Book One: A Steamy But Sad Beginning(Teaser2)
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"Why aren't you inviting me in?" Rouér angrily said. She immediately went in without waiting for a reply.

Yang Xiaotian shook his head, closed the door and said: "Aren't you worried about entering a man's room?"

"Who is a man? You? Hmph..." Rouér disdainfully snorted as she glanced towards Yang Xiaotian's lower part.

Yang Xiaotian shook his head with a smile. He suddenly asked: "I have been curious, why are you only named Rouér? Why not Yang Rouér?"

"We aren't allowed to have family names!" before Yang Xiaotian could react, Rouér took off her hood. A very beautiful face appeared in front of Yang Xiaotian. He became speechless for a bit before he got back to his senses and just said: "Wow!"

"Hmph!" Rouér snorted and then she placed both of her hands on her clothes around her chest and then pulled both hands apart.

Yang Xiaotian looked with shock as an odd scene played out before him. The dark clothes on Rouér's body came off in a very weird way, it is as if she was covered in a large shawl and took off that shawl. At this time, a very well-developed and alluring figure appeared in Yang Xiaotian's eyes. Her well-endowed breasts, mature and seductive body caused Yang Xiaotian to feel breathless.

"What are you looking at you pervy brat!" Rouér said angrily.

Yang Xiaotian got back to his senses and blurted out: "Are those paddings?"

"You ... you... I will beat you up!" Rouér furiously grabbed both of Yang Xiaotian's ears and began furiously pinching.

"Ok ok please let me off... I know they are real because I can see your nipples!" Yang Xiaotian said with difficulty.

"AHHH!!" Rouér immediately let go of Yang Xiaotian and covered her breasts. She furiously glanced at him and said: "Pervert!"

It could not be helped, while she was pinching Yang Xiaotian's ears, her breasts were moving frantically and she is not wearing any undergarments. The stealth suit is already quite tight-fitting, the only thing she wore below it is her white skirt. Male spies usually just wear light shirts and underpants below the stealth suits. Since she is a female, she wore her skirt instead of her undergarment but it seems like wearing undergarments would have been better.

Yang Xiaotian looked at Rouér in a weird way. This is the first time he saw the breasts of an adult woman who is not one of his mothers. His mothers used to bathe him until he was 8. After that, he became very shy and also somewhat angry about being treated like a child and stopped taking bath with his mothers. However, they are his mothers, he was breastfed by both of them until he was 2! He just did not like being treated like a child. He also took bath with his sister but his sister was still very young the last time they took bath together. So this is a brand new experience for him.

However, his gaze has been interpreted by Rouér as if he is trying to accuse her of being a pervert. She looked at him as if she has been wronged and said: "I am not a pervert! All the other female spies wear nothing but slutty underwear below the stealth suit!"

"No no.. that's not it... I am not thinking that at all.. it is just that.. this is the first time I have seen an adult woman's breasts and yours are so beautiful..." Yang Xiaotian said in a meek and shy voice. His face is also completely red.

His words caused Rouér to blush. But at this time, someone knocked on the door.

"Tian-er what is going on?" Zhu Lian's voice can be heard coming through.

Rouér immediately put on the stealth suit and thought of hiding but Yang Xiaotian moved his hands, indicating her to just stay there.

He opened the door and saw all of his parents are waiting with worry outside. It seems like they heard some low noise and decided to come to check. He said: "Ahh mother, father. It is nothing, I just have a guest!"

He pointed at Rouér and said: "She is a secret agent of the bank. She brought me some important information about some new trading opportunity!"

Rouér did not even say a word and just looked at them. Her gaze caused Yang Cheng, Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian to feel very uncomfortable.

"Father, mother, you can not speak about her presence here to anyone. This is a top-secret business deal. Sorry if our argument caused you to be worried." Yang Xiaotian said again.

"Alright, just be careful." Yang Cheng said and then led her wives away.

After Yang Xiaotian is sure that they have returned to their room, he closed the door and looked back at Rouér. He felt a bit disappointed looking at her this way and blurted out: "Umm.. can you take off the suit again?"

"Pervert!" Rouér said angrily but her voice is very hushed this time. Even though she spoke this way, she still took off her suit.

Seeing her alluring figure again, Yang Xiaotian gulped down a mouthful of saliva. Rouér just glared at him and sat down on his bed, then she rested her back on the pillow and stretched her legs. Seeing her sit on his bed like this, Yang Xiaotian's heart jumped. Just earlier, he was sitting on his bed and meditating. And now Rouér is occupying his bed, he is wondering if she wants to sleep here tonight. Then where will he meditate? Will she let him sit by her side while she sleeps?

His eyes fell on the stealth suit and he said: "This suit is truly fascinating. It can actually turn  someone of your figure into a slender and flat figure!"

"Are you saying I am fat?" Rouér angrily said.

"No! I am saying you are extremely sexy!" Yang Xiaotian said without blinking. His words caused Rouér to blush again.

At this time Yang Xiaotian suddenly walked over and picked up her suit but before she could protest, he directly put it on and completely covered himself in it. While wearing it, he can smell Rouér's scent. This sweet scent caused him to strangely feel somewhat relaxed. This suit should be sweaty and it is indeed a bit sweaty but even her sweat can not erase the sweet scent of her body.

"Sister Rouér smells so good. It is so refreshing. I really love it." he blurted out unknowingly while still wearing the suit.

Rouér's face is completely flushed red. She cursed in her heart: "This damned lecherous brat! He just says whatever comes to his mind without a thought of the other party! He is so young yet such a pervert."

At this time, she again looked at Yang Xiaotian's lower body and did not see even a little bit of bulge. She groaned and thought: "Hmph.. it has not even grown yet and he is already so pervy!"

But another thought suddenly came into her mind: "But he is really sweet and cute.. and handsome too!"

Thinking of this, her face became even redder. She is an initiate Yin-Yang Balance cultivator, her body has been strengthened through cultivation and she is taller than a regular woman, yet this mere 11 years old boy is already tall up to her shoulder. She can't even see her as a boy anymore and subconsciously feels attracted to him. Currently, Yang Xiaotian is as tall as his mothers. If he meets Mu Meiér again, although he will still look a bit younger, he won't look like a child like the last time at all!

At this time, Yang Xiaotian got back to his senses. He immediately took off the suit, placed it at Rouér's feet and apologetically said: "I am so sorry, I should not have done that. I was just so curious..."

He suddenly stopped talking seeing how flushed Rouér's face is. He realized that he actually blurted out what he was thinking and everything was heard by Rouér. He felt so ashamed that he wants to dig a hole and bury his head!

"You still did not ask why I am here!" Rouér said in a very soothing tone.

"Ohh sorry about that, I was just too surprised to see you here." Yang Xiaotian said nervously.

"I am here to see this Kung Fu technique of yours. How do you become so strong so fast? Is this technique really this magical or you are doing something else that makes you strong and bullshitting everywhere about Kung Fu?" Rouér asked in one go.

Hearing this, Yang Xiaotian began describing Tai Ji with great enthusiasm. He spoke about Chí and its effect on all life and many other things. Rouér interjected from time to time and asked many questions. While speaking, from time to time their eyes would meet and both of them would stop momentarily. Then they would both cough and then continue on as nothing happened.

"Looking at her eyes is dangerous! It is like I will fall right in and drown!" Yang Xiaotian thought.

While he is thinking along this line, Rouér is also thinking the same: "I better not look into his eyes again! It is so addictive how they draw me in! He is a boy, he will become a man soon. How can a man's eyes be like this?"

As Yang Xiaotian is now cultivating soul power along with Chí and trying to cultivate the Eye of Deva, his eyes are becoming more mysterious. Usually, nobody would notice but constantly having eye contact with him is very deadly for opposite genders. His eyes have been his most charming part to begin with and now his cultivation has made his eyes even more charming.

At this point, Yang Xiaotian began demonstrating Tai Ji. Rouér looked at him very carefully as he demonstrated the entire movement process several times. Then Rouér got up and began imitating him. Yang Xiaotian began correcting her when it is necessary. Sometimes he touched her arm, sometimes her neck, sometimes her back, sometimes her thighs and feet to correct her positioning. And every time both of them froze momentarily and they had to begin again.

"Focus okay! You are teaching me something here! Try to think like a teacher!" Rouér reminded him.

"Ok ok.." Yang Xiaotian closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes again with renewed focus.

The next few times he had to touch her, he began speaking before touching her, telling her where she is making a mistake and continued talking as he fixed her positioning. This caused Rouér to also stay in focus and also to completely memorize where she made mistake. They continued like this for two hours, the whole household is already asleep, only the lamps in his room are lit. Rouér finally has mastered the movement.

Now she needs to learn to harmonize the rhythm of breathing with her movement. For this, Yang Xiaotian thought of a very simple solution. Rouér will practice movement while he will say 'breath in' and 'breathe out' at the appropriate times and Rouér will do as he says. This routine continued for another two hours when finally Rouér managed to establish the rhythm. For normal people, several years of practice would be needed to achieve this state. However, Rouér has diligently cultivated since childhood and she has high cultivation for her age. She can pick up instructions very easily and do as instructed even more easily.

After this, Rouér decided to continue on her own. while Yang Xiaotian began his meditation again. They continued like this until early dawn. When Yang Xiaotian opened his eyes, he saw that Rouér is observing him intently.

He felt a bit panicked and then calmed down and said with a sly smile: "What? Have you fallen in love with me?"

Rouér however very seriously said: "I sensed a very strange energy around you! Is it the Chí?"

Yang Xiaotian felt shocked and then he said: "No, Chí is internal. This is different. I can not tell you about it yet but can only tell you that it is related to soul cultivation."

"So.. soul cultivation? Only Spirit Ascension cultivators and above cultivates soul! You are saying that you are cultivating soul now?" Rouér said in shock.

"As I keep telling you, my cultivation is different! I will tell you more if you manage to completely master Tai Ji and manage to purify your body with Chí at least one time!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Hmph... I will do it very soon! Then you tell me your secret!" Rouér said very confidently. After that, Rouér wore her stealth clothes again. Then without even saying goodbye she left like the wind.

After she left, Yang Xiaotian thought: "I love Meiér, why am I being flustered by her? No no.. it won't do, I must steel my mind even more!"

Then he began his morning training. After he finished training, he decided to go eat breakfast.

When Yang Xiaotian arrived at the dining room, he saw that his parents are already here. They all looked at Yang Xiaotian at the same time and their expression is filled with worry.

"What's wrong?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Tian-er, that woman is dangerous!" Yang Cheng said.

Yang Xiaotian realized what is going on. He smiled and said: "She is indeed very dangerous! Her job requires her to travel to some very dangerous area and seek out lucrative and dangerous business opportunities. She needs to be strong and dangerous, otherwise, how can she do her job?"

"Why did she specifically visit you late at night?" Zhu Lian asked. Zhu Qing nodded along.

"You remember the money I borrowed from you last time? It is about that. This is a top-secret investment. Bank doesn't want to leak anything. Please don't speak about her to anyone! In fact, forget that she ever came here and if you see her again coming to meet me at night, just forget you saw her!" Yang Xiaotian said with a serious face.

"Haiii... I hope whatever you are doing won't get you in trouble. You are still so young, you should not have to worry about all of this..." Yang Cheng sighed and said. He knows that the blame for this situation is completely on him.

"It's fine, nothing will happen to me!" Yang Xiaotian said.

At this time, a servant arrived with a letter for Yang Xiaotian. Yang Xiaotian read the letter, it seems Tang Bao wants to meet him urgently and asked him to go meet at the bank as soon as he can. After he finished eating, Yang Xiaotian changed his clothes and left for the bank. After he arrived at the bank, he was led to Tang Bao's office immediately. In Tang Bao's office, other than him there is also another hidden person. Yang Xiaotian clearly sensed his presence and immediately looked his way.

"Interesting! You are more perceptive and full of more surprises than our previous estimation!" a shadowy figure said. He came out of the shadows and appeared in front of Yang Xiaotian. It seems like he is wearing a higher-quality stealth suit.

"Since I am not dead, you must want to have a chat with me." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Xiaotian, don't be angry. He is not our enemy, in fact, his organization is one of our partners!" Tang Bao said.

"Assassins of Kings is our partner?" Yang Xiaotian said in shock.

"Impressive! You even managed to guess my identity!" the shadowy figure said.

"Not guessed, deduced. Senior Tang wanted me to employ Assassins of Kings before. And here I find a shadowy figure lurking around. I just added the two incidents together." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Alright, let's discuss business! Tang Bao is one of us. Actually, his Tang family is one of the major stakeholders of the Five Kingdom Merchant Bank. And like us, he is also from the Long kingdom!" the shadowy figure said.

Yang Xiaotian is shocked knowing that Assassins of Kings are based in the Long Kingdom. He suddenly feels that there is a huge conspiracy that encompasses this whole continent and the Long kingdom is at the heart of it!

The shadowy figure continued: "He said that you are extremely intelligent at the mere age of 11! I did not believe it at first but now I can see that we still underestimated you! Well anyway, you guessed that Yang Zheng and his partners are backed by some very powerful people and you are right. But we don't want the common populace to know who they are and what they are trying to do. The Long kingdom doesn't want people to get the idea that they can get backing from some outside continent and fight against us!"

"So these people are backed by some forces from another continent. No wonder, they suddenly got their hands on those tools! No wonder, their ambition is so big! Tsk tsk tsk..." Yang Xiaotian said while shaking his head and smiling.

His reaction caused both Tang Bao and the shadowy figure to frown. They feel that this brat is just not understanding the gravity of the situation and taking things way too lightly.

"The crown prince of the Feng kingdom found his way into the Holy Continent. People of that continent are a bunch of pretentious morons who believe that they are at the top of the food chain and we prefer that they keep believing so, which makes things easier for us. But it becomes problematic when they began to meddle in our affairs! This crown prince became the personal disciple of a trash sect that merely has one Saint Ascension cultivator. They have many Saints and that is more than this continent can ever produce. Mainly because that continent is filled with Saint Qi and this continent has none. Becoming a Saint here is like rising to the heavens! You must have heard the phrase right?" the shadowy figure said.

Yang Xiaotian nodded. He felt curious about this Saint Qi. He wants to experiment as to how this Qi is different than the Qi of heaven and earth.

The shadowy figure continued: "After returning from there, that crown prince has become a 5 star Saint. There are not even 2 star Saints in any of the four kingdoms on this continent. And surpassing each star of rank in Saint realm is hundred times harder than the previous rank. So now he thinks he is the strongest on this continent! He wants to unite the four kingdoms and then topple our Long kingdom and become the number one ruler of this continent!"

"What a moron! All this effort for a barren continent! He will die early and will never achieve anything noteworthy in his life!" Yang Xiaotian shook his head as he said.

His words shocked both Tang Bao and the shadowy figure, especially the shadowy figure. The fact that this is a barren continent is only known to their Long kingdom. The reserve of spirit stones will die out in a few thousand years, the Qi of heaven and earth will stop flowing here in the next hundred thousand years. Cultivation will cease to exist here if things go on like this.

Without the Qi of heaven and earth, many medicinal ingredients will die out, the demonic beast tide will ravage the whole continent and humanity will cease to exist! Their Long kingdom knows all of this and they have their own plans. But how did this 11 years old boy know about this is still beyond him.

"Are you wondering how I know that this trash prince won't live long or wondering how I know that this is a barren continent?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"First, tell us why do you think that Feng kingdom crown prince will die early." the shadowy figure asked.

"Because he targeted my family! He will die by my hands and his death will be very miserable. I will make him regret the day he was born in this world! I will make him wish he were born as a dog instead of a human being!" Yang Xiaotian spoke with a chilling voice and unknowingly, he released a very dangerous and thick killing intent.

First his words and then his killing intent utterly shocked Tang Bao and the shadowy figure. Tang Bao took out a napkin and began wiping the sweat on his face and head. The shadowy figure kept looking at Yang Xiaotian, he is utterly dumbfounded, he knows what 'intent' stands for in the cultivation world, he can't believe that an 11 years old boy has comprehended 'intent'.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly got back to his senses and said apologetically: "I am so sorry. I did not intentionally do this. You see since my strength soared, when it so happens that I am furious towards someone or feeling particularly murderous towards someone, my thoughts automatically leak out of my mind and cause great distress to others! This is truly bad, if my thoughts can be felt by everyone, how will I be able to kill people without them suspecting me? I must practice control of my thoughts better. However, this time it was quite mild, it seems I am getting better!"

The shadowy figure and Tang Bao became dumbfounded. Both of them began thinking along this line: "His thoughts leaking out of his mind? Control his thought so that his intent doesn't come out? Why? Shouldn't you dominate people with your intent?"

"But surprisingly, this leaked murderous thought can even affect a Saint! Senior Tang, I am really sorry. It was not my intention at all!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Tang Bao looked at him as if he is looking at some kind of freak. He let out a dry laugh and said: "It's fine.. no harm done. However, I still underestimated you! You can tell that I am a Saint."

"Well I sensed your energy flow and it is extremely different than any other cultivators I have seen. There is a pattern to the energy flow of others I know, yours however, seems like a lot different than them and on a whole different level. That pattern still exists but it has been heavily modified and upgraded. So I deduced that you are at least a Saint. You are not actually higher than Saint right?" Yang Xiaotian said.

Tang Bao coughed a few times and said: "No no.. being Saint is enough for me..."

The shadowy figure is completely in a messy thought at this time: "What the hell is going on? Who is this kid? He can sense our energy flow? He can see patterns in energy flow? What the fuck is going on here!"

At this time Yang Xiaotian looked at the shadowy figure and said: "Senior on the other hand is definitely on a whole other level. You are definitely much much higher than Saint. Your energy flow pattern is extremely refined, there is literally no similarity to any cultivator and not even to a Saint like senior Tang. And the energy I am sensing from you is so pure that, just giving a metaphor, I want to eat you up!"

As soon as he said the last sentence, the shadowy figure immediately became extremely vigilant and his right hand went behind his back as if he is trying to grab something.

"Hey hey take it easy! It was a metaphor! I don't want to eat you! That is just disgusting! Humans are filled with so many disgusting things within them! No sane human would ever want to eat another human even unto death!" Yang Xiaotian said with a straight face.

The shadowy figure took back his hand but he is still extremely vigilant. Tang Bao on the other hand has a very tense expression on his face.

"You are the other reason why I said that the trash prince won't live for long! If even your lowest underlings make a simple move, the entire Feng family will disappear from this world!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"No need to talk about the barren continent thing! I have a feeling that once you are done, this continent will no longer be a barren land, moreover, it might turn into something more!" the shadowy figure said.

"I don't have such a big aspiration, I just want to live in peace." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Good luck with that!" both Tang Bao and the shadowy figure thought in their minds.

"Well anyway, we don't want to make move until all the players show their hands. I want to see which kingdom has fallen under their influence. We want to get rid of them in one fell swoop!" the shadowy figure kept talking: "Well we know that Yang kingdom is not under their influence. It was the Yang kingdom who informed us of this crown prince. When this prince wanted to create a marriage alliance with them, their hidden experts managed to sense his cultivation and immediately sent a report to us. And they have been fighting a shadow war with Feng kingdom since then."

"So what do we do about the situation here?" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Naturally we will foil their plan and see how this crown prince and his lackeys behave." the shadowy figure said. 

"How?" Yang Xiaotian asked again.

"We have already more or less taken over the spirit mining business in this kingdom. The same thing has begun happening in the other kingdoms. We are also pressuring the forces of Feng kingdom in Yan kingdom. Any forces that have relations with them are being pressured. We want to keep them on their toes. As for your family, we have ample backup plans for them. There are people secretly monitoring your family. I bet you have not sensed them at all. However, they won't make any move until your parents' lives are in danger." the shadowy figure said.

"Thank you senior for your love. I swear that I will repay this favor no matter what!" Yang Xiaotian said decisively.

"You are already doing it. You are the biggest threat to them now because it is clear that you are the one holding up your family and making sure your father doesn't fall into their trap again! They still don't see it that way but soon enough, they will. They will target you constantly. So you have to take control of your household even better. Try not to let your father lay his hands on Mu Meiér. You should already know that she is a bait. Also, don't let your father make contact with the Yang family. It will only kill your family faster." the shadowy figure said.

"As far as I know, my father is unable to directly contact the Yang family. However, even a stupid command from a servant of the Yang family makes my father lose his mind! I can't look after him all the time to make sure he is not doing anything stupid. So in the end, the biggest hole in the defense is still my father!" Yang Xiaotian said with a sigh.

"I am sorry that there is nothing more we can do and it is all up to you on your front. That is why I want to help you monetarily. We will give you our share of profit from the spirit stone mining operation in this kingdom. And immediately, we will provide you with 10 million purple banknotes in your investment account. I know that your account is now almost empty. Use the money how you see fit. You can increase your influence with money. You will need reputation and influence if you want to protect your family." the shadowy figure said.

"I do have an idea about that. Senior Tang, I need to talk to senior Shi. My plan will help your plan too." Yang Xiaotian said.

"What is the plan?" the shadowy figure asked.

Then Yang Xiaotian spoke about his idea in detail. His idea is to open a children's hospital where the commoners and poor people will be able to treat their children free of cost. At the same time, he wants to open a new school where the children of commoners and poor people will be able to study for free.

Both of these projects will be run by the kingdom. It will cost a lot of money but they can get money from donations from wealthy businessmen and wealthy merchants. Naturally, they won't agree to donate, so they should be given some form of acceptable tax-exempt and since they have to pay even larger taxes during the beast tide, the kingdom can lower the tax increase to an acceptable level. This is a huge project. And it can not be started in all the cities, so the plan is to start the project first in only the Medicine Mountain City. 

"This is a sound plan. If you have your father donate a lot of money to this project, his influence and reputation, as well as yours will skyrocket. However, what do we do if the imperial school of scholars sees this new school as a threat?" the shadowy figure asked.

"Simple, this school will not give any degree. The teachers from the imperial school of scholars will teach there and students of this school will be given one chance to take an exam to enter the imperial school of scholars!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Feasible! Very feasible. Tang Bao, draw up the plan and put it in motion within this week. This project must start in two months!" the shadowy figure commanded.

"Yes sir, right away!" Tang Bao replied and immediately got up and left.

"Now that we are alone, I want to ask, what kind of cultivation technique do you use? But before that, how can you even cultivate? I heard you don't even have any spiritual root!" the shadowy figure asked in a very curious voice.

"I don't cultivate Qi, I cultivate Chí!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Huh? Isn't it the same?" the shadowy figure asked.

"Chí is not Qi, Chí is our vital energy, our life force, our very essence! All lives are born with an astonishing amount of Chí! But we aren't able to control it or master it. Thus it flows out of our body at an unimaginable rate and merges with heaven and earth. Even if you cultivate Qi, Chí continues to flow out. Cultivating Qi can only lower its rate of flowing out but in the end, all of it flows out and people die! Cultivators die too, even those with superb power calling themselves gods also die. All of it is because of Chí. What I cultivate is Chí." Yang Xiaotian said.

The shadowy figure looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. Doesn't it mean that Yang Xiaotian is an Immortal? That is what he is thinking.

"I know what you are thinking. No, it is not possible to become an Immortal! Even though I cultivate Chí I can't control it, I can only stimulate it and let it naturally purify my body which increases my strength and my soul power. It is not possible for us mortals to master Chí. I can be very strong, same as those fake gods but in the end, I will die!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"But you don't need spiritual roots to cultivate Chí?" the shadowy figure asked.

"We are all born with Chí, why would we need some roots or what not to cultivate Chí? I know what you are thinking, whether or not you can cultivate Chí. To have something, you must give up something! When you absorbed all those Qi within your body, you gave up a lot of your Chí. You can not just greedily take something from heaven and earth without giving back. So, if you want to truly cultivate Chí, you need to sacrifice the Qi you absorbed. In other words, sacrifice your cultivation. Can you do it?" Yang Xiaotian said very calmly.

"Forget it!" the shadowy figure said.

"You can try it on one of your children or grandchildren who still has not started cultivating. You can go to the imperial school here and buy teacher Xu Xian's books on Kung Fu. Mastering Kung Fu is essential for Chí cultivation." Yang Xiaotian said.

"I will give it a thought." the shadowy figure said.

After a while, Yang Xiaotian said goodbye and left for doctor Sun's store. As he left the bank, Tang Bao returned to his office but before he could speak, the shadowy figure raised his hand, indicating him to keep quiet. Then he took out a talisman and pasted it on the table.

