Chapter 3 – Carrie
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What was once the town of Brightburn had been declared an disaster area

The scene there was too terrible, with ruined buildings, crashed airplanes, and mangled bodies everywhere

It was better just to level the place and abandon it, never to be remembered, and that's just what the government did

There was a mass grave at the edge of town, with a plaque with all the names of the bodies they could get on records

He stopped by the plaque to look, and everyone he knew was there. His parents and even Caitlyn Conner and her mum was there on the plaque too

He remembered the vile things he did to her. But she was an innocent 12 year old. She didn't deserve this

But she was the victim of his puppy love gone overboard

The buildings were completely levelled, and there was nothing but remnants of roads where the town was

Brandon felt a tinge of regret, but what was done was done. He couldn't bring back the dead

Did he still feel superior to humans and still want to take the world?

Mary certainly beat it out of him when they trained

While Mary was certainly as much a loving mother as he wished, and becoming more than a mother to him, when she trained him, she didn't show any mercy and was a tough taskmaster

And she had always known that this perhaps was something a superpowered child like him needed!

He approached his old farm, and it was now nothing but an overgrown field now

Going back to where his barn was, there was nothing left of his old alien ship

He got up and took off, as there was nothing there for him

He flew over the dense forest nearby when something caught his eye

He landed where he saw it and found that it was a piece of ripped cloth

It looked familiar and he realized what it was after seeing remnants of crushed bones nearby

"Mu... mum?" Brandon said as he saw what was probably the remnants of her mangled body when he dropped her from the sky

Animals must have eaten the rest and only her crushed pelvis was left as the her other bones were scattered all over the place

The thing that caught his attention was the ripped clothes she was wearing, tattered and covered in her blood 

He picked up the tattered remains of her clothes and took a sniff, trying to remember her scent

But it was smelly and dirty from years of rain and animal scent. In fact, it looked like some animal had using it for some purpose or another

"Rest in peace mama. I... I'm sorry for what I did" he said, eyebeams disintegrating all the bones he could see before burning the cloth that was once her dress

He somehow didn't tell her that he had found another mother, and so much more with Mary

Without a thought, he flew off. 


While he flew directly from LA to Brightburn without stopping, he decided this time to head East and stop by in the towns and cities along the way

He stopped in Washington DC to see the capital, visited Hancock in New York for a week before heading further East

Mary had said to travel far and wide, to see if he still felt like taking the world

She says it's not all that it's cracked up to be, having conquered the known world at least 3 times herself before with Hancock

But this was something he had to find out himself

Among the small towns he stopped in was a non descript town called Chamberlain in Maine

He had dinner there, not intending to stay for more than a night

He looked around and noticed that it was prom night for a school called Ewen High School that night

He watched as the teenagers his age were entering their school gym in the middle of town and he wondered as he sat by himself at the diner, would he have gone to the prom if he remained a normal kid in his middle school in Brightburn?

Would he have brought Caitlyn to the prom? He realized that he didn't remember any of his other class mates. Did he even notice them?

In LA, Mary decided to homeschool him to prevent any incidents in school while she trained his powers and his temperament

So there was never an opportunity for anything like a prom for him. Maybe that part of life was no longer for him

He daydreamed, taking his time with his burger and fries, imagining what his life would be like if he didn't go berserk

"Would you like another milkshake?" the waitress asked

"No thanks. I would like the bill please" Brandon said

"I'm surprised. Why aren't you at the prom?" the waitress asked as she wrote down the bill in a piece of paper

"Oh, I'm not from here. Just passing by" Brandon said

"I see. Thanks for the tip" the waitress said, as Brandon gave her a generous tip

He still had most of the million dollars he stole on the way to LA, and he could always steal more. Mary didn't mind nor said anything to discourage him

Suddenly, a teen ran into the diner, covered in water drenching his suit

"Help! Call the fire station. Call the police. Crazy... she's crazy. She's killing everyone!" he yelled in a panic

This brought Brandon's attention as he walked outside and took to the air to take an aerial view of the scene

The gym was complete on fire and multiple people were running for their lives, covered in blood and water from the sprinklers  

From a distance, he could see a car zooming towards a girl covered in blood

He watched, not even trying to stop the car as it seemed to ram into an invisible wall, protecting the girl

The car screeched again, but it looked like the female passenger was pressing the accelerator, trying to ram the girl, but the bloodied girl was lifting the car off the ground with the power of her mind!

