Eden 05-06
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Chapter 05: Milk Run


It wasn't long until a reddish-brown Leather-Wing landed down and its rider jumped down off of it's back.


It was the young woman, Tee-Kay and she was talking to someone using her flight helmet.


“Roger that, North Tower. We are doing an unscheduled silk run to break in a new rider. Everything is under control. ” Tee-Kay said and gave Jones a thumbs up.


Jones knew bullshit when he heard it and nodded to show he understood the cover story.


“Well, that was exciting. You just won me some credits. I owe you a dinner date. ” Tee-Kay said after moving a recessed switch on the side of her helmet which he guessed to turn off her open mic.


“She got a free spirit is all. ” Jones said looking at Nightmare and watched as the Leather-Wing tore into the soft belly of the fish she caught.


“Come on, we got a mission to finish. It's a milk run, so no worries. ” Tee-Kay said and made her way over to a log tossing her helmet down near her own Leather-Wing.


Jones followed her and she instructed him to lift the log. Tee-Kay watched his hands and noted he wasn't even trembling from the unexpected flight.


Tee-Kay whipped out a baton to strike down on a beetle the size of a small dog killing it. Two more beetles got the same treatment and she picked them up by the legs using her free hand.

Next, she walked over to a hole then tapped the ground gently using the same baton. Jones put his hand on his knife as a large spider even bigger then the beetles emerged. The body was big as a dinner plate, but it's long legs giving it the appearance to be much bigger.


Tee-Kay tossed the beetle toward it and the oversize spider snatched it almost in mid-air. Jones now realized that this was a Silk-Weaver. The spider retreated back into its home with its prize


“These guys are damn near tamed. They won't attack unless you're unlucky enough to stick your entire leg down a hole. It takes a few hours for the poison to work itself out of your body even with our advanced healing. ” Tee-Kay explained and almost lazily batted down what appeared to be a large white ball as it came flying out of the hole. No doubt the spider had propelled it out.


“Be a dear and get that. ” Tee-Kay said with a grin at the look on his face.


Jones reached down and realized it was a damaged cocoon. It was torn open then he saw bits of a beetles legs and realized the Silk-Weaver used this to store its meal in. By giving the spider more food its natural instincts was to clean out the hole for more room.

Soon after, Jones discovered a person could stick the silk balls together forming an even larger silk ball.


They repeated this process until Jones could no longer hold the now giant ball under one arm.

Tee-Kay took the silk ball from him and produce a net then tied it off on her own Leather-Wing.


“Okay, Newbie. Let's see if Nightmare really likes you or decides you should walk back. ” Tee-Kay said snatching her helmet off the ground and climbing back on her own Leather-Wing.

Jones saw Nightmare was finished eating her fish and she dropped down to allow him to climb back on.


Jones climbed on and experience that same galloping run then she was off in the air once more.


The flight back was tame compared to his first takeoff. Nightmare followed behind and he noticed when Tee-Kay's Leather-wing flapped down. Nightmare lifted her own wings to catch the wind from the other Leather-Wing.


'Just like geese do when they are flying. ' Jones thought and almost too soon saw the Leather-Wing bay ahead.


Each of them sailed in and each Leather-Wing gave a few powerful strokes of its wings to land. After Jones undid his harness and slid off of her back. He watched Nightmare walked toward her old stall.


With a gesture that reek of disdain she reached out with one claw-like hand and pushed the broken door away then disappeared inside the alcove.


Madam Grace came out from her office and for the first time, Jones noticed everyone else had left.


“I come bearing gifts. ” Tee-Kay said holding out the silk ball and dropping it to the ground.


“So Milo Jones, think you can handle her? ” Madam Grace asked and Jones thought for one wild second she meant Tee-Kay then remembered that Nightmare was a female Leather-Wing.


“She has got a bit of a free spirit, but I think she trusts me. ” Jones said looking at the alcove.


“A bit of free spirit. Well, go with Tee-Kay and get fitted for a proper rider harness with armor. Get yourself a hand cannon or a pair of hand cannons. You will be flying over the jungle and little pop guns don't cut it out there if you go down. Report back here at the same time, tomorrow. We will start your official lessons then. ” Madam Grace said with a small laugh.


“Yes, Madam. ” Jones said and moved when Tee-Kay started walking. It was a short walk down some stairs then another hallway to a door marked Armory.


A white hair man behind a glass window looked up from a screen. A younger man was working on a table behind him repairing a rifle.


“Another one, Tee-Kay. You must be that Milo guy. ” The man said and Jones heard a buzzer go off to his right as a door popped open.


Together they walked through and into a larger room with hundreds of guns and rifles neatly arranged.


“Name is Christopher Kiln. So sniper rifle or something more up close and personal? ” The white hair gentleman asked coming around the doorway.


“Up close and something not too big. I use to favor an old military 1911 45 ACP. ” Jones said remembering getting razed by guys for using such an old pistol as his sidearm of choice.


“Hmm, You know I got a pair of those. It's the updated Knight-ware version. Next-generation type and all. Modified with all of the bell and whistles. Steel-X metal with built-in suppression barrel. ” Christopher said pulling out a container and unlatching it. He flipped it opened with a flourish.


Jones looked down and liked what he saw. The dual pistols were a mixture of old and newer pistol parts he would favor.


“As you can see they come with integrated rail adapters and a multifunctional flashlight including built-in laser sight. Even links up with your helmet so you can switch from different light modes. I will load you up with the standard subsonic rounds. Your want that if your riding on the back of a Leather-Wing. Sure, they can heal up from loud noises but leaves you open for attack if your Leather-Wing can't hear a command. ” Christopher said and pulled a few boxes from under a shelf.


“The firing range is through there. Cowboy or Dallas if you like should be finishing up. How about you little lady? ” Christopher asked Tee-Kay.


“Just ammo for my T-Rex Sniper rifle. ” Tee-Kay said and took the boxes from him then emptying them into a bag on her belt. From what Jones saw the bullets looked fairly large.

Jones walked through the other door and found a man holstering two of the biggest revolvers he had ever seen. His helmet laid on the table and it was laser engraved with a cowboy hat all the way around it. Along with a few cowgirls in outfits that left little to the imagination.


