A bizarre first mission.
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"Ma'am, I would appreciate it if you let go of my arm…" Inugami said, his tone having a slight edge.  
Currently he was walking ahead of his teammates, on their way to Yumi's house. Said person was clinging to his arm, and feeling her pillowy breasts straining against him, Inugami exercised a tremendous effort to not pitch a tent in the middle of the street. That would be awkward…  
"But mister ninja… I've been scared to death ever since this whole stalker business started. So you can't blame me if I seek comfort in your strong arms…" She said while trailing a finger down his biceps.  
Her perfume was boring through his nostrils, and her ditzy but sultry voice was starting to get to him. He swore that he just heard the words "filthy slut" in the back. This needed to stop.  
It seemed like there was a misunderstanding here. Inugami was unusually tall for his age, something he inherited from his father's side of the family. Coupled with his well-built body, it was easy to mistake him for someone older.   
"I'm twelve" He said blankly, expecting a look of horror and the end of this farce.  
"Oh? But you don't look like you are twelve~"  
'Nevermind, this woman is a degenerate…'  
That was the only thing that Inugami could think of, as he saw her biting her lips after her giggly answer. He wanted to scream for someone to arrest this woman, but then he remembered that in this world any official shinobi was considered an adult. So this woman was not doing anything illegal. What a pity. This was just another reason why he wanted to leave this world.  
Thankfully they've finally arrived at an expensive looking one family house, which prompted Yumi to let go of his arm once they entered.  
"Well I'm sure you want to have a look around the house, so in the meantime, I will cook some yummy dinner for you!" She said in her airheaded manner, and then she promptly rushed towards the kitchen.  
There was a brief silence between team 10 which was soon shattered by a glaring Ino.  
"Enjoying yourself Inugami? I bet you must have the time of your life on our first "mission"." Ino sneered at him.  
Not really. If anything, Inugami was annoyed. He would have prefered to pluck out weeds over this. At this point he was even doubting that there was an intruder at all. It looked more like an attempt of a cradle-robber to seduce some "young flesh". It was ridiculous that he had to deal with this crap.  
But if Ino was getting triggered over this, who was he to stop her?  
"Mhm, can't say I didn't, those things did feel heavenly. I guess having big breasts is pretty neat, huh?" He said.  
Those words were supported with a meaningful glance towards Ino's chest, or rather the lack of. At that her face quickly reddened and she opened her mouth, but quickly closed it and just stormed into the house.   
"Well I wish you good luck on the mission. If you need me, I will be in the living room. Though I doubt you will need much help here."  
Hanabi, completely unbothered by everything, produced a book from her kimono and leisurely walked into the house.   
Now the only ones left were Inugami and Hinata. The girl was currently squirming while looking down, seemingly dealing with some kind of inner turmoil. Inugami simply waited patiently, knowing that his usual behavior would do more harm than good to the fragile girl.   
"I just want to thank you for saving me from Mizuki. I wanted to do this earlier b-but…"  
Inugami carelessly waved the concerns of the uncomfortable girl away. "I get it, I'm not the most pleasant person out there, so it must have been hard for you to approach me. Also don't worry, I'm sure you would have done the same for me."  
"Would I really have?" Hinata suddenly said in such a sharp and self-deprecating tone, that it made him flinch from surprise. "I can't even save myself, let alone someone else. And even if I could, I'm a coward! I would have… probably abandoned you." With the last few words her voice went down to a whisper. Now she was looking at the ground ashamed.   
"I see no problem here."  
"E-Excuse me?''  
Inugami was contemplating taking a page out of Naruto's book and attempting to give her some kind of talk-no-jutsu, motivating her into changing like in the original series. But he reconsidered. He was done with being fake. Such kind of behavior was a thing of his past life. Now he lives the way he wants and says the things he thinks. So he gave her his honest opinion.  
"You know yourself well enough to realize that if you would have tried to help me, you would have died. Again, I see no problem there. What's wrong with wanting to live?"  
"B-But…" Hinata said, trying in vain to formulate some words. Her face was red, but this time not from her usual embarrassment but indignation.   
Inugami nodded at her. "I see that you are not satisfied with this reality. Well, then just do something to change it into something better for you."  
Hinata looked dismayed at those words. "I can't…"  
"Well you either will or you won't." He shrugged. "But it depends on you. You can't just wait for a miracle or a knight in shining armor. The world is constantly moving fast. And it won't stop to help if you fall to the ground. You have to do that yourself or one day you will realize that you have been left behind… forever."  
