Chapter 4 – A Bond Between Disasters
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Carrie opened her eyes and felt an unusual feeling as she looked down

Brandon was lying asleep on a chair, but was slumped over her bed in the hospital room

And his right hand was groping her left breast over her hospital gown!

"Wha.. what?" she was shocked, but dared not move

Her mother always told her that contact like this will lead to sin, and that the next step would be to have sex with him

But she felt that she did not mind his touch, although she felt it was somewhat improper

She slowly reached out her hand and touched his face, looking at him quietly

What was she to do now? Does she follow him? He did supposedly rescue her when she tried to bring her house down to kill herself

But was that true? She only had his word that he did it. Did he really have superpowers too? He said he wasn't telekinetic, so it must be something else

And he said he was a mass murderer, who murdered his own town. But was she any different? She still had vivid memories of last night, she recalled every person she killed in the school gym

She believed she did save her teacher Miss Desjardin... and Sue Snell when she sensed her pregnancy. Was it Tommy that impregnated her? And why did she remember Sue trying to save her? 

Her mind snapped back to this... Brandon. Did he like her? But he's groping her breast isn't he? Did he want to have sex with her?

She moaned when she moved slightly, the stab wound on her back hurting badly

"Carrie?" Brandon roused and realizing his hand was on her breast, he withdrew his hand immediately

He must have been dreaming about Mary, and all the times recently that they have been making out. They certainly weren't acting like mother and son lately

But Carrie's breast felt nice too. In fact, when she was asleep, he wanted to suckle on her breast. But he somehow fell asleep just grabbing on to one of them. But now he felt awkward for falling asleep while groping her

"Er.. sorry" Brandon said

"It... it's ok" Carrie replied instantly

"Ok?" Brandon was surprised

"No.. I mean... accidents can happen right?" she said

"Ahem.. yes. Accident" Brandon mumbled uncomfortably

Suddenly he looked towards the corridor and Carrie sensed something as well

A squad of police officers stormed in as they suddenly surrounded the room

"Carey Wight.. or shall I call you Carrie White. You are wanted for questioning in suspicion of the Ewan High School incident in Chamberlain yesterday" a officer rushed in to arrest her forcefully, with the other officers pointing their weapons at her

Carrie moaned from the pain of her stab wound when the officer grabbed her and tried to cuff her forcefully

"Let... her... go" Brandon grabbed his hand and looked at him threateningly

Another officer rushed at him through the door with a taser and immediately tazed him

"Brandon!" Carrie yelled the officer that tazed Brandon was sent flying towards the door

Brandon was touched that Carrie attacked the officer that tazed him and not the one trying to arrest her

He still held on to the startled officer's hand and squeezed 

The officer screamed as loud sounds of bones could be heard, both his hands and the handcuffs squeezed together and Brandon kicked him with a side kick

He had learned hand to hand combat from Mary, and now Brandon knew Mary's version of her own martial art she created over the centuries for her own battle uses

The officer's hands were severed and still remained in Brandon's arms while the officer flew through the air and smashed into the earlier officer that was sent flying by Carrie, as both smashed into each other into a pile of meat paste!

Carrie was stunned. So he really wasn't lying about having superpowers!

"Don't worry. I told you I'll protect you" Brandon said as the sounds of multiple firearms from the squad of officers started firing

Carrie watched in shock as bullets flying towards them suddenly disappeared and the room suddenly cleared of all the officers

From the side of the door, just out of her view, she could see splatter of blood and sounds that sounded like water balloons bursting emanated from the hall way

In an instant, Brandon reappeared, covered in blood

"Shall we leave?" he asked

Carrie smiled at him, cleaning the blood off his face with her hand

"I will follow you anywhere" Carrie said

Brandon was surprised that he was touched by her words

Somehow his human mother hardened his heart, but his superhuman mother seemed to have softened it back, and made him long for affection

Maybe it was the fact that she beat the arrogance out of him. He still thought that he was superior to normal human beings. But he now recognized that he had peers, and that he wanted the company of others like him

In a whoosh, both of them disappeared in a flash


They broke into a clothes shop in town, as Carrie was only dressed in a hospital gown

Brandon also needed a change of clothes as his clothes were covered in blood

He didn't bring them to a Walmart because there would be people around at all times of the day

It was early in the morning, so this shop was still closed

Brandon started stripping and Carrie was shocked that he was soon naked in front of her in the clothes section!