“Well, if it isn't the new guy. Thought for sure that bitch of a beast would have you for breakfast. ” Dallas said and Jones instantly pegged him as a bit of an asshole.


“Ignore him. He is just sore he lost the bet. Pay up, Dallas. ” Tee-Kay said and prompted her own smartwatch.


Dallas nodded and tapped a few times on his own smartwatch and a few seconds later a beep could be heard on Tee-Kay's own smartwatch.


“Pleasure doing business with ya. ” Tee-Kay said changing her accent to something you might hear in a really bad western movie.


Dallas chuckled and walked out clipping Jones's shoulder only a bit. Jones let the offense pass this time.


Looking down range Jones saw they were using a tunnel with a dead end to it. Holographic targets were being displayed at different ranges. Everything from armed people to creatures were targets


“Have fun. I will get your armor ready. ” Tee-Kay said looking him over and getting measurements by eyeballing him.


Jones went to work and got a good feel for the dual pistols. He could fire both with good aim thanks to the built-in stabilizers in the handles. He was sure with the armor on he would barely feel the recoil.


Jones found the tablet on the wall for different targets and speeds. He practiced between fast and slow-moving targets so he could adapt quickly.


Various sensors in the walls, floors, and ceiling tracked every round he fired. Most of his shell casings dropped into open spots of a grate just under his feet. No doubt the grate could be lifted up and some type of container was there for easy carry.


Coming out from the firing range. He found his armor plus gear he would need waiting for him on a table with Christopher checking over everything.


“Temperature control looks good. The compact parachute is okay. Be sure to bring all your stuff with you, tomorrow. Riders get offered up their own quarters up here. You will get a notice sometime after you leave on which spaces are opened. They are big enough for a small family and most come with one hell of a view. ” Christopher said apparently satisfied everything was in order.


A quick hand scan later and Jones was also given a duffel bag to carry everything in.

Jones packed everything away and left making his own way back to the elevator. He could understand why some people wouldn't want to live in the mountain complex. Some of the hallways had no windows to them. Instead, video screens were spaced out to display what that side of the mountain looked like. All thanks to a camera mounted somewhere on the outside.


There was only the sound of padded footsteps as others walked past him. From time to time a jogger would come by or perhaps that person was just hurrying off to their job.


There was a small sense of freedom when he got to the elevator looking out from the industrial clear plastic sides as it descended downward.


After getting back to the hotel he repacked his gear getting everything ready for a move.

He barely finished up and thinking about lunch when his smartwatch was beeping.

Jones accepted the video call and transferred it to the tablet he prompt up on the little dresser.


“Bro...That was epic seeing you up there. ” Smitty said and Jones noticed battle-ready mech exo-suits behind him. Judging from the relaxed way everyone was hanging out they were starting their break.


“You saw that?” Jones asked.


“Me and half the city by now. They have a video sharing website here on Eden. Someone had a drone in the air and it was pointed toward the North Tower. Check it out. I got into the mech exo-suit department under Over Watch Command. These battle suits are hardcore. ” Smitty said moving his tablet around the room and showing off a wide room somewhere at the base of the mountain. An open bay door somewhere on ground level was letting the sunlight in.


“Look, if you need a job I can get you in. ” Smitty said in a lower tone so as not to be overheard.


“Nah, Smitty. I got a job as a Leather-Wing rider. This place isn't like the military where one little mishap gets you kicked out. ” Jones replied feeling honored to know his friend would look out for him.


“Good to know. I'm going for a pilot position next. I have to earn my way as a tech, first. Really understand these suits inside and out. I gotta go and get some food. Later, Bro. ” Smitty said next and the video feed ended.


Jones left the hotel soon after and discovered there was no shortage of places to eat. The only question was which style, he liked best. Some places offered oven-baked, deep-fried, or roasted over a fire. A lot of the food was prepared right in front of you.

Jones stopped into one place and got a Fang-Parrot on a stick after it was roasted over a fire. Jones wondered if here on Eden if the chicken had evolved into a Fang-Parrot since they tasted pretty much the same.


Jones walked about and caught a few people looking at him from time to time. No doubt his viral video was getting around. He hopped on a bus back to his hotel and ordered in a dinner that night avoiding the attention.


That same night his smartwatch beeped with a text message. Available living quarters in the mountain were being offered to him and even listed the numbers and letters. A virtual map appeared letting him know which ones were open. Along with images of a standard apartment.


Jones transferred the message to his tablet and review the apartments opened to him.

Judging from the images it looked big enough for all his needs. The kitchen area was pretty opened. The living room itself which was set up in a sunken style design was mostly in front of the windows which led out to a good size half-moon balcony. All the windows and glass doors were one-way mirror glass to ensure privacy when closed and rated for hurricane type winds.


Jones had to wonder how long it took for machines with operators to cut out such a space. The master bedroom more than met his needs and there was an extra bedroom for guests. There was even a spare room referred to as a hobby room. Two full bathrooms and a one slightly cramp laundry room completed the rest of the images.


The final part was the agreement on payment system that wasn't too bad considering all he was getting.


Jones took his time and compared each open space in relation to where the Leather-Wings were housed. There was a slight price drop the closer to one got to the Leather-Wings.


Remembering the slight musky smell of the creatures he guessed some people didn't care to live too close to the creatures.


Jones quickly accepted that apartment space that was just below the Leather-Wing Bay area down one level. Jones like the idea of living so close to work. A quick run up some steps and he would be at his workplace.


Jones went to bed early that night and checked out of the hotel soon after he woke up. For checking out early he still had a few free days of free-living at the hotel. He wanted to move into his new place and be early for work.


The morning ride on the public bus was uneventful and he passed through a security checkpoint. There was hardly a pause only to scan his hand or thumbprint. Jones also imagined there were cameras with facial recognition software being used as well.

Jones found his floor and walking down the long curved hallways. He passed by fake windows that did show an updated view of the outside of the mountain. He barely got to the door when a female computer voice greeted him. Embedded in the wall next to the door was a flat-screen.


“Welcome, Milo Jones. I'm Ada; Your AI personal home assistant. Please place your hand on the screen and speak your name to confirm your ID. ” Ada said and Jones did so.