"Your majesty, is it necessary to use a precious sound insulation talisman here?" Tang Bao asked.

"That boy is not normal. His soul power is just too strong. I am pretty sure he will be able to hear our conversation from several hundred meters away. Having such soul power without a soul space, even Half Saints will have trouble suppressing him with aura!" the shadowy man said.

He is indeed right, Yang Xiaotian is indeed trying to eavesdrop on them but he felt disappointed when suddenly he could no longer pick up any sound from that position. So he quickened his pace and moved quickly towards doctor Sun's store.

After arriving at the store, he was actually greeted by Qin Feiér, she ran over and directly jumped at him excitedly: "Big brother Tian!"

Yang Xiaotian caught her in a hug and placed her in his arms. At this time Qin Ming ran over and lightly yelled: "Feiér you can not run like that, you are not well!"

"I am fine! I am a goddess now! Ha ha ha!" Qin Feiér laughed loudly.

Yang Xiaotian was already shocked enough when Qin Feiér jumped at him and now she is talking and laughing loudly. He is completely and utterly shocked. Qin Ming looked at him with a pleading look.

Yang Xiaotian nodded at her and began speaking: "Feiér I am glad that you are feeling better but you still need rest and medicine."

"I know! Big brother Tian's treatment will surely heal me! I know all about it! A beautiful big sister came into my dreams last night! She was a goddess! She was so beautiful and amazing! She said that she is big brother Tian's friend and that if I follow your instructions, not only my sickness will go away but I will also be able to become a goddess like her!" Qin Feiér said.

Yang Xiaotian looked at her in shock. The patients all around began laughing hearing this innocent girl's words.

"It's true!" Qin Feiér said with force.

"Alright, let's go in and talk about this big sister." Yang Xiaotian said and moved towards the inner area of the store.

There is a courtyard behind the store and a house next to it. Doctor Sun lives in this house. Qin Feiér is meditating every morning in this courtyard.

"Xiaotian, I will tell grandpa Sun that you are here. Feiér, behave." Qin Ming left after saying this.

Yang Xiaotian looked at Qin Feiér who is still in his arms. She smiled at him sweetly and hugged his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. He asked softly: "Feiér, what did you see in your dreams? Do you remember?"

"Mmm... I was on a beautiful mountain, there were clouds everywhere. I was scared at first but then the big sister Goddess appeared and told me many stories. She said she is big brother's close friend. Big brother do you know the big sister Goddess?" Qin Feiér looked at him with bright eyes as she asked.

Yang Xiaotian felt shocked to the core. It is that Deva! That Deva has actually taken interest in Qin Feiér! He got back to his senses and asked again: "What else did the big sister Goddess say?"

"She said that you are the best! She said you will surely cure me and I must listen to you. She said that if I meditate as you teach me, then I will also become a goddess like her! Is it true big brother?" Qin Feiér asked in astonishment again.

"Are you meditating as I have instructed?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Yes, I can completely enter meditation without any other thought and continue for a long time. I only see the Yin-Yang symbol in my mind rotating, splitting, joining back again, becoming cats, dogs, people. One time, it split into two, one became mom and one became big brother Tian and then..." Qin Feiér stopped looking at this and looked shyly at Yang Xiaotian.

He is already shocked beyond comparison. The imagination of a child is outstanding. Splitting the Yin-Yang symbol and transforming it into many shapes, this is high-level soul cultivation! Even he barely manages to keep himself immersed in the rotation and this girl is creating stuff freely and without breaking out of meditation! No wonder she has suddenly become so intelligent. Her soul power has increased, allowing her to take more control over her brain.

At this time his thought suddenly returned to the fact that her Yin-Yang symbol transformed into his shape. He asked: "What happened then?"

Qin Feiér showed a sly smile and said: "Big brother Tian and mom kissed!"

Yang Xiaotian became completely dumbfounded. He kept looking at the girl with his mouth wide open. He is completely unable to say a single word. His thoughts returned to him when he heard footsteps. Qin Ming has brought along doctor Sun to the courtyard.

"Xiaotian, there was a problem. Feiér vomited blood, puss and a lot of mucus." doctor Sun said immediately after arriving.

But before Yang Xiaotian could say anything Qin Feiér said loudly: "But those are just bad things that are making me sick! It is good that I vomited them!"

Yang Xiaotian gave her a deep look. It seems her intelligence has increased quite a bit more than he imagined. He said: "Let's test. Feiér, we will perform acupuncture on you like last time. Are you ready?"

"Yes! Brother's treatment is the best!" Qin Feiér again hugged Yang Xiaotian's neck and this time planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Brat, I am the one making medicine for you and you say brother is the best!" doctor Sun said with fake anger.

"Brother is the best but grandpa is the bestest!" Qin Feiér said with a big smile.

"Alright, alright, if even a little girl like you can flatter me, I will have to buy a plot in the graveyard!" doctor Sun shook his head and said jokingly.

"No! Grandpa will not die! Grandpa will become a godly doctor! The big sister goddess said it! So long as you practice medicine as brother suggested, you will surely become a godly doctor! Number one in the world!" Qin Feiér said very confidently.

Yang Xiaotian cursed in his heart: "Damn Deva! Do you really have to say so much to a little girl? I understand that she is too cute and adorable but did you really have to?"

"Fine fine, I will be a godly doctor. Now let's go back in and start your treatment!" doctor Sun said with sigh.

After they got back in, they again performed the diagnostic procedure from last time. But this time, the three of them observed in shock that her movement of the lung is much more vibrant, her breathing is much more clear and the blockage they felt last time is more than half cleared.

"This...this.." doctor Sun began stuttering.

"Feiér.." Qin Ming sobbed in happiness.

"The treatment is working great. Let's continue this way for a month more and I am sure Feiér will completely recover!" Yang Xiaotian said happily.

"Of course, I will recover! Big sister goddess said I will recover and become a goddess! Big brother Tian, you must teach me your cultivation so that I can become a goddess. You should also teach cultivation to mom." Qin Feiér stuck her tongue out as she said the last sentence.

Yang Xiaotian felt a headache and rubbed his forehead. If this continues, this girl might completely embarrass him in front of Qin Ming very soon. He showed a dry smile and said: "What about this, you teach your mother how to meditate. If she can become as good as you in meditation, I will teach you both cultivation!"

"You promise?" Qin Feiér very cutely asked.

"Yes." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Pinky promise?" Qin Feiér raised her pinky finger towards Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian locked pinky finger with her and said with a smile: "Pinky promise!"

"Ok, it is a pinky promise! If you forget, Feiér will forever disappear!" Qin Feiér looked at Yang Xiaotian with a look that caused him to feel his heart twist.

"No no, I will never forget!" Yang Xiaotian immediately picked up Qin Feiér in his arms and kissed her cheek.

"Mom, I will teach you meditation from now on. You have to learn or Feiér will cry every day!" Qin Feiér said with a teary look.

"Ok ok, I will learn meditation for my Feiér." Qin Ming said tearfully.

Doctor Sun kept watching the scene play out in front of him without interrupting. At this point, he is thinking of going to the Yang family to propose a marriage between Qin Ming and Yang Xiaotian. But he immediately shook his head and removed that thought from his mind, it is best to let nature take its course.

Yang Xiaotian's regular days passed by as usual. Seven days later, he is meditating quite late at night and suddenly he heard knocking on the door. He sensed who it is, Rouér has come again. He became a little happy and then suddenly shook his head and said in his heart: "Meiér.. Meiér.. I love Meiér!"

He opened the door and Rouér directly entered without speaking. She immediately took off her stealth clothes and sat down on the bed just as she entered. She is still wearing her previous clothes under the suit but this time she is wearing undergarments. Seeing her like this, Yang Xiaotian can not help but gulp down a mouthful of saliva.

"I have already made some improvement and my body has been improved by my Chí." without any greetings or whatsoever, Rouér began talking.

"How do you know?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"I took a dump and everything was just black! I peed and it was black! I vomited black gooey things! Also, my Qi Sea feels like it has been emptied out almost 30%! You are right!  This cultivation truly removes all kinds of impurity from the body!" Rouér said without showing any embarrassment.

Yang Xiaotian felt a bit shocked hearing her talk about this kind of stuff so nonchalantly but then he recalled how foul-mouthed this woman usually is and shook his head.

"Let me take a look." Yang Xiaotian approached the bed and extended his hand towards Rouér. She also extended her left hand towards him.

As Yang Xiaotian sensed her pulse, he found out that her body has indeed been refined by Chí. Moreover, it has been done multiple times. It is no wonder she released so much impurity. He really did not expect this to happen so fast. On one side, Qin Feiér has already met the Deva and her soul cultivation can be said to be progressing on par with his own and here Rouér has refined her body with Chí multiple times.

"What is going on? Why is it so easy for them?" Yang Xiaotian thought in his mind.

"Now it is time to keep your promise!" Rouér said sternly.

Yang Xiaotian recalled the promise and shook his head with a dry smile.

"Why? Are you trying to go back on your words?" Rouér asked while looking at Yang Xiaotian intently.

"Not at all. I am just thinking how easy it is for you to cultivate Tai Ji." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Hmph.. naturally! I am a great talent!" Rouér very proudly said.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly thought of something and asked: "The Tai Ji symbol, what kind of shape does it take in your mind? Can you change it on your own?"

"I let my thought wander around and it takes different shapes based on my thoughts. One time it even ..." saying up to this point Rouér shut her mouth, her face became a bit red.

"She must have thought of something embarrassing and it took shape! What is up with women?" Yang Xiaotian shook his head.

"So what was that energy? Tell me!" Rouér patted her hand on the bed, indicating that Yang Xiaotian should also get up and sit down on the bed.

Yang Xiaotian sighed and got up on the bed. He sat opposite to Rouér and began talking about Deva energy. Hearing his explanation, Rouér's eyes opened wide in shock. She never heard of these Deva before and now she is learning that these Deva are watching her all the time? Her thoughts suddenly returned to last night when she was in bed and her face flushed red for a moment. She also suddenly realized something about Yang Xiaotian.

"No wonder his eyes are so mesmerizing! They were charming to begin with but now that he has begun refining them with Deva energy, they have become even more deadly!" Rouér thought. Naturally, she is wrong about one thing, Yang Xiaotian is not only using Deva energy to refine his eyes, but he is also using Chí merged together with his own soul power.

The changes in her expression were caught by Yang Xiaotian. However, he did not comment on them. He has decided not to talk about anything improper in case they cause some misunderstanding to occur.

"You must be very careful when summoning a Deva. Be very careful of their traps! If you fall too deep, you might lose your soul and die!" Yang Xiaotian warned.

"Alright, I understand. I will be focused!" Rouér said and began meditating. Yang Xiaotian also began meditating.

Around an hour later, Yang Xiaotian suddenly woke up from his meditative state as he heard some soft moaning.

"Mmmm... mmhhhh.. Xiaotian... mmmm... so good... Xiaotian more..." it is Rouér who is moaning in her meditative state.

Yang Xiaotian became dumbfounded.

"It can't be... right?" he thought but the moaning continued and Rouér kept uttering his name.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly felt his penis stiffen and his breathing becoming hotter. He focused his mind, slowly got up from the bed and left the room. He went to the kitchen and picked up some leftover food on a plate.

"I will just go back once she is done! I will take this plate along with me and pretend nothing happened!" Yang Xiaotian thought to himself.

He tried sensing what is going on in his room after an hour and found out that Rouér has awoken. He slowly began walking towards his room.

After waking up, Rouér saw that Yang Xiaotian is not in the room and thought of the worse situation: "I must have said something and he heard. That is why he left!"

At this time Yang Xiaotian entered the room, looked at her and said: "Hey, you are up! How did it go?"

"Did I say something during my meditation?" instead of answering Rouér asked a question.

"Huh? Say what? After you entered meditation, I felt bored and hungry, so I went to get some food! I also brought some for you, thought you would be hungry after waking up!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Rouér kept looking at him with suspicion but then shook her head and said: "I failed!"

"Why?" Yang Xiaotian blurted out and then regretted asking because he already knows what might have happened. His question must be extremely embarrassing for her.

"I... I met some complications.. however, the Deva was nice enough to save me! By the way.. why does she look like your sister?" Rouér asked with great curiosity.

"That damn Deva! Still hanging on to my sister's look!" Yang Xiaotian thought. He shook his head and said: "No idea. That Deva looked into my mind and saw my sister and decided to take her look. No idea why that Deva is still holding on to that look though!"

"Well, she said that I should try again later." then she looked at Yang Xiaotian weakly and said in low voice: "She said I need to focus my mind more and first I will have to clear up some thoughts."

"Well, you should continue to work on Tai Ji. You are already capable of manipulating the Yin-Yang symbol in your mind during Tai Ji. Honestly, I can't do this yet! So you are actually ahead of me in that regard. So keep your focus. I am sure you will get it soon!" Yang Xiaotian said with a gentle smile and in a gentle voice.

"You mean it?" Rouér's face lit up hearing Yang Xiaotian's praise of her.

Yang Xiaotian felt a bit stunned and then reassured her again: "Of course! I completely mean it. And I am here, so tell me if you need any help."

"Then.. then honestly answer me! Between me and Mu Meiér, who is more beautiful?" Rouér asked in a very determined tone, it is as if she wants to get some kind of assurance.

Yang Xiaotian sighed, then he took a deep breath and said: "You!"

He spoke with complete honesty. His words caused Rouér to become very happy: "Then, who is more sexy?"

"Of course it is you!" Yang Xiaotian said even more resolutely.

Rouér's happiness reached almost peak as she asked again: "Then.. then... if you met me before meeting Mu Meiér, would you fall in love with me and pursue me?"

"Yes, I would! I would be crazy for you!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

Rouér's face flushed red in happiness but then she suddenly thought of something and asked: "Then if you met Mu Meiér after that, would you also fall in love with her and fight your father to have her?"

"Of course! You know that I am a pervy brat! Just imagining two beauties in my arms, making love.. mmmm..." Yang Xiaotian closed his eyes and showed a very satisfied expression.

"You pervy brat! Who would want to make love to you!" Rouér punched Yang Xiaotian's right arm lightly showing a bit of anger. However, deep down she is very happy. His words mean that he is not opposed to being together with both Mu Meiér and her. That means she still has a chance.

"Hmmphh.. you know how to butter people up! I bet deep down you think that I am old and worthless!" Rouér said with a pout.

"Absolutely not! Who says you are old? Just show those people to me and I will bash their faces on a wall!" Yang Xiaotian said with a serious face, causing Rouér to giggle.

"Alright, I won't be wasting more time with a pervy brat! I am leaving!" Rouér said with a pout.

Then she suddenly got close to Yang Xiaotian and kissed his cheek. Then she put on her stealth suit and ran away. Yang Xiaotian touched the spot where he was kissed, Rouér's fragrance is still on his cheek, he smiled and shook his head. He feels that things are going way too fast for him. He is merely 11, everything is just too soon for him.

He is not supposed to grow up so fast, he is not supposed to be inside a deadly political coup at his age, he is not supposed to be under constant vigilance against unknown people trying to kill him and his family at this age, he is not supposed to be taking charge of his family at this age, he is also not supposed to be pursuing women at his age. The experience of his first love should be a sweet one, not something that he is going through now.

But he is in a situation of constant change and he must grow up faster than he is growing up now or else he will definitely die soon. In truth, he feels like crying, he is still young, his mind; despite being very stable and strong; still has the mentality of a boy deep down. So sometimes he just wants to break down, cry his heart out but then he steels himself because he must. He is already different than all the other boys at his age and he has to be different, he will always be different.

One month passed, the Yun imperial court has started a new initiative but it will first start as a test phase in Medicine Mountain City. A children's school and a children's hospital where commoners and poor people can have their children admitted. Yun kingdom offered generous conditions to merchants and businessmen if they donate to this initiative. However, nobody showed any interest. Because nobody wants to give away their money, especially to poor people.

However, at this time a piece of news created a great buzz. The Yang merchant family from the Medicine Mountain City is donating 5 million purple banknotes to this initiative. It created shock all over the kingdom, especially in the capital. Businessmen and merchants are talking nonstop about this news.

"Yang merchant family? Who are these people?"

"Exactly how rich are these people that they can throw away this much money?"

"Even a long-time business family like the Mu family would not dare to do this!"

Many people began to gather information about the Yang family of Medicine Mountain City and soon learned of Yang Cheng's story. They started talking even more disdainfully after finding out that he is engaged to a young miss of Mu family despite having two beautiful wives and two children, one of the children is also nearly as old as that young miss of Mu family.

But all talk suddenly stopped when the imperial court announced that the Yang family's tax won't be increased during the beast tide on top of the benefit they will get for donating money to this project. Now many merchants and businessmen rushed to join this initiative. However, they did not get a complete tax decrease because they were not the first to donate. At this point, many people began praising Yang Cheng's wisdom.

The initiative now also has a name, Children Welfare Initiative and it has begun full operation. The imperial court has been very fast, they have already begun building the hospital and school even before the donations began to pour in. And after the donations came pouring in, the construction became extremely fast. In one month, both the school and the hospital opened and they began accepting children in.

Doctor Sun has been appointed the chief doctor of the hospital. This caused several local doctors and several famous doctors in the capital to grumble, however, they don't know that the reason doctor Sun got his appointment is his connection with Yang Xiaotian. Several teachers from the imperial school of scholars volunteered to teach in the new school. Everything began perfectly and Yang Xiaotian's plan to increase his family's reputation worked perfectly.

Another month passed by, Yang Xiaotian and his parents are currently sitting in his father's study room. His father is frowning as he read some documents.

"I just received 30000 grade 1 spirit stones. I have paid for them about 2 years ago. The verbal deal was that they would be selling me more but now they are refusing to sell. At this rate, we will only be able to hold back Mu family for two years." Yang Cheng said.

"It is one or two months later when they will send Mu Meiér here to accept the spirit stones. According to my sources, they will make their move after she returns. So your worry about spirit stone is moot at this point!" Yang Xiaotian said. He looked at his parents and saw their grim-looking faces. He has already heard some news from Tang Bao and has decided to share it.

He sighed and said: "Our Yang family has now kingdom-wide recognition, it is even on par with the major merchant families. Mu Chi and his partners now can not make a move against us as planned. So they have rearranged their plans. According to my sources, they will be sending Mu Meiér along with her parents. When they arrive, Mu Meiér will actively try to seduce both you and me! And before you say that you will just avoid her. The one who came up with this plan and the main culprit is none other than your own older brother, Yang Zheng! He is the one who has been taking all of your money. You have literally paid for your own assassination."

His words caused Yang Cheng to be shocked. He can't believe that his son has dug so deep and uncovered a lot about his identity.

"He has already written a letter and sending it over. It will come soon. He knows how much you want recognition of your father, this letter will encourage you to make a move on Mu Meiér. Their plan is simple, after Mu Meiér returns home, they will announce to the world that we father and son raped her and her parents will be the witness, telling everyone how we forced them! They will have all the justification to attack us and at the same time, create chaos in the city, destroy the Children Welfare Initiative during the chaos and then initiate kingdom-wide rebellion!" Yang Xiaotian said.

He quieted down for a bit to look at his parents. His parents have complete deadpan expressions on their faces. So he decided to give them an even bigger shock, the most infuriating news he received that made him decide that he will pull out every bone of Yang Zheng's body before killing him.

"It is not the worst part though!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"What is worse than the destruction of our family?" Yang Cheng said in a shaky voice.

"It is actually death for you and me and... your brother has planned to hand over my mothers and sister to the Supreme Pleasure Palace!" Yang Xiaotian said in a grim voice.

His parents' faces turned completely pale after hearing this. Supreme Pleasure Palace is one of the major sects in the capital, however, it has a very bad and vicious reputation. They run a prostitution business where all the women are forced but they have legal papers showing that all the women agreed to this and are getting paid fairly.

They call themselves dual cultivation sect where they let the love between men and women flourish but everyone knows what they truly do inside. But nobody dares to make a move on them because this place is run by the people of Feng kingdom. It is actually the embassy of Feng kingdom inside the Yun kingdom.

At this time, Yang Xiaotian suddenly sensed someone approaching, it is Kuang. He decided to go greet Kuang himself.

"It seems like the letter is here. I will go get it." Yang Xiaotian stood up and left.

After coming out of the room, he found Kuang standing outside. Kuang somewhat twitched seeing Yang Xiaotian coming out instead of Yang Cheng.

He coughed and said: "I have a letter from junior patriarch Yang Zheng for master Yang Cheng."

"Hmmm... I will take it, my father is just inside." Yang Xiaotian said. Kuang hesitated a bit but handed over the letter.

Taking the letter in his hands, Yang Xiaotian calmly looked at Kuang and said: "Does your patriarch know?"

Kuang hesitated again but then shook his head.

"You better report this to your patriarch if you want to keep your and sister Rouér's lives!" Yang Xiaotian said and turned to return but then stopped and said in a murderous voice: "If even a hair on sister Rouér's body is touched, I will not let you off even if you are dead. I will make sure that everyone who has even the slightest relation to you is dead!"

Kuang felt shocked but then he felt happy, it seems at least Rouér can live through this ordeal. He jumped away and while moving he decided to write a report about this to the patriarch.

Yang Xiaotian returned to the room and handed over the letter to his father. His father opened the letter with shaky hands and in the next few moments, his hands stopped shaking, his expression became dark as he pushed the letter to his wives. After Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian read the letter, their expression became filled with anger.

To simply describe, the letter is encouraging Yang Cheng to impregnate Mu Meiér as soon as possible. Once she becomes pregnant Yang Zheng will personally beg Yang Zhenren to bring Yang Cheng back to the family along with pregnant Mu Meiér. And what happens to his two wives and two children, Yang Zheng did not even bother talking about them and instead wrote that this is the last opportunity for Yang Cheng to return to the family.

"So what are you going to do?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

Yang Cheng stayed quiet for quite a while. His wives shook his arms from both sides to rouse him. He slowly said: "We will treat Mu Meiér and his parents with great courtesy. We will entertain her parents and you will take her around town and introduce her to people you know as your fiancee!"

"We can't do that! That will just tell Yang Zheng that you are rebelling and he will just directly send assassins to get rid of you! Then he will come here crying his heart out, take over your business and family as a 'good brother' and complete his plan!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Then what?" Yang Cheng said impatiently.

"I will take half of your plan, you will entertain Mu Meiér's parents, I will take her to travel around the city. If only people ask, I will introduce her as your fiancee. That will at least keep Yang Zheng assured that you are not rebelling." Yang Xiaotian said. He saw his parents are frowning and said: "I know it is demeaning but we have to keep our heads first! I can not fight them head-on, I am still not strong enough! Two more years, just need to hold them back two more years and I will be strong enough to go kill them all!"

"Alright! We will do as you say!" Zhu Qing said. Zhu Lian and Yang Cheng nodded along.

After finishing the meeting with his parents, Yang Xiaotian went to the bank to meet Tang Bao. He found out that his bank balance actually increased by a lot. Profits coming from all the investments put his account at nearly 30 million purple banknotes.

Tang Bao also informed him of the latest intelligence report, it seems like the Yan kingdom is indeed colluding with the Feng kingdom, they have already massacred the Yang family branch in their kingdom, not even the newly born children were left alive.

To retaliate, Assassins of Kings killed key members of the Yan imperial family. The whole kingdom is now a mess, several influential families are now vying for power. Remnant of the Yan imperial family is now taking shelter under the banner of the Feng kingdom but the pressure on them is rising.

The imperial court has been neutered, the public is outraged, several neutral factions such as the Five Kingdom Merchant Bank and Mercenary Alliance are pulling out from the kingdom. The situation is really tense there and Assassins of Kings are making sure that it stays that way so that the Yun kingdom does not completely become Feng kingdom's subordinate state.

After meeting Tang Bao, Yang Xiaotian went to meet Qin Ming and Qin Feiér. Currently, Qin Ming is the one running doctor Sun's medicine shop. She was already very skilled and after learning advanced techniques given by Yang Xiaotian, she has become even more proficient. After entering the shop, Yang Xiaotian saw that Qin Ming and some other assistants are treating a patient.

There are a lot fewer patients here now and it is not because doctor Sun is no longer seeing patients here, it is mainly because more than 60% of patients here were children and since now there is a free children's hospital, people are going there.

