Volume 1, Chapter 2: Orientation Dinner!
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“You should go in that dress, even if you wear those ratty sneakers,” Mary argued for the hundredth time as Ashley sat criss-cross on the floor, refusing to wear the navy-blue dress Mary had the facility’s bots make even if it got her in any sort of trouble.

“I don’t want to go in a dress! They’re uncomfortable and have weird rules for sitting!” Ashley muttered.

Ashley had been down in the dumps ever since Mary had to comfort her at lunch, something she’d long since apologized, and then thanked, and then apologized for to Mary several dozen times.

Ashley had come to terms with the fact that she was probably a girl, though she was holding off on making those assumptions. But she didn’t just want to give up her whole vibe! Skirts were much more aligned, at least, with what she wanted, but dresses were so much more restrictive.

Mary acknowledged this, but the simple fact remained that for the pre-orientation dinner, most girls would be there. Ashley had stayed overnight in her room, which while it was nice to share again, would not be ideal moving forwards. Ashley needed peer friends.

Part of that would mean not being the weird girl who got upset about wearing a dress. She’d get eaten alive if they smelled blood in the water, she had enough experience to know what the kind of people who became magical girls were capable of. No, things would be different for Ash! Was it alright to call her that?

“I have a compromise,” Ashley said from the floor.

“At this point I’ll take it,” Mary said with a groan.

“Blouse type but shorter,” Ashley said smugly.

“I guess that’ll work. Dress code is still below knees for formal events though, so I’ll have to make sure it’s got you covered to the millimeter,” Mary replied as she turned the autoseamstress function on again, making the dress noticeably shorter.

Ashley got up to appraise it, and then nodded affirmatively after a few seconds of checking it from all angles.

“The flip side is you need to learn more rules with a dress like this, Ash.”

“Like what?” Ashley asked in reply.

“For one, what happens if you get soup on your lap? It can be cleaned up no problem if it’s on your clothes, but on your skin, you’ll get burned!”

“Can we even get burned?”

“You know what I mean, let’s just–”

“Let me get this dress on, and we can start arguing more, okay!?”

“Fine, you win!”

Ashley took the dress and walked into the bathroom, changing into it. As she pulled it over the top of her head, then smoothed it out, then brushed out her hair, she noticed little details in her features she hadn’t noticed before. There’d been a lot of that over the past day and a half, but being in front of a mirror definitely brought a lot of it to the front of her mind.

For one, her hair (which she discovered was not, in fact, dyed, but was actually that color now) got way too hard to keep up with without tying it back, even if that hurt! She knew she’d probably have to find some way to tie it back while fighting, but for now, brushing it out and leaving it as-is would have to do. She was sure Mary would lecture her on hair products soon enough.

Her eyes were no longer nearsighted, though she still had glasses. She’d been told they were likely a cosmetic accessory, probably intended to keep up her “style” (apparently that was how they kept morale high, per Mary). Mary had also helped get a manicure yesterday, and her nails were pristine and coated in the same deep indigo of her dress and hair.

Mary had offered to teach her makeup eventually, but for now, she would have to have Mary’s hand doing it all. She turned to open the door, to find Mary lounging around, scrolling on her phone.

“Hey Mary, I think I’m ready in here,” Ashley said timidly, not wanting to interrupt her.

“Perfect! I’ll get my kit and we’ll see how we can make this work!” Mary exclaimed as she jumped up and ran off to one of the cupboards in the room.

Ashley twirled her hair anxiously for a few seconds before Mary re-emerged from the cupboards, triumphantly holding the makeup kit. After a few minutes finding a suitable foundation and taking Ashley’s opinion on eyeshadow, Mary set to work. After a few minutes, Mary moved out of the way of the vanity mirror.

“So, what do you think?” she asked Ashley.

Ashley was stunned by the result. She had looked cute before, she had to admit. Her new face seemed happier, besides all of the individual things she could point out. But the makeup really seemed to make it all shine while still drawing attention to her darker outfit. The glittery eyeshadow, the mascara, and especially the dark blue lipstick brought her look together.

“I–I’m beautiful!” Ashley exclaimed as she hugged Mary, taking care not to smudge all the hard work.