The lock clicked and Jones watched as the door slid sideways. The room had a musty smell to it if not used in some time. The moment he stepped in he heard an air system turning on.


“Do you wish for me to link up to your smart devices, Mr. Jones.?” Ada asked her voice coming from a screen on the wall next to the door from just inside his living quarters.


“Yes. ” Jones said walking around after putting down his bags.


When he came to the fridge he touched the outside and got a temporary view of an empty fridge on the inside. Jones was pleased to see the smart fridge.


“Guess I will have to order some food. ” Jones said out loud and Ada's voice chimed in.


“If you like, I can order some food now. Here are the menu options. ” Ada said and the fridge's outside display showed several options and showed the best places where the food should be stored.


“Basic package for now. ” Jones said and tapped on the option.


He was treated to a stick figure dressed as a waiter writing down his order and running off-screen then an order sent message appeared. A countdown clock appeared above an animated drone being loaded with boxes.


Jones walked away noting the trash chute not far from the fridge. Jones took this time to unpack and found his wardrobe was lacking in style and variety.


“Ada, remind me later on to buy clothes. I prefer to try them out before I buy them. ” Jones said making sure she didn't offer to buy them online.


Jones took this time to explore his apartment and heard a beeping from the fridge. He couldn't hear the drone landing but watched it as it came into view. He watched as a clear container was dropped off then the drone flew away.


Jones walked onto the wide balcony designed in a half-circle to grab the food box and took a moment just to enjoy the view.


At this height, he could easily see over the wall to the jungle beyond. Below him, the city was busy with people, buses, those riding on bicycles, and more delivery drones flying almost lazily through the air. It wasn't crowded like most cities he seen. Nor where the buildings close together that they crowded each other.


Jones admired how the city was designed not to cram people in and there were spots were plants grew half-wild. A deep meow from a distant balcony caught his attention and even further away he heard a barking dog.


No doubt people let their pets sleep outside at night. Some took advantage of the wide balcony to have a small garden. Looking up and slightly left he barely made out the Leather-Wing Bay opening.


Jones walked back inside securing the wide thick glass door behind him. He put the food away and dressed for work.


Once again he was the first to arrive out of the new recruits. Madam Grace directed him to feed his Leather-Wing while she went to work getting chores assigned.


Nightmare was awake and far calmer than the day before.


“Breakfast. ” Jones said with a cheerful tone looking over the creature. He couldn't help but stare at her. The creature looked a lot like a bat, but it was more than that. The creature seemed to be mixed with another creature Jones couldn't place.


His Leather-Wing wasted no time in feeding and Jones took note of what she liked best. Jones noticed for the first time that there were grates in the floor and the heavy covers used as bedding. A quick wash with a hose could clean out the stalls and Jones bet they had washing machines for the bedding.


Jones started petting Nightmare and discovered the creature could purr if one could call the light growling it made purring. Jones took his time in just studying the creature and taking in all the details he could see.


Some time passed until Madam Grace ordered him out to stand in a line. Those who were lucky enough to be picked had gathered to form a loose standing line.


“New riders will feed their own Leather-Wings every morning without fail until a ward can be assigned to you. What is a ward you may ask? Being a rider is a dangerous job and we like to have future riders in waiting. You were fortunate that the demand is still very high and we are still exploring out among the outer islands. Classes are mandatory for the first month and after that are strictly voluntary. You are dismissed. ” Madam Grace said and blew a whistle as she pointed to a side door.


All new riders went through the side door.


A hallway was before them and there were more doors to each side. A light above one lit up and a man stepped out to gesture them inside. As Jones passed the other doors with little windows. He saw classes with younger students were already in session.


Jones sat through classes learning about the biology of the Leather-Wings and like the others struggled to stay awake at times. He enjoyed the hands-on lessons more when one of the teachers had them work directly with their Leather-Wing.


He learned vocal and hand signals by week three. Only about once a week did they go flying with an experienced rider flying near them.


Week four was all about living in the wild. On the first day of class they were fed to a Devil-Pod. A quick thrust with a knife or sharp rock ensured the person escaped the pod. Another trick was to simply cut the vines before they had a chance to ensnare your limbs. The devil-pods would recover in a matter of days.


Only one person failed to break free due to him dropping his knife and he was forced to spend a quarter of an hour inside the plant. Until the teacher with almost casually demeanor walked over to the pod and cut a slit opening from the outside.


The rider was no worse for wear but paler than normal from fear. His Leather-Wing a bit agitated as the quarter of an hour went by.


The final week involved a contest of shooting at targets while riding their Leather-Wings. Everyone had their guns loaded with rubber or blunted wooden bullets. Dye packs were added to their armor to mark a hit. One experienced rider was paired with a new rider and took on another pair in a contest.


Jones was unlucky enough to be paired with Dallas. On the last day, they were leading along with Amy and Tee-Kay.


The final showdown was over the Devil-Pod field just outside the wall. By now they had attracted a large crowd who came to watch the show from the wall and more than once Jones nearly flew into a drone just hovering in the air.


Jones stayed well above the action as Dallas was doing his best to dodge Amy who was in pursuit of him using a duel set of Desert Eagles. Jones knew if it wasn't for her suit and advancements made in the firearms she wouldn't be able to fire both guns at once. The flight helmets gave riders a head-up display and help them see while flying.


Thanks to the low cloud bank and they were using evade methods to draw out all the riders.

Dallas disappeared into a low cloud and bank to the right while Amy went straight through thinking she had him. Jones smiled as Dallas cut loose on Amy and several dye packs on her backside exploded with red mist marking her as being hit.


Then Dallas was knocked sideways as a dye pack on the side of his helmet exploded followed by a crack of a sniper rifle.


Jones looked and there was Tee-Kay on her Leather-Wing known as Blood Wing. She had been waiting in a cloud bank for the chase to end.


Jones saw his chance to take her out and win. He urged Nightmare to fly straight at her. Nightmare's black fur put her at a real disadvantage with cloudy sky and instantly Tee-Kay saw him.


Jones gave the signal for a zing-zag flight and Nightmare started weaving from side to side as she flew. A shot just missed him as his heads up display in his helmet tracked a bullet missing him by inches.