"Brandon.. what.." she gasped, looking at the thing between his legs

He was by no means large. In fact his penis length and girth was average in size in every way

It fact, it was beautifully shaped, as was the rest of his body. It was as if his face and body was built in a machine with no flaw

But Carrie had never seen a penis and as he had told him of his origin, and being brought to Earth in an alien ship, she wondered if that thing hanging between his leg was an alien object

"No... no.. I've read about this in our text book before Mama confiscated it" she said, shaking her head, assuring herself that Brandon's thing was very much terrestrial 

She was still too shy to completely strip naked like Brandon did, but she needed his help to change as the bandages on her back made it painful and difficult to change herself

"Brandon, can you.. help me?" she said after collecting the clothes that she wanted 

Brandon walked towards her, now fully dressed in jeans and a t shirt, looking like an average teen

"Can.. you look away?" Carrie asked as her face turned red

Brandon did so and helped remove her hospital gown and started helping her put on her selected clothes

She selected for herself an old fashion sun dress, as well as a pair of granny panties

Due to her bandages, she couldn't put on a bra for now and had to let her breasts hang loose in her dress

While he remembered his human mother was no fashion icon, and she lived on a farm in the boonies, but even her dresses were more modern than the one Carrie chose

"Er... can I choose a more.. modern selection?" Brandon asked

"What do you mean?" Carrie asked

"I meant that we should try to blend it, since the police are looking for us" Brandon said

"Ok.. but nothing too immodest" Carrie said after some  thought

She was still covering herself with her hands as Brandon helped her dress

He pulled up a pair of comfortable lycra panties and a more modern design sun dress

In fact, it reminded him of a dress his mother Tori Dreyer wore on his 10th birthday

"This is nice" Carrie said, looking at herself in a nearby mirror

She avoided looking in the mirror when Brandon was dressing her, as she was too shy to see herself naked next to Brandon

She knew Brandon was looking at her, even though she asked him not to look

After all, how could he dress her without looking?

They left, with Carrie insisting he paid the store because they were a small private store, not a large Walmart. 

They flew into the sky, with Brandon holding her from behind under her armpits, his hand hugging her under her breasts

"Hey Brandon.. can you let me go?" Carrie asked

"You're not going to try to kill yourself again, are you?" Brandon asked as he stopped in mid air

"No... I want to try my telepathy" she said

Brandon thought for a while, and nodded. preparing himself to rescue her if she falls

"Ready?" he asked

"Yes" she smiled

He released her and she literally floated before him

She smiled at him and mouthed "catch me" and flew off

Brandon was stunned, but immediately followed as they chased each other in the air

They flew for a while, before Carrie started losing concentration and suddenly dropped from the sky

"Br.. Brandon? Help" she yelled as she started falling from the sky

In an instant, Brandon swooped in and caught her as she hugged him for saving her

They landed on an empty piece of land surrounded by trees and they lay in the grass

Staring at the clouds, they discussed their plans and dreams, and Brandon revealed that while he had no concrete plans, he wanted to explore the world, to find his place in it, whatever it is

Carrie revealed that she never even thought of leaving her town of Chamberlain. Since she was now a wanted person and had nowhere to go, she would follow him

Then she leaned over and kissed his cheek

"Thanks for rescuing me" she smiled and stood up walking away before raising her hand

Brandon watched as trees that had been there for hundreds of years got blown away and torn apart by her telekinesis

It was as if she was releasing all her stress, tension and worries for the last few days, her destruction in her town, all the killing of her school mates, her mother's death, all where channeled into the wave of destruction as Brandon watched in amazement

She was a force of nature, and it reminded him of Mary controlling nature's destructive powers although she summoned wind, while Carrie was using telekinesis

Finally, minutes later a a wave of destruction later, Carrie fell to her knees, through emotional exhaustion

"Are you ok?" Brandon approached her from behind

"I'm ok. I needed that" Carrie smiled with tears in her eyes

"So what now?" Brandon asked

"Now, I'm ready to go" Carrie said and opened her arms

Brandon hugged her and carried her off to the sky

They flew further inland and decided to spend the night in a town called Derry in Maine

It was a rather small town, but Brandon decided to lay low for a while and avoided flying all the way to Ontario

They had a nice dinner at a pleasant diner before finding room in the only hotel in the small town

They booked a room at a nearby hotel, and the receptionist didn't even bat an eye seeing the teenagers, presuming they were lovers booking a night of sex 

Carrie was about to ask why he only booked one room, but she realized that she was living with him now, which meant living together

After all, they have seen each other naked, and she would need his help in dressing her wounds and even simply dressing her due to her injury

Carrie realized that Brandon hadn't bought her a change of clothes, or any pajamas. In fact, he didn't carry any luggage at all!

Before she could ask, he stripped naked and offered to help her strip

"Wha.. no PJs?" she asked

"What for? I always slept in the nude" Brandon said, recalling staying with Mary and sleeping nude together every night

Carrie reluctantly let him strip her as they cuddle in bed naked

But she found Brandon to be a gentleman, unlike monsters that her mother told her men were supposed to be

Besides the fact that he naturally groped her breasts, he didn't make any further moves on her

They fell asleep hugging each other naked to bed

She awoke with a strange feeling, and looked down to see Brandon suckling on her breast

Under the sheets, she felt his rock hard penis poking into her belly

She reached out and touched it, feeling it's rigidity and felt it's shape and size

She was curious about sex, but she didn't dare move in case she woke her

Carrie eventually fell asleep with Brandon suckling her breast while she held his penis gently in her hands