“I’m glad you like it! This really suits you, I’ll have to make sure they get you a kit of this for tomorrow,” Mary replied as she embraced Ashley in return. “It’s probably best that you leave your things here for now, you’ll get a handbag or backpack soon enough.”

“But what do I do if something goes wrong?”

“This is the Magical Girl Academy. Nothing goes wrong here! It’s outside of here that’s the issue!” Mary confidently replied.

“I see,” Ashley replied absentmindedly.

“Well! Enough of this, off to meet your roommates!” Mary announced as she struck a pose.

“Right, haha, I forget that we aren’t roommates yet. I mean, sorry, um,” Ashley stammered as Mary laughed hysterically.

“It’s alright, maybe someday if things go right! Now come on, we don’t want you being the late one, even if you are looking rather fashionable, Ash.”

“Thank you! I mean, you did most of the work but–”

“Shush. Now really, come on!”

The two rushed out of the dormitories and into the hallway, where several other people had already begun to congregate into a promenade of all varieties of radiant hue. Girls were dressed in every style and color of dress, most silently walking next to each other.

“Not very talkative, are they?”

“They did just die, Ash, some of them not by their own fault. So I’d cut them some slack, you might even have one or two drop out first week due to a mental break. Happened my year,” Mary explained.

“Ah, sorry for asking,” Ashley replied.

“No worries, you’re new and couldn’t have known. If anything, I’m most proud of you! Most of these people have been here for months, I assumed you’d been here for that long when I bumped into you yesterday!” Mary said as she laid her arm gently across Ashley’s back.

Ashley leaned into Mary’s reassuring embrace and walked in silence with her until they reached a much fancier looking space than Ashley had ever seen, complete with a crystal chandelier, wineglasses, a number of what looked like punchbowls, and a variety of silver platters spread between a half dozen tables.

Four seats were at each table, and while Ashley at first rushed to sit down at a nearby table, she remembered Mary’s earlier warning that they’d be assigned by nametag. She searched through a few tables before seating herself, legs crossed, while waving to Mary, who caught up with her a few seconds later. Mary’s nametag was assigned across from Ashley’s, and so they sat across from each other, staring uncomfortably into space while waiting for another pair to arrive.

From up on the podium, Bubba waved down to her, smiling as cheerily as ever. Despite how disquieted she felt in the light of the revelations that had been made to her about this place and the inhabitants of it, she was beginning to feel like there could be a home away from home here.

Bubba had assured her that she’d be able to see her mom and dad again after she graduated, so she had that to look forward to. She hoped it’d be soon that she could graduate. She’d overheard something about that from Mary she’d have to ask more about. It’d be weird going back home as a girl, but her mom and dad had treated plenty of trans kids. She hoped they’d understand.

As Mary started to ask some icebreaker, the other duo sat down. To Ashley’s right sat a petite girl with white hair tied up in two pigtails on either side of her head dressed in a plain black suit. She wore no makeup to speak of, and a weary smile. Opposite her sat a thin, lithe girl who sniffled quietly as she adjusted her richly tangerine-colored sundress, mascara already trailing as she played with her dreadlocks absentmindedly.

“Ah, Karena! So good to see you again,” Mary began.

“Same, Mary. Gosh, you’re almost done, aren’t you? I haven’t seen you since before your ceremony! What was your Magical Girl name again?”

“She doesn’t like being asked–”

“I was asking Mary, and not you, wormling,” Karena howled.

“It’s fine, Ashley,” Mary reassured the girl across from her whose lip had begun to quiver. “Karena, can you please not do this with the newbies?”

“She’s a year older than me, tops. I’ll do what I like, Mary. Anyways, your new name?”

“Hypatia. Yours?” Mary asked as she gritted her teeth.

“At least yours is a heroine. Mine’s Jezebel.” 

“That’s rough, lol,” Mary said as she and Ashley kept from snickering.

Karena turned to Ashley and made that task much easier. “Ashley, was it?”

“Y..yeah, that’s me!” Ashley said.

“Friend of Dorothy?”

Thankfully, Ashley was clued into that one. “Yeah how–”

“I read everyone’s files this morning. Magical accident, huh?”

“Yep,” Ashley replied dumbly, still a bit in shock.