Jones opened fired and watch with amazement as Blood Wing dive-bomb into some cloud cover so fast his bullets went zipping over the Leather-Wing. Jones followed and was shocked to see Tee-Kay and Leather-Wing had vanished until he realized she must have pulled back and she was now behind him.


Jones turned his body to the side and Nightmare rolled in mid-air just as a bullet zipped past the area where his back had been just microseconds before.


Jones saw in the rearview camera inside his flight helmet that Tee-Kay was flying right behind him a little distance away. Twice, he came close to being hit and knew his luck was running low.


Jones knew he was toast until one crazy idea came to him as he spotted a cloud directly ahead.


Tee-Kay had been impressed by the new guy; Milo Jones. She had read his personal history. He had handle horses in his youth and so far he had taken on half-wild Leather-Wing with almost no trouble.


As they entered into the cloud she figured he would pull the same trick to get behind her. She gave the signal to Blood Wing to slow down. Tee-Kay had her rifle ready to fire. Seconds later they emerged from the cloud and there was Nightmare before her, but no rider. So it appeared.


“What the hell...” Tee-Kay muttered to herself as several flashes from the back of the Leather-Wing registered and the front of her armor exploded as the dye packs were hit.


'Son of a bitch. ' Tee-Kay thought then got the message the match was over and had to re-play what had happened using voice commands to review the recorded video in her flight helmet. Jones used the cloud cover to lay backward on Nightmare and fired at her upside down the moment she emerged from the cloud.


By the time Tee-Kay landed there were already clapping Jones on the back and cheering him in the landing bay. She removed her helmet and tucked it under her arm as she walked toward him.


Tee-Kay waited for the excitement to die down a little and walked right up to him. Now he was no longer considered a rookie she was free to ask him out.


“Jones, a word. ” Tee-Kay called to him and Jones broke away from the group. He wasn't sure if Tee-Kay was going to deck him or congratulate him. He would take the punch knowing any injury would heal up in mere minutes.


“Now your one of us. Dinner at my place with my family. ” Tee-Kay said and sent a preloaded message from her smartwatch to his.

Jones looked down seeing a time and date on his display. Jones smiled and soon after left to relax at his home.


The next morning things were a bit different in the Leather-Wing bay. The children were lined up as Jones came in with the newest riders behind him.


Madam Grace motioned for them to stand just opposite of the kids.


“I'm not sure how so many of you did it, but you have become full-time riders now. So congratulations are in order. If you think for one-second things will be an easy ride from here on out. Your in for a nasty surprise on future tasks. Today is the day that you get an award to help you with your duties. As part of a charity effort, we allow some gifted children to work part-time so they may bring in extra income for their family. ” Madam Grace said and pointed a leather riding crop at him.


“Milo Jones, you have shown more talent then most I have seen in a long time. You get the pick of the litter as it were. ” Madam Grace said and directed him to step up.


Jones looked over the boys and girls. He understood their duties was to work part-time to feed the Leather-Wings and help riders prepare for take-off. They mostly came from low-income families, single parent, or just a legal guardian left to look after them.


Jones looked over the faces and saw fear, eagerness, and perhaps a touch of hope. One child caught his eye. The child was easily the smallest in the group and was looking down at the floor. Clearly, trying to avoid attention.


“You there. ” Jones said and so there was no mistake he stood in front of the child. He had a feeling this shy child was a good choice.


“Crystal. Raise your head up. ” Madam Grace half barked as she ordered the girl.

Jones was surprised to see she was younger than Sasha.


A look of shock and then fear crossed her face as she looked at Jones then turned her head back over her shoulder toward stall thirteen where Nightmare waited.

“Get moving, girl. ” Madam Grace said to Crystal as Jones walked past the line of children toward Nightmare's stall.


Behind him, Jones heard Madam Grace call out Amy next.


Crystal stopped short of the doorway just inside the alcove. The darken cave hole beyond was the focus of her attention. Nightmare rose up as Jones came in and he started scratching a spot she seemed to like just behind her large ear.


“She looks fierce, but remember what Madam Grace said about Leather-Wings. ” Jones said in a way of encouragement.


Crystal nodded and stepped closer. Nightmare scared the girl a bit by bending down and taking in a few deep breaths through her large nostrils. No doubt getting the girl's scent fully.

Then Jones watched as Nightmare did something he didn't expect. She nuzzled the child a little as a dog might.


“You're not so scary. ” Crystal said giggling as the furry head tickled her face.


Nightmare huffed out a breath and gave out a deep menacing growl next.


Crystal folded her arms and looked at Nightmare with a very defiant look now. Calling out the creature's bluff. She had noticed that there were no bared teeth being shown. Something Leather-Wings do when showing real aggression.


Nightmare huffed out another breath and turned her attention to Jones.


“No, fooling her. We got ourselves a smart little ward there. ” Jones said to Nightmare and out of the corner of his eye he saw Crystal had grinned at his comment. Jones wondered how often anyone praised her.


“Nightmare likes fish, but we can't let her eat just that. Fetch some fruits as well. ” Jones said to Crystal and watched as she ran to obey him.


Jones went to work checking the harness for wear and tear damage. Today was the day for his first real mission as a rider.


Jones checked his mission briefing by putting on his flight helmet. The heads up display came up by using voice commands then he read over details.


A squad of four Leather-Wings flying in a diamond formation out to Beta site for a supply drop off. Flight time expected to be one hour with thirty-minute unloading before returning back for more supplies.


Further below were the names along with their flying positions:


Tee-Kay: Forward Point position

Milo Jones: Right Point

Janet Ace. Left Point

William Summer: Back Rear Point


Jones mentally noted the information and double-checked his gear including his firearms.

Crystal was making use of herself by brushing Nightmare's fur now. Nightmare purred with pleasure at the attention or maybe it was the breakfast meal of fish and fruit.


Jones heard the sound of drones as they delivered the plastic boxes full of supplies. They came into the bay area like a swarm of busy bees dropping the boxes in neat stacks according to their final locations.


Jones walked out and started the process of strapping them into the new harness and the two-person saddle Nightmare now wore. Nightmare was given this new saddle for long flights such as this one. As good as the drones were, they were too valuable to risk on long flights where they might go down into the deep jungle or be attacked by Fang-Parrots.