As he moved closer, Yang Xiaotian observed in shock that Qin Ming is actually using soul power to sense the internal situation of patients. She is using the acupuncture technique Yang Xiaotian gave and merging soul power with the needles to sense accurate situations.

Yang Xiaotian shook his head as he again began wondering why these women are so fast in cultivating soul power. He doesn't understand that women are filled with imagination, they are more imaginative and creative than men. It gives them a huge advantage when cultivating the mental portion of Tai Ji, they can easily make the Tai Ji symbol take many shapes and control those shapes with great concentration.

It is natural that Yang Xiaotian doesn't understand and it has nothing to with his age, even men who live with their wives all their life, don't understand much about their wives' mentality. It is very hard to understand the depth of a woman's thoughts.

Soon after, Qin Ming is done with her round and greeted Yang Xiaotian. Qin Feiér ran over and hugged Yang Xiaotian. The three of them spent quality time together before Yang Xiaotian left for home. In these months, his soul cultivation increased a lot. He is also using soul power and Chí together to refine his eyes and at the same time, trying to build his soul space.

If he just used Deva energy to build his soul space, he would have already succeeded but he is taking the harder route to make sure he is not completely dependent on Deva energy for his soul cultivation. He wants Deva energy to be his supplement, not his driving force.

Another month passed by, in this month his routine continued along with his almost daily meeting with Rouér. Rouér has become even more intimate with him. Almost all the time touching his hair or face or holding hands with him. Every day, he wants to see more of her and he always waits patiently for her arrival. He feels very relaxed and refreshed just talking to Rouér and it seems there is never a shortage of topics to talk about between them.

Soon enough, it is time for Mu Meiér and her parents to arrive. All the preparations have been made, rooms for Mu Meiér and her parents have been set up lavishly. On a sunny morning, Mu family's luxurious carriage entered the city. The entire city became shocked, they have never seen such a large luxurious carriage enter this city before. There are many horses around the carriage, ridden by cultivators who have been hired to protect the carriage. The entourage slowly approached the Yang family house.

The gate of the Yang family house is already wide open to welcome them. Yang Cheng and his wives are standing a bit inside the gate to welcome the guests with their servants. They are not wearing very luxurious clothes but they are not wearing very common clothes either, they are wearing festive enough clothes for the occasion. However, Yang Xiaotian can not be seen

The carriage finally arrived at the gate. The horses moved aside, the door of the carriage slowly opened. The first one to step out is Mu Meiér's father, then his wife. Finally, Mu Meiér began stepping down. She is wearing a luxurious dress, along with her makeup, her beauty has been magnified to the extreme, she looks like she is a princess of some great kingdom. Many of the servants opened their eyes wide, their mouths agape looking at the scene. However, Yang Cheng, Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing only have a light amiable smile on their faces.

"Brother Mu, madam Mu, welcome to our humble home! We have already prepared your rooms. Please come in and freshen up, then we will have a little banquet." Yang Cheng said in a loud voice.

The way he addressed Mu Meiér's parents caused them to be startled. However, they quickly get back to their senses.

"Meiér, quickly greet your.." Mr. Mu could not finish his words when Mu Meiér began talking.

"Mu family's Mu Meiér greets hus..."

"Ahhh big sister Meiér, it is you! Long time no see! I missed you so much!" a loud and pleasing voice of a male suddenly entered everyone's ears.

The voice shocked Mu Meiér, she is familiar with the voice but the voice sounds more mature and more charming. She looked towards the direction of the voice and her eyes opened wide, her beautiful small mouth opened up in an expression of shock. Her parents are also utterly shocked, they are both wondering if this is the same child they saw just about a year ago.

He is supposed to be 11 this year yet he is already as tall as them. Moreover, his face and body look very mature, although he still has some boyish features, the maturity is undeniable. It so happens that some boys grow taller fast when reaching puberty but this is not at all that, this is pure maturity. On top of that, he has become very handsome and charming.

Mu Meiér is in the worst situation, she can't get out of her shock. Her mouth is wide open as she kept looking at Yang Xiaotian while he kept walking towards them. Yang Cheng and his wives have really pleased smiles on their faces looking at their guests' expressions.

"Hello uncle Mu, hello aunt! Welcome to our home. It is not as grand as Mu mansion but we promise that you will be safe and fulfilled here." Yang Xiaotian very politely greeted Mu Meiér's parents. The two of them are still looking at him in a daze.

"You... are you Xiaotian?" Mu Meiér finally opened her mouth.

"Of course I am! Can't you tell?" Yang Xiaotian said with a gentle smile.

"Are you really Xiaotian?" Mu Meiér asked again. The last time she met him, he was tall up to her breasts and now he is taller than her and not to mention his enhanced features. She is completely unable to take her eyes off of him.

"Hahaha... my son is indeed very handsome, just like me! Brother Mu, madam mu, don't you think so?" Yang Cheng said with a loud laugh.

"Yes, yes indeed. Xiaotian is indeed very handsome." madam Mu said with a smile.

"Brother Mu, sister Mu, we have prepared a room for you. We will lead you there and these servants will help you and look after your need." Zhu Qing said.

"Tian-er, lead little Meiér to her room and bring these two maids along, they will help little Meiér freshen up and change." Zhu Lian said.

"Big sister Meiér, please." Yang Xiaotian extended his hand towards Mu Meiér.

Mu Meiér unknowingly took his hand as she kept staring at his face. Yang Xiaotian slowly began leading her to the room prepared for her. Two maids followed behind.

"Brother Mu, please." Yang Cheng said with a smile and began leading Mu Meiér's parents towards the room prepared for them. A few maids followed along.

While walking slowly towards their destination, Yang Xiaotian looked at Mu Meiér and said teasingly: "Am I really that handsome?"

Mu Meiér blushed and lowered her head but she still nodded, causing Yang Xiaotian to laugh gently.

"Big sister Meiér, this last year I wanted to see you every day. I still remember the first time I saw you, my heart beat like crazy just looking at you. Back then you were wearing a very normal dress and you had no makeup. To me, that was the most beautiful you! I felt like I had seen a fairy from the legends!" Yang Xiaotian said in a very emotional voice. And this time, it is Mu Meiér's heart that is beating like crazy.

"A year passed by since then and I can finally meet you again, I am really so happy and I never want to be apart from you again. But alas..." Yang Xiaotian sighed, his eyes showed a tinge of sadness. However. this look caused Mu Meiér's heart to beat even faster, so fast that she can hear every beat!

"Alright, we are here. You two, help big sister Meiér properly, do not disrespect her and cause discomfort to her. If you do well, I will add an extra payment to your monthly salary!" Yang Xiaotian said to the maids.

"We will not fail you young master!" the two maids politely bowed to Yang Xiaotian.

"Big sister Meiér, we will see each other soon at the dining room!" Yang Xiaotian said with smile and let go of Mu Meiér's hand. Mu Meiér felt greatly reluctant to let go but she still obediently nodded and went inside the room. The two maids followed her inside.

"Haiiii... it is really breathtaking just staying near young master! I feel suffocated!" one of the maids said in whispers.

"Just be happy that our young master is not like those other families' young masters! Our young master is a saint!" the other one spoke in whispers.

"What do your young master usually do? How did he become so mature so fast?" Mu Meiér asked.

The two maids began telling her about Yang Xiaotian's many deeds, his daily routine, his 'magical Kung Fu' training that made him taller and more handsome and even mentioned that he is the hot conversation topic among many young women in the city.

One of them even blurted out that a mysterious woman comes to meet him at night from time to time and that woman is a heavenly beauty. Naturally, they are just embellishing facts, they don't even know that a heavenly beautiful woman indeed comes to meet Yang Xiaotian at night from time to time. They are just trying to butter up Mu Meiér, trying their best to make her understand how amazing their young master is.

Hearing about this heavenly beauty visiting Yang Xiaotian, Mu Meiér felt somewhat distressed. She suddenly began thinking about whether or not she is any match for that woman when it comes to beauty and will she be able to compete with this mysterious woman. She felt quite a bit jealous but then suddenly she recalled that she is engaged to Yang Xiaotian's father and the 'mission' Mu Chi has given her. She immediately felt sad and helpless.

The two maids saw her distressed look as they kept helping her take off her troublesome luxurious clothes. One of them said: "Miss, don't be sad! Young master has you in his heart! He is very fond of you! A man like our young master is bound to have several beautiful wives! Look at our housemaster and our madams! Don't be discouraged, you will always be loved and doted by our young master!"

Mu Meiér felt extremely happy but she also feels very confused. She doesn't understand why these servants are acting as if she is here as Yang Xiaotian's future wife and why Yang Cheng and his wives are also treating her as such. As she continued changing her attire, she recalled what Yang Xiaotian said about their first meeting. She decided to completely remove all makeup and just wear a simple dress.

After she is done preparing, the two maids led her to the dining room. It is much smaller than her Mu mansion's dining hall but it has a very homey feeling as if it makes people feel close to each other.

"Big sister Meiér, come sit with me!" as soon as he saw Mu Meiér, Yang Xiaotian stood up and pulled back the chair beside him so that Mu Meiér can sit.

Mu Meiér looked around the table and saw Yang Cheng and his wives are looking at her and Yang Xiaotian with approving smiles. So she stopped hesitating and sat down beside Yang Xiaotian.

"Brother He, you must stay a few days! You know about the clear spring resort right? We have a bank VIP pass and we can reserve a vacation spot there for us any time! We can also take the air carriage and arrive there within 12 hours!" Yang Cheng said with smile. Brother He is Mu Meiér's father, his full name is Mu He.

Air carriages are small carriages that can hold a few people and are carried by large flying beasts. It is quite expensive but for Yang Xiaotian, it is nothing. And of course, the bank VIP pass is his and not his father's.

"Exactly! Sister Fang, you should stay a few days. We will have a lot of fun activities and get to know each other better." Zhu Lian said as Zhu Qing chimed in. This sister Fang is naturally Mu Meiér's mother, her full name is Mu Fang and she is from a branch of the Mu family.

Mu He really felt helpless. He can see that Yang Cheng and his wives as well as Yang Xiaotian are genuinely nice and caring towards them. But their hands are tied, despite the 'mission' Mu Chi gave them, he only allowed them to stay in Yang family home for one day.

It is truly a dead-end for them because it doesn't seem like Mu Meiér will be able to complete the 'mission'. However, since Yang Xiaotian is showing unrestrained love towards Mu Meiér, maybe the 'mission' can at least be completed somewhat.

Mu He somewhat helplessly said: "I really wish we could but the patriarch said that we can only stay in this city for one day. Currently, the spirit stone market has become very volatile in Yun kingdom. It is imperative that we return and add 15000 spirit stones in our stock as soon as possible!"

At this time Yang Xiaotian said: "Actually we will be handing over 30000 grade 1 spirit stones!"

"Ohh I see. Ok, that works too." Mu He suddenly realized that he made a mistake. He should have been surprised hearing the number instead he acted as if he already knew. He became distressed.

"Uncle, no need to worry! We will be sending the spirit stones through the bank's express delivery system! After all, we have a bank VIP pass!" Yang Xiaotian said again.

"Nnnn.. no no that won't be necessary! We can't let you pay the extra cost!" Mu He said in a panic.

"Actually uncle, they are already on their way to Mu family! As uncle said, the spirit stone market is very volatile now, we can not take any risk. Who knows whether or not some evil people would plot to rob you on your way back? So I have already used the bank's express delivery system. Don't worry uncle, when you return, they will be waiting for you at home!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"That's right brother He, just relax and enjoy the vacation." Yang Cheng said with smile.

Mu He's expression became somewhat odd. One of Mu Chi's plans was to rob their own carriage and frame Yang Cheng for it. However, none of them knows that their plans have already been leaked, or more precisely, dug out by the Assassins of Kings and Yang Xiaotian naturally knows about it. So he has taken all kinds of precautions.

"Since you can't stay for long, we will hold a bonfire in our front yard, we will chat and enjoy roasted meat and fish. We have ordered some very fine quality beast meat and some high-quality fish. I hope sister Fang and brother He has no problem?" Zhu Lian asked.

"Not at all, it has been a long time since we sat around a bonfire and roasted meat. It will be refreshing." Mu Fang said.

"Ohh that's right. Tian-er, you should take little Meiér to visit your friends and associates. She should get to know this city better too." Zhu Qing said.

"If it is alright with uncle, aunt and big sister Meiér." Yang Xiaotian said.

"No no, we have no problem." Mu He said.

"I also want to travel around the city, it has been so long since I have gone out of the home." Mu Meiér said in a low voice.

"Alright, it's settled. After we are done with breakfast, we will go visit the town. I want big sister Meiér to meet some important people in the city." Yang Xiaotian said.

After finishing breakfast, Yang Xiaotian and Mu Meiér left in a carriage. First, they went to visit the city master Shi Kai. Shi Kai very graciously welcomed them. After chatting with him for some time, they left towards the Mercenary Alliance. Chu Hao personally greeted them and entertained them just like Shi Kai did. After spending some time there, they began traveling towards the bank.

At this time, Yang Xiaotian spoke in a very hushed voice: "Big sister Meiér, I know Mu Chi is forcing you and your family. I know that Mu Chi wants you to seduce my father and me and have sex with us so that Mu Chi can accuse us of rape and then kill us. I also know that he planned to set up a fake robbery of the spirit stones and then frame us for it. He is working with some people who want us dead!"

Mu Meiér just listened to him in a daze, she can't believe that this young man is amazing to this point. He managed to obtain complete information on her uncle's top-secret plan.

"Big sister Meiér, I love you! I have loved you since the moment I first saw you! But I will never force myself on you! I know I am too young to talk like this but that is how I am. I love you but I also want to be loved by you! I don't want you to marry my father and I will never let that happen! I only want you to be mine! But that all depends on you, whether or not you accept my feelings." Yang Xiaotian said in one go.

Mu Meiér felt breathless, this is not the first time someone confessed their love to her but this is the first time her heart is beating like crazy and it is only going up faster.

"Also, Mu Chi will be taken care of soon. By the time you travel halfway to the capital, it will already be done. After returning to the Mu family, your father will become the new patriarch!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Mu Meiér became dumbfounded. She can't believe what she is hearing. This is impossible. She feels like she is dreaming or Yang Xiaotian is just toying with her.

At this time Yang Xiaotian held her hands and said gently: "I am not lying, I am not toying with you and you are not dreaming. Big sister Meiér, you must not speak to anyone about what I said! It is very important for both you and me! Otherwise, we will all die! Do you understand?"

Mu Meiér looked at Yang Xiaotian with wide eyes and then nodded repeatedly. She let out a sigh in relief and then looked at Yang Xiaotian with teary eyes.

Yang Xiaotian immediately hugged her seeing her like this and said: "It's ok, it's ok. Don't cry! You are a strong girl! You have endured for a long time, just a few days more and you will be free."

Mu Meiér felt warmth flow through her, she leaned into Yang Xiaotian's chest and hugged him back tightly. After a while, she relaxed and said: "Thank you Xiaotian."

"There is no need for thanks between you and me." Yang Xiaotian replied.

"Do you really love me? You won't find someone younger and more beautiful later and then just abandon me?" Mu Meiér asked.

"How is that possible? Big sister Meiér, if you accept me and love me too, I will never ever abandon you even if I die." Yang Xiaotian said.

Mu Meiér hugged him tightly again and said: "Mmmm... I am so happy! Xiaotian, I am also very fond of you. I am not sure if it is love but I want to find out. Can you give me some time to think?"

"Of course!" Yang Xiaotian said resolutely and without hesitation. Then they let go of each other. Mu Meiér took out a napkin and wiped her tears.

Soon enough they arrived at the bank, Tang Bao has already been waiting for them, he greeted them with smile and then led them towards the guest reception area and ordered refreshments.

After chatting for a while, Yang Xiaotian suddenly said: "Senior Tang, I want to speak privately about something. Is it possible?"

"Of course! Just wait a minute!" Tang Bao called out a female receptionist and ordered her to accompany Mu Meiér while he discusses business with Yang Xiaotian.

"I will be back very soon." Yang Xiaotian said to Mu Meiér with smile.

"Ok." Mu Meiér smiled back.

Soon enough Tang Bao and Yang Xiaotian entered Tang Bao's office.

"Xiaotian, what is it? I can sense that you want to talk about something really tricky! The aura around you is a bit tense!" a Saint like Tang Bao can easily sense the fluctuation in people's aura.

"Mmmm... can you contact Assassins of Kings again? I have a job for them." Yang Xiaotian said.

"We already believed that you would want to handle Mu Chi once Mu Meiér comes here so we made appropriate preparations already!" Tang Bao said.

"Wonderful! As expected of Assassins of Kings! But I don't want him dead! I want him completely wasted!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Tang Bao frowned and asked: "What are your plans?"

"Mu Chi constantly visits Supreme Pleasure Palace right? He is always meeting that young miss Feng who calls herself the most beautiful woman in Yun kingdom, right?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"More like the biggest slut in the kingdom! And a vile slut at that! Who knows how many man's Yang essence was harvested by her!" Tang Bao said with a disgusted look.

"That is our biggest entree! Once a man's Yang essence is completely extracted, he becomes like a living dead! We want to use that to our advantage!" Yang Xiaotian naturally knows that it is impossible to completely extract Yin and Yang essence from any mortals by other mortals. He read it in Tai Ji book. What these people do is just extract the surface but since 99.99% of people are unable to cultivate Chí it is more than enough to turn into a complete cripple from this action.

"How?" Tang Bao said in shock.

Yang Xiaotian took out a paper and handed it over to Tang Bao. He wrote down a method to completely cripple a cultivator's meridians, aside from the Heart meridian. The result will make it look like that person's Yin or Yang essence has been extracted. Tang Bao read and then just sat there in a daze. Soon enough he somewhat got back to his senses.

"This.. this..." Tang Bao began stuttering.

"Can the assassins do it? If they can pull it off while Mu Chi is inside Supreme Pleasure Palace, we can pin the blame on that slut Feng! It will cause Yang Zheng to distrust Feng family for a while and will allow us to make some secret moves!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Then he again took out a paper where his detailed plans are written. Tang Bao almost fell off his chair after reading this plan. This is just too much for him, the plan is extremely simple yet very effective. It will allow them to force the Feng family's hands and even halt this conspiracy for quite some time. They never thought about doing this, they only prepared for Mu Chi, not the aftermath. This plan takes care of the aftermath cleanly.

"Alright, I will immediately put this plan into motion. At most 3 days, it will be done without a problem!" Tang Bao said.

"Happy co-operation!" Yang Xiaotian said with smile and then got up.

He went to meet up with Mu Meiér who is currently intently listening to the female receptionist. As soon as Yang Xiaotian returned to the room, the receptionist jumped up from the seat, her face flushed red, Mu Meiér's face also turned red.

Yang Xiaotian looked at both of them and shook his head. He said with a smile: "We are done here. Let's go meet other people."

Soon Yang Xiaotian brought Mu Meiér to doctor Sun's medicine shop to meet Qin Ming and Qin Feiér. As soon as they entered the backyard of the shop, Qin Feiér came running. She jumped towards Yang Xiaotian and he caught her in his arms.

"Big brother Tian, you are finally here! Feiér missed you so much! Come come! Mom misses you too!" Qin Feiér very happily said.

"Mom? It can't be! He is having an affair with a married woman?" thought Mu Meiér.

"Ohhh.. who is this beautiful elder sister?" Qin Feiér looked at Mu Meiér curiously.

"This is big sister Mu Meiér. Say hello to her." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Hello sister Meiér, I am Feiér! Nice to meet you! Whoooaaa.. you are so beautiful!" Qin Feiér said with an adorable tone.

"Hello Feiér, you are so cute, you are even more beautiful than me!" Mu Meiér said with smile and lightly pinched Qin Feiér's cheeks.

"Feiér, where did you go? Feiér.. ohh Xiaotian you are here!" Qin Ming suddenly rushed over and felt very happy seeing Yang Xiaotian is here.

"Sister Ming, I brought a guest. This is big sister Mu Meiér." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Ohh... so sorry, I forgot to greet you miss Mu! I am Qin Ming and this is my daughter Qin Feiér. Nice to meet you." Qin Ming felt a little overwhelmed and a bit down. She doesn't know why she feels this way.

"Hello sister Ming, nice to meet you too. Just call me Meiér." Mu Meiér greeted with a polite smile.

"Then I will call you sister Meiér. Is sister Meiér Xiaotian's girlfriend? You two are a perfect match!" Qin Ming said with a smile but again she felt her heart shudder a bit.

Mu Meiér's face flushed. She showed a very shy smile.

But at this time Yang Xiaotian said: "Actually big sister Meiér is engaged to my father!"

"Huh?" Qin Ming looked at them with a dumbfounded expression.

Mu Meiér looked at Yang Xiaotian with a hurt expression. She can't believe Yang Xiaotian actually distanced himself from her just like that in front of another woman.

"Nonsense!" but at this time Qin Feiér said loudly: "How can it be possible? Big sister goddess said that sister Meiér is big brother Tian's wife! And mom will also become big brother Tian's wife and she will be good sister with sister Meiér!"

"Feiér!" Qin Ming's face turned completely red as she reached her hands to take Qin Feiér away from Yang Xiaotian, she really wants to spank the little girl but the little girl hugged Yang Xiaotian even tighter.

"That damned Deva! Stop giving stupid ideas to a child!" Yang Xiaotian cursed in his heart.

Yang Xiaotian, Mu Meiér and Qin Ming now have very strange expressions on their faces. None of them are able to say anything.

"Sister Meiér, Xiaotian.. Feiér is still a child... you see.." Qin Ming began talking in embarrassment.

"Sister Ming, it is completely fine." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Yes yes, it is fine. Feiér is so pure and lovely, I love her so much!" Mu Meiér cheerfully said.

"You mean it?" Qin Feiér suddenly asked: "You will never hate me right? You will never think that I am a bad child right?"

Qin Feiér's expression and wording caused everyone to feel shocked.

Mu Meiér immediately said: "No way, how can Feiér be bad? How can I ever hate Feiér?"

"You promise?" Qin Feiér said.

"I promise! No! I pinky promise!" Mu Meiér said with smile and extended her hand towards Qin Feiér with her pinky finger stretched.

"Ok then pinky promise that you will be good sisters with my mom and will never quarrel with her, never hate her and love her a lot!" Qin Feiér stretched her pinky finger and said.

Her words again caused everyone to feel really tongue-tied and embarrassed.

But Mu Meiér locked fingers with Qin Feiér and said: "I pinky promise."

"You pinky promised! If you break your promise, you will become a pig!" Qin Feiér said with a giggle.

Mu Meiér looked at Qin Ming with a shy expression and then said: "Sister Ming, from now on we are good sisters!"

"Oo.. ok.." Qin Ming nodded shyly.

"Big brother Tian, quick quick, hug mom and sister Meiér together!" Qin Feiér said loudly.

Yang Xiaotian is completely rooted on the spot seeing everything happening and listening to Qin Feiér. He has also begun sweating. He suddenly has a feeling that someone is looking at this scene and specifically looking at him in great anger. And he is indeed right, Rouér is currently looking at the scene with great jealousy in her heart, she is extremely angry at Yang Xiaotian now. However, she is angry because she is not included! She also wants to be good sisters with Mu Meiér and Qin Ming!

"Feiér that's enough! Stop bothering Xiaotian!" Qin Ming forcefully took Qin Feiér away from Yang Xiaotian.

"Ohh big brother Tian, you won't have to teach me Tai Ji! Big sister goddess already taught me that. She said since you are friends with her, you already taught her Tai Ji, so she can teach me!" Qin Feiér suddenly said.

"Alright, that is good! Teach Tai Ji to your mom too, ok?" Yang Xiaotian said. Then he thought: "That damn Deva did something useful for once!"

"I am already teaching mom! Don't worry, mom won't be far behind. She will surely catch up to big brother Tian and be forever together with big brother Tian!" Qin Feiér said loudly.

Her words again shocked everyone, all three of them became red in embarrassment again.

"Feiér! You..." Qin Ming began stuttering.

"Sister, it's ok! Feiér is innocent and pure. Her words only mean good things." Mu Meiér said.

Qin Ming nodded, she looked at Yang Xiaotian with great difficulty and said: "Xiaotian, will you be eating with us?"

"Yes yes! We will eat like a family! Let's eat!" Qin Feiér yelled again.

Yang Xiaotian sighed and said: "Yes, let's eat like a family!"

