Chapter 26: Date
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The next day, after showering Kami-sama with affection, I walked down one of the main streets.

Like a city with a circular shape, and if you looked down from the sky, you could see that Orario was divided into 8 equal parts, which were the streets going in 8 different directions.

These streets, known as the <Main District Streets> were; North, Northeast, South, Southwest, East, Southeast, West and Northwest. Four streets thicker than the others met at the center, which was above the <Dungeon>, and then split into their respective directions.

There was my destination, facing the <Tower of Babel> and known as the <Central Square>.

The bustle around the square was as lively as ever. Arranged around in a random but orderly fashion, one could see several fountains of crystal clear water and some green plants that gave life to the scene.

As I waited for Lili, I looked around at the adventurers carrying large swords, spears, or other weapons. Now that I noticed, very few of them entered the dungeon alone.

Although I thought about it, it never crossed my mind to form a group to explore the dungeon.

Considering my skills, which I wanted to keep secret, that was a big <No> for me. Lili, that depressed girl, was different from the others...

"Tooru-sama, have you waited long?"

"Mm? Oh, Lili, you've come. Even though it's still 8 hours away, were you that anxious about our date?"

Turning towards the voice, I found a smiling Lili. Her appearance was slightly different from the previous days. Although she was still wearing her hood, it was clear to see that she had been groomed, though, as always, there was no lack of the prominent bulge characteristic of a <Supporter>. It was impressive that a girl with such a small figure could bear to carry a bag twice her size.

"D-date? Tooru-sama, you mean...".

"Um, a date. You and me exploring the city together sounds romantic, doesn't it?"

Keeping her eyes wide open, Lili's smile hardened, and her soft skin took on a slight reddish hue.

"It was a joke. Come on; I have something planned for you."

Being as shy as she appeared, it was easy to tease her. Is it just an act? It's a topic that's hard to conclude, but I certainly hoped that wasn't the case.

"Tooru-sama, don't tease Lili. Besides, Tooru-sama promised to take responsibility!"

Her flushed cheeks bulged in a pout, her ear and cat tail twitching behind her. Take responsibility; that's what she said last time as well.

"I wouldn't mind." I shrugged, and my hands cupped that soft hand, urging her to follow me.

"Where are we going, Tooru-sama? I thought we'd tour the city, but we're going to the dungeon."

As we headed towards the <Tower of Babel>, where the entrance to the dungeon was located, Lili was puzzled.

"Surely you know this tower doesn't just serve as a cover for the dungeon, right?".

"Yes, since Tooru-sama said so. The <Tower of Babel>also serves as a base for some of the <Gods Familia>, not to mention there are Public Facilities for Adventurers, such as showers. But why is Tooru-sama ask that?"

Just as Lili said, that magnificent skyscraper is used by some of the <Families>as a trading post, where they display their best wares available to those adventurers who wish to stock up on goods that will benefit them within the dungeon.

These goods range from simple potions to high quality equipment.

Likewise, there was another group of gods or goddesses who used some floors of the <Tower of Babel> as their apartments.

They make me envious, sitting lazily in their seats while looking down on the world from the sky...

"Well, we'll visit one of those places."

"Huh? What does Tooru-sama want to visit such a place for? To buy armor, perhaps?"

Lili, who was visibly embarrassed, with her tiny fingers intertwined with mine, didn't know what we had come for.

"We didn't come for me, but for you, you know; besides, we're going to Hephaestus's shop."

"Ehh, Hephaestus-sama's smith?!"

The shout of surprise attracted the attention of the adventurers, who shot me a look that said —Shut up, or I'll kill you.

—Man, it wasn't me who shouted, irrational idiots.

Ignoring them, I wasn't surprised by Lili's reaction, as it was entirely expected. If I didn't know some information beforehand, thanks to my cute Rose, even I would have reacted like that if someone told me that they would take me to a place as luxurious as Hephaestus's shop.

As a <Blacksmith Type Familia>, the <Hephaestus Familia> led by none other than the goddess Hephaestus, they are the best in the field of blacksmithing.

So much so that their products were the ones that ruled the entire city of Orario. However, something so good did not come at a low price, naturally.

"Tooru-sama, Lili doesn't have the money to buy equipment from the <Hephaestus Familia>. Lili isn't rich at all!"

She was startled.

Lili's surprise was the origin of it; we, who didn't possess enough money to buy the rusty weaponry made by the worst blacksmith of the <Hephaestus Familia>, were currently heading there intending to obtain resources.

"You don't have to worry too much, really. You'll understand when we're there."




Blacksmiths, or rather, most of the blacksmiths belonging to the <Hephaestus Familia> possessed a <Development abilities>.

The <Development Abilities>was similar to leveling up.

It could be said that it was a privilege obtained by <Leveling Up>.

Among those abilities, there was <Blacksmithing>, a necessary ability for the current generation of blacksmiths.

Those who possessed it could add attributes to weapons, as they had the power of <Grace> given by the gods.

These attributes could be special effects, such as an unbreakable blade.

Among them, some weapons could create phenomena such as magic. The magic attack that Lili used to save me that time was one of those magic effects.

A <Magic Item>, unlike a standard item, had a lifespan, so to speak. Some can be used a certain amount of times before the item's lifespan runs out and it becomes useless.

Although they were famous, their high cost and the disadvantage of breaking were explicit limitations for an adventurer, so those who possessed this type of item were rare.

After dropping Lili's bag to the guild employee as well as my spear, we were guided towards an elevator that was powered by <Magic Stones>.

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