Chapter Gaiden A: a long time ago in a Gloria
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This is a long-ago story before the World Union exist.

Once upon an unknown time, there was a God of the Milky Way named Misherah. Misherah is the godness who created the Milky Way galaxy. Other goddesses such as Ashir, Astalte, and Prenival are born after the Milky Way galaxy. After many years, the goddess Ashir created the planet Yggdra, which gave birth to the Kain divine kingdom and the Gra Valkas Kingdom (the predecessor of the Gra Valkas Empire). At the same time, goddess Astarte created a new world and named it Gloria; this is where the World Union, Mu, Commune Federation, Gra Valkas Empire, and Kain Divine Kingdom would be relocated in the future.

Before planet Yggdra and planet Gloria, there was another goddess called Prenival, who had a bad attitude toward other goddesses, liked to harm and insult other gods, and always showed her superiority because she had a huge black wing on her body. She also created a planet called Raverworld. The Ravernal Empire is founded on this planet, which has more advanced technology than planet Gloria.

Various races attacked each other and attempted to dominate this world before being colonized by the Great Nation known as the Ravernal Empire. There are elves and humans fighting with swords; the elves are defending their forests as homes, while the humans intend to deforest them to build a house. In certain mountain plains, dwarves and dragon folk fight for control of their territory. Meanwhile, on the Mirishial continent, a hundred wars have erupted between various races.

It's a never-ending race war until heavy-winged people from Ravernal Empire and planet Raverworld arrive in the new world. They rule the entire world with their overwhelming Ravernal armed forces, which include magical jet aircraft, magical tanks, and magical assault rifles.

They entered this world via a large dimensional portal known as Nethall, which is black in color and powered by Ravemerald. The portal is located in the Annonrial continent, and it was secretly created by the godness of Prenival one day after the Ravernal trooper was created, marching through the portal warp and killing anyone who was meant to kill them.

The races left the Annonrial continent because they were afraid of the Ravernal Empire. They decided to make peace with each other and form an alliance against the Ravernal Empire. They also built a fortress on the Vestal continent because they knew the Ravernal Empire would land on the Vestal continent one day, but they didn't realize the Ravernal Empire would land through the coastal defense in the south.

The Ravernal Empire has conquered the Vestal continent, and the races are fleeing to other continents such as Rodenius Continent, Mirishial Continent, and Philades Continent. They not only strengthened their defense but also their navy by producing more galleys with numerous cannons on them; in total, they were able to produce 1,111 large galleys, which were all dispatched to the Wesal sea, which was located on north Cheli island. The Ravernal Empire, however, is always stronger than all of them, and the Ravernal Navy dispatched a carrier strike group and a battleship strike group, as well as 1 aircraft carrier, 1 battleship, 4 cruisers, and 14 destroyers.

When both sides met at the Wesal sea, the Ravernal Navy fired their naval guns from afar, causing numerous galleys to explode, destroying more than 90% of the race fleet. Realizing they didn't stand a chance against their navy, some of the galleys turned around and headed back to the base, but the admiral of the fleet forced them to stay and fight alongside them.

Meanwhile, on the southwest parpladia continent, there are air bases with wyverns accompanying the rider on dirt runaways, with the wyverns running and jumping at the end of the runaways, then leashing and flapping their wings. There are 500 wyverns, 30 wind dragons, and one cyclone dragon in total. The dragons come from not only the Philades continent but also the Mirishial continent and the Rodenius continent.

Meanwhile, on the southwest parpladia continent, there are air bases with wyverns accompanying the rider on dirt runaways, with the wyverns running and jumping at the end of the runaways, then leashing and flapping their wings. There are 500 wyverns, 30 wind dragons, and one cyclone dragon in total. The dragons come from not only the Philades continent but also the Mirishial continent and the Rodenius continent.

They can detect incoming dragons from a long distance thanks to the conductive magnetic radar. The destroyer, frigate, and cruiser fired numerous magical cruise missiles into the skies, which the dragons tried to avoid, but the missiles always chased them from behind and couldn't be avoided. Numerous explosions can be seen from both sides as they witness his comrade dying without the ability to fight them. There is one remaining wyvern that can withstand the missiles, but he is quickly eliminated when the CIWS fires a magic bullet into the wyvern's head.

The Ravernal Navy dominated every sea on the planet Gloria as a result of the Alliance fleet's loss, and they conducted a land invasion of every continent in the world, including the Mirishial continent, Rodenius continent, Philades continent, Grameus continent, and Aquamus continent.

The Ravernal Empire easily dominated the new world, the heavy-winged people subjugated and treated them as their pets, they made the race work for them, they were raped, forced to work for more than 20 hours, and forced to do harmful things, they were also forced to build a portal to transport a large continent called Latisfor continent, which was transferred from the Raverworld to the Gloria.