His words caused Qin Ming and Mu Meiér to blush. Soon enough they began eating after setting up a table in the yard. However, at this time Yang Xiaotian suddenly felt something and realized something.

He looked towards a tree and said: "Rouér, do you want to come to eat with us?"

His words caused Qin Ming and Mu Meiér to look around in shock. But Qin Feiér is the one who shocked everyone again: "Yes yes! Sister Rouér quickly come and eat with us! We are one big family! You must come and eat together with your two good sisters here!"

Yang Xiaotian looked at Qin Feiér with wide eyes and thought: "By the gods, by all that is holy! You wretched Deva! How much did you tell this innocent girl! Are you punishing me for something? Is it because I became angry with you that time? I am so sorry ok? Just give me a break!"

Suddenly a person arrived near the table. She took off her hood and her beauty caused both Qin Ming and Mu Meiér to feel breathless. Suddenly they felt a great inferiority complex rising within their hearts. It is especially true for Qin Ming, she has a very plain appearance, she is already feeling inferior in Mu Meiér's presence and now Rouér is also here. She feels completely worthless.

"Mom, sister Meiér, don't be jealous of sister Rouér. She is your good sister! Good sisters should not be jealous of each other or your husband will not love you!" Qin Feiér said something outrageous again while giggling.

Yang Xiaotian now feels like hiding in some bushes and never showing his face again.

Rouér spoke up at this point: "Ming-er, Meiér can sister sit and eat with you?"

Both Qin Ming and Mu Meiér felt a bit shocked but immediately they both said yes. However, Qin Feiér is faster, she already ran in and brought out a fresh plate for Rouér.

"Sister Rouér, you are so beautiful! I wonder if I will be as beautiful as you when I grow up!" Qin Feiér said with a look of amazement in her eyes.

"Isn't our Feiér going to become a goddess? So naturally, you will be more beautiful than me when you grow up." Rouér said with smile.

"Sister Rouér, where did you first meet Xiaotian?" Mu Meiér gathered up her courage and asked.

"In this city. He chased me all around and finally threatened to murder me!" Rouér said as she gave a sly look to Yang Xiaotian.

"Cough.. cough.. that is not what happened!" Yang Xiaotian said with a helpless expression.

"Xiaotian, you can not go around threatening women! This is not good at all!" Qin Ming knows that this is just pulling pranks and decided to join and poke Yang Xiaotian with a sly expression on her face.

"Yes, Xiaotian! How can you do that? I am disappointed in you!" even Mu Meiér joined in.

"Hehehe.. big brother Tian, they have not yet become proper sisters but already bullying you! What will happen when you make them good sisters?" Qin Feiér said with a giggle.

"Hmph.. we are already good sisters! Who is waiting for him to make us good sisters?" Rouér said with a snort. Then she, Qin Ming and Mu Meiér began laughing.

Yang Xiaotian just shook his head and continued eating. This day truly has been a good day for him. He was worried about how to face Mu Meiér and Rouér together. He was also worried about what to do with his growing closeness with Qin Ming. But now all of it has been taken care of in one go. He suddenly thought that if that damn Deva did not interfere, he might have had to work overtime in this situation. He thanked the Deva in his heart.

Soon enough, Yang Xiaotian and others finished eating. The three women began chatting merrily inside the house. Qin Feiér wanted to show Yang Xiaotian her Tai Ji, so Yang Xiaotian began observing her. After nearly an hour later, the three women finished their secret chat. All three of them looked at Yang Xiaotian with an expression that made him feel that he has some tough days ahead of him. Rouér jumped away and disappeared. Yang Xiaotian and Mu Meiér said goodbye to Qin Ming and Qin Feiér. Now he wants to take a trip to the new children's hospital and pay a visit to doctor Sun.

They appeared at the children's hospital very soon. This place is completely packed. Many people have brought their sick children here. Many spirit doctors and assistants are running around from one patient to another to diagnose or treat them. Serious patients are kept in the hospital for constant observation while the lightly ill patients are diagnosed, provided with medicine and sent home with instructions.

Yang Xiaotian and Mu Meiér arrived at the reception area and asked to meet doctor Sun. One of the female receptionists wanted to harshly reprimand him but she suddenly recognized him and her face became flushed. She then shyly asked the two of them to wait while she contacts doctor Sun. Soon enough the receptionist got confirmation that doctor Sun wants to meet Yang Xiaotian, so she decided to personally lead Yang Xiaotian and Mu Meiér to doctor Sun's office. Many females in the vicinity have already received the news that Yang Xiaotian has arrived with a great beauty. Many rumors suddenly began flying in the hospital and soon in the city.

After Yang Xiaotian and Mu Meiér entered doctor Sun's office, they saw many drawings all around. These are all drawings of the human body, specifically the inside of the body. These drawings are made with soul imprints. Soul imprints are made with soul power, one has to utilize one's soul power to leave a mark on some object and that mark is called soul imprint. One has to have very high soul cultivation for it. It seems like doctor Sun's soul cultivation has increased by leaps and bound.

"Xiaotian, it is too early for you to have a girlfriend, not to mention, introducing her to your grandpa!" doctor Sun's voice suddenly came from further inside the office.

Mu Meiér's face became flushed red hearing these words. She lightly grabbed Yang Xiaotian's sleeves and shyly lowered her head.

"Hahaha.. don't mind this old man's words! Little girl, you are a perfect match for Tian-er! What is your name?" doctor Sun finally showed his face and asked with a laugh.

"My name is Mu Meiér, hello grandpa." Mu Meiér shyly replied.

"Hmmm? I heard that name before, where did I... that bastard..." doctor Sun suddenly became furious. He looked at Yang Xiaotian and asked: "Did your bastard father not change the marriage agreement?"

"It's complicated grandpa." Yang Xiaotian helplessly said.

"What is so... sigh... forget it... just forget it... Tian-er, you can not ruin a woman's reputation. If this is was your sister, would you allow this?" doctor Sun asked.

Yang Xiaotian lowered his head in shame. This is so unfair to Mu Meiér but he also has no choice. He has to save his family first. On the other hand, Mu Meiér is wondering about Yang Xiaotian's sister. She knows that he has a sister named Yang Xiannu but she has never seen her. And on the way, Yang Xiaotian told her that doctor Sun delivered both brother and sister into this world so she must be very polite to him. Maybe in the future, he will deliver their children in the world.

"Do what you must but finish it quickly! You can not let it drag on any longer!" doctor Sun said in a stern voice: "Otherwise I will personally kill both of you father and son!"

"It will be over soon, one year at most! You will see grandpa! Ohh by the way, I have already brought big sister Meiér to meet Feiér and sister Ming! We had a very nice meal together." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Yes grandpa, Feiér is so cute. And sister Ming is so caring and nice, we have become good sisters!" Mu Meiér happily said.

Doctor Sun's face muscle twitched a bit hearing this. He thought: "They have become good sisters? This brat really moves too fast! What a player! I wonder how many more women will fall under his wile!"

However, he smiled and said: "Good, very good. When I picked up that girl, she was so pitiful. With a sick daughter barely a year old, she herself was very sick and weak! Now she has turned around her life, I hope she can find the happiness she deserves."

"She will definitely find her happiness, I promise!" Yang Xiaotian firmly said. Mu Meiér looked at him with great admiration and confidence.

"Alright, that's very good! Now shoo.. shoo.. go away! I am doing a very important experiment, once I am done, I will let you know and discuss the findings further!" doctor Sun said and shooed Yang Xiaotian and Mu Meiér.

The two of them decided that it is time to return home. So they came out of the hospital, took a carriage and returned home. By the time they returned home, rumors are flying all around the city.

"Did you know that young master Yang is already engaged?"

"Yeah, that girl is a great beauty!"

"You guys are wrong! That girl is not young master Yang's fiancee, she is Yang Cheng's fiancee! Her name is Mu Meiér, from the imperial city's Mu family!"

"What! Such a disgrace! Young master Yang and that girl is such a good match!"

"Can't believe that Yang Cheng! He has two great beauties as wives and he is looking for another young one?"

"Yeah that's right! If you don't want your wives just give them to us! What a tragedy!"

Naturally, Yang Cheng's reputation within the city became a bit bad. Now many people are cursing at him and pitying his wives. Many even said that they should force Yang Cheng to dissolve the marriage contract and make a new marriage contract between Yang Xiaotian and Mu Meiér.

However, none of these matter to the Yang family. They are now preparing for a bonfire. A lot of wood has been stocked in the front yard. Chairs have been set up around the woods so that people can sit. After dusk, Yang Xiaotian and his parents along with Mu Meiér and her parents sat down in the chairs. Yang Xiaotian lit up the woods and started the bonfire. The servants have already brought several bowels of raw sliced meat and sliced fish and several types of hot spices for roasting.

While roasting and eating, Yang Xiaotian decided to tell the stories he heard from Xu Xian. He told the story of the white snake. Then he told a story about a crazy world where there are flying ships, where people can travel from one planet to another with something called space ships! Where people build planets with iron and gold!

Naturally, his parents and others do not know what planets and worlds are. So Yang Xiaotian talked a little about stars, star systems and galaxies. His words caused everyone to open their eyes wide in shock. Mu Meiér is the most fascinated, she loved to hear stories when she was young. These stories caused a great stir in her heart. Adults are more restrained in their reaction, although they are shocked, they laughed and said that this teacher Xu Xian has a great imagination and he would make a great storyteller for kids.

Then they began talking about Yang Xiaotian's growth. Yang Xiaotian again talked about Kung Fu he learned from Xu Xian. This time, however, Mu He and Mu Fang felt somewhat odd. They began wondering what is up with this Xu Xian, why is he filling up a kid's mind with so much nonsense. However, looking at Yang Xiaotian's amazing growth, they both more or less believed this Kung Fu theory.

At this time Mu Meiér suddenly asked: "Xiaotian, do you know more stories?"

"Of course, teacher told me many many wondrous stories!" Yang Xiaotian said with smile.

"Then tonight, I will listen to your stories! I don't want to sleep!" Mu Meiér spoke like a child.

"Meiér, we will have to leave early tomorrow!" Mu Fang said.

"I don't sleep anyway, so I will just listen to Xiaotian's story." Mu Meiér said reluctantly.

"If you can't sleep, I can teach you a meditation method." Yang Xiaotian said.

"I don't want to meditate!" Mu Meiér stubbornly said. Seeing the way she is talking, Yang Cheng, Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian laughed out.

"Big sister Meiér, didn't sister Ming tell you how Feiér used to be very sick and unable to talk or walk properly? Do you know why she is so smart and talkative now? Because of my meditation technique!" Yang Xiaotian said with a proud smile.

"But I don't want to meditate. Just tell me stories, ok?" Mu Meiér said with a pleading expression.

"Ok how about this? I will tell you stories but you will also have to learn my meditation technique! If you don't want to, no story for you!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Ok ok but tell me stories first!" Mu Meiér said.

The adults laughed and left the two of them alone. Soon enough, it began to become cold as the night deepened. Yang Xiaotian's parents and Mu Meiér's parents already went to bed.

"Xiaotian, let's go to my room. It is very cold here." Mu Meiér said.

"Alright." Yang Xiaotian agreed and got up from his chair.

They arrived at Mu Meiér's room and saw the two maids waiting outside. They reported that everything is arranged inside. Yang Xiaotian told them to go clear up the front yard with other servants and then go to bed. Then he and Mu Meiér entered the room. The two maids, looked at each other and giggled, then ran away.

"Ok, let me change quickly!" Mu Meiér said.

She quickly took out some sleeping clothes and entered the bathroom to change. She came out quickly and then got onto the bed and pulled the blanket onto her body. Seeing her in a light sleeping gown, Yang Xiaotian felt his face becoming a bit hot. He saw Rouér closely too, they closely sat on the same bed, they held hands, Rouér even kissed his cheeks multiple times. It was really hard for him to not cross the line. And now it seems it will be another night of difficulty for him.

"What are you doing? Get in quickly! Or do you need to take off your clothes?" Mu Meiér's face became completely red while saying the last sentence.

"Ahhh... are you sure this is ok?" Yang Xiaotian asked hesitantly.

"You... you don't want to? Didn't you spend time like this with sister Rouér?" Mu Meiér asked shyly.

"That damn woman! She actually said all of that to her!" Yang Xiaotian cursed in his heart. He sighed and then got on the bed and went under the blanket.

Mu Meiér snuggled up to Yang Xiaotian and looked at him with great expectation. Yang Xiaotian smiled and began telling stories. A story revolving around 4 travelers who were brought together by fate, a monkey, a monk, a pig and a dragon-horse and journeyed towards the unknown to either reclaim something they individually lost or to find some mystical items so that they could realize what they are missing. In end, each of them found what they were missing and ascended to godhood.

Another story about two lovers, a woman who was a daughter of a goddess and a cowherd, they deeply fell in love, married and had children together. But the goddess became angry knowing her daughter married a mortal and a mere cowherd at that. So she banished the two of them to two different planets, making them unable to see each other. However, the magpies would help them out by creating a bridge between them once a year so that they could meet.

Then a story about a demon lord who took control of an entire world, turned the people into war maniacs and sent them to one world after another to conquer them until a farmer boy from a world with two suns rallied together with a band of freedom fighters and brought down the demon lord, causing his rage-fueled army to lose its power and finally lost the war.

He told another story about a brave crew and their starship in which they traveled to unknown worlds and defeated evil. They became legends in their world and were named pioneers for their explorations of the unknown.

Some stories caused Mu Meiér to gasp in shock, some caused her to cry in sadness, some made her laugh. Finally, Yang Xiaotian decided to bring up the matter of meditation.

"Big sister Meiér, you need to learn this technique ok?" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Call me Meiér!" Mu Meiér said.

"Umm..." Yang Xiaotian became somewhat speechless.

"You call big sister Rouér by her name, why not me?" Mu Meiér asked with a pleading look.

"Ok Meiér, be a good girl and learn the technique." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Not good girl, say good wife!"  Mu Meiér said while blushing.

Yang Xiaotian took a deep breath and said: "Meiér, my good wife, learn this meditation technique husband is teaching you. Ok?"

Mu Meiér's eyes became teary, she said in a shaky voice: "Husband..."

Then suddenly she kissed Yang Xiaotian. This caused Yang Xiaotian to be shocked. But then he also replied. They kissed each other's lips, it was not a good kiss because this is the first time both of them doing this.

"Meiér! This girl is so sly! She is taking lead on us two older sisters!" at this time, Rouér is just outside and observing everything through her soul power.

She has completely concealed herself through her soul power, making even Yang Xiaotian completely unable to sense her. She has also extended her soul power to the entire household and put everyone to sleep by pressuring their minds. Now only three people are awake in this house including her.

"Meiér, we shouldn't..." Yang Xiaotian said with hesitation in his eyes.

"Do you think I am doing this according to Mu Chi's plan?" Mu Meiér asked.

"I..." Yang Xiaotian truly has this thought.

"This damn fool!" Rouér cursed Yang Xiaotian in her heart.

"It's ok, I understand." tear flowed down from Mu Meiér's eyes.

"Wife, I am really scared. I can't still fight the forces allied with Mu Chi! You don't know, killing my family is not their main target. We are just flies in their eyes, they want to start with us, take this city with our money and influence, then bit by bit, the whole kingdom! They are very very vicious! I can not afford to directly offend them and can not give them any chance! Do you think I am happy telling people that you are my father's fiancee? Do you think I don't want to cancel the marriage agreement and then write up a new one between you and me? I can't do it because the moment we do that, those people will take action against my family!" Yang Xiaotian stopped for a bit and then started talking again.

"There are many elders who support Mu Chi in your family right? The majority of them came into power after Mu Chi took the patriarch position right? They are also very rude to you and your parents right?" Yang Xiaotian asked. Mu Meiér nodded.

"They are all spies of the Feng family! You are not allowed to speak of this to anyone! This is top secret! Do you understand wife?" Yang Xiaotian asked. Mu Meiér repeatedly nodded.

"Once you return, even if Mu Chi has been dealt with, they will demand to check your virginity. Those elders who support Mu Chi will not do it but the spies of the Feng family will raise this question. We can not be careless, Do you understand?" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Then.. then can we not have sex but do other things?.." Mu Meiér said shyly.

Yang Xiaotian became a bit dumbfounded as he stuttered: "O.. other th..thing.."

Mu Meiér suddenly raised her face towards Yang Xiaotian, then she lightly bit down on his neck and began licking. She licked up to his left ear, then lightly bit down with her tongue and began licking behind his ear. Yang Xiaotian felt his whole body heating up. He also lowered his face, then began licking Mu Meiér's ear, neck, her face, causing Mu Meiér to tighten up and hug his neck.

"Meiér open your mouth a bit and show your tongue." Yang Xiaotian said.

Mu Meiér opened her small mouth and stuck her tongue out just a bit. Then Yang Xiaotian very gently pressed his own tongue on hers. He began softly licking and sucking on her tongue. Within a few seconds, Mu Meiér also began doing the same. Yang Xiaotian learned this technique from the book Divine Body. There are several gentle and caring stimulation methods that are prerequisites for activating a woman's ero-spot.

While kissing and licking, he began gently fondling her breasts. This caused Mu Meiér to let out a soft moan. Yang Xiaotian is very gentle in his approach, he wants to completely make her feel safe and loved and open herself up to him. He then very slowly began going downwards, kissing and licking her chin, then her frontal neck area and finally coming to her chest.

"Meiér, can I?" Yang Xiaotian.

"Mmmm.." Mu Meiér replied.

Yang Xiaotian slowly took off Mu Meiér's sleeping gown. Mu Meiér is not wearing any upper undergarments, Yang Xiaotian already knew it from the start. He felt breathless looking at her beautiful bare breasts. He gently began fondling her bare breasts again. And then he very gently bit on her left nipple with his tongue. He began licking and sucking her nipple very gently. At the same time, he very softly pinched her right nipple.

Mu Meiér began softly moaning due to the stimulation. This is the first time she is being stimulated like this. This is her first experience in sexual activities and Yang Xiaotian's gentleness has filled her body and soul with an ecstasy of love. Her whole body has started to enjoy this and seems to want more.

"Husband... mmmhhh...ahhnnhh...more..." she kept moaning softly.

Yang Xiaotian is completely aroused at this moment. His penis is completely erect, his whole body has grown akin to the size of 16 years or older boys, however, this is his first sexual experience and despite erection, his penis is not too big or too thick. Unknowingly he began to rub his penis with Mu Meiér's lower body. She is wearing underwear on the lower part but being rubbed by a stiff penis, despite its small size, is extremely stimulating for her. Pretty soon, she became wet just as drops of liquid also came out of Yang Xiaotian's penis.

At the same time, the stimulation on Mu Meiér's nipples continued. Yang Xiaotian sometimes licked her nipples very fast and sometimes gently sucked on them. Being stimulated on both upper and lower body, she also began to slowly move her waist and rub her lower part with Yang Xiaotian's erect penis. Yang Xiaotian slowly moved upwards and linked his lips with Mu Meiér's, they kissed deeply and erotically. Then slowly he began moving downwards again and finally his mouth reached below Mu Meiér's belly button. The stimulation reached quite a high point for Mu Meiér and she suddenly let out a bit less soft moan.

"Mmmhh.. unghhh..." clearly she experienced an orgasm. It is her first orgasm.

Yang Xiaotian read in that 'good book' that women can have minor orgasms from stimulation, he understood that this is it. Mu Meiér's breathing became a bit rapid after that. And Yang Xiaotian also felt that his penis is being a bit twitchy, clearly, he is also on the verge of ejaculating.

"I.. I need to go to the bathroom.." he immediately rushed to the bathroom.

"Ahhh..." Mu Meiér gasped a little in shock.

All of this was being observed by Rouér with soul power and she sneered in her heart: "That damn chicken!"

But just at this moment, her eyes became round in shock seeing that Mu Meiér just jumped out of the bed and followed after Yang Xiaotian. Just as Yang Xiaotian dropped his pants, he was suddenly hugged from behind by Mu Meiér.

Mu Meiér's hands slid through his shirt and then very quickly took off the shirt. Yang Xiaotian was completely caught off-balance in this situation. He is now completely naked while Mu Meiér is only wearing an underwear and pressed up against him from behind.

She suddenly gently caught his penis with her right hand, peeked at it by extending her neck from Yang Xiaotian's right side and giggled: "What a cute co.. penis.."

She became very shy while saying the last word and changed the word at the last moment. Despite his physical growth, Yang Xiaotian is still only a bit more than 11. So his penis is not quite big but it is also not quite small. And the way it is twitching, it caused Mu Meiér to feel that it looks cute. Yang Xiaotian doesn't feel depressed by this comment, in fact, he can't feel depressed right now because now, he is extremely aroused as Mu Meiér has already begun rubbing his penis with her hand very gently. Her soft hand is making him feel extremely good. At the same time, she is very gently caressing his chest with her left hand.

Yang Xiaotian's breathing became extremely hurried. He has also started moaning. He raised his right hand, placed it around Mu Meiér's head and turned her head towards him and then began kissing very passionately. At the same time, Mu Meiér's right hand began moving faster bit by bit. And in the next 15 seconds, Yang Xiaotian's penis began twitching a lot, Mu Meiér felt that twitching and placed her palm around the tip of his penis and just at this time, Yang Xiaotian ejaculated.

Just before the ejaculation, Yang Xiaotian felt great bliss, physically and mentally. He felt his Chí has been stimulated automatically and has begun flowing through his body and automatically flowing towards his lower body part and began refining his testicles and penis. This phenomenon caused him to feel a great deal of physical and mental pleasure as he ejaculated.

"So much... so warm.. and.. and it smells sweet..." Mu Meiér thought in shock.

Before coming here, her mother gave her lectures about sex. She heard that man's semen has an odd smell but she has to endure and swallow it if it is expected of her. But Yang Xiaotian's semen smells quite sweet. She is shocked and curious at the same time. Yang Xiaotian has already stopped kissing her and taking mouthfuls of breath now, so her mouth is completely free. She slowly brought her right hand close to her face and licked just a bit of semen with the top of her tongue. She immediately became ecstatic because not only does it taste sweet it also feels electrifying in her mouth. She greedily began licking every bit of semen from her right hand.

While Mu Meiér is licking clean his semen from her hand, Yang Xiaotian has still been standing steadily to his own surprise and taking a large mouthful of breath in. He suddenly recalled the information on dual cultivation and the mystical ability of sexual interaction between man and woman from the good book.

At this time his eyes are closed, as he let his Chí flow through his body unimpeded and refine any part it wants. Currently, his lower part is automatically being refined and even though his penis has gone soft after ejaculation just as the good book said it would, it is still not completely down because of the constant refining through Chí.

Mu Meiér has already finished licking all the semen clean, she looked at Yang Xiaotian's softened penis and felt greatly disappointed because now she wants more of his semen. It is not only the taste but her whole body felt electrified when licking and ingesting the semen. Little did she know that all of it because the semen has a tiny bit of Chí mixed in it and this Chí has already started refining her body.

She then looked at Yang Xiaotian, with a mischievous smile on her face, she pushed him gently towards the wall. With his back on the wall, Yang Xiaotian extended his hands and grabbed Mu Meiér's buttocks. Mu Meiér let out a light moan and then lightly bit down on Yang Xiaotian's chest.

"You sucked on my nipples so much that they are tingling now! It is my turn to suck on yours!" Me Meiér said with a mischievous giggle. She began sucking and licking Yang Xiaotian's nipples and chest, causing him to let out a light moan.

"Unghhh... ahhh..." his moans caused Rouér, who is still peeping from outside, to feel very aroused. She began feeling quite tingly in her lower body.

Yang Xiaotian ejaculated just a few minutes ago and now he is being stimulated again. He feels like he is going to fall but yet again, he sensed his Chí being automatically stimulated and flowing through his body like sea waves. He immediately felt refreshed and his penis began to harden bit by bit again.

Mu Meiér kept licking and sucking his nipples and even using her fingers to lightly pinch his nipples to stimulate him. Very soon she felt a little poke and realized in shock that Yang Xiaotian's penis is hardening again. She felt delighted at the prospect of ingesting more of his semen. She slowly began going downwards while sucking and licking and finally arrived in front of his penis.

She giggled and said: "This cute thing is so amazing! It has become hard again so soon!"

She began caressing the penis again and gasped a few seconds later: " is a bit bigger than before!'