"...I-I think I will check around the house for clues. T-Thank you for talking to me I-Inugami-kun. See you later." With that the girl left in distress.   
Inugami sighed tiredly. He sincerely hoped that he did not turn things for the worse with her. Man did he suck at stuff like this. How was Naruto so good at it?   
Shaking his head, he decided to stop pondering on it and entered the house.
But just as he barely passed the hallway, he was promptly ambushed by two humongous pillows.  
Breasts impacted Inugami's chest, as he stared down at the mischievous visage of Yumi. He wanted to pull away immediately, but surprisingly firm arms snaked instantly around him. He was now locked in an intimate hug with his hot client. Her curvaceous form was snugly fit against his larger one. Inugami suddenly felt something rising…  
"You know…" Yumi's sultry voice rang loudly in his ear, her warm breath ghosting over his face. "Since the others are busy now, why don't we take this to the bedroom?"  
For a quick moment Inugami was tempted. How could he not? It was a long while ago since he enjoyed the presence of an attractive lady. And thanks to his training and chakra making him enter puberty early, he was pent up for a while now.   
But then he quickly shook himself out of it.  
He wouldn't be seduced like this, especially by a random woman he just met. In fact, if he was to lose his second virginity, then it would be on his terms. With him doing the seducing and not the other way around!  
But just as he was moving her arms up to her shoulders, to remove her, he was interrupted by a new voice.  
"What are you doing Yumi?"   
Inugami whipped to the house entrance, where the question came from. Standing there, while staring intently at the pair behind his square glasses, was a gangly, bald man.   
'Who the hell is that?', Inugami thought as he let go of Yumi, readying himself to apprehend the potential intruder.   
But his unasked question got quickly answered as Yumi skipped towards the man and kissed him on the cheek. "Welcome back honey!" 
'Honey? Wait, that's her husband?'  
Seeing the husband's intense eyes, Inugami sighed internally. He expected an annoying interaction coming ahead.  
"I'll ask you again, what were you two doing?"  
"Oh!" Yumi gained a look as if she had just remembered that she was making moves on someone else other than her husband not a minute ago. She gestured to Inugami with a broad smile. "That's Inugami, one of the ninja's I hired, like I told I would."  
'Getting to know my ass, no way he will fall for that.'  
"O-Oh I see, you really went through with it. Well I'm glad that you are getting protected while I'm out on my night job."  
'He actually accepted it?! Is that guy blind? Also, why did he stutter there, is he afraid of shinobis?'   
Something like that was not unusual. Not everyone trusted superhuman killers after all, even if they were from the same village.  
Hearing her husband answer, Yumi started to frown. She put both her hands on her hips and pouted cutely. It was clear that she was not happy with his words.  
"Again with that?" Why did you even start a second job anyway? We clearly don't need it! You've barely had time for me lately…"  
The man started to look uncomfortable. "We had this conversation already. It's only temporary, I… I just need to do this for now."  
"Ugh fine, I'll accept it for now…" she said with a sigh. But the woman quickly got her energy back, as she wagged a finger at her husband in a mock scolding way. "But you will stay for dinner, and I will not hear a no from you. Inugami here surely has some interesting stories to tell."   
And with that all was fine… for now.    
— — —  
Inugami was currently roaming the house, checking every corner with his nose. Dinner was annoying with Yumi constantly asking him about his life, and getting glared at by Ino and Yumi's husband.  
Speaking of the man, Inugami didn't know what to think of him. Despite staring intensely at him during the whole dinner, he didn't say much. In fact, the only words he directed at Inugami, right before he went out to work, were "take care of Yumi". A reasonable and expected request, but Inugami had the strange feeling that he was missing something as he heard it.  
"Strange…" Inugami muttered with a frown, as he found himself again in front of the living room door. He went through the entire but only picked up on two smells, Yumi and her husband.  
This made things weird… a lot.  
Despite this mission being way more exciting than getting rid of weeds or finding a lost cat, it was still a D-rank mission. Inugami simply assumed that they would have to catch a civilian stalker in the act and haul his ass to jail. Hiruzen probably gave them this mission because of his team's tracking capabilities. He probably already knew who the invader was. Yet, the Intruder was capable of evading his nose. Meaning he was skilled, most likely a shinobi…  
But this was impossible! There was no way they would get pitted against another ninja on their first D-rank mission. Inugami believed that wholeheartedly until now, but he was starting to feel uneasy.  