“Good luck. They’ll probably treat you like the chosen one. It’s what happened to poor Esme. She didn’t even last til her finals. Turned out her wish was something stupid like wishing she’d tried baked potatoes before she died,” Karena explained.

“How dare you?” Mary asked.

“Uh, can you all please chill a little, just the teeniest bit? Thank you, I have a headache,” the girl in the orange dress said.

“Fine!” Mary and Karena said simultaneously.

“What’s your name?” Ashley whispered to the girl to her left.

“My name’s Alicia. You?” 

“Ma-Ashley Suzuki. Ashley. Ashley, sorry.”

“Oh, it’s alright! I get mixed up all the time between my sisters and I, or, um, well, you know, I did,” Alicia said as she cast her gaze to the side.

“Hey, it’s okay. We’ll get out of here, right? That’s what they’ve promised.”

“If we can kill spirits, that’s what Karena says! Those things are crazy, you ever seen one?”

“Well,” Karena interrupted, “considering she got ripped in half by a couple thousand legions casting a harebrained spell, I’d say she actually is more durable than most against them, even in her previous pathetic body.”

“I…those were spirits?” Ashley asked.

“Wait, you cast a spell without knowing what spirits were?” Mary yelled in shock.

“Can we please stop yelling?” Alicia asked before she was interrupted by a voice coming from the center of the room.

“Attention new students and peer mentors! Welcome to the Magical Girl Academy Class of 20XX Orientation!”

Quiet applause echoed in the room, before silencing just as quickly. Banner hungs upon the walls silently as the animal spirit, a goat, paged through his notes. He found his place and began again.

“This year, you will learn many things! Though all of you did die, and are now in a previously inconceivable world of spirits, magic, and magical girls, you have your peer mentor and your animal guide to help you! In this semester, you will take classes to expose you to being a magical girl, whatever you need catching up on!

In addition, you’ll take classes that will guide you through how to know yourself and your new body! You may have heard you aren’t quite human anymore, and that is true! We’ll discuss this more later with the medical team!”

“This guy really isn’t selling it. They couldn’t get Rick to do it this term?” Mary whispered to Karena.

“I’ve heard they’ve had to cut staff,” Karena replied.

“Yeah how do you think I got into this fuckin’ mess?” Mary hissed.

“Would the young ladies in the back please quiet down?” the goat asked exasperatedly.

Karena glared at Mary, but the two remained silent.

“Being a Magical Girl is about the power of the wish you made before you died, the wish that caused you to care more about something than the very fact that you were dying! That is the true mark of a magical girl, that you, so young, should have something you’re willing to do anything for. What great potential!”

The room burst into a much rowdier round of applause. Even Ashley found herself clapping and smiling. It was true! She wasn’t sure what it was for, but if she was willing to do what she did for it, it didn’t matter! She’d fulfill it to her greatest ability, and then go home!

Mary and Karena turned to each other knowingly and fake clapped. They would not be willing participants in this. They, at least, remembered Esmerelda Hidalgo. Had she become a magical girl, they had debated, what would her name have been? She had been here with them a mere year ago, in the same seats. Perhaps her name would’ve been Elissa or Frida. She was in their hearts, as they were in hers when she failed out. Who could have replaced her?

Of course, Karena knew that. Who they’d give her “color” to. That vibrant, iridescent, green. Or rather, who they’d given it too. Perhaps she’d gone insane and been shipped off to be treated later, only to be brought back after this one possibly failed too.

How funny.

And Karena wasn’t sharing. Not until they all saw the new girl for themselves.

She owed Esme that much, as much as she hated to admit it.

Just then, as the food was unveiled magically, Mary caught a glimpse, from where the platter’s lid had hidden her view. A young girl, or perhaps just small for her age. Dressed in her regular outfit, nibbling on some of the cornbread at the table. She was so young, and they wanted her to fill Esme’s role. It almost turned her stomach.

Speaking of, they really had to save barbecue night for the newbies, didn’t they? To make them have something nice to hope for again in the future. Well, to be fair, it WAS good eats. Cafeteria food was nice, but sometimes you wanted to be surprised!