She started slowly stroking it, causing Yang Xiaotian to moan a bit again. He placed his hands on Mu Meiér's head and looked down at her and said: "Meiér.. it feels very good.."

Mu Meiér looked up at him and smiled. This smile looked extremely seductive as Mu Meiér's eyes look somewhat misty and alluring at this moment and her pink lips are glistening from all the saliva. This scene caused a shock to go through Yang Xiaotian's body and his penis got even harder.

Mu Meiér felt shocked feeling the hardening sensation in her hand. She looked at the penis and gulped. She looked up again and said with a very shy look: "Can I use my mouth?"

Yang Xiaotian felt shocked, he read about this in the good book! It is called fellatio. He said: "You.. you sure you want to perform fellatio?"

"Huh what is that? I want to suck your co.. penis, is called bl..blow job.. I...I want to b..b..b..blow you!" Mu Meiér said very shyly. Then without waiting for a response, she began sucking.

Her mother told her what to do during fellatio. Her mother had her perform it on a banana to get herself used to the feeling. She began using her lips and tongue as her mother taught, however, she is not too good at it but still, the stimulation is too much for Yang Xiaotian. He tightly grabbed her head with both hands and almost thrust forward but at this moment he felt even more stimulation from Mu Meiér's tongue and he sensed his Chí has been activated again automatically and again started flowing all over his body.

Yang Xiaotian felt the refreshed sensation within him and closed his eyes, letting Mu Meiér do as she pleases while he tried to merge his Chí with his soul power. And with great surprise, he managed to do so. At the same time, he began summoning Deva energy to stimulate his soul and produce more soul power. The state he is in now is quite unique, he is feeling extreme physical and mental pleasure while his soul and body are being nurtured.

Something appeared within his mind at this moment. Once he heard a story from Xu Xian about a beautiful blue planet, there is a beautiful white moon close to it, its sun is yellow and there were many other worlds of different colors around it. But gradually, all those worlds around it began dying and went dim, only the blue planet remained colorful as well as the yellow sun and white moon.

Now he knows that it is a star system. In his mind, a colorful star system appeared, he named it the Rainbow Star System. Each planet here has been colored with one of the colors of the rainbow. A yellow sun in the middle and blue, orange, red, green, indigo, violet colored worlds surrounding it in a very harmonious way. Each of these planets has one or more white moons around them.

Suddenly, this star system began to form within him. The creation process continued on and on, it is a very long and slow process. After who knows how long within his mind, only just a bit of the sun and the planets formed. At this time, he suddenly felt great pleasure and outside his mind, in the real world, he ejaculated inside Mu Meiér's mouth while moaning slightly loudly.

"Mmmpppfff... mmmmppfff..." Mu Meiér tried her best to keep her mouth closed and hold in as much semen as she can.

"Whoooaaa.. he suddenly became bigger and suddenly shot so much cum..." she thought with a shocked expression. Again, her whole body felt great shock when she swallowed Yang Xiaotian's semen.

Yang Xiaotian opened his eyes and saw Mu Meiér gulping down his semen, he stuttered: "You.. you.. that's semen... you..."

"Mmmm... so tasty.. so sweet..." Mu Meiér licked her lips and said: "Your cum tastes so good! It is sweet and delicious! And you shot so much of it! Thanks so much, husband!"

Rouér has sensed every bit of what happened inside. She felt extremely jealous of Mu Meiér: "Damn little girl! You are going overboard! Just wait, after you fall asleep, I will play with the pervy brat until morning! Hmph!"

Yang Xiaotian became dumbfounded, he suddenly recalled that it is written in the good book that if a man's semen is infused with Chí it becomes sweeter and delicious to females. Because male Chí is mixed with Yang essence which females lack a great deal, they find this kind of semen very delicious. He realized what happened and felt very happy knowing that he has managed to satisfy Mu Meiér to a great degree.

"My wife, you have served your husband very diligently. Now, let your husband serve you!" Yang Xiaotian said with a sly smile and without waiting for a response, picked up Mu Meiér in a princess carry.

"Ahh..." Mu Meiér gasped in shock but then giggled: "Naughty husband, are you planning to bully your little wife?"

"I will give you a lot of pleasure!" Yang Xiaotian said with smile.

He placed Mu Meiér on the bed gently. Then slowly took off her underwear. Her beautiful lower part lay bare before him.

"Hu..husband.. didn't you say we won't do that..." Mu Meiér said very nervously.

"We won't have intercourse, I will pleasure you with my mouth just as you pleasured me with yours!" Yang Xiaotian said with smile.

"I want that too!" Rouér screamed in her heart while hearing from outside.

"So you won't stick your cock inside my pussy?" Mu Meiér has let go of a lot of reservations now, after all, there is no need for such politeness during sex between the two of them anymore.

"Darling, where did you learn these words? Does my Meiér read naughty books?" Yang Xiaotian said with a teasing smile while caressing Mu Meiér's clitoris slowly with the thumb of his right hand.

"Mmmm... I.. I.. read those books but mom also taught me sex... and said those words too..." Mu Meiér said while her legs twitched a bit in pleasure.

Yang Xiaotian chuckled and then began licking and kissing her thighs and then leg. Then he slowly moved his mouth towards her vagina. He decided not to use his fingers to stimulate her ero-spot because it might tear her hymen and cause bleeding.

He very gently began licking her clitoris, he is doing it exactly the way it is written in the good book. As he kept licking her clitoris, he is also gently rubbing his thumbs on the outer part of her vagina, creating the most potent stimulation. Then he began licking the outer part of the vagina while rubbing the clitoris with his thumb.

Mu Meiér is extremely stimulated, pleasure is written all over her face as she began moaning a bit louder: "Ahhhnnhhh... oonnhhh.. aannnhhhh..."

She has tightly grabbed onto Yang Xiaotian's head with both of her hands and has begun to move her waist on her own. She kept moaning and began to become a bit louder.

"Meiér, don't be so loud, people will hear us!" Yang Xiaotian suddenly said.

Mu Meiér closed her mouth with one of her hands while the other hand is still tightly grabbing on to Yang Xiaotian's head. Pretty soon she could no longer control herself and suddenly thrust her waist forward, her body slightly hanging above the bed, she ejaculated!

Yang Xiaotian felt a bit shocked! Because it is written in the good book that women may ejaculate during sex while they are heavily stimulated but it is quite rare. On top of that, the color of the liquid would be white and it would be sweet, the good book says that women can have two ejaculations, one just before orgasm and one right after, it is like having two orgasms at once. The first one releases white and sweet liquid, while the second one releases an odorless and colorless one. So Yang Xiaotian decided to continue with the stimulation, he wants to give Mu Meiér the best orgasm ever.

Mu Meiér could not take it anymore and let out a whimpered moan and she experienced a very pleasurable orgasm and she ejaculated again. She became completely exhausted from pleasure. She began breathing heavily as she completely fell into an exhausted sleepy state.

Yang Xiaotian can't also believe he managed to pull off this rare feat. He recalled that the good book said that if a woman swallows Chí infused semen, they would have a very high chance of ejaculating during sex. He feels really grateful that he has been cultivating Chí. He secretly prayed to and thanked Xu Xian and that mysterious old beggar.

However, now he has a very big problem as he has a full erection now. The act has stimulated his Chí too much and the constant flow of Chí all over his body aroused his sexual appetite to a higher limit. He knows that using his hand will not relieve him and might even harm him. He looked at Mu Meiér but she is already completely exhausted and has fallen asleep. He looked at her developed breasts and thought whether or not he should rub between her breasts to relieve himself. But a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Open the door! I will suck you off!" Rouér senr a mental message to Yang Xiaotian through her soul power.

Yang Xiaotian became startled: "It's.. it's... Rouér... she. .she..she.. was outside all along and heard everything?"

"Just open up ok! I am not angry with you! Just open the door and let me in! Darling, don't make me wait outside." Rouér's voice appeared in Yang Xiaotian's mind again.

He quickly opened the door and let Rouér in. He is still naked so as he opened the door, he also hid behind in case he is not seen from outside, he completely did it out of panic. Rouér went into the room and quickly closed the door. She looked at Yang Xiaotian's penis and chuckled.

"It really looks cute!" she gently held it with her right hand and then locked her lips with Yang Xiaotian's. She has been observing all of this and has learned quite a bit.

They kissed deeply, although Yang Xiaotian is startled, he is very happy that Rouér is here and wants to make love with him. In fact, he has been looking forward to the day when he and Rouér would be together, he just did not think that it would come this fast. They licked and sucked each other's lips and tongue passionately. They led each other towards the bed and Rouér made Yang Xiaotian sit on the bed.

"Wait, Meiér is on the bed maybe we should..." Yang Xiaotian protested.

"It's fine! I put her to sleep with my soul power! Just look at her!" Rouér said.

Yang Xiaotian looked at Mu Meiér's deeply asleep face and said: "You... how did you become so strong in soul cultivation? You even peeked at us using soul power without me even knowing!"

"Hehe.. didn't I say that I am a genius?" Rouér proudly smiled and then began lowering herself but was stopped by Yang Xiaotian.

"Wait, take off your clothes! Your husband is completely naked yet you are fully clothed! That is not right wife!" Yang Xiaotian said with a sly smile.

Rouér showed a very seductive smile as she began undressing. She very slowly removed her stealth suit and very slowly placed it on a chair. Then she very seductively moved her waist and hip to emphasize her perky butt. She very slowly began undressing, although she is not wearing any underwear and only wearing a very simple dress, she took quite a bit of time undressing while giving a very seductive look at Yang Xiaotian, trying to make him very impatient.

Yang Xiaotian kept looking at her while his lower part continued burning with erection. But his gaze is filled with appreciation, fascination, adoration and love. This is not what Rouér was looking for but his gaze made her even happier. She is already nearly 26 years old, at her age, many women are already considered expired. However, since she is a cultivator, it is no problem for her but females who cultivate until her age are usually much more beautiful than her, especially those prodigies. So she has a bit of fear that Yang Xiaotian would gradually look for younger girls but his gaze filled with love and adoration has completely removed all doubt from her.

After undressing, she slowly moved towards Yang Xiaotian. She walked in a slow rhythm, making her breasts jump a little bit with every step she took. Yang Xiaotian's breathing became heavier, he can feel his penis becoming a bit harder and his body feeling somewhat lighter and his Chí being stimulated again. At this moment Rouér has finally arrived before him, her breasts are almost on his face. He gently touched her beautiful and perfectly shaped big breasts and kissed them gently.

He looked up at Rouér's face and said: " Rouér, you are so beautiful, so wonderful, I feel so inferior but I sill love you, I want you to be mine and mine alone. I want you to love me just the way I love you. Rouér, you won't leave me, right? You won't forget me right?"

Rouér's heart shuddered hearing this. She looked at Yang Xiaotian with great love and adoration and then gently hugged his face into her breasts. She said: "How can that be? Rouér loves Xiaotian very much. My Xiaotian is the best husband in the world. Rouér is already your wife, everything of me is yours already. So... just make love to me, make me yours in body and soul completely. Husband, let's make love. The night is ours!"

Rouér completely let go of her weight on Yang Xiaotian, causing them both to fall on the bed just beside Mu Meiér. Rouér is on top of Yang Xiaotian and hugging his head. Yang Xiaotian gently grabbed onto her perky butt and began massaging them.

"Mmm..." Rouér let out a pleased sound and then gently kissed Yang Xiaotian's forehead.

Yang Xiaotian began moving his waist, letting his erect penis rub between Rouér's thighs.

"Mmhhnnnhhh..." Rouér let out a light moan and began kissing Yang Xiaotian.

After kissing for a few seconds while Yang Xiaotian is still rubbing his erect penis between her thighs, Rouér let out another light moan.

"Husband, it is not good to let your hard cock stay like this for long. Let me suck you off." Rouér said and suddenly turned. Her lower part arrived right in front of Yang Xiaotian's face while her face arrived right in front of Yang Xiaotian's erect penis.

"What a cute cock! Such nice shape! It is not ugly and grotesque at all. Darling, if it later becomes ugly and grotesque, we sisters will not make love with you anymore!" Rouér said and giggled.

Her words caused Yang Xiaotian to feel a bit afraid. He is still only a bit more than 11 and he has a lot to grow despite being overly mature for his age. His penis is also not too big, it will get bigger and naturally, it has a good enough chance to look ugly at the very least. He feels a headache coming.

"Ok, don't think too much! We sisters will work overtime to keep your cock in shape. It will grow according to the shape of our mouths and pussy! So don't go around fucking with those loose whores!" Rouér said and then began gently licking Yang Xiaotian's penis.

She began with the tip and then slowly licked all around his penis with her tongue and lips. Yang Xiaotian let out a moan and then directly placed his face into Rouér's vagina. He began licking and stimulating her clitoris and vagina, his tongue moving fast and slow in rhythm.

"Mmmm..." Rouér let out a pleased sound and took in Yang Xiaotian's penis into her mouth and began sucking faster.

She saw how Mu Meiér took Yang Xiaotian's penis deeper into her mouth, almost deep into her throat. Rouér began doing that too. Of course, since Yang Xiaotian's penis is not that big even when fully erect, it doesn't go too deep. And Rouér likes this feeling, the sensation is very pleasing in her mouth. She continued sucking faster and faster. At the same time, Yang Xiaotian kept pleasuring her vagina and clitoris. They both began moving their waists a little bit too.

Yang Xiaotian has been erect for quite some time and he is the one to ejaculate first. He released quite a bit of semen. Rouér almost choked because as soon as Yang Xiaotian ejaculated, she felt a jolt of energy in her mouth but she controlled herself and kept her mouth closed as much as she can to keep the semen inside her mouth as she began swallowing the semen. She realized where the jolt came from and realized that the semen is laced with traces of Chí. Just like Mu Meiér, she also found the semen very delicious and very greedily continued swallowing and continued making slurping sounds.

At the time of ejaculation, Yang Xiaotian also tightly grabbed onto Rouér's buttocks and almost put his entire tongue into her vagina. This also caused Rouér to feel very good and her lower body also twitched a bit. Yang Xiaotian began fiercely stimulating her vagina right after his own ejaculation. Rouér is already working hard to keep her mouth shut to swallow the semen and this stimulation on top of it made her feel a new sensation. And soon enough, she also ejaculated. Originally, she wanted to finish swallowing and praise Yang Xiaotian a bit to make him feel better but now she also ejaculated and was unable to say anything.

However, Yang Xiaotian continued, he wants to make Rouér have the best orgasm, even better than Mu Meiér. So he continued licking and sucking. Soon enough, she ejaculated again, she experienced a complete orgasm, causing her to feel a bit weak. However, she just swallowed quite a lot of semen mixed with Chí, so she doesn't feel exhausted, unlike Mu Meiér, who has experienced the refinement of Chí for the first time and still going through it now and became completely exhausted after her orgasm.

Soon enough, Rouér finished swallowing his semen while Yang Xiaotian finished licking clean and swallowing all the liquid Rouér ejaculated. He is surprised to find out that Rouér also ejaculated Chí infused liquid. It means that this kind of sexual activity is indeed magical as the good book said and the dual cultivation will be even better for him and Rouér and the benefit will also be great.

They began panting a bit as they got up from their posture. Yang Xiaotian pulled Rouér closed to him and kissed her deeply. Then he began licking and sucking her ears, then her face, chin, neck and then arrived at her chest.

"I did not get to enjoy your breasts. It is time for my meal!" Yang Xiaotian said with a greedy expression as he began licking and sucking Rouér's nipples as well as fondling her breasts.

"You pervy brat..mmm..." Rouér said with pleasure-filled expression.

While performing on her breasts, Yang Xiaotian also began rubbing his penis with her clitoris. He is not erect or hard at all now but the sensation is still quite nice for Rouér. After a minute or two, she experienced a minor orgasm to her own surprise. However, both of them are aware of the changes in their bodies so none of them are surprised about this. They are both enjoying this feeling of their Chí refining their bodies as it wishes.

A few minutes later Rouér said: "Husband, let's take rest for two hours and then.. then let's do that..."

"Not tonight darling. We have both released a lot tonight. It won't be too good for our body if we overdo it!" Yang Xiaotian said and then kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Ok I will listen to you. But we must keep up this practice, you know that one of these days you will have to serve us three sisters together on bed!" Rouér said with a mischievous smile.

"By the gods... are you trying to kill me?" Yang Xiaotian felt a bit scared. This is already very taxing and if he has to satisfy three of them together, it will be worse than death!

"Don't worry, we will do it bit by bit. You will be very strong by then, you might even exhaust the three of us and then go look for a 4th woman!" Rouér said.

"Wife, don't say that. You three are my everything. I don't need any more woman." Yang Xiaotian said in an assuring voice and kissed Rouér gently.

"It's ok darling, we won't be opposed to you having more women. We won't be jealous. After all, it means we will have more good sisters!" Rouér giggled.

"No way! No more! I will die!" Yang Xiaotian said with a panicked expression.

Rouér giggled again seeing his expression and said: "Ok, tomorrow you will go satisfy Ming-er properly. I don't want any excuse. I will take Feiér away for the evening for some sightseeing, take your time and do it right. It is not fair to her that I and Meiér get your love and she doesn't!"

Like this, the night almost passed by. At early dawn, Rouér kissed Yang Xiaotian lovingly and rushed away. Yang Xiaotian did not bother Mu Meiér and decided to meditate. His acupoints and meridians have already gone through multiple refinements with Chí, making his meridian channel even more smooth and bigger, allowing them to transport more Chí all over the body more smoothly.

At this time, he sensed that his blood vessels has already been refined by Chí once. At this rate, it won't be long before he can also refine his blood with Chí. As his muscles, bones and organs have already gone through Chí refining more than once, his body is quite strong but he has to continue on so that his whole body can become a vessel for Chí as Xu Xian suggested. At that time, he will be able to replenish Chí and get back the life force he lost.

He also sensed that his soul power has increased exponentially yet again. He has decided that he will thoroughly study the dual cultivation technique and finalize a routine so that he and Rouér can begin dual cultivation. At this time, he suddenly heard knocking on the door and jolted awake. He forgot that he is not in his room and he is in Mu Meiér's room. He looked at Mu Meiér, luckily Rouér dressed her up and covered her up properly with a blanket before leaving.

"Tian-er... are you with little Meiér?" his mother's voice appeared. Yang Xiaotian felt really embarrassed but hastily opened the door.

Apparently, it is not just her mother alone, his big mother, his father and Mu Meiér's parents are also here and waiting with frowns on their faces. Seeing he is completely dressed and in a very relaxed state, their frown deepened.

"She is still sleeping, I could not make her meditate with me, not to mention wake her up early to practice Kung Fu!" Yang Xiaotian acted up a disappointed expression. Naturally, he can not tell what they did last night.

Both his mothers and Mu Fang entered the room to check and saw that Mu Meiér is soundly asleep and the bed looks like someone was sitting on her side just earlier. They tried to smell but did not get the smell they were looking for.

"What are you doing? Why are you sniffing like dogs? It is disgusting!" Yang Xiaotian said very disdainfully.

"No.. no.. it is nothing!" Zhu Qing said in embarrassment.

"Are you going to perform a virginity check on big sister Meiér too?" Yang Xiaotian said in an angry voice.

"Xiaotian, that's not it.. we..." Mu Fang just started talking when suddenly she heard Mu Meiér's voice.

"Xiaotian...mmmm.... I love you... don't leave me..." Mu Meiér suddenly began to sleep talking.

"Wow..." Yang Xiaotian said with a shocked expression.

The three women showed an embarrassed expression hearing this. At this time, Mu Meiér started moving as if she is about to wake up. However, her stomach made a growling sound. She woke up while still being sleepy and still lying down, she looked to the side to find Yang Xiaotian but did not see him. Panic immediately showed in her face.

"Xiaotian.. darling... where are you?" without looking anywhere else she started sobbing.

Yang Xiaotian immediately rushed to her and hugged her: "It's ok.. I'm here... look your mom is here too, my mothers are here too. Don't cry ok?"

Mu Meiér immediately felt a jolt as she opened her eyes wide and looked ahead. Seeing her mother and Yang Xiaotian's mothers, she blushed,

Suddenly she said: "I feel like vomiting..."

Then she immediately vomited on Yang Xiaotian's clothes. The vomit is quite disgusting and appallingly foul-smelling. Yang Xiaotian also almost vomited but stopped himself.

"Ahhh... poison...poison..." Mu Fang shrieked.

"It's not poison. I will get her into the bathroom and clean up!" Yang Xiaotian said and led Mu Meiér towards the bathroom.

Yang Cheng and Mu He has already entered the room and became shocked looking at the scene. But before they could say anything, Yang Xiaotian already led Mu Meiér into the bathroom. The sound of vomiting came again from the bathroom and everyone in the room became extremely worried. Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian's expressions even became pale.

In a few minutes, Mu Meiér's voice came: "Mom, can you give me some clothes? And tell father and uncle Yang to leave, this is a woman's room!"

Yang Cheng and Mu He showed odd expressions as if they are trying to say "Isn't Yang Xiaotian also a man? Aren't you with him in the bathroom alone?"

They shook their heads and got out. Soon enough, Zhu Lian, Zhu Qing and Mu Fang also came out with weird expressions. But the reason they have that expression is that Mu Meiér told them that she is in the bath with her husband and does not want to be disturbed. This is shocking to the extreme. All five of them returned to the dining hall and began waiting worryingly.

After about 15 minutes, Mu Meiér appeared in the dining hall without Yang Xiaotian: "Xiaotian has to change clothes and he should be coming soon."

"Meiér, why did you vomit? What did you two do last night?" Mu He directly asked.

"Dad, don't ask questions like that to your own daughter! And what I do with my husband, what does it have to do with you?" Mu Meiér said with a very disturbed expression.

Her answer caused everyone to be dumbfounded. They are all thinking the same: "Just what happened last night? How did they become husband and wife? And how did Mu Meiér suddenly become so bold?"

At this time, Yang Xiaotian entered the dining hall and saw everyone's odd expression. He is not surprised at this, after all, he also heard what Mu Meiér said.

"Big sister Meiér, you can not prank people like that! Also, I told you that people might be watching and listening, this kind of words can get us all killed!" Yang Xiaotian said with a grim face.

"I... I am so sorry Xiaotian." Mu Meiér lowered her head.

"Tian-er, what happened last night? Why did little Meiér vomit such disgusting things?" Zhu Qing asked.

"What happened is that she did not want to learn meditation from me and fell asleep. I stayed beside her all night and meditated sitting close to her. My meditation is special, it affects the people very close to me. The aura of heaven and earth flows around me when I meditate and since she was very close, her body was purified a bit by the aura. What she vomited was impurity. Usually, only cultivators go through it but she went through this process because of me! She obtained benefit without doing anything at all!" as he said the last sentence, he glared at Mu Meiér.

"Xiaotian, don't be like this, I have not been able to sleep properly for the whole year because of fear. Please don't be mad." Mu Meiér said.

Yang Xiaotian already told her how they will talk after arriving here and Mu Meiér is just playing along.

Yang Xiaotian sighed and said: "Alright, let's just eat. I hope you can learn my meditation technique and Kung Fu technique! Look how I have become, you will be able to become strong too and won't have to be afraid if you also practice!"

"Ok ok... I am hungry, let's just eat!" Mu Meiér immediately sat down and patted the chair next to her indicating Yang Xiaotian to sit down. Yang Xiaotian helplessly sighed and sat down.

Others just saw how the two of them concluded the matter and became dumbfounded. They opened their mouths multiple times but nothing came out.

Finally, Zhu Qing said: "So that's it? I thought I was going to become a grandmother!"

Yang Xiaotian coughed and almost choked on his food. The same is true for Mu Meiér who is also blushing.

"Mother, are you alright? How does that even happen? First of all, I am too young for that kind of thing. And second, no one has this kind of reaction in one night! Try to remember how it was for you!" Yang Xiaotian said in a very helpless and shocked tone.

"But you have grown up so fast and I thought maybe that too..." Zhu Qing could not even finish when Yang Xiaotian yelled: "It doesn't happen like that!"

Zhu Qing giggled, causing the other adults on the table to also laugh. Yang Xiaotian helplessly looked at them and started eating.

After they are done eating, Mu He said: "Thank you so much for your hospitality. We have not eaten in such a good atmosphere for quite a while now."

Mu Fang also said: "Yes, it has been quite some time since we have been in such a friendly and welcoming environment."