"Hey Jin, I need your help." He said, from an outsider's view, to his shadow. But quickly after he spoke, his god-slayer puppy rose from the darkness, staring at him with its blank red eyes.  
"I want you to use the shadows here to patrol the house. If you see someone enter, bark loudly to alert me, alright?" Inugami suddenly gained an awkward look on his face. "You are able to bark, right?"  
Jin gave him a look that clearly conveyed the questioning of Inugami's intelligence. Which was surprising because it was the first expression it ever made.  
"Don't look at me like that! You didn't let one peep out until now, I was starting to think that you were mute. Anyway, you know what to do. Just one thing, don't attack before I arrive. Can't have you accidentally kill a civilian now…"    
Inugami watched Jin give a nod of conformation and slip into a nearby shadow. Turning around he entered the living room. Both his team and teacher were inside.  
"Did you find something Inugami?" Hanabi asked, her gaze not leaving the pages of a book she was reading. She was sitting on a modern looking couch, and there was a steaming tea cup infront of her.  
"Strangely enough, no. Despite going through the whole house, I was unable to sniff out anything suspicious. You sure this is a D-rank mission, teach?"  
Hanabi nodded and said: "This mission was handpicked by Lord Third, so I can assure that it lies within your capabilities."  
Inugami looked doubtfully at her. "If that's the case, why is the intruder able to evade my senses then?"  
"Maybe because you spent too much time on sniffing something else, or rather someone else." Ino said cattily from another coach, where she was resting alongside Hinata.  
Hearing that, Inugami used one of his favorite techniques that he cultivated throughout the academy. Ignoring Ino. "Anyway, I ordered Jin to guard the house. This should expose the intruder if they come back tonight."  
Hanabi gave him an approving look. "This should take care of this. We will swiftly move once the intruder has been found"  
"Inugami Inuzuka, don't dare to ignore m-!"  
But Ino's incoming rant was cut off by the sudden entry of their client. "Hey~!"  
The room went deathly quiet. The reason? Yumi was wearing a nightgown… a see through nightgown without anything under it.  
Yumi sensing the attention pretended that nothing was wrong, but she did shoot Inugami a meaningful wink before turning to Hanabi. "Miss Ninja, I'm here for my night guard."  
"Night guard?" Hinata asked, her pale eyes lit up in confusion.  
"Mrs Yumi requested for someone to be next to her while she sleeps. She won't feel safe otherwise" Hanabi said, then she turned to Inugami. "Which will be you by the way."  
"What?!" Ino said. She was seething.  
"Ha?" Inugami's face darkened. "Why me? And why does she even need someone in her room specifically? We are already guarding the entire house!"  
Hanabi simply shrugged and turned her eyes back to her book, looking completely unbothered. "We Konoha shinobi's try to fulfill the requests our clients will have on the missions. If it's within reason of course. So get used to it."  
"Within reason?! Now listen here you emotionally damaged bi– You know what? Fine. Two can play this game." Just as the livid Inugami looked like he would attack his teacher, his entire demeanor changed. Now he was strangely calm, with a serene look on his face.  
"Did he finally lose it?" Ino whispered to the others feeling disturbed, her anger seemingly forgotten with the turn of events.  
And as if to prove her words Inugami, with a few moves, swiftly undressed himself.  
There was a gasp, incoherent sputtering, and a loud thud. But Inugami was focused only on one reaction. Yumi was roaming her hooded eyes hungrily on every part of his body, while biting her lips. That was good.  
Not waiting for any more responses, Inugami firmly grabbed Yumi's arm and dragged her to her bedroom.   
It didn't take long for Inugami to lay on a spacious and soft bed with Yumi laying on his right arm, her huge breasts digging into his side.  
"I knew you would come around Inugami." Yumi said while she was caressing his muscular chest.  
"We Konoha shinobis always try to give the best service to our clients." Inugami gave her a charming smile.  
"And I will definitely enjoy this service thoroughly…" Yumi purred while her hand edged closer and closer to Inugami Jr until-  
"Ouch! Hey, what are you doing?" Yumi asked, a little upset. Which was understandable since Inugami just slapped her hand away.  
Inugami shot her an infuriating smirk. "I think I should ask you that, Mrs Yumi."  
"I thought you would give me your best service?" Yumi said, a little annoyance visible in her eyes. It was the first negative reaction she showed today, which pleased Inugami greatly.   