"Telekinesis" Brandon said in amazement. He has never seen this although there were books he read about when studying with Mary

He remembered doing the same to his uncle Noah years ago, killing him in pretty much the same way 

He remembered lifting his uncle Noah's car high into the air and letting it ram head first into the ground, ripping his jaw clean off his face

But the girl released the car to let it go crashing by itself into a nearby gas station as it caught fire, killing the occupants in the car

"That works as well" he nodded at the girl's methods

From the air, he followed her home and watched her with his newly found X-Ray vision

She was looking for her mother, but her mother was nowhere to be seen, although there was a hole in a locked door

"She locked her mother in? Interesting" Brandon said, watching the whole thing 

She got undressed in the bathroom and started crying as she showered off the blood from her body

Brandon noticed that she was very pretty, and remembered the regular showers he took with Mary

They really had an incestous relationship, even though they haven't had sex together yet. But they were not really mother and son anyway, and he did have intentions to be with her when he returned to her

He imagined himself as a fully grown man, standing side by side with Mary, conquering the world together as powerful Gods

But he did admit, he was getting an erection as he watched the girl shower

She finally got out of the shower, wearing a nightgown with no underwear underneath

"She was going to pretend that nothing happened? She really must be naive" Brandon said, turning to see the fire at the school gym

He turned back to see her mother suddenly appearing and moved to hug her

Suddenly, the girl's mother stabbed her in the back, and Brandon suddenly had recollections of his own mother trying to stab her with the alien shard of metal before he killed her

There was so many things happening to this girl that seemed to remind him of himself

She retaliated by telekinetically pinning her mother to the wall and stabbing her with multiple knives and other sharp tools

She immediately regretted and tried to pull off the sharp instruments from her mother's body and started crying as she hugged her mother

Brandon felt cold hearted as he remembered letting  his mother go at several thousand feet in the air without remorse

The girl was crying her eyes out, but he remembered feeling nothing, only a feeling of disappointment as his mother Tory fell to her death helplessly

Another girl entered the house and was pleading to the girl, offering to help her

But the girl telekinetically pushed her outside, telling her that she was having a baby girl in her belly

"No... she isn't going to...." Brandon said, realizing that she was going to kill herself

The house started collapsing all around her and Brandon finally decided to act

Although her powers were different, but he saw so many similarities with her that he couldn't let her die like this

He whooshed in at superspeed, rescuing the girl and throwing her mother's body aside 

Deciding not to bring her to the local hospital, rather to the hospital two towns away, he got her admitted in the emergency center to treat her for her stab wounds

She was instantly rushed to surgery as her mother had stabbed her with a very big knife in her back, puncturing a lung


Carrie awoke several hours after her surgery, wondering where she was

"You're awake! How do you feel?" a boy who looked similar in age asked her

She looked at him. She definitely hasn't seen him before. He was decent looking, not particularly handsome, but not ugly either. In fact, he looked like a geeky Tommy, who died while dating her at the prom

"I... my back hurts" Carrie said

"Then rest easy. I will take care of you" the teen said

"Who... who are you?" Carrie asked

"I am Brandon. I rescued you from your collapsing house" Brandon said

"You.. how.. are you" Carrie said, confused whether to believe him and wondering what he saw

"My.. mother tried to stab me too. I have powers beyond humans, like you. I rescued you because you are like me" Brandon said

"Like you? No... I murdered so many people.. I don't deserve to live " Carrie said, starting to regret

"Exactly like you. I killed the whole town where I came from. I murdered my father who shot me at the back of my head. I killed my mother who tried to stab me in the back" Brandon said

"Whole.. town.." Carrie repeated his words disbelievingly. But then again, she wondered if she would have done the same. She felt she certainly had the power to do so

Suddenly, Brandon paused and gestured her to keep quiet about their conversation

Moments later, a police officer approached the door to her room

"Excuse me. I need a statement from the victim about her stabbing" the officer said

"My girlfriend and I were just finishing our dinner when a robber stabbed her in the toilet" Brandon said

"Girlfriend" Carrie said under her breath

"Excuse me... did you say anything?" the officer asked her

"No.. nothing" Carrie said, but couldn't help smiling

"I never got your name. What's your name?" the officer asked

"Carrie White" Carrie answered automatically

"Carrie White" the officer repeated

Brandon cursed silently. At least now he knew her name. But it also meant that the police officer knew it too

He quickly corrected her "It's Carey..Wight" he said, spelling it out

The officer filled the name up following the instructions by Brandon

"Do you remember what happened miss Wight?" the officer asked

"I... can't remember" Carrie said, noticing that she had blundered when she gave her name

"Well I'll write down that you can't remember. But I will drop by tomorrow to ask again" the police officer said

"I screwed up, didn't I" Carrie asked after the police officer left

"Don't worry about it. I did say I'll take care of you" Brandon said confidently

They talked the rest of the night as Carrie fell asleep, somehow feeling safe with this new person in her life

Carrie from Carrie (2013)