"Uncle, aunt, by the time you return, everything will be alright. You will only have to take the initiative." Yang Xiaotian said.

"What.. what do you mean?" Mu He asked in shock.

"I will provide the details to big sister Meiér. Just follow her lead on your way back and after you return home." Yang Xiaotian said.

Then he nodded at Mu Meiér, indicating that she should follow. As they left, Mu He and Mu Fang looked at them with doubt.

"Brother He, since Tian-er said that your problems will be solved, then it is so. That boy has a very powerful information network, he must have heard some secret news and now telling little Meiér what to do. Just act normal, it will be fine." Yang Cheng said with a smile.

Mu He and Mu Fang became even more confused but they did not say anything. Noon arrived soon enough, it is time for the Mu family to leave. As they began to get on the carriage, Mu Meiér looked at Yang Xiaotian and smiled. She does not want to leave him but she must go for now. She wants to hug him again but spies might be watching so she restrained herself. But she felt refreshed knowing that soon her troubles will be over and this goodbye is just for the sake of reunion.

As the carriage of Mu family left the Medicine Mountain City, the operation of Assassins of Kings have already started in the capital. Yang Xiaotian relaxed all day and before evening, arrived at the back yard of doctor Sun's medicine store. It seems like Rouér has indeed taken away Qin Feiér and Qin Ming is closing up the shop. After the shop closed, Qin Ming arrived at the back yard and saw Yang Xiaotian and became shocked for a while. Then she became very shy and blushed.

"Sister Ming, grandpa Sun doesn't come back here any more?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"He spends most of his time in his new office. He is doing important research." Qin Ming said shyly. She kept thinking: "Why isn't Feiér and sister Rouér returning?"

"It seems Rouér has taken away Feiér to have some fun. She wants to give the two of us some time together." Yang Xiaotian said with smile.

Qin Ming became even more shy and more nervous.

Yang Xiaotian said again: "Have you eaten? I have brought some nice food, let's go in and eat inside."

Qin Ming nodded and led Yang Xiaotian inside the house. She now has a room of her own here. They sat down and began eating. Qin Ming is still very shy, especially because Rouér actually told her everything about last night and she knows why she took Qin Feiér away. But she still hoped that Rouér would return with Qin Feiér before evening and thought that this was a prank. But now being alone with Yang Xiaotian, she realized that not only it is not a prank, even Yang Xiaotian also wants to be intimate with her. She is feeling rather tense now.

"Are you nervous?" Yang Xiaotian suddenly asked. Qin Ming was shocked for a bit, then she nodded.

"Sister Ming, do you like me? Or is it because of all the emotion flying around yesterday that caused you to succumb to emotional pressure?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

Qin Ming again showed a shocked expression. Then she became quiet for a while.

"Xiaotian, do you want to know about my past?" she suddenly asked.

"I want to but only if you trust me enough to tell me and want to tell me!" Yang Xiaotian resolutely said.

"Actually I want you to know about me. I want you to know so that you can make a decision about me." Qin Ming said.

"Sister Ming, do you want to know the truth? Back when Feiér first opened up to me and began happily chatting with me, I saw a very rare smile on your face, a smile of happiness and joy! It was at that moment that I fell in love with you! But you already have a daughter and I am just 11, on top of that I already liked Meiér. I felt that I am such a loose man and I felt disgusted with myself. I thought that you would be disgusted with me too! But now that I know that you also have some affection for me, I don't want to give up! Ming-er, I want you to be mine, I want your love, I want your body. I really love you Ming-er and no story of the past is going to change that!" Yang Xiaotian said very decisively.

Qin Ming heard everything with shocked expression, her chest going up and down as she breathed heavily.

She said a bit later: "I still want you to know! I want this off my chest!"

"Of course Ming-er, I also want to know." Yang Xiaotian said affectionately.

"I never had much cultivation talent. I was barely an initiate Body Tempering cultivator by the age of 15. At that time, a man from some gang gave my father some money and 'bought' me as his sex slave. He raped me every day, fed me all kinds of pills for his sexual pleasure and raped me even more. I became pregnant very soon but it did not stop that man, he continued to rape me even during my most painful days, it actually made him even more happy. When my belly got a bit bigger, his craving became even bigger. But then my belly got even bigger and he just threw me away on the street at a nearby village." Qin Ming said with an expressionless face. Yang Xiaotian clenched his fist in extreme anger.

"I gave birth to Feiér on the street, however, her birth came as a blessing as my cultivation suddenly reached high stage Body Tempering after a painful birth. However, I was quite frail and Feiér was very sick. I thought of leaving Feiér at the door of some house and drowning myself in the river. But looking at her innocent smile, I could not do it. I begged on the streets for some money so that I could get her treated. People took advantage of me again, saying they would treat Feiér if I sleep with them."

"Two years went by this way and one day, grandpa Sun was passing by the village. That day, I was being beaten on the street by a man I slept with for two months so that he would treat Feiér but he did not. Once I began to question him, he got angry and decided to get rid of me and Feiér but I decided to put up a fight. Many villagers knew of my situation, they would give me food and some medicine from time to time but they would never dare to go against those powerful people. I thought I was a goner when grandpa Sun appeared out of nowhere and began beating up that guy."

"That guy called me a slut and said a lot of things. But somehow grandpa Sun knew he was lying. He later told me that he had seen this kind of thing a lot. Grandpa beat him to a pulp, fed Feiér some medicine and brought us back here. Then you know the rest." Qin Ming finished speaking and looked blankly at Yang Xiaotian.

At this time Yang Xiaotian is fuming with anger. At the same time, he is also feeling extremely sad.

"It's ok. You don't need to feel this way. I am already living a better life now. All of that is in the past." Qin Ming finally smiled as she spoke. Her smile completely melted Yang Xiaotian's heart. He decided to make this woman the happiest woman in the world no matter what.

"Do you know Xiaotian, when you first tried to treat Feiér, I thought you would ask me to sleep with you in return. You have no idea how happy I felt when I realized that you genuinely wanted to heal Feiér and don't want to take advantage of me!" Qin Ming said with smile. Yang Xiaotian decided not to reply. Now he feels very guilty. He feels that he is taking advantage of her.

"You know, after I saw your dedication towards Feiér's recovery, I decided that if you ever want to sleep with me, I would agree without any question!" Qin Ming said.

Yang Xiaotian felt like his heart shatter hearing her words. He looked at her with a hurt expression and said: "Is this why now you..."

"No no no... Xiaotian, that's not the case at all. I saw Feiér recovering bit by bit, she began talking about you and getting along with you so much. I saw how much she likes you and talks about you. Every time she talked about you, I would listen to her. I loved listening to her talk about you. You became just as amazing in my heart as you became in hers. Gradually, I wanted to see you more and more, wanted to get close to you more and more. I deliberately decided to call you Mr. Yang just to see how you react. And when you reacted just the way I wanted, I felt so happy. You indirectly told me that you wanted to feel closer to me. I felt so blessed and happy."

"And then yesterday when you brought Meiér, I felt my heart break. But luckily, Feiér intervened with words from her imaginary goddess. Her words gave me so much hope and then you said you want to eat like a family and Meiér said she wants to be good sisters with me, I felt that my life was fulfilled. Then a great beauty like sister Rouér appeared and even called me good sister. I let go of all reservation in my heart after that."

Speaking up to this point, she got up from her chair, arrived before Yang Xiaotian and placed her hands on his cheeks. She said: "Xiaotian, I love you. I want to be your woman. Can I be your woman? I am a damaged woman, with nothing special. But I still want to be your woman! You who is shining more and more brightly like a sun, can I be your woman?"

Yang Xiaotian can't hold back his emotion any longer. He held her hands with his own and stood up, he kissed both of her hands, rested her hands on his shoulder and hugged her slender waist. Then he leaned forward and locked his lips with hers. They kissed passionately. Tears flowed down from Qin Ming's eyes. After Yang Xiaotian opened his eyes, he wiped away her tears.

"Ming-er, you are not allowed to cry anymore. Ok? Or this man of yours will be very sad. I want to make you the happiest woman in the universe! So don't cry ok?" Yang Xiaotian lovingly said.

"Ok husband." Qin Ming said with a bright smile. Then they kissed again.

Yang Xiaotian slowly picked her up and brought her onto the bed. Then he laid her down on the bed and closed the door tightly. He came back and laid down beside her. Then he kissed her again gently. Then he began slowly undressing her as she also undressed him. Soon they are both naked and he is on top of her. He kissed her gently. They kissed for quite a few moments becoming more passionate with every passing moment.

He then moved lower towards her breasts, her breasts are not as big as Rouér's but bigger than Mu Meiér's and as she was pregnant before, her breast is quite ample. He began licking, caressing, fondling and sucking her breasts. She let out pleased sounds as he continued. She hugged his head gently and began caressing his hair. Soon, Yang Xiaotian began moving lower as he kept licking her body. As he arrived at her lower body, he began licking and kissing her thighs and her legs. He then arrived in front of her vagina and found out that she is already quite a bit wet.

"Ming-er, I will use my fingers to pleasure you. Is it okay?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Mmmm.." Qin Ming replied.

Yang Xiaotian began licking her clitoris and vagina. He continued for a while to make her vagina wetter. Then he slowly, gently and carefully slid in his two mid fingers of his right hand inside her vagina. Then just as the good book described, he moved his fingers in a round position towards the clitoris, he continued this motion and moved his fingers a bit to left or right until Qin Ming let out a light moan.


He decided to touch the same spot again.


Qin Ming let out another moan. So Yang Xiaotian became sure of the position and continued to stimulate the same position. At the same time, he continued to lick her clitoris, causing her to moan again and again. She continued to twitch, her hands grabbing onto his hair and she kept thrusting her waist upwards lightly. And finally, after a while, she could no longer take it and ejaculated quite a lot of liquid. She still did not reach orgasm so Yang Xiaotian continued and after quite a while, she ejaculated again with a loud moan. After that, she began breathing heavily and her body stopped twitching.

Yang Xiaotian stopped stimulating her ero-spot anymore and focused on licking her liquid clean. This is also a bit stimulating for her but she seems to be somewhat out of sort. Clearly, it has been a long time since she had a good sexual experience. He read in the good book that this is the best situation to further make a woman feel satisfied so he placed his erect penis on her vagina and began lightly rubbing.

"Aaannnhh.." however Qin Ming weakly protested.

This protest made Yang Xiaotian feel somewhat heartbroken. He feels that he has not been properly accepted by her. But Qin Ming began speaking softly.

"Husband... you can't do that with me yet. I am not a virgin, a virgin's vagina is different than a woman who is not a virgin. On top of that, I gave birth, my vagina is more extended than a virgin's. If you have sex with me, you will become too comfortable inside my vagina. Meiér and sister Rouér are still virgins. If you have sex with them after having sex with me, you will treat their vagina the same way you do mine out of habit. You will hurt them a lot and they might become very uncomfortable with you and won't enjoy sex with you again!" Qin Ming's words caused Yang Xiaotian to be terrified, it is to the point that his erect penis even shrunk a little.

"You will have to be very gentle, very careful and very soft with them. You can't also use fingers with them the way you did with me. You will have to be even gentler with them. Use your index finger with them at first and then add the middle finger, be slower and gentler when you touch that spot. Ok, husband?" Qin Ming said.

"Of course wife, you are the best!" Yang Xiaotian happily said and kissed her lovingly.

"We will practice how to pleasure them softly with your fingers a bit later. Now I will pleasure you. You have been erect for quite some time and it is not good to keep an erect penis unattended for long." Qin Ming said and extended her hand towards Yang Xiaotian's penis. She also slowly sat up on the bed.

"Just relax, ok husband?" she said as she began gently stroking his erect penis.

"Ahh.. yes... I will leave it to my Ming-er." Yang Xiaotian said with a pleased tone.

Qin Ming then lowered her head and began gently licking Yang Xiaotian's penis. She started with the tip, she very gently used both her lips and tongue to stimulate him. She kept licking and kissing his erect penis down to the bottom and then began licking his testicles. She licked his testicles while stroking his penis gently and then began going upwards again. She arrived at the tip very soon and this time, she took the penis in her mouth. She slowly took the entire erect penis in and began stimulating it with her tongue. She kept moving her head up and down as she kept sucking the penis faster and harder.

"Ahhh... ahhhhh... Ming-er... so good... your mouth feels so good... ahhh..." Yang Xiaotian kept moaning.

He looked towards Qin Ming and grabbed the back of her head. Qin Ming gazed at him as she continued sucking faster and faster. Very soon Yang Xiaotian let out an intense moan and ejaculated a lot of semen.

"Mmmppppfff.." Qin Ming almost choked but she controlled herself.

She felt an intense jolt in her mouth as soon as the semen shot into it. She closed her mouth as much as she could to not let the semen flow out. She began swallowing the semen quickly so that she doesn't miss even a bit. Rouér told her that Yang Xiaotian's semen is very delicious, she only half believed it. And now she can finally taste it. She doesn't want to let even a bit of it go to waste. As she kept swallowing, Yang Xiaotian began heavily breathing and caressing her hair. Soon enough, she completely licked clean the penis and finished ingesting the semen.

"You came so much and your cum is also very sweet and delicious! Will you let us sisters enjoy such delicious cum every day from now on?" Qin Ming asked in a very delighted tone.

"Haahh.. haahhh.. if you have it every day, won't you find it stale very soon? Also, won't I just be dead tired every day and finally die like this?" Yang Xiaotian said with a tired smile.

"No way! I can never get enough of it! I am sure we sisters will just get addicted to it! Hihihi.. don't worry husband, we sisters will help you increase your stamina! I am sure after a while, it will be you who will make us sisters dead tired!" Qin Ming giggled and laid down on Yang Xiaotian's chest.

Yang Xiaotian laughed tiredly and hugged her. They stayed like this way for a while and rested. After a while, Qin Ming began talking.

"Husband, you need to understand our vagina more. I don't know where you learned your amazing technique but you will have to be more cautious and careful with a virgin's vagina. Let's practice, ok husband?" Qin Ming said.

Then she began directing Yang Xiaotian as to how he can be gentle and careful with a woman's vagina. Where to touch, how to touch, how not to touch, how not to move and so on. He used his fingers and touched inside her vagina a lot to learn, during this learning process Qin Ming tried her best not to moan too much and lecture Yang Xiaotian on properly pleasuring a woman. After she was finally done lecturing, Yang Xiaotian again pleasured her with his mouth and fingers, making her experience one last orgasm and ejaculation.

"Haahh.. hahh.. I will suck you off one last time ok? They might be back soon..." Qin Ming said as she tried to get up but Yang Xiaotian stopped her.

"It's ok, I am not that hard at all. It is just a bit stiff. Nothing to worry about." Yang Xiaotian said with smile and then kissed her gently.

As they kept kissing, they suddenly heard a scream from outside: "Mom! I am back!"

Yang Xiaotian and Qin Ming immediately jumped up, they looked at each other in panic and began putting on their clothes in hurry.

"Ahh... why is the door closed.. mom are you inside? Open the door!" Qin Feiér screamed again.

"That damned woman! She knows we are inside, why did she bring her back so soon? I swear I will spank her very hard today!" Yang Xiaotian gritted his teeth as he angrily said under his breath.

They finished dressing up very quickly and then Qin Ming quickly opened the door as Yang Xiaotian sat down on a chair and acted very natural.

"Ahh... mom why are your clothes so messed up?? Ohhh... mom.. you look more beautiful suddenly! Mom what did you do.. did you take a special bath.. ahh.. big brother Tian! You are also here!" Qin Feiér kept talking as she entered the room.

Rouér entered the room behind her with a sneer on her face but her face suddenly darkened when she received Yang Xiaotian's mental message: "Just you wait! There won't be any loving for you for a whole week!"

"Husband.. husband I am sorry! I know that I am wrong! Please don't punish me so harshly!" Rouér begged. But Yang Xiaotian stopped even looking at her.

"Ahh.. big brother Tian, why did it take you two so long to open the door? What were you doing together? Did you rub some medicine on mom? Why did she become so beautiful so suddenly?" Qin Feiér kept asking one after another embarrassing question. Qin Ming's face became as red as a tomato.

"If you manage to pacify her with appropriate answers, I will not punish you!" Yang Xiaotian gave a serious ultimatum to Rouér.

Rouér showed a very pained expression as she tried to speak to Qin Feiér: "Feiér, don't ask so many questions. Sometimes people become more beautiful when they feel very happy!"

"Ohh... then what did they do with a closed door that made mom so happy?" Qin Feiér asked the most embarrassing question of all.

"Feiér, don't be naughty! Or I won't take you out to travel again!" Rouér threatened.

"But.. but .. that is so unfair! I am just asking some questions." Qin Feiér said with a pained expression.

"Some questions can only be answered when the time is right for the person you are questioning. When the time is right, your mom will answer you! Don't ask this question again!" Rouér said a bit harshly.

"When will the time come?" Qin Feiér asked again with a sad expression causing Rouér to feel extremely angry. She now truly regrets trying to embarrass Yang Xiaotian and Qin Ming.

Yang Xiaotian glared at Rouér and sent a mental message: "One whole week! Just you watch! How dare you try to play this kind of prank on us!"

Rouér showed a very wronged expression, then she looked at Qin Ming with a begging expression but even Qin Ming looked away from her. Rouér just embarrassed her to the extreme using her own daughter, she has not even managed to wash her face and hands or rinse her mouth with water after all the sex. This is too far a line Rouér should not have crossed. Rouér now feels like crying.

"Feiér, how about you ask that question to your big sister goddess? The answer to the question is a mystery! See if the big sister goddess can solve the mystery!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Ohh... then I will ask her! She knows a lot of things, she will definitely know the answer!" Qin Feiér said happily.

"Feiér, you must be hungry. Let's eat." Qin Ming said.

"Yes I am hungry, sister Rouér should also be hungry. Let's eat together!" Qin Feiér said.

Rouér wanted to sit down but Qin Ming said: "We only have enough just for you!"

Rouér literally shed tears at this point: "Do you really have to punish me so much?"

She looked at both Yang Xiaotian and Qin Ming with teary eyes and then left quickly.

This scene did not escape Qin Feiér's eyes, she asked: "Mom, brother Tian, did big sister Rouér did something wrong? She took me out to travel to so many places. We had so much fun, why did the two of you punish her like that?"

"I am very happy that sister Rouér took you to travel and I am very grateful to her for it. But she crossed a line she should not have. When you become older, you will understand. She needs to suffer a bit for such behavior." Qin Ming said. Then she went to the bathroom to wash herself. Then she went to the kitchen to bring food for Qin Feiér.

Yang Xiaotian said goodbye to them and returned home. That night, Rouér did not come but Yang Xiaotian did not mind. That entire situation was extremely insulting. If that situation occurred by some kind of accident, he would have been perfectly fine but the whole situation was perpetrated by Rouér. She was trying to play a prank on them using an innocent and gullible child, each and every question from Qin Feiér was extremely insulting. Rouér should never have done that, there is a limit to how much someone can take.

Two days passed by, Yun Imperial City, in a secret room of Yang family manor.

Yang Zheng is reading regular intelligence briefing when suddenly someone arrived. This is a spy wearing stealth suit.

"Master, we have trouble! Mu Chi has been found indisposed. He was sent home from Supreme Pleasure Palace in a comatose state! It seems his Yang essence has been extracted!" the spy said.

"Damn it! What happened? Is there any details?" Yang Zheng furiously slapped the table in front of him.

"We only know that Feng family is already sending quite a lot of Half Saints to grab Mu He and his family!" the spy reported.

"Bastards! I should never have trusted them! Now that the prize is close, they want to throw me away! Not in a million years! Assemble our Half Saints and go after them!" Yang Zheng said.

"What if this is just a trap?" the spy said.

"Do you think we have a choice? Let's focus on getting our hands on Mu He and his family! Then we will discuss this with Feng family!" Yang Zheng said.

"Understood master!" the spy left.

"This is truly fishy! But I have no other suitable option left! I need to get my hands on Mu He and his family! Hopefully that bastard brother of mine has not disappointed me!" Yang Zheng said.

Next day somewhere on the imperial highway, Mu family's carriage is slowly moving towards the Yun imperial capital.

"Dad, mom, no matter what happens afterwards, just follow my lead!" Mu Meiér said to her parents.

"Meiér, what is going on? What is about to happen?" Mu He asked. Mu Fang also looked at her daughter with questioning guess.

"Just follow my lead please! And don't be nervous and don't act cowardly!" Mu Meiér said.

Her words caused her parents to be shocked. They can't imagine that their daughter, who has been very timid for a year, has suddenly became so brave and domineering.

Suddenly the carriage stopped. Mu Meiér spoke in hushed tone: "So they are here."

"Mu He, quickly come out of the carriage with your family. We were hired by Mu family and here to quickly escort you back to the Mu family. Come out." a loud voice sounded.

Mu He felt startled and immediately wanted to get out but Mu Meiér stopped her. She shouted from inside: "Give us the proper identification from the Mu family so that we know you are not frauds!"

"How dare you speak to your elders like this! Mu He, is this how you teach your daughter how to respect elders? Come out or there will be consequences!" that person shouted again.

Mu He again wanted to get out and apologize but Mu Meiér stopped her again and this time she glared at him: "For once in your life, stop being a coward!"

At this time, another loud voice sounded: "You Feng family are truly something! First, you betray us and try to discard us from the plan and now trying to take control of Mu family on your own! Truly amazing!"

"You.. what are you doing here? What are you talking about? We are just here to make sure that our plan succeeds. We never betrayed you!" the first voice sounded again.

"Really? Is this why your whore of a young mistress sucked away Mu Chi's Yang essence and left him comatose and you are here to capture Mu He?" the 2nd voice said angrily.

"There is a misunderstanding! We are just trying to secure our plan! Not to betray you guys!" the first voice said in a panic.

"Enough with your lies! We always knew that your Feng family can not be trusted! Let's finish this! Attack!" the 2nd voice said.

"No! Stop it! We are being played!" the first voice shouted.

"You are indeed being played but it is too late for you to go back now!" a 3rd voice exploded in the area.

"You... you... A Saint!" the first voice said in fear.

"We are members of the Yang family! And they are from Feng family! Don't think we are afraid of a Saint! If you even touch a hair on us, you will be sorry!" the 2nd voice said disdainfully.

"You can die now!" the 3rd voice resounded again.



One after another shrill cry resounded through the air.

Hearing the earlier conversation and now the shrill cry of death, Mu He and Mu Fang became petrified. But Mu Meiér is completely normal, she even has smile on her face as she waited for everything to be over.

Not long after, the 3rd voice sounded again: "Miss Mu, we are the help you were promised. Please open the carriage window slightly so that I can deliver my identification."

Mu Meiér lightly opened the window and accepted the identification. After looking at it, she smiled and said to her parents: "We are getting off!"

Mu He and Mu Fang just looked at her with great shock. Mu Meiér got off and opened the door wide and urged them to quickly get off. They got back to their senses and got off the carriage. After getting out, they saw that the carriage driver and all of their guards are lying down on the road senseless. However, the biggest shock are the dead bodies of more than 10 people, they died quite miserably.

"Don't worry about your guards and driver. We are also from Mercenary Alliance. We will safely take them away. Our main concern is to quickly return you to your home!" a handsome middle-aged man said with an amiable smile. Then he whistled loudly and sharp cries of flying beast came from the sky. A large flying beast floated down with a carriage.

"Let's get in. We need to quickly get you back to Mu family so that you can take control of the situation." the middle-aged man said again.

Mu Meiér immediately entered the carriage but her parents hesitated: "Meiér.. this .."

"Just get inside! Or do you want to stay here and die?" Mu Meiér said harshly.

Her parents quickly entered the carriage and the flying beast flew off. Within 12 hours, they arrived at the capital and began moving towards the Mu family manor. At this time, the elders of the Mu family are in meeting.

"Look... we have been dragging this for too long. Let's get it over with! We need to make a decision!"

"We need to wait until Mu He arrives! He is the rightful heir to the patriarch position!"

"What can a trash like him do? Just put someone more capable in the position!"

"I agree!"

"Me too!"

"That piece of shit will bring nothing but ruin!"

Naturally these four people are moles of Feng family placed inside the elder council through Mu Chi.

"How dare you! Are you trying to rebel?"

"You dare to insult a direct descendant of Mu family?"

"Hmph... what direct descendant? We have contributed more to the family than he ever did! Are we to just watch him take away all of our hard works?"