It was sentient land created by the Prenival as a gift to the Ravernal Empire for success in conquering the entire planet of Gloria, it's content is quite bigger than the Rodenius Continent. This is where the majority of the slaves worked for the Ravernal Empire. They suffered under the Ravernal Empire until one day a miracle occurred. The Ravernal Empire dared to send an ultimatum to the goddess to pray and worship the Ravernal Empire's Mage Emperor as well as the goddess of Prenival.

the god of the universe Ganera is enraged after hearing the ultimatum; she is the mother of all galaxies and the grandmother of all planet gods. She decides to send a meteor to Raverworld and the Latisfor continent, after which the Ravernal Empire leaves Gloria with a paved message on the golden stone, which is located in the Mirishial Continent.

The Ravernal Empire would return and rule the planet once more in the future!

After the Ravernal Empire left the world, the Latisfor continent submerged into the sea and awaited the Ravernal Empire's return to the Gloria. Following the departure of the Ravernal Empire, the races liberated one another and pursued the other winged people who remained in this world. Meanwhile, in heaven, the God of the Universe exiled Prenoval to hell; she is no longer a goddess and will no longer be able to meet her children.

It's been more than ten centuries, but the races will never forget the Ravernal Empire's threat and power. During this period, a demonic being known as Demon Lady Nosgorath emerged from the Grameus continent, leading armies to conquer the world. The demon army is able to conquer the Philades and Mirishial Continents in three months. There are numerous races gathered on the Rodenius Continent, and this is where the races' hopes are still alive; sentient races such as elves, dwarves, beast humans, humans, dragon folk, and fox humans are gathered here. They are currently preparing to defend against the demon Lady Nosgorath and her army.

Gloria Calendar 02/06/1422, The defensive line, Iwat Valley, North Rodenius Continent. 09:01 PM.

The skies are dark, and the Valley is filled with clashing sword sounds and yells of injured or warcries. On the demon side, there are 10,000 fallen sentient, 3,500 goblin maces, 4,000 goblin falcon, 2,000 goblins Roncone, 2,500 goblin stone crossbows, 100 colossal trolls, 50 wyverns manned with orcs. During the liberation of the races from the Ravernal Empire, 4000 infantry, 400 archers, 40 mages, and four great generals with their magical muskets.

Wraaaa!!!!" The screams of the fallen sentient.

The demon army and the alliance army are fighting each other; the alliance army can hold out against the demon army for a short time, but the general of the alliance race will soon be faltering and dead as their bodies are slashed or slaughtered; demon army is much larger than the alliance army.

"Take aim at the Giga demon army! If we let those cretins through, they'd break through the defensive line!" A wolf beast men Oracle, one of the races' top ten great generals.

He has been fighting the demon army since its inception on the Grameus continent. His silver fur and dark skin were mixed with a red and green demon and sentient blood colors.

"I can't take it any longer! Lead the others to leave the battlefield, Kenshiva!" He screams at Vice General Kenshiva.

"What about yourself?!"

"Shut up! They're getting closer to the defense! We can't hold them for long; we need to retreat and launch another counterattack. I'm strong, and I'll be fine!"

The alliance army is retreating at the same time that Meriell, the general of the Mages, and Dorguff, the dwarf commander of the archers, are retreating their armies to the divine forest.

"Come back! Back off! Fall-"

"Be careful! Wyverns are on their way!" One of the archers yelled.

There are 50 wyverns in the skies diving to the ground while enlarging the fireballs in their mouths, the wyverns firing their fireballs, and the fireballs hitting the ground.

"Avoid the fireballs!" Meriell yelled as she cast a fireball at the wyverns in the sky.

A swarm of fireballs causes multiple explosions, and the archer and mage are yelling in pain and screaming; some are killed in the explosion, but the majority are injured.

"Shit, incoming demon lord, help Malatras and the other nine great ogres!" Dorguff general shout out!


There are three Lintwurm, six colorful ogres, and Malatras in their sighting, as well as white ogres, black ogres, green ogres, yellow ogres, red ogres, and blue ogres, all ready to bash the armies of all races.

"Everyone hurry back while the general is still holding them!" General Orlaxle yelled. General Orlaxle dashes to the center of the swarms, rotating his body with two swords in his hands.

The demon army plans to kill him by jumping on him, but he grabs a magical wooden that can create a huge flame near him and throws it to the ground, causing the demon army to burn into ashes.

"Hyaah!!!" General Orlaxle screams in agony.

"General!!!!!" Vice General Kenshiva screams and cries.