"I did, though I fail to see how touching me inappropriately has anything to do with me guarding you." Inugami said in faux confusion.   
"B-But I though we were going to-"  
"If your thoughts implied anything besides guarding, then you were wrong."  
"Then why did you get naked?!"  
"Because I feel uncomfortable sleeping with clothes, there is no other reason."  
"That's clearly a lie! Come on Inugami, don't be like that. I'll give you a great time, something those little girls can't do. Something only a mature lad-"  
"Shut up!" Inugami said, his eyes tightened in annoyance and his voice sharp. Hearing such a harsh tone from him for the first time made Yumi immediately shut her mouth. "I'll say this for the last time. It won't happen. So stop pushing. Do you understand?"  
Facing an irritated ninja, made even this bold woman cower. So she simply nodded meekly, her usual airheaded expression absent. Though weirdly enough, he could see her squirming around with a red hue on her face.  
"Yes sir!"  
Inugami faltered for the smallest moment, but quickly let out a pleased smile. "While the "sir" was unnecessary, I'm glad that you finally get it. Now sleep, I can't guard you well if you annoy me all the time."  
Although Inugami was pleased that the pushy woman finally stopped her shenanigans, he can't deny that her, now frustrated and horny, expression made the day's events somewhat worth it.  
— — —  
Hinata was worried as she looked towards her teammate Ino. Ever since her other teammate went away with their client, the girl has been sitting on the couch lifeless and close to tears. Scratch that, she was already in tears. Hinata could understand her, she herself felt strangely uncomfortable ever since Inugami dragged Yumi out of the room naked…  
But this was going on for hours! She wanted to help the girl. So she used the time until now to gather herself, and now she was ready.  
"I-Ino-san, I know that you worried about Inugami, but it will be fine." She said in a gentle tone.  
Ino let out a few sniffs before answering her. "I know what you are trying to do, Hinata. And while it's cute, let's not kid ourselves here. The situation here is clear. And you know, I can't even blame Inugami. Our client, despite being a cheating slut, is way more developed than the stick I am. She is also way more honest with her feelings than me…" Ino now looked like she would bawl her eyes out.  
Hinata, not wanting her to spiral down any further, hurriedly said something. "You are wrong Ino-san. Inugami-kun was very annoyed by Mrs Yumi throughout the day. And he is not the kind of person to get cornered into something once he decides against it. He is too prideful for that. So I'm sure that he is not… s-sleeping with her."  
By now, Ino calmed down a bit, but she still had a skeptical look on her face. "I mean, he is that kind of person… But then why did he undress himself?"  
"M-Most likely to mess with her. Inugami-kun sadly can be really petty…"  
At that Ino finally gave a wet laugh. "That he is! You are right, Hinata. That bastard is too anti-social and spiteful, to have casual fun with some random woman. No matter how much like an ex-pornstar she looks like." The formerly crying girl was now laughing wildly. "Thank you, I really needed that."  
'For a boy she supposedly has feelings for, she thinks quite badly of him.' But since she didn't want to bring the freshly improved mood down again, Hinata kept her observation to herself.  
Ino stopped laughing and smiled at Hinata. "You know, you aren't bad Hinata. Wanna be friends?" With that she stretched her hand towards Hinata invitingly.  
Hinata's eyes widened and her mind drew blank. But soon a warm feeling spread through her body, and she took Ino's hand with a shaky smile. "O-Of course."  
Ino clasped her other hand over Hinata's. "Great! We should totally eat something together after this mission, to celebrate our new friendship. Maybe we could also go shopping before? By the way, what kind of food do you like?"  
Hinata was a bit overwhelmed with Ino's energy, but she answered nevertheless. "I-I really like cinnamon rolls and red bean soup with mochi." And with that the two fell in an eager conversation, not realizing the incredulous look Hanabi threw at Hinata.  
But the joyful atmosphere was soon shattered by loud barking.  
— — —  
Inugami was bored. Still laying on Yumi's bed, with said woman sleeping now on his chest, he stared blankly at the ceiling. While it was amusing at first to give Yumi the female equivalent of blue balls, it got old real quick. And the wait went worse after she fell asleep. Things really were boring. It also didn't help that he was getting bothered by the constant thick smell of arousal wafting from Yumi throughout the night, especially after she started to grind her pussy on his leg after she fell asleep.  
