said while standing up and getting ready to leave.

"Oh yeah, Nagoyaka she will live with you and you shall train her as you see fits.. and for you little one.." Motoaki-san said in a quickly then called out to me.

"You still haven't told me your name" He said which I then realised now..

"Hmm.. well, my name is.. Kyoraku Nozomi, I am looking forward on working with you!" I said with a little smile on my face which Motoaki-san also returned with his own smile.

"Well then, I have a lot of things to do. I shall get going" Right after he said that he just walked out from the room and right in front of the door he suddenly disappeared.

I looked at Nagoyaka-san who is standing besides me silently. She noticed my stare and just sigh tiredly..

"Well come on.. let's go to my place.." 

"Okay!" I said with enthusiasm. 

I do not know how my future will look like in this world or what am I going to do. But one thing is for sure I wanted to explore this world as I see fit! And I will never let anybody stop me.. because I am Kyoraku Nozomi! My name doesn't need to be in the history, but I shall see the history myself! And so with that today is my first step into this world of full of unknowns and this will be my charge to discover them!