"No way!"

"Absolutely not!"

"We need someone who has done great service to the family!"

"Then tell me who this person is going to be? One of the four of you? You truly have grand dream!" suddenly a loud voice shocked everyone. Mainly because the voice belongs to Mu He.

Mu He is not alone. Aside from his wife and Mu Meiér with him, there are also four black-clad people accompanying them.

"Mu He.. you... how did you get here so fast?"

"Who are these people with you?"

"You dare bring outsiders inside the family without the consent of the elder council?"

"Kick him out of the family! Erase his line from family annuls!"

Mu He looked at the four of them and said with a murderous look: "Cut off their heads and hang their bodies and head at the gate for the Feng family to see!"

"What! You dare..."

The four Feng family moles could not even speak before they died. One of the black-clad people just made the bodies float in the air as he took them out from everyone's sight. The rest of the elders became pale in fright.

Mu He slowly walked over to the patriarch's chair and sat down. He commanded: "Sit down."

While on the way, Mu Meiér explained to Mu He everything that happened. Mu Chi's plot with Feng family, Feng family's ambition in Yun kingdom and so on. Mu He felt shocked hearing all of these. All his life, he never much had any ambition. He achieved great success in the family business but it was Mu Chi who reaped the benefit of his success.

However, he did not care, after all, Mu Chi was his dear little brother and someone with cultivation talent. However, his father told him that his passive attitude would harm him greatly and the one who would directly harm him is his own younger brother. But Mu He laughed it off.

But ten years ago, his father suddenly disappeared with only a note left saying that he is leaving to pursue higher cultivation. This made no sense as his father never put much faith in cultivation. He was more of a businessman and the only reason he had high cultivation is that he had no choice in the matter.

Mu He's great grandfather always said that everything is minuscule in front of true strength and forced his father to cultivate. Just after his father disappeared, his mother passed away from an unknown illness. It made no sense until Mu Chi took over the position of patriarch using Mu He's achievement and began mercilessly suppressing Mu He.

So after learning what happened to Mu Chi and that his Mu family is being taken over by the Feng family, he decided to be active for the first time in his life. He decided to be extremely decisive and merciless. He must take full control of the family and family business. He must protect the heritage of the Mu family.

And only one person can help him achieve that now, Yang Xiaotian. Mu He can't believe that a boy who is not even 12 has such reach, he managed to delve into the political quagmire of the capital and even managed to hire such powerful mercenaries from Mercenary Alliance. So he decided to go along with Yang Xiaotian's arrangement. However, Mu He still doesn't know that these mercenaries are actually assassins from Assassins of Kings.

After all the elders sat down, Mu He began speaking: "Those 4 were moles from Feng family. Mu Chi placed them inside as part of his deal with the Feng family. But Feng family always wanted to take over our Mu family so they finally showed their hands, they got rid of Mu Chi and wanted to take control of our Mu family with the 4 of them!"

"Patriarch, how do we pacify their branches now that they are dead?" one elder asked timidly.

"Haiii... our Mu family truly has fallen! Those four branches have already been wiped out! It happened 10 years ago, right around the time father disappeared and mother died! Those four people were from Feng family!" Mu He said with a sigh.

His words caused all the elders to be shocked. If those four branches have been wiped out, then who has been sending them profit from businesses? Who has been sending them important intelligence reports? Has the Feng family truly taken root so deep in their Mu family? These questions floated in their minds and they felt chill running down their spines.

"Speaking of Feng family, did they make any other move after they dealt with Mu Chi?" Mu He asked.

"Patriarch, people from Supreme Pleasure Palace arrived here yesterday, demanding we hand over Mu Chi's wife and daughter! Said that Mu Chi had an agreement that his wife and daughter will serve Supreme Pleasure Palace's young master!" one elder said with a furious expression.

Mu He furiously slapped the table and said: "Outrageous! These bastards are truly acting like they own our Mu family! Where is the sister-in-law and little Hua now?"

Little Hua is Mu Hua, Mu Chi's only daughter. She is an inner court disciple of the Hundred Flower Sect. Mu Chi's wife is from one of the branch families just like Mu He's wife, her name is Mu Chunhua. When Mu Meiér and her parents were preparing to leave for the Medicine Mountain City, Mu Hua hugged Mu Meiér and cried her heart out. When Mu Meiér's marriage was set with Yang Cheng, she wanted to bring Mu Meiér into her sect so that she could cancel the marriage but Mu Meiér was too afraid for her parents' safety and refused. Mu Chunhua was also very much against the marriage but she was very afraid of her husband. Her husband used to beat her almost regularly, although she is a cultivator, she only has a paltry initiate Qi Condensation cultivation, she was no match for Mu Chi's peak Yin-Yang Balance cultivation.

"As soon as Mu Chi's condition was reported, she took her mother and entered the Hundred Flower Sect. That is actually why Supreme Pleasure Palace came to us! They can't force Hundred Flower Sect, so they were pressuring us to force the mother and daughter!" another elder said with a sad expression.

"Good girl! She is truly smart! Much better than his idiotic father! We won't have to worry about them. Let's deal with the family business first. We must get a grip on the situation immediately!" Mu He said.

"But patriarch, Feng family is putting pressure on all of our business associates. I heard a rumor that they might be calling a meeting of the Five Kingdom Merchant Bank's Yun kingdom branch to have our assets seized!" an elder said.

"Those bastards!" Mu He furiously slapped the table.

At this time a servant quickly entered the room and yelled: "Elders, patriarch Tang Huo of the Tang family is here and requesting audience!"

Mu He's eyes lit up hearing this and immediately said: "Quickly invite him in! No, I will go invite him in myself! Elders, follow me!"

Mu He and elders immediately left the meeting room and arrived at the guest reception hall.

"Greetings uncle Tang, long time no see. Nephew has been negligent and did not visit uncle for a long time, I apologize." Mu He very respectfully bowed, the elders behind him did the same.

"Hahaha little He, congratulations on becoming the patriarch. Brother Chao would have been so proud!" Tang Huo said with a laugh. The Chao he mentioned is Mu He's father Mu Chao.

"Uncle is overpraising me. Uncle, please come inside." Mu He politely said.

"Ok ok, let's go inside. I have a very important matter to discuss with you now that you are the patriarch." Tang Huo said with a smile.

However, right at this moment, a great commotion can be heard from outside.

"How dare Mu He does this?"

"Who does he think he is?"

Hurried footsteps can be heard arriving and within a few moments, several people entered the guest reception hall.

"Mu He, how dare you kill people indiscriminately! Who gave you such authority?" one of the newcomers said.

"I am the fucking patriarch of the Mu family! And I can execute any spies from your Feng family whenever I want!" Mu He roared.

"Mu He, it seems you suddenly became so courageous! Our Feng Imperial family doesn't acknowledge you as the patriarch of the Mu family!" another newcomer said.

"Our Mu family needs acknowledgment for you upstart bastards from Feng family? Fuck off! Fuck off right now or believe it or not, your heads and bodies will be hanging at the gate too!" Mu He roared again.

"How bold! You dare to threaten us? Who gave you.." a newcomer could not even finish speaking when all of them sensed a dangerous aura surrounding them. Those black-clad people directly locked onto them with their aura.

All of them became pale in fright. They are all respected and highly accomplished senior elders of Supreme Pleasure Palace, even though they can not tell what level of cultivation these black-clad people have but they are very sure, just one of them can kill all of them in a matter of moments.

"Mu.. Mu He.. so you have some powerful helpers! So what? Can they compete with our Feng Imperial family?" one newcomer said.

"Exactly! Mu He you still have a choice, hand over Mu Chi's wife and daughter as well as your own to serve the young master of our Supreme Pleasure Palace! Then we might forgive you!" another one said.

However, before Mu He could even reply. Those few people were sent flying and hit the wall. However, the one who attacked is Tang Huo, not the four black-clad people.


Miserable screams can be heard coming from those people. Many of them even began vomiting blood.

"You pieces of trash from the Feng family! You actually have the nerve to pounce around as if you own everything! Fuck off right now or I, Tang Huo, will not only kill you; I will also personally visit your shit palace and raze it to the ground!" Tang Huo furiously roared.

Those people barely managed to get up when they suddenly felt their bodies floating in the air and then they were thrown out and directly landed outside the gate of the Mu family manor.

"Little He, let's go in. We must quickly discuss this matter or your family will be finished!" Tang Huo said with urgency.

They soon entered the elder's meeting hall again and Tang Huo began speaking: "I don't know if you all know but Yan kingdom has turned into a messy war zone by Feng kingdom. The Mercenary Alliance suffered greatly when the Yan imperial family backed by the Feng family tried to take it over. They also tried to take over the bank and killed a lot of merchant families. Our Tang family branch over there suffered greatly, the survivors are on their way here. The situation in Feng kingdom is worse, Mercenary Alliance only exists in name, the bank is completely under the control of the Feng family."

Hearing his words, all the elders of the Mu family has pale expressions on their faces. It seems like their Mu family has truly entered the road of destruction. Now that the Feng family is trying to convene the bank to seize their assets and stakes in the bank, they are sure to die. They all cursed Mu Chi in their hearts.

"Currently, Feng family has convened a meeting to seize control of assets and stakes of your Mu family and the minor stakeholders from Feng kingdom are completely on their side. Yan kingdom stakeholders are not present so their votes don't count. There is no one to represent your Mu family in the meeting and the minor stakeholders from Yun kingdom are faltering. However, there is a way. Our Tang family still has not shown their support for either side. If you cooperate with us, then not only I can support your Mu family but major and minor stakeholders from Long kingdom will also support your Mu family. What do you say little He?" Tang Huo explained.

"What do I have to do uncle Tang?" Mu He asked.

"I will bring you over to the meeting at once and you will present your case. You can just accuse the Feng family directly, no need to hold back, we will support you! We can take your case and completely block off Feng family's plan. However, after that, your Mu family must advance and retreat with our Tang family! I must be honest, the Feng family has crazy ambition, if we allow them to do as they please, all of our businesses will suffer greatly. We must fight against them together!" Tang Huo said with urgency.

Mu He looked at Mu Meiér and saw her heavily nodding. This also did not escape Tang Huo's eyes.

"Alright uncle Tang, let's go." Mu He said and stood up.

"Great! Let's go!" Tang Huo said with a smile. At the same time, he thought: "That child is really good! He actually managed to coax an adult woman seven years older than him!"

While this was happening in the Mu family, in a secret area in the Yun kingdom capital, Yang Zheng is meeting the patriarch of the Feng branch family in Yun kingdom and the sect master of Supreme Pleasure Palace, Feng La.

"You guys are really something! You actually tried to pull one behind my back!" Yang Zheng furiously said.

"I told you! We did not do such a thing! It was all too sudden, we had no time to contact you!" Feng La said.

"Bullshit! There is always time to contact people but you saw a chance to cut me off and did exactly that!" Yang Zheng said.

"Look! We both lost people! They were Half Saints too! Do we have time for this?" Feng La said.

Just as Yang Zheng wanted to reply, someone arrived in a hurry and began talking: "Reporting to the patriarch, our people went to Mu family to take back those bodies and ask for an explanation but they were severely beaten up and sent packing!"

"What! Who could have had the strength to beat them up in the Mu family? Mu family don't even have any Yin-Yang Balance cultivator now, let alone Spirit Ascension!" Feng La said in shock.

"Mu He hired Half Saint level experts from Mercenary Alliance but they are not the ones who administered the beating, it was patriarch Tang Huo of the Tang family!" the messenger said.

"What the fuck? Why did he interfere? Is he trying to pick a fight with our Feng Imperial family?" Feng La furiously said.

"He said if we continue to act wantonly, he will come to Supreme Pleasure Palace and wipe us out!" the messenger said.

"Motherfucker!" Feng La shouted in anger.

"You idiots! I warned you not to overstep your boundaries! But you just had to start a war in Yan kingdom and massacre mercenaries, bankers and merchants in your Feng kingdom! Tang family are the largest stakeholder of the bank and from the Long kingdom, you think they are afraid of picking a fight with you?" Yang Zheng said with a sneer.

"Just shut up! Believe it or not, I will fight it out with you!" Feng La furiously said.

"Fighting is the reason why this shit happened! I told you to focus on Yun kingdom first, start taking over from the bottom and then gradually take all! But you had to go provoke every single neutral party. Now everyone is leaning towards the Long kingdom! Good fucking luck with your bullshit!" Yang Zheng said even more furiously.

"Hmph... let's just wait until the bankers' meeting is over. Once we have the Mu family assets, we will see who stands in our way!" Feng La said while gritting his teeth.

One hour later, a messenger arrived in a hurry and shouted: "Patriarch! Bad news!"

"What happened now?" Feng La said anxiously.

"Mu He appeared in the bankers' meeting, accused our Feng Imperial family of disposing of Mu Chi, trying to take over Mu family, exterminating 4 branches of Mu family and several other crimes. He was supported by Tang Huo, Tang Huo also brought written statements from bankers and merchants from the Long kingdom, they said that if the Feng family don't stop causing trouble, they will block off all trades with the Feng kingdom and seize all of our assets along with the assets of those who are supporting us! Everyone turned on us in the meeting and we had no choice but to abandon all kinds of petition!" the messenger said.

"Motherfucker!" Feng La furiously roared and smashed down on the table with his hand.

"Hmph! Now go provide an excuse to your crown prince!" Yang Zheng said with a sneer.

"You think this is my plan? It was the crown prince who started the war! He is completely impatient and wants to unify the continent before the beast tide!" Feng La said angrily.

"He is dreaming! You think your Feng family is the only one with a connection to the Holy Land? The Long family has always been rumored to be connected to the Holy Land. Our Yang family also has some connections there. But once they leave this trash continent, they never want to return. However, since your crown prince wiped out our branch in Yan kingdom ahead of time, the main Yang family has already sent a distress message to those who are in the Holy Land. They are already on their way back! How are we supposed to unify the continent before beast tide in this way?" Yang Zheng furiously said.

"I will report to the crown prince. He must have some knowledge we don't! In the meantime, we should again focus on Medicine Mountain City. Yun kingdom is putting a lot of effort in that city, We must crash it." Feng La said.

"Well, we should push the timeline ahead. Let's go and send those bastards there! Let them cause as much chaos as possible!" Yang Zheng said.

While this is happening in the capital, Yang Xiaotian is very worried in the Medicine Mountain City but not because of the situation in the capital, instead because of Rouér not showing up for five days straight. It is not that he wants to see her begging but he is genuinely worried. Since she and Kuang are Yang Zheng's spies, they might be killed at any moment to conceal his tracks.

Yang Xiaotian met Qin Ming every day in these five days and she also did not see Rouér. Yang Xiaotian is so anxious that he even forgot to make love to Qin Ming. However, Qing Ming did not complain as she is also very worried about Rouér. She began begging Yang Xiaotian to bring her back and under her insistence, on the 6th day he arrived at the bank to meet Tang Bao.

"Xiaotian, you are here! I have good news..hhmmm... you seem very worried? Is it about Mu Meiér? She is very safe, her father is already the patriarch of the Mu family and has started consolidating his position!" Tang Bao said with a smile.

"I see... senior Tang I want to ask you for a favor. Can you help?" Yang Xiaotian absentmindedly asked.

Tang Bao frowned hearing his reply, he thought: "Is this kid alright?"

"What is it?" Tang Bao asked.

"I am sure you know about my relationship with Rouér?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Ehhmmm... yes our spies have seen her enter your room at night many times! Are you worried about her? Are you looking for her?" Tang Bao said.

"Yes, we had a bit of an argument 5 days ago and I have not seen her since. It is not like her at all." Yang Xiaotian said with a frown.

"I see.. no wonder... she rushed towards the icy peak in the Medicine Mountain Range around that time. She looked like a crazy hellion, after reaching the icy peak, she began attacking the mountain in fury! Her master, Kuang, went after her and tried to calm her down but she even attacked him!" Tang Bao said.

"Thanks for the information senior Tang, I will go find her!" Yang Xiaotian bowed and ran out of the office and then from the bank.

"This brat! At his age he is not satisfied with just one woman! How is he going to live the rest of his life?" Tang Bao shook his head as he said.

"When you reached puberty, how many maids were you having sex with?" suddenly a voice spoke.

"Your majesty.. that..." Tang Bao felt really embarrassed.

"Look at him, he has matured a lot, already looking like 16 years old and yet none of the maids in his house were touched. All the young ones are completely virgins. When I was 12, I was already having sex with my father's younger concubines. Compared to us, he is a saint!" the voice said again.

"However, what I am worried about is the fact that this time he was so worried about that girl that he did not even notice me. He did not even ask about his bank balance and other important stuff! This is not good!" the voice said again after pausing for a few moments.

"He is still young, what can we do about it? He is just about to become 12. His achievement is already way too much for his age. I think he can be a bit indiscreet once or twice." Tang Bao said.

"I agree! But not at this point, I think we need to make things a bit difficult for him!" the voice said again.

"Your majesty, this is not right!" Tang Bao protested.

"Haha Bao-er, you are fond of this boy?" the spoke said with a laugh.

"He is a very bright and intelligent child. I just hope we don't break him while he has a lot to live for!" Tang Bao said with a sad expression.

"That is not what I will do. We will protect him at all costs! The next part of their plan has been pushed forward. Those bandits are already entering the city. Let's involve him in this mess and let him fix it for us! It will be a good test for him!" the voice said.

"He will surprise you! I thought you were trying something hard, it will be child's play for him!" Tang Bao said with a smile.

"You are right... it is too easy.. in that case, we will leak some information to Yang Zheng and have him make his move on this girl! Let's piss him off so much that he breaks that Yang Zheng in half!" the voice said.

"Ohh... that will be good! I will proceed as soon as those bandits are taken care of!" Tang Bao said.

Several miles away from the city, the icy peak of the Medicine Mountain Range. Rouér is meditating under a thick shower of snow. This kind of cultivation is very good for her constitution and soul. However, she could have achieved better results if her mind was not filled with emotion that is causing her grief. She is regretting very much doing what she did. She knows she is wrong, it must have been a long time since Qin Ming felt genuinely loved by a man yet she completely ruined the experience and shamed her using her own daughter. Now Rouér is so ashamed that she doesn't even want to show her face to Yang Xiaotian and Qin Ming.

Suddenly she heard a voice: "Rouér, where are you? It's me, Xiaotian. I am here to see you. Please come out."

"Haha... I am so pathetic... I am missing him so much that I am even hearing his voice in this desolate icy peak!" Rouér mocked herself.

But then she heard it again: "Rouér, I miss you so much! Ming-er misses you too! Let's go back, please! This cold is too much for me, I can't keep blocking it using the aura of heaven and earth anymore! Please come out!"

Rouér twitched and thought: "Is it possible that he is actually here?"

Then Yang Xiaotian's voice appeared again: "Ro.. Rouér.. I am freezing... I.. I am going to die here. I just want to see you one last time...I.. acghhh.."

"NOOOO." Rouér screamed, ran out of the snow shower and began running towards where the voice came from.

Just as she arrived she saw Yang Xiaotian just standing under the falling snow, none of the snow even touching him. He is just looking at her with a sly smile on his face.

"Husband! Husband, is it you? I just.. I just..." Rouér began sobbing.

Yang Xiaotian hugged her gently: "It's ok. It's ok. I know. I know."

After hugging for a while, Yang Xiaotian said: "This place seems quite good for improving the cultivation of both body and soul."

"There is a lot more here! You will be amazed! Come with me!" Rouér pulled Yang Xiaotian towards the place she was in.

After arriving at her previous location, Rouér led Yang Xiaotian towards a cave. After entering the cave, one can feel a little warm and it seems like it is not just a cave but a cave path. Although it is a long cave path, a tunnel, they can still see a bit of light at the end. They walked for about an hour before appearing near the end and they have already begun sweating.

"There is a volcano down below! You need to be prepared." Rouér said.

"Ice outside and volcano inside? Wow! What a great place!" Yang Xiaotian said.

They prepared themselves by allowing the aura of heaven and earth to converge around them tightly. They walked for another 15 minutes before arriving at the end of the tunnel. The volcano is deep underground. It is a very long way down from the tunnel mouth. But the heat is still too much. It is also same for the cold outside, it is too much cold outside. If the two of them never practiced Tai Ji to their level, they would have frozen to death just as they would have been boiled alive here without their Tai Ji.

"If we manage to find a suitable position between the cold and the heat, it will be really comfortable to stay here!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"There is such a place. Come!" Rouér said.

Rouér began to lead him back towards the entrance. They arrived at the midway of the tunnel and Rouér took Yang Xiaotian close towards the left wall. Here, he sensed a draft, he realized that there is something behind the wall. Rouér began touching the wall as if she is looking for something and soon a 'thud' sounded and the wall began to move. A portion of the wall moved backward with cracking noise and then moved to the side. A beautiful scene appeared in front of Yang Xiaotian.

There is quite a large area filled with vegetation here. This area is around 200 square meters. There is an ancient-looking tree in the middle of the area. There are flowers, herbs and fruit trees all around the area. The grass here is a beautiful green. And the most shocking thing is the fact that there is no roof above, the sunlight is coming right through the big empty space above. This place is neither hot nor cold, the temperature is very comfortable. There are also small birds flying around from tree to tree. Some of these birds can not even be found outside.

"It would be problematic during rain or snowing!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"I don't think the rain will fall down here because the snow outside also doesn't fall here! Something must be stopping outside influence to reach this place!" Rouér said.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly thought of something: "Maybe this place is a naturally formed balance between Yin and Yang?"

"Are there any kind of large life form here? Or any other life form other than the birds?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"I once heard a loud cry of a bird from the top of the tree. I never dared to try to look what kind of bird it is! I don't wanna know what kind of beast rules this place! Since it doesn't want to harm us, we should not go looking for trouble with it!" Rouér said.

"My wife is truly the smartest!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile and kissed her deeply.

"Xiaotian, I am really sorry. I should not have ruined Ming-er's special time like that. I feel so sad. I don't know how to face her." Rouér said with a sad expression.

"She misses you very much, she even cried while telling me to bring you back at all cost." Yang Xiaotian caressed her face as he spoke: "Just go and tell her that you are sorry. She will be very happy to see you again."

"Ok then let's go right now!" Rouér very happily said.

"Wait wait... husband has missed you so much these few days! I haven't seen you for so long and this place is so comfortable and perfect, I really want you now!" Yang Xiaotian said and immediately began kissing Rouér passionately.

After kissing for a bit, their mouths parted from each other and Rouér said: "So naughty! Didn't you say no loving for a week? It has only been 6 days! One more day!"

"Ok ok.. husband was a bit too harsh ok? Don't you want husband's loving?" Yang Xiaotian said lovingly.

"Mmm.. I do, I want you so much!" Rouér replied and immediately began kissing.

Soon they undressed and began foreplay. After licking and kissing each other for a while, Yang Xiaotian suddenly said: "Rouér, I want to make you feel very good. I want to be one with you."

"Mmm.. I want it too.." Rouér replied with pleased expression.

Yang Xiaotian spread opened her legs, he began kissing and licking her thighs and then soon his mouth arrived on her vagina. He began gently licking her clitoris and vagina, he completely made her wet. Then, just as Qin Ming instructed him and helped him practice, he very slowly and carefully slid in his index and middle finger inside Rouér's vagina.

"Nnnghhh.." Rouér made a light grunting sound.

"Does it hurt?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Noo..mmm.." Rouér replied with a slight moan.

Yang Xiaotian continued just as he trained with Qin Ming. Very gently, slowly and carefully, he found her ero-spot. He began slowly stimulating the spot just as he practiced and at the same time, kept licking her clitoris. Rouér felt extreme pleasure as she grabbed onto Yang Xiaotian's hair and began slowly moving her waist towards his face. This continued for about 10 more minutes when Rouér experienced an orgasm and ejaculated at the same time. Then she began breathing heavily as Yang Xiaotian licked her vagina clean. As he took out his fingers, he found a bit of blood, since she is a cultivator, tearing of hymen is not at all considered a wound to Rouér as it healed up pretty fast.

Yang Xiaotian kissed her gently and said: "Rouér, let's go all the way. Let's completely lose our virginity."

"Mmmm... let's do it.. but first, let me make your cock wet with my mouth." Rouér said with pleased expression.

Then she slowly got up and began licking and sucking Yang Xiaotian's erect penis. About 30 seconds later, she said: "It is wet enough, let's do it."