A small video window with Tee-Kay's face popped up inside his helmet's inner display to address everyone flying the mission to Beta Site.


“This is an easy flight for our Leather-Wings. Beta site is the only max prison on Eden. It's mostly built over a river located next to a waterfall. You should see a red dot on your own map display window now. Under no reason should you land anywhere in the deep jungle. There are creatures in the deep jungle no one knows about. Those who went exploring almost never returned. The few that have come back alive often refuse to speak about their own personal experience. If you see anything on the ground make sure to turn your face toward it and everything will be recorded as we fly over. Finish loading and we leave in fifth-teen minutes. ” Tee-Kay explained.


Everything was loaded and ready with a good five minutes to spare. He already dismissed Crystal for her to attend her school classes. Jones liked the new saddle and was very thankful for the padding in his armor pants.


Nightmare sniffed at the containers waiting to be picked up perhaps catching the scent of the food.


“Don't get any ideas. No fish for breakfast next time, if you tear into those. ” Jones said and Nightmare huffed and lowered herself to let him climb on.


They formed up and after getting clearance from North Tower. They launched out in a loose formation. That changed once they were over the city and flew in what appeared to be a perfect diamond pattern.


Jones had been eager to see the jungle, but after thirty minutes went of nothing but green with bright color flowers he soon grew bored with the view below. Even the large butterflies didn't interest him.


Jones could hear faint music on the wind and wondered what song Tee-Kay was listening too. Jones hadn't gotten around to loading his flight helmet memory with music but made a mental note to fix that. Instead, he accessed the history files about Beta Site.


He did go on the alert a few times as a strange animal sound somewhere below was picked up by his helmet's outside mic. No one else reacted and they were far out of range to be in any danger from any creature below. So Jones flew on finding his place in the text once more.


“Okay fellows, we are almost there. ” Tee-Kay's voice said sometime later and flew upward and Jones saw the tower ahead.


It wasn't much for height, but its width spanned over the river. Just above the bridge that was part of the tower's design. The lower levels all had narrow windows while the upper levels were setup with garden terraces. The main tower was a rectangle shape in design with a flat roof had rows of fruit trees growing in orderly open rows. In the center of the roof in a large open area was a circular pool that could be seen. Water poured off the side of the roof by using deep grooves cut into the stone.


Jones wasn't much into Zen gardens, but the place had a feeling of one.

Mostly men in yellow jumpsuits worked in harvesting the fruit. The guards on duty were relaxed and held shotguns in the low ready position. It didn't take long for them to be noticed.


Each of the riders heard the clear to land message and they dive down landing almost at once.


Guards were soon shouting orders and the men and few women in yellow jumpsuits went to work taking the supplies one by one. Jones unclasped himself and stood next to Nightmare keeping an eye on the inmates.


The inmates were careful in stepping around the Leather-Wing unhooking the boxes with ease.


“How the hell did they get the mountain stone out here? ” William asked taking off his own helmet as Jones did the same. It felt good to have fresh air on his face once more.


“Beta Site was meant to be a re-supply point for vehicles and a massive bridge over the river. They hauled the stones from Alpha City on trucks but ran into problems during the building phase of the tower. The history file is a bit vague on the exact details, but what I gathered they lost too many people due to them disappearing. It wasn't until secure living quarters were made they started using convicted criminals instead in return for a reduced sentence. ” Jones explained to William.


Tee-Kay and Janet Ace were talking to someone who looked like a prison guard captain. It was agreed beforehand the guys would watch the inmates around the Leather-Wings and the girls would handle the talking. Jones didn't mind one bit if Tee-Kay took the lead.


For the sake of inmate's health Jones hoped they didn't try to steal any of the Leather-Wings in some mad plan to escape.


“Where are the snipers and the walls? ” William asked looking out.


“They don't need them. The most dangerous inmates are on the lower levels. All of the inmates are free to walk into the jungle anytime they like. We are well over a hundred miles away from Alpha City. Maybe on leveled ground and wearing light gear you could make that in four days, but you saw the jungle plus the rolling hills we flew over. I doubt even with my military training, I could do it in a week without the jungle monsters nipping at my heels. ” Jones said feeling happy he read over the history of Beta Site.


“Even if you did make it all the way to the wall. It's not like getting past the wall would be an easy task. ” William said thinking it over as he watched the last of the boxes being unloaded.

Tee-Kay came over than seeing their first run was halfway done.


“Let say you go to Paradise Island instead. If I understand the digital map right. Paradise island is a good twenty miles from the shore with an ocean wall all the way around it. Docks are limited so a stranger showing up on a raft would get someone's attention. ” Jones commented next and saw more of the trustees coming out with bundles of the plastic boxes now folded down.


“Gentlemen, let's get these bundles of boxes loaded. Our Leather-Wings may get some rest, but we don't slack off until lunchtime. ” Tee-Kay said and Jones went to work seeing Tee-Kay doing the same.


Just before they were ready to leave Jones noticed a man dressed in casual clothes. Guards flanked them and the older uniformed man motion for Tee-Kay to come over.


Jones watched as a tablet was given to Tee-Kay and she looked at the tablet then used her thumbprint on it. A few seconds later Tee-Kay was leading the man in normal clothes over to him.


“Milo Jones, Meet Lee Lima. Turns out his sentence is up today and the warden sees no reason not to release him a few hours early. Nightmare is the biggest of the Leather-Wings so his weight shouldn't affect her flight time. ” Tee-Kay said and gently pushed the man forward.


Jones looked at the man now he was closer and saw he or his family came from the far East back on Earth. For all of Jones knew the man was born in America. Jones wasn't an expert on cultures, but he guessed the man to be Chinese. He was small and tough-looking like that old actor Bruce Lee. A guard came over and shoved an early version of a flight helmet into Lee's hands and walked away.


“Mister Lima, I have an extra harness here. You can ride strap in just behind me on the second seat. ” Jones said and saw Lee looked a bit surprised.


“Thank you. The last time, I travel with a Leather-Wing I was strapped on like cargo. The cowboy thought it was funny to leave me dangling under the Leather-Wing. ” Lee said putting on the harness and tightening it.


“I think, I know who you are talking about. He is a bit of an asshole. ” Jones said and signal for Nightmare to lay down.