Still, to Mary, it was annoying. They were so pushy with the new kids. Mary knew they meant well. Magical girls were Earth’s only resource against the evil spirits, she got that, and she was almost certainly going to enlist for the full term before release. It was just such a good deal, especially when she could be a battalion commander. But still.

These kids had just been torn from their family and friends. She had talked to Ashley a little about her friend Maddie. Ashley would have to experience her social transition essentially entirely alone. 

To avoid looking awkward, she took some ribs and made some half-hearted small talk about the latest cartoons. How this character was the cutest, no that one! It was so complicated, with how she now knew she felt about girls. She didn’t want to come off as weird even a little bit. She stuck to complimenting their hair and saying she appreciated the art style.

Okay, where was she? The small talk made it hard to focus. She frowned as she took a little bit of the mac n’ cheese. She looked across from her, worried she’d somehow lost Ashley. But no, Ashley was doing great! Karena, while normally mean-spirited, had seemed to take a liking to this girl. Mary didn’t know who Dorothy was, but she was glad it was Ashley’s in with Karena.

And Alicia was so happy too. She had been crying earlier but seemed to be in high spirits as she joked and played off of Ashley. The pair seemed inseparable already.

Another announcement resounded. “Many of you may be wondering what your rooming situation looks like this year! We will be closing three-person residence halls to move you all to much larger rooms with more roommates! The four people seated at your table will room together!”

“Oh that is interesting! A twist as always!” Karena commented.

“So…wait, does that mean that I have to move?”

“Nope, Magical Girl Hypatia!” Bubba chirped from beside the table. “Your current apartment has been expanded in the time you’ve been at this dinner! Given that your building is one of the ones that is to remain open, you four will live together!”

“Do I have to move my dishes?”

“Your dishes have been replaced, as many were outdated and a danger, if not filthy as sin and unsuitable for your roommates.”

“Wait, did you throw out my cast iron? Or WASH it?” Mary fumed.

“No, we’re not foolish! Just tidy!” Bubba said as he grinned reassuringly.

“Well, alright.”

“I understand you are still upset about the death of your girlfriend Esmerelda Hidalgo. I would like to remind you that prevention of such accidents are contingent on the good nature of the magical girls involved in producing those situations.” Bubba said as he stared into Mary’s eyes.

“I…I understand, sir, I will obey directives as given,” Hypatia replied as she saluted.

“At ease, Magical Girl Hypatia. I merely mean to remind you of your role in protecting Earth,” Bubba said.

“Yes sir!” Mary mumbled as she slumped in her seat.

Ashley stared on in curiosity. Mary had never been so quick to give in. Perhaps she and Bubba had discussed this earlier. She picked the conversation up again with Alicia, and Mary soon awoke and began a conversation of her own with Karena.

The night wound down, and the time came to pick up the necessary information for tomorrow. Karena volunteered to get the necessary items, and given her proficiency for cutting to the chase through bureaucrats, Mary let her as she exhaustedly made conversation with Alicia while keeping an eye on Ashley.

Karena soon returned, and while Mary remained in a haze, she managed to pass out a copy of the key to Ashley, who looked at her worriedly. Mary thankfully made it back to the apartment in one piece, then passed out on a couch. New couch, old couch, she was unsure. But it was soft, and that was all that mattered.

Ashley, though concerned at first, herself turned in eventually. She figured that Mary had done enough work. She pulled one of the throw blankets over the girl, who began punching in her sleep. She walked away and to Mary’s room, where she found a more permanent bed in the corner where her sleeping bag had been. She found what looked, and felt, and even smelled like a pillow she had at home. Could it be real?

She shook her head as she herself drifted off to dreams. More pleasant than Mary’s, for now. She’d been told that soon, she would be traumatized by the pain she went under as she died, and then by battles themselves, but that was years away. For now, she aimlessly drifted in her sweet dreams.

“That was risky, engaging her as a soldier there in front of the special party,” Cornelius the Goat whispered to Bubba after they had cleaned up the party.

“It was, sheep. It was. However, that one seems to forget more than the others what her purpose here is. It is necessary to our mission that she remembers.”

“You young folks are always so full of fervor. I’m curious you even recommended that petulant crimson-headed child to be the special party’s mentor.”

“I’m colored like fire itself for a reason, Cornelius! I’m confident Hypatia is the best choice!”