Then she laid down again and spread her legs. Yang Xiaotian very gently, slowly and carefully slid in his erect penis bit by bit into her vagina.

"Aaannhh.." Rouér let out a light moan.

"Ahhhh..." Yang Xiaotian also let out a pleased moan. He stayed without moving for a while, enjoying the sensation.

"Rouér, I will move very slowly ok?" Yang Xiaotian said gently.

Qin Ming reminded him, again and again, to be very slow and gentle with a virgin woman. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable for him later.

"Mmm..." Rouér moaned a bit.

He began moving very slowly, it is a bit tough for him because the sensation inside her vagina is just too amazing. This is the first intercourse, it feels really amazing but he still needs to be very cautious.

"A bit faster, you are being too slow.." Rouér said.

Hearing her permission, Yang Xiaotian began moving his waist quite a bit faster. The back and forth movement caused Rouér's body to twitch.

"Aaannhhhh... aaannhhhh.." Rouér began moaning continuously.

"Ahhhh...ahhh..." Yang Xiaotian also began letting out pleased moans.

Soon, Rouér also began moving her waist and Yang Xiaotian lowered his face and began kissing her passionately. Pretty soon, they became very used to the sensation of slow and gentle rhythm.

"Faster.. a bit faster..." Rouér said again.

Yang Xiaotian began moving faster this time and he is also moving his waist a bit further and then thrusting forward a bit rougher.

"Aaaannnnhhhh... aaahhh...aaannnhhh... husshhband...aannnhhhh...." Rouér kept moaning.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... Rouér.. your pussy ... ahhh... so good..." Yang Xiaotian also lost himself in pleasure.

While Yang Xiaotian and Rouér are lost in the feeling of ecstasy, bliss and pleasure, unbeknownst to them, their Yin and Yang essence has begun to stimulate each other and nurture each other and has begun to harmonize with each other.

Harmony of Yin and Yang is the essence of all life. This action caused their Chí to be frantically activated and rush all over their body, beginning to refine every part that has not been refined. Yang Xiaotian's blood has begun to be refined by Chí, every small particle of his blood is being refined and changed so that his blood can be filled with Chí all the time.

Then Chí flowed into his bone marrows and began refining. This way one after another portion of his body is being refined. And not only Chí is refining his body, it is also frantically merging with his soul power. The same is true for Rouér.

While this is going on inside their bodies, both of them entered a trance-like state. They are now completely not in control of their bodies and their bodies are moving subconsciously. They stayed in this state for quite a while, they both ejaculated and experienced orgasm multiple times in this state. Both of them are currently immersed in the process of building their soul space as the stimulation from the harmony of Yin and Yang is quite potent and puts them in this kind of mystical state.

Yang Xiaotian watched as the star system in his mind began to form. He began controlling the process of creating and manipulating every finer detail to his liking, he wants this star system to be just as he wants it to be, colorful and vibrant. After quite a while, the whole star system has formed. However, no matter how much he tried, he could not manage to make the stars revolve around each other. He tried many methods to make them move but failed.

"What is going on? Why aren't they moving as I have imagined them to?" Yang Xiaotian thought in his mind. He continued to think: "Will I have to constantly use my soul power to move them? That is outrageous! I will die if this is the case! No, there must be another way."

He kept thinking about why the star systems move the way they do. He recalled every detail about Omniverse from the Tai Ji book. He deduced that there should be a system in place that would make the stars move, this system should also nurture them, make them flourish and even let lives be created on these planets.

"Spirituality! This star system needs spirituality! But how to do it?" Yang Xiaotian kept thinking.

Soon enough the stimulation of Chí stopped and both of them gradually returned to their senses. Yang Xiaotian is still on top of Rouér but his penis has gone soft and already out of her vagina. The two of them looked at each other in shock. However, they immediately discovered that their bodies are covered in gooey black things. They realized what happened and immediately stood up.

"There is a small spring over there, let's go and take a bath." Rouér said.

Soon they arrived at the spring and began bathing each other. They are both naked and they moved their hands through each other's bodies to clear up the dirt and impurity. Yang Xiaotian realized that this spring water has some nice medical effects and felt delighted. He again felt that this area is really beyond amazing. Soon they finished bathing and returned to the previous spot and dressed up.

"Xiaotian, what happened? We were making love and then.." Rouér said in confusion.

"We achieved the harmony of Yin and Yang! It is a very difficult dual cultivation process. It is odd that we achieved it so easily. It must be because of several factors. Maybe because it was our first time together and we felt really blessed that we could give each other our virginity, it might have triggered a reaction in our Yin and Yang essence."

"Then the atmosphere of this place, I have a feeling that this place is in a state of harmony of Yin and Yang. A perfect place for dual cultivation or at least a place where achieving the balance of Yin and Yang is easy. It won't be so easy next time, we will have to work hard in dual cultivation but this place will surely help. From now on, we will dual cultivate here and try our best to achieve harmony of Yin and Yang." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Wow! You really have a dual cultivation method that can achieve this kind of effect? I have already opened up my soul space, now only Half Saints maybe my opponents!" Rouér said.

"My Rouér is truly amazing! Also, I do have a dual cultivation method but it is unlike those found in this world. The one I have depends on the feelings of two people, their understanding of each other, their physical state, mental state and so on. Basically, two of us will have to be in sync, our mental and physical state have to be appropriate for it to work. It is very hard but the effect as you can see is extremely good!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Then we should practice it every day!" Rouér happily said.

"Not a good idea to do it every day, we will exhaust ourselves mentally and physically but we can do it once every two days." Yang Xiaotian said. Then he suddenly thought: "Hold on... I came so much inside you... won't you become pregnant? I will have to go ask grandpa Sun to make a special medicine that can stop pregnancy without hurting the ovary. He must have already had all the knowledge required for this. I will go to him now and have him make one!"

"No need! I have done something better! Now without me wanting it, nobody can make me pregnant!" Rouér very proudly said.

"What? Really? What did you do?" Yang Xiaotian asked in a surprised tone. Rouér showed a proud expression and said nothing.

"Ok.. ok.. my good wife, tell your husband of your great skill. Teach your husband, ok?" Yang Xiaotian said very lovingly.

"Place your hand here and check with your soul power." Rouér placed Yang Xiaotian's right hand on her abdomen, a bit below her belly button.

After sensing with his soul power, Yang Xiaotian gasped in shock: "Is that... a soul barrier around your ovary?"

"Hehehe... husband is truly great! Yes, I created a soul imprint and then used it to create a barrier around my ovary. What do you think, very powerful right?" Rouér very proudly smiled.

"Yes indeed powerful. Can you teach me?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Naturally! Clear your mind!" Rouér said with a bright smile and then placed her index finger on Yang Xiaotian's forehead.

A soul imprint appeared inside Yang Xiaotian's mind and dissolved. Then some information appeared in his mind. He felt shocked, Rouér can now create soul imprints that can relay information! This is truly astonishing. Those talisman and formation masters will die from vomiting blood if they found out Rouér can achieve something so advanced.

"How did you learn to produce such a high level of soul imprints?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Secret!" Rouér said with a proud smile.

"It is that Deva right?" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Maybe! But more importantly, you need to practice creating that soul barrier. I will remove my barrier and you will create one again around my ovary. Start!" Rouér said.

Then they began practicing. Yang Xiaotian created a soul imprint according to Rouér's instruction and then soul imprint became a soul barrier.

"You call it a barrier? It is completely useless! Again!" Rouér said strictly.

Yang Xiaotian continued this process again and again and continued to be reprimanded by Rouér again and again until finally, he managed to create a barrier very strong.

"So strong! It is even stronger than mine! My husband is so awesome! You learned so fast!" Rouér very happily jumped into Yang Xiaotian's embrace and kissed him. She said again: "From now on, I am keeping this barrier. It means my husband will always be inside me!"

Yang Xiaotian laughed and kissed her passionately. He then said: "Ok we need to leave, it is already night. And you need to go meet Ming-er. She must be worried sick. When you meet her, put a barrier around her ovary too."

Rouér very happily nodded, if she has to put the barrier inside Qin Ming, it means her husband only placed his barrier inside her. She felt very special. Soon enough they returned to the city. Rouér went to meet Qin Ming while Yang Xiaotian returned home to have dinner. At this point, his parents no longer feel worried about him staying outside for long hours after evening. They have accepted the fact that their son has matured beyond his years and they can no longer hold him back.

The next day he went to the bank to meet Tang Bao again. Tang Bao greeted him with smile as he entered Tang Bao's office.

"Xiaotian, did you find your wife?" Tang Bao said with a teasing tone.

Yang Xiaotian said with an embarrassed expression: "I let senior watch something unsightly."

"Hahaha.. it is fine! Young people should be passionate." Tang Bao laughed. Then he said: "Are you ready to hear the report?"

"I will trouble senior then." Yang Xiaotian politely said.

Tang Bao told him everything about what is happening in the capital. Yang Xiaotian showed a very disgusted expression hearing Mu Chi was actually planning to hand over his wife and daughter to Supreme Pleasure Palace. He is also very pleased to hear that Mu Meiér did exactly as he instructed her. He is very pleased to know that Mu He actually took the lead and purged the main Mu family of all Feng family influence and now going after the branch families and all the businesses owned by the Mu family.

"We have a bit of a problem. But Assassins of Kings will not handle it because it is too low for us! There is a bandit group called Blood Hounds. They have been under Yang Zheng for a long time and now have been told to come here to cause chaos in the city. Chu Hao and Shi Kai have been notified and they are doing all they can to thwart this plot. But this group is sneaky, they have begun kidnapping young girls and women from surrounding villages. Even some young women from the city have gone missing! I think you better look at the reports and give some input." Tang Bao said with a frown.

Yang Xiaotian nodded, began reading the reports and found some ideas. He gave his ideas about how to secure the city and nearby villages. And also he expressed his suspicion about the missing women.

"It seems like the leader of Blood Hounds is stuck at peak Mortal Shedding for a long time and wants to use a very heinous method to achieve breakthrough! What a scum! He is planning to suck away the Yin essence of these women!" Yang Xiaotian furiously said.

"It means he has connections with Supreme Pleasure Palace too!" Tang Bao said.

"We must stop the abduction of women! Tell senior Chu and Shi about my ideas. See if they approve." Yang Xiaotian said.

After speaking a bit more, he learned that his bank balance is now over 50 million purple banknotes and felt quite surprised. He is now richer than his parents, however, he knows that all of this is because of Assassins of Kings giving him almost all the profit from their share of spirit stone business to him. So he decided to return some money to them by investing heavily into some of their business ventures. After all that is done, he left the bank.

He arrived at the children's hospital and went to meet doctor Sun. Doctor Sun became happy seeing him. And soon began discussing his new discovery about the human body. He discussed a new diagnosis process that can easily diagnose a person's internal situation. He showed his handmade soul imprint formation that can reveal problems inside the human body. Yang Xiaotian felt very shocked at this. Doctor Sun is progressing faster than he imagined, it seems he is truly on a path to becoming a godly doctor.

Then Yang Xiaotian discussed some ideas of his own, a medicine that can cleanse acupoints and meridian channels. Doctor Sun very patiently heard and nodded. It seems like he has thought of something along this line recently. He happily slapped his thigh after hearing Yang Xiaotian's ideas.

Then Yang Xiaotian began talking about his ideas about a medicine that can stop pregnancy without hurting the ovary. Currently, there is no such medicine but there are pills refined by pill refiners that can achieve that effect. However, these pills may permanently make someone sterile or stop them from conceiving for more than 5 years, or permanently damage the ovary, making it impossible to give birth to a normal healthy child. Hearing Yang Xiaotian's ideas, doctor Sun felt very shocked.

Doctor Sun said with a frown: "I say, boy, you are not experimenting on Ming-er right? I will kill you if you harm her!"

"How can that be? How can I harm my beloved wife? She still wants to give birth to a child or two of mine!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Brat! Since when did Ming-er become your wife? Did you ask for my permission?" doctor Sun showed fake anger as he said.

"Grandpa, I implore you to allow me and Ming-er to be together. We are deeply in love and I promise upon my very life that I will always keep her happy and safe!" Yang Xiaotian very seriously and politely knelt down and spoke.

"Alright alright... get up now, I bless you and Ming-er's union. That girl has suffered so much, I am sure you will give her happiness. Take care of Feiér too, she is so fond of you." doctor Sun said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, grandpa." Yang Xiaotian politely smiled.

"Alright, these medicines of yours will be made soon. I also want to have them validated by Spirit Doctor Association with our names, what do you think?" doctor Sun said.

"Just use your name! I don't want to draw attention." Yang Xiaotian said.

After chatting for a few more minutes with doctor Sun, Yang Xiaotian left. He then decided to personally visit Shi Kai. He found out that Shi Kai is in the city guards' office, so he traveled there. As soon as he arrived, the guards brought him to the captain's office. The new captain is someone from Chu Hao's family. Yang Xiaotian was graciously welcomed by Shi Kai and the captain. He immediately got to the point and began talking about Blood Hounds and his idea to contain them.

Apparently, the ideas he suggested were more or less also thought of by Shi Kai and the guard captain. So Yang Xiaotian further suggested the identification of all the residents of the city. The city guard office has records of almost all the citizens of the city. Those they don't have records on are also known to them, so it won't take them long to add them into records and identify all of them. This way they will be able to investigate newcomers and identify the Blood Hounds. Yang Xiaotian handed over a hefty amount of purple banknotes to Shi Kai for 'administrative cost' and then left.

He then arrived at the Mercenary Alliance and met Chu Hao. He has decided to offer multiple bounties on Blood Hounds. The first is to investigate the kidnapping of women and girls and capture or kill the fugitives. There is a large bonus payment if they can rescue the victims. 2nd is to directly kill known members of Blood Hounds. 3rd is to help city guards in investigating Blood Hounds activities in the city and capture them alive. 4th, kill the Blood Hounds captains and commanders. 5th, kill Blood Hounds leader. The total bounty is well over 500000 purple banknotes. After completing his business there, he decided to visit Qin Ming.

When Yang Xiaotian arrived at the medicine store, it is already afternoon. Currently, there are only receptionists selling medicines and no patients here. He learned that Qin Ming is in the backyard house and decided to go in. As soon as he arrived at the backyard, he saw Rouér and Qin Ming very passionately kissing each other while sitting at the table. He became dumbfounded looking at the scene.

"What the... are my wives cuckolding me.." just as he thought of this, he sensed his penis has become completely erect and very hard. He actually gulped down saliva looking at the scene and is feeling very aroused.

"Hehehe... husband, do you like what you see? We sisters can show you even more..." Rouér said with a mischievous laugh. Then she arrived before Yang Xiaotian and pulled him towards the table.

Qin Ming is looking at him with a very shy expression, her face is as red as a tomato. After Rouér brought Yang Xiaotian to the table, Qin Ming immediately pulled down his pants.

"Wai.. wait.. where is Feiér? And we are still outside!" Yang Xiaotian somewhat protested.

"Shhhh... don't talk so loudly, you might wake her.. it took me too much effort to put her to sleep, her soul power is very strong!" Rouér said and then sat down on the chair.

The women began licking and sucking Yang Xiaotian's erect penis. Their tongues and lips are not only licking and sucking his penis but also each other. As they performed, they both looked up at Yang Xiaotian, making the scene even more erotic than it already is. Looking at the two of them, Yang Xiaotian felt even more horny. He placed his hands on their heads and began breathing a bit heavily. He kept slightly caressing their hair as he looked at them pleasuring him. They pleasured him for 5 minutes before stopping.

"Why are you stopping?" Yang Xiaotian asked, he was just a bit away from ejaculating.

"Let's go in, we will pleasure you even more! Today we won't stop until you cum at least twice inside each of us!" Rouér said very seductively.

After entering the house, the two women undressed and then they undressed him. Then the three of them began kissing together. Their tongue and lips are sucking each other. This sensation is extremely pleasurable to Yang Xiaotian. After a while, they stopped. Rouér laid down on the bed with Qin Ming on top of her. Their vaginas are on top of each other, their clitoris are connected and they began kissing each other again. Looking at the scene, Yang Xiaotian felt almost going crazy.

"Husband, which one do you want first? Choose!" Rouér seductively said and then slid one of her fingers into Qin Ming's vagina, causing her to moan. The implication is clear, she is telling Yang Xiaotian to take Qin Ming first.

Yang Xiaotian placed his hands on Qin Ming's buttocks and then slid in his penis very smoothly.

"Aaannnhhh..." Qin Ming let out a heavy moan.

"Husband, put your fingers inside me!" Rouér said. Yang Xiaotian did as she asked.

He began moving quite smoothly, causing both women to moan in pleasure. He continued to move his waist back and forth and his fingers inside Rouér's vagina. After a few minutes, he leaned forward and began kissing the two women together.

While in this situation, Rouér suddenly said: "Ohhh.. husband...ahh.. if you feel like cumming, take out..ok? Don't cum!"

"Huh...why?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Just trust us..." Qin Ming is the one to say this.

Yang Xiaotian thrust a few more times and then took out his penis. He can't believe that he really was able to hold back from ejaculating.

"Come here." Rouér grabbed around his neck and kissed him while pulling him onto the bed.

Then she led Yang Xiaotian's mouth to her breasts, indicating that he needs to suck on them. Yang Xiaotian began sucking and licking while Rouér and Qin Ming again began kissing. Yang Xiaotian moved between sucking Rouér's breasts and kissing Qin Ming. And then after a while, Rouér got on top of Qin Ming and slid her fingers into Qin Ming's vagina.

"Husband, do my pussy now!" Rouér said and then began moving her fingers causing Qin Ming to moan.

Yang Xiaotian again slid his erect penis into a vagina, this time he is a bit ferocious when moving his waist.

"Ohhh...aaannnhhhh... yesshhh... hushhband...sshoo goood..." Rouér moaned.

"Aaannhhh... aaannnhhh..." Qin Ming is also moaning.

This continued for about 5 minutes when Yang Xiaotian finally could not take it anymore and ejaculated.

"Aaaaannnnhhhhh.... ssshhhooo gooood..." Rouér fell completely on Qin Ming. However, Yang Xiaotian's penis is still hard and he feels that he can go for one more shot.

"Husband, put your cock in Ming-er's pussy! Please!" Qin Ming said in a very lustful voice.

Yang Xiaotian could no longer take it and very ferociously shoved his penis inside Qin Ming's vagina.

"Ahhhnnnhhh.." Qin Ming let out a loud moan.

Yang Xiaotian also began grunting as he continued thrusting his waist ferociously. Although he is moving fast, he is still keeping it under control so as not to hurt Qin Ming in any way and not to be too rough. This intensely pleasurable sex continued for 2 more minutes when Yang Xiaotian finally ejaculated again and this time, his body felt limp and his penis became soft. Qin Ming also let out a loud moan as she also became tired. He laid down on both women. Although he is feeling weak, it is not the point where he would be completely immobile. He kissed both women gently, kissed their faces and forehead.

"My beautiful and lovely wives. You two are truly the best wives in the world." Yang Xiaotian said lovingly.

"Mmmm..." both women gently and lightly moaned as they hugged him between them. The three of them fell asleep like that.

After two hours, Rouér and Yang Xiaotian woke up. Qin Ming is still sound asleep, she treated patients since early morning and then had intense sex in the afternoon, she is truly exhausted.

Rouér and Yang Xiaotian deeply kissed, then Rouér said with a loving smile: "Darling, do you know that this idea of sex came from Ming-er?"

"Whoooaaa... my Ming-er is so wild!" Yang Xiaotian said with a lustful smile.

Rouér giggled and said: "She said that letting you see us kissing and licking each other would make you immensely horny. And then if we don't let you cum and let you wait for a while, you would be able to cum more like a sex beast!"

"My Ming-er is truly knowledgeable!" Yang Xiaotian nodded with appreciation. He suddenly recalled reading almost the same thing in the good book!

"Well, you at least need to cum one more time inside me and then once more inside Ming-er!" Rouér said with a hungry expression.

"Give me a break please, no more today!" Yang Xiaotian said with a panicked expression.

"Hihihi.." Rouér giggled: "Ok ok... we know that you need to build up your stamina. Let's do it bit by bit. However, I think you can still let out a quick small load!"

Saying this, she began licking Yang Xiaotian's penis which is a bit stiff from all the sex talk.

"Mmmmm..." at this time Qin Ming made some noise and moved her body as if she is about to wake up.

"Hehe.. Ming-er doesn't want to miss out, she is done pretending to be asleep!" Rouér giggled and continued to suck on Yang Xiaotian's penis.

"I.. I.. was asleep.." Qin Ming stuttered.

"It's ok wife. Come, make your husband feel good with your sister." Yang Xiaotian very lovingly said.

Qin Ming also joined in to suck and lick Yang Xiaotian's penis which has become a bit more stiff now. Soon enough, it became quite stiff and a bit more erect. The two women also started licking his nipples and chest to stimulate him further. Soon enough, he could no longer take it.

"Ahhh.. I'm gonna cum!" Yang Xiaotian grunted.

Qin Ming suddenly took his whole penis in her mouth causing him to feel extreme pleasure. He ejaculated immediately.

"Mmmmm..." Qin Ming's mouth looked full and looks like she is not swallowing the semen at all.

"Ming-er, don't drink too much, share with your sister." Rouér said seductively. Qin Ming nodded her head and within a few seconds, she raised her head and released Yang Xiaotian's penis from her mouth while making sure not a drop of semen falls off.

Rouér greedily licked clean Yang Xiaotian's penis and then locked her mouth with Qin Ming's mouth. Qin Ming began releasing Yang Xiaotian's semen into Rouér's mouth. The two of them sucked and licked each other's tongues as they swallowed his semen. This scene is so arousing that Yang Xiaotian sensed his limp penis twitching a bit. He thought in his heart that this is just too much for him. If this continues, he might truly become a sex beast!

Soon enough, the two women are done. They finished properly licking each other's lips and tongue and then looked at each other lovingly.

"Thank you Ming-er. You are the best!" Rouér said lovingly.

"You are also the best Rouér!" Qin Ming spoke and hugged Rouér gently.

"What about me?" Yang Xiaotian felt quite jealous looking at the two of them.

"Our husband is the best of the best of the best!" Rouér said with a charming smile on her face as she leaned towards Yang Xiaotian along with Qin Ming. The three of them hugged each other gently and lovingly.

"Yes husband, you are truly amazing. Without you, we sisters would have been deprived of the best happiness in this world. We want to make love to you even more every day from now on!" Qin Ming said very enthusiastically.

"Please give me a break!" Yang Xiaotian begged.

"Yes yes.. sorry... we will give you breaks, we also need breaks ourselves!" Qin Ming said and giggled.

Soon, they dressed up and got out of the room. And all three of their expression turned very embarrassing as they saw Qin Feiér practicing Tai Ji outside.

"Mom! Big brother Tian! Big sister Rouér! You are finally out! You were making so much noise, were you playing a fun game?" Qin Feiér said with a sweet smile.

The three of them felt their face becoming hot in embarrassment. They can't look at Qin Feiér at all.

"Hihihi... next time you want to play fun games, let Feiér know. Feiér will go pester grandpa!" Qin Feiér giggled and stuck her tongue out.

Her words caused the three of them to be even more embarrassed.

"Feiér, don't be naughty with your mother!" Qin Ming said with an embarrassed face.

Qin Feiér giggled and then said: "I am hungry. Let's eat."

Soon enough Qin Ming brought out food for the four of them and then they ate like a family. Qin Feiér kept telling about all kinds of things that she learned from big sister goddess and grandpa Sun. What shocked Yang Xiaotian is that she said she has already learned all kinds of acupuncture techniques from grandpa Sun and big sister goddess. Not only that, from now on, she will be helping doctor Sun in diagnosing patients and making medicines from time to time.

"Oh that's right, I heard from my master that something big is about to happen!" Rouér suddenly said.

"Your master?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Kuang is my master! When I was a child in the assa.. training, he took me in as a student. He is like a father to me. But the important thing is, he heard from his contact that those people are about to make a big move in the city. He is not sure what it is but as soon as he knows, I will tell you!" Rouér said.

"Alright but be very careful. Things are not going well for your employer, he might try to cut his tail to escape and you two might be the ones inside the tail!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Ok husband, we will be careful. If we are in trouble, we will come to you immediately!" Rouér said.

Soon enough they are done eating and Yang Xiaotian said goodbye to them and returned home.