Jones made sure Nightmare got a good scent of his passenger and he climbed up first then gave Lee a hand up.


The other riders were preparing to take off. Jones put on his own flight helmet and saw in his rearview camera feed Lee do the same.


They took off by diving straight over the edge and then swooping upward. Jones wondered how pale Lee was now and opened a person to person comm link.


“Lee, you doing alright? ” Jones asked.


“Fine. ” Lee replied back.


“If you don't mind me asking. What were you in for? ” Jones asked.


“Hacking. I was originally a North Korean spy sent in to find out what where Knight industries was sending its cargo. ” Lee answered back.


“No shit. Call me racist, but I pegged you to be Chinese with a name like Lee. Kind of like Bruce Lee. I loved his films when I was a teenager. ” Jones said next as his Leather-Wing fell into flight formation as they were starting their flight back.


“It was a name I was given when they sent me in. I was a computer programmer in my old life. I was chosen for my skills in computers. I went through training for years and they threaten my parents if I failed. I ended up here on Eden with no way back home. I stole the credits to bribe anyone I could find to bring my parents here. ” Lee said next and Jones was shocked he was so open with his past.


“So Lee, Why are you revealing all this super-secret spy stuff to me? ” Jones asked.


“That part of my life is behind me now and you have shown me, kindness. I was offered up a deal. Give up all names of my contacts, the other spies, and locations that I knew of. In return, my parents would be transferred to Eden. As an added bonus my sentence was reduced. I was prepared to die by then so I saw no harm in offering up all I knew. A week later, I was escorted to the dock and the promise was fulfilled. They had to kidnap my parents off the street, but they were no worse for wear. I was allowed a whole day with them under strict guard, before I was sent off to serve my sentence. I have talked with them every week without fail. They are happy and work together running a restaurant. They even took up the name Lima. I'm eager to see them and start my life on Eden. ” Lee explained.


Jones was curious if Lee was truly telling him the truth. He used the link from his smartwatch to his helmet to look up Lee Lima.


The information that popped up inside his helmet was basic stuff at first, but a copy of the release paperwork from Beta Site prison along with his crimes in Eden did show. Criminal records here on Eden were not private if you had certain levels of security access.


Under his previous job was the word Spy and a footnote with saying Please contact Military Intelligence Bureau for further details.


“So Mister Jones, what is your story? ” Lee asked him through the commlink.


Jones told Lee his basic background and how he came to be on Eden. After that, they fill in the time with small talk until Alpha City came into view.


Lee went silent at the sight of the city. Coming into the landing bay. Jones found boxes already waiting for them and the riders went to work undoing the bundles to be picked up a minute after they left.


Lee Lima removed his harness dropping it to the ground and Madam Grace along with a pair of security guards escorted him out.


Jones made a mental note to look up Lee sometime. Overall, he seemed like a good guy who had been put in a bad situation.


This time the loading went faster and they managed a few more trips before lunchtime hit.

Just as they were coming back to Alpha city Tee-Kay didn't fly toward the Leather-Wing Bay. Instead, she led their flight group up onto a landing pad set up on top of the mountain itself. Just a short walk from the Over-watch command building.


“Now your riders, all of you have extra privileges now. ” Tee-Kay said over the commlink and each of them landed on the landing pad.


Once everyone was off of each of their Leather-Wing Tee-Kay gave Blood-Wing a hand signal. He took off and the other Leather-Wings followed only after looking at their riders first if waiting for a counter command. Then the other Leather-Wings followed Blood-Wing.


“Over-watch, I got four riders coming inside to grab some grub. ” Tee-Kay said and at the other end of the walkway into the large circular building which was easily a few stories high. The door slid open from left to right.


“Roger that, Tee-Kay. Welcome back.” a man's voice replied over the general comm channel.

Jones was last into the building and after a short climb up some steps, they entered into the main building.


After taking a crosswalk over a running track they came into an area that was basically one large cafeteria. A curved glass wall separated the cafe area from those on the running track and spaced at even points that were open doorways.


Jones saw the place was very open and even had a second level. Somewhere above them on another level he imagined was the nerve center for Overwatch Command. Men and Women wearing different security badges sat eating or relaxing. Some were running on the track and the noise of their running feet was drowned out by a hundred conversations.


The very center of the room was a buffet-style setup which curved around to form a circle. People walked up and picked out what they wanted then found a seat.


“Generally, we fleas eat on the second level. But, feel free to sit wherever you like. ” Tee-Kay said after removing her flight helmet.


Jones had learned to balance his helmet under one arm and carry the tray with food in the other. The stairs were wide and gave the illusion they were made from frosted glass. As soon as Jones put his foot down he felt the rough texture of hard plastic.


The second level was quieter and had booths next to bookcases. On top of the bookcases, there were monitors displaying the latest news and weather. Various statues and artwork were in-between the monitors.


A somewhat curvy reporter was giving out the news.


“The council will make their final decision on exploring more of the mainland on Friday. We like to remind our viewers to start preparing for the rainy season which is only one month away. Later on, tonight we will debate if our Peace Keepers will catch the serial killer known as The Fisher King who likes to drown his victims during the rainy season. Stay tuned for more news right after our interview with Doctor Williams and what his human androids could mean for Eden. ” Jones silently read as the text appeared on the screen.


“Tee-Kay, how long does the rainy season last? ” Jones asked as they all settled down to share one large round table.


“Three to four months out of the year and to answer your next question. Yes, we do fly in it. ” Tee-Kay answered.


“William, did you notice the tables? ” Janet said and pointed down.

Jones looked down as well and through a clear coating of plastic, he saw the table had been carved then painted with scenes out of a book.


Jones smirked when he realized it was from the works of Rudyard Kipling; The Jungle Book. On his part of the round table, it showed a naked man facing down a rather large tiger with only a burning branch as a weapon. The branch was positioned in such a way to cover his manhood. There were wolves on Shere Khan's side of the fight. On the other side was a panther next to Mowgli along with a single elderly looking wolf.


Jones looked over to see Tee-Kay's part of the table showed the naked backside of a baby standing in front of a wolf who stood just in front of a cave.