Kenshiva wants to save him, but he is stopped by General Dorguff and General Meriell.

"Stop right now! His sacrifice would be futile if you died in vain to save him; he did this for you; please return to the Divine Forest so that we can organize our army to retaliate against the demon army."

The army of the alliance races successfully escaped from the battlefield thanks to General Orlaxle, who sacrificed his life to keep the demon army at bay. Despite the Demon army successfully destroying the defensive line in Iwat Valley, the Alliance of races has been evacuated and is now in the divine forest preparing for their final stand against the Demon army.

Altar, South Rodenius Continent.

"Oh Astalte, our deity, may our prayers find their way to you. Your children desire peace; please save us from destruction."

There is prayer activity with 200 shrine priests at the Altar deep within the sanctuary, they have recited a prayer repeatedly in the old elven language, if they are stationed on the battlefield, they could be slaughtered by more than a thousand goblins, but they would still be overwhelmed by the ogres and the demon Lady Nosgorath. They hope to receive a fortune from the fertility god, Astalte, by combining their prayers with a fusion of magic.

"All races are tired and exhausted from fighting them; please, we beg you..."

The senior elf Ilkanresis, the shrine priest's head, prostrated herself before the Altar as she continued to pray and offer prayers for the sentient. The massive altars brimming with enormous magical energy then abruptly lost all of their magical energy.


Noticing the change, she raised her head slightly and noticed a light of balls in the air; they realized what was going on and lowered their heads. They felt an overwhelming sense of power, and they could hear Astalte echoing in their minds; her appearance may not be visible, but they can feel she is close to them.

"My cherished children... I'm glad you're okay... I am already aware of the dreadful situation that exists throughout the universe."

"Thank God... You can see and meet us... As you can see in under the heavens, we are fighting desperately against them... Despite the fact that we are united... We are still unable to halt the demonic marches... Soon, all races would be wiped out, and we would be outnumbered by the demon army... We have no choice but to beg, dear Astalte... Oh, please save us from the abyss, for the sake of the world."

"... My beloved children, I am being watched and guarded. We are not allowed to put our hands directly in this world... However, you may no longer be afraid. I'll bring this up with the other goddess. Now I ask you to be patient."

The elves raised their heads and looked at each other as the ball of light and the sense of her presence vanished. Whether or not their conversation actually occurred.



There are goddesses floating and doing cross-legged in front of Astarte, as well as the milky way god Misherah. She may be smaller than Astarte, but she possesses unstoppable power; no living creature can come close to the milky way god Misherah. A small table appeared in front of them, seemingly out of nowhere, made of wood that does not exist in any real-life world. Blue-colored godness drink in a transparent glass. She handed her the clear glass.

"As the godness of planet Gloria, I must protect my beloved children from Ravernal biological creation."

"Those damn godness Prenivel and also Ravernal Empire kept giving problems to us, first of all, they secretly help an alliance called Axis to take over the world, they also challenge the goddess like us and now they wanted to cease both of you by killing the worshipper? We must act, but we cannot directly intervene with them!"

"But... Why?"

"The might's power has never been more unbalanced or worsened than it is right now!" Remember, we have God's law, which states that we cannot intervene in the world except through the god of the Universe, Ganera."

"But... What if you bring that matter to the God of the Universe, Ganera? If we continue to ignore this, our presence will vanish because if they cease to exist, we will also cease to exist."

"That's why I am here, as your best friend, I will try to help you. I'll talk to the god of peace about it; give me a half-second and I'll be right back."

"We thankfully to you, Misherah."

Misherah vanished from her presence and reappeared after a while; there are no time concepts in heaven, so she reappeared almost immediately, with a sad expression on her face.

"We just talked about it... Everything will be fine for them if you lose your appearance, so they may pray without knowing your appearance."

"So, if my bodies no longer exist..."

"To put it another way. By giving up your body. We will intervene with them, but as emissaries from a superpower country on another planet, emissaries of the "

"The United States? "Which country is that?"

"This country is located on planet Earth; this world is more advanced than your planets combined; some fleet navy from the United States of America will be transferred to both of your planets... Astarte... I sincerely apologize; this is the best I can do..."

"That's fine; it's nice to have a marvelous big sister like you; I'll never forget your effort for me... Goodbye big sister Misherah!"

She vanished from Misherah's view and returned to their own planet, after which Misherah wrapped herself in a diplomat uniform similar to that of the United States.

"I need to meet with the President of the United States; I hope he accepts my request to send democratism to the planet Gloria."

[/The Prolog of every Gaiden in WUS will be in this book, however, the continuation or other chapter of Gaiden will be in a separate book so stay tuned for future publishing.]