Sometimes he really cursed his prideful nature. Without it he would probably still be balls-deep inside an older woman. But here he was…  
He really hoped that the intruder would show up soon, so he could finally finish this shitty mission.  
And as if to answer his prayers, he soon heard the loud barking of Jin.  
"Huh? What happened Inugami?" Yumi asked sleepily, having been awakened by the commotion.  
But Inugami didn't waste time to answer her. He swiftly untangled himself from her and sprinted towards the source of the noise, still naked as the day he was born.  
Soon he reached Jin. In front of it was a shuddering form desperately asking the dog to calm down.   
"Stop right there criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch! I'm- Wait it's you?!"  
Yes, standing after he entered by a window and illuminated by moonlight, was undoubtedly Yumi's husband.  
It all clicked in Inugami's head. The reason why the man reacted strangely after he heard that his wife hired shinobi's, and the reason why he didn't pick up on the intruder's smell…  
"So it was you all along… but why are you breaking in your own house you weirdo?"  
First there was no reaction from the man as he simply stood there in the dim light, staring stoically at him. It actually made  him look somewhat menacing. But the image was soon shattered as the man burst into tears.  
"It's because of that woman! She is going to kill me one of these days!"  
What? He was afraid that Yumi would kill him? Did he misjudge that woman so much?  
Speaking of Yumi…  
The gray-haired woman arrived, still in her see-through nightgown, alongside with his teammates who were of course confused. Well, besides Hanabi, who looked wholly unsurprised.  
Inugami narrowed his eyes at that, but he quickly focused his attention back to the "intruder".
"I think we need an explanation here."  
The man sighed and then started to explain.   
"As you can see, my wife is a lot younger than me. There is a 23 year difference between us. And I'm not complaining! She is young, gorgeous and even kindhearted. She is the perfect wife."  
"However there is one big problem."  
"One big problem?" Inugami couldn't help himself, he was now intrigued by this tale. What was that big problem? Does he mean his wife's supposed intent to murder him? Did he find a perfect wife, just to later find out that she was a yandere? Inugami didn't know if he should pity or envy the guy.  
"Her sexual desire is way too strong!"  
""Huh?"" Hinata and Ino echoed Inugami's reaction.   
Ignoring their reaction, the man continued his speech passionately. It seemed like he wanted to get these words out of his chest for a long time.  
"Day or night… morning or afternoon… She wanted to have sex, regardless of the time or place! All it took was simple eye contact. She is a succubus who regularly sucked me dry. Literally! I used to be fat in the past, but now I'm scrawny… I simply couldn't keep up. So I became a husband that couldn't properly serve his wife. A husband that had to pretend to go to a fake job and later break into his own house to rest, because he feared that he would die by marital sex…"   
By now all intrigue vanished from Inugami, and only disdain was left on his face. Hinata and Ino were both blushing brightly and their gazes were locked on the ground. Hanabi was back to reading her book. It must have been a really good book… 
Suddenly the man was in front of Inugami, clasping his hand between his own. Tears of joy and hope were streaming down his hollow cheeks.  
"I have finally found a way to survive!"  
"Let go of me, you fucking creep!"  
"You couldn't understand how happy I was when my wife told me that she got interested in a young and strong shinobi. And after hearing about your love for long and excruciating training, I knew you are  the perfect fit for Yumi. I know you will be able to tame her!"  
The man stepped back and looked between Inugami and a blushing Yumi. "From seeing your state of dress, I assume things are already going great. So, how was he, Yumi?" 
 Yumi pouted and put a hand on her cheek. "Sadly, he rejected me." There was a breath of relief after that statement. Then Yumi's cheeks reddened, and she got a dreamy look on her face. "But I loved how forceful he was… I definitely won't give up on him. It seems like he won't be easily swayed by little old me, so I will work hard, honey!"  
"I see, don't worry dear, there is no man that can ignore your affections forever. I will root for you!"  
"That's so sweet! Thank you honey, I love you!"  
"I love you too, dear!"  
"Can we go? I don't want to be here anymore." Ino asked Hanabi, looking uncomfortable. Hinata nodded in support, looking equally disturbed.  
And Inugami?  
He was looking blankly towards the moon shining outside the window, and muttered, "You will pay for this transgression, Hiruzen."   
"By the way…"  
"What?" Inugami looked tiredly towards the man.   
The man , after meaningfully looking down, gave him a dazzling smile paired with a thumbs up, and said, "Nice cock, buddy!"  
You will pay for this Hiruzen.