Jones looked about the room and now he could see nearly every inch of wood was carved, painted, and protected by a clear layer of plastic. Next to the monitors were statues from different cultures throughout history, animals, and even mythical creatures.


“No expense was spared. The glass panels are armored rated and strong enough for the worst hurricanes. ” Tee-Kay gesturing to the panoramic view out of the curved windows all around them that made up the outer layer of the building on this floor. Over the low bookshelves, Jones could see the distant ocean or the jungle from his sides as he turned his head from left to right.


“It's all so incredible. ” Janet commented and mostly talked to William as they ate.


“So Mister Milo Jones, Besides being a decent Leather-Wing rider. Tell me about yourself? ” Tee-Kay asked and Jones gave her a brief history of his life. From being a foster brat to joining the new army.


Jones told her about his foster father who was a semi-retired man who liked to teach Kendo in his spare time and a foster mother who liked to breed horses. Jones described how they drifted apart over the years mostly due to his decision to join up with the army.

Then Tee-Kay spoke next.


“My own father likes Kendo and no wonder your good with Leather-Wings with a foster mom like that. I guess you can say my mother is crazy about studying animals. ” Tee-Kay said.

Jones had learned a long time ago that women generally like to talk about themselves and liked guys who really listened. Jones had a small talent for taking mental notes.


“Tell me about your mother? ” Jones asked deciding he could eat and listen as long as he kept up with eye contact from time to time to show real interest in what she was saying.


“I'm proud to say she is the head researcher of the bioresearch department. She was born and raised here on Eden. I spent a good part of my life tagging along with her whenever she went outside the wall. I spent most of my summers on Paradise Island during the last phase of a Terra Forming Project there. ” Tee-Kay said and paused to take a drink of tea.


“Terra Forming Project? ” Jones asked.


“My mother believes that there was a land bridge between the mainland and Paradise Island a long time ago. Animals and plants from the mainland used to be there. It was decided decades ago that a safe island was needed as a backup just in case the mainland was too hostile for people. Since there weren't any unique creatures on the island most of the jungle was cut down. Nearly, all of the island's creatures were wiped out in the end. My mother was there as the last of the wild dangerous creatures and plants were being killed in the last few years before the project was done. Only a bit of the jungle was left with the largest of trees set aside for the Leather-Wings with nothing but miles of farmland from shore to shore. ” Tee-Kay explained pausing to eat some food.


“It's where I met Blood Wing. He was practically still a baby when we bonded. It's extremely rare when they are that young, but it happens sometimes. Mother wasn't happy about it, but it was a good five years later when I became one of the youngest riders ever. ” Tee-Kay said and Jones knew she was proud of that fact.


Jones could just picture a cute freckled face little girl getting a Leather-Wing before she was old enough to even drive a car.


Jones went on to ask more questions about Paradise Island and the city known as Utopia. Before long Tee-Kay noticed the time when her helmet started beeping and left her tray where it was as she got up.


“Okay, back to work. Madam Grace will have sent the Leather-Wings back. Our Leather-Wings will be waiting for us on the landing pad. ” Tee-Kay said and together they strolled back outside.


Jones liked the large open cafe. He would make use of the running track on his off days if he wasn't busy with his combat routine.


The rest of the day was routine and the next few workdays passed with various jobs. Which ranged from scouting work to guard duty as teams collected silk from the Silk-Weavers.


To keep riders alert Jones understood they would rotate the jobs when they could so nothing was exactly the same from day today. The only bit of excitement came when a pack of Rippers showed up and two of the silk collectors were caught too far away from the truck as it took off.


Jones got to play hero at the end of the final workday along with Tee-Kay as their Leather-Wings swooped down and lifted each person out of harm's way.


Jones noticed once the trucks and Leather-Wings passed over the river bridge the Rippers would stop if on command. Somehow the Rippers knew the stone bridge was human territory.


A few shots rang out from the wall and even Tee-Kay joined in with her sniper rifle. Two of the large bird-like Rippers fell and the rest of the pack high tailed it back into the jungle.


“They are bold enough to try that every time someone gets too close to the jungle and yet smart enough not to come too close to the wall. ” Tee-Kay commented over their comm channel.


The silk collectors were dropped off and the rest of the day was uneventful. An extra truck was sent out with armed Wall Guards with machetes and it wasn't long until both Rippers were cut into manageable pieces then hauled away for meat processing.

Jones was overjoyed his first week of four workdays was over with and soon his dinner date with Tee-Kay would begin.



Chapter 06: Meeting The Parents


They hadn't spoken much since the day in the cafe area and their attention was mostly on the job.


His personal AI assistant Ada was kind enough to remind him to leave early since he wasn't sure exactly where Tee-Kay lived.


Jones was ready and dressed in some of the nicest clothes he could afford on his pay. He picked out some nice dress pants with a spider silk shirt dyed in a midnight blue color.

Following the map on his smart-watch, he came to a door that had to be on the other side of the mountain.


Jones knocked and got a bit of a shock when Brutus opened the door.


“Well, Hello Milo Jones. ” Brutus said and Jones wondered if Tee-Kay had played a nasty joke on him until he heard Tee-Kay's voice.


“Let him in, Uncle B. ” Tee-Kay's voice drifted out from somewhere in the room.

Brutus stood back and Jones walked into a large apartment which was pretty much a copy of his own in a lot of ways. The only major difference was the animal skulls and skeletons that seemed to be the main decor.


A rather large set of bookcases flanked the main door behind him. The shelves were filled with biology books.


Jones found his breath being taken away by Tee-Kay wearing a sundress. In the short time he knew her he had never seen her in anything else, but her flight gear which was bulky enough to hide her lovely form.


A woman who could have passed for her older sister came out and smiled. Jones saw this is where she got her hair and eye color from.


“Your right daughter, he is cute. I'm Julie, Tee-Kay's mother. You already met my brother, Brutus. ” Julie said and bowed her head slightly before speaking again.


“Milo Jones, I heard so much about you. Heard you had an interesting first flight on a Leather-Wing. ” Julie said and wondered who hadn't seen the video that had gone viral and thankfully the same video had died away just as fast.


“Nightmare, my leather-wing is not for the faint of heart. ” Jones answered back and noticed Edward Knight came out a door which was connected to another apartment right next door.

Jones made the connection when Edward Knight gave Julie a light kiss. Tee-Kay must have been a nickname.


“So Tiffany, this is the young man. Please take a seat, Milo. ” Edward said and Jones walked down the short set of stairs and they all sat kneeling at a low rectangle shape table in the sunken area of the living room. The stone had been squared off to provide more room.

Jones had been surprised to see the table was already set with food.


“So Mister Jones, how do you like my decorations? ” Julie asked and Jones got the feeling Tee-Kay's mischief came from her mother's side of the family.

“Interesting. The ocean view out on your balcony must be nice. ” Jones said looking around at some of the animal skulls on display. His attention went to Mr. Knight as he started to speak.


“I will have to show him around my work area after dinner. You will find that I'm the more sane one of the family. Forgive my wife. She likes to intimidate any young man who comes near our little girl. Tell me, how do you like Eden so far? I heard you went out to Beta Site on your first day of work. ” Edward asked him.


“Interesting to say at the least. It's hard to believe so much has been built in so short of a time. ” Jones said.


“Well, My family along with many others have been building here for three generations now. It helps to be insanely rich and having the means to travel from here to Earth then back again. These days, I'm just a tired old man on the council. ” Edward said and selected one of the cooked deep-fried Fang-Parrots.


“Let's not gloss over the fact you're the mighty warrior who bravely killed a Drac-Ko. It was your brave efforts that gave us the gift of the regeneration gene. ” Julie commented.

“Yeah, One headstrong teenager hell-bent on impressing a pretty girl and getting her father's blessing at the same time. Thankfully, your brother was there to look after me. Also, let's not forget good ole Samuel who blinded the creature first. ” Edward said and Jones got the impression they like to banter a bit.


“So a Drac-Ko can heal pretty fast? ” Jones asked picking up where the regeneration breakthrough must have come from.


“Yes. A lot of good men died at the teeth of the creatures before we arrived. This one had been picking off our hunting parties at the time. They are fast when attacking and almost impossible to spot when they stay still. In my father's time when he was deep into genetic research. Julie here was on his research team here on Eden. As a born native she had certain knowledge of the area and creatures. I was encouraged by my father to go along with the hunting party to find it and then kill it. Truthfully, ending world hunger wasn't enough for the old man. He wanted the secret behind the creature's fable power to heal itself. Turns out that part was true, but my father died before the research was ready. ” Edward said and Julie took over in the storytelling.


“My love, the conquering hero returned with the monster's head. A broken sword sticking out from the skull of the vile beast. He was voted onto the council and we were wed soon after then he was given a new sword as a wedding gift. ” Julie chimed in a slight overdone female voice.


“All that was missing was to rescue a princess or fair maiden. ” Edward said taking his wife's hand and kissing it.


“True. Tell me, husband. What was the vote? I have grown tired of studying plants, bugs and creatures we already know about. ” Julie asked Edward.


“Four to One. I was vastly outvoted. ” Edward said and Julie grinned at the news.


“You do know mother, this means the Leather-Wings will be sent to the deep jungle area pretty soon. ” Tiffany said and there was a sense of excitement in her voice.


“Yes, dear. But we can't stay behind these walls forever ignorant to what lies in the deeper parts of the jungle. We have to know if there are more safe places for future generations to settle. The islands along the coast can only hold so many people. Even with our slower aging process. Overpopulation could be a problem in the far distant future. ” Julie said and Jones got the feeling this was an old topic. It was Edward Knight who stepped into the conversation next.


“My grandfather and those he traveled with carved out this mountain that we live in today. My father was bold enough to think he could build a mega road straight through to the other side of the southern part of the mainland. Beta Site was built as far as he could convince people to try for after so many went missing. Yet, they remember Utopia city was his dying legacy. I have done my best not to let my old family pride make me too reckless. So, I made Alpha City my pet project and improved it in so many ways. We recruited some of the best people from Earth. I know my daughter is grown, but my fatherly feelings don't want her to go into the deep jungle, but it's clear she will see more of Eden then I ever could. I would ask you to stay safe, daughter. But we both know you got your wild side from your mother. ” Edward said and held his daughter's hand as he finished his brief speech.


“I did notice some of the cave passageways look natural. ” Jones said in a way to turn the conversation to more pleasant things.


“Yes, there was a natural cave system unlike anything back on Earth. The first miners took advantage of this and expanded the tunnels. The miners started working even harder after they discovered the mountain was rich with the new metal they called steel-X. It started the foundations for our current updated buildings on top of this mountain. Have you become a student of Eden history, Milo? ” Edward asked.

“Not really, but I like to get as much Intel on certain things for later use. My current hobby is maintaining my combat skills and thinking about practicing my Kendo again. ” Jones said seeing that Edward was getting bored with talking about his personal history.


“Oh, We will have a friendly match after I show you around. ” Edward said.


“I would be honored. ” Jones replied curiously to see if the great Edward Knight lived up to his legendary status.


“Enough with the family history. Tell me, Jones have you seen much of the city? ” Edward asked him.


“I have been to the wall, museum, and a few of the restaurants so far. ” Jones answered back.

Tiffany Knight chimed into the conversation.


“Oh, we have to fix that. There is almost no end to the places on Eden where you can eat and the different styles of food are amazing. I have been to Earth a few times and it's dull compared to Eden. ” Tiffany said winking at him.


“Have many people traveled back to Earth? ” Jones asked. It was Tiffany's mother who answered.


“Only a few and the ship crew that brings us supplies. It was decided a long time ago that we didn't need any outside government involved here on Eden. We have strict protocols in place for those who are granted special permission. ” Julie answered him.

“Why is that? ” Jones asked.


“Before the regeneration gene treatment was available. We were plagued with diseases and bacteria almost unlike anything on Earth. Not to mention the various bug poisons and creatures known for taking a limb or two if you were lucky enough to survive. Even now, I suspect your own body has already created the needed anti-bodies and it is building an immunity to all the new germs here. Besides the combined research work information and minor genetic samples. All other exports are forbidden. It wouldn't do to unleash a pandemic back on Earth. ” Julie explained if talking about the weather.


“What if a virus from here spreads to Earth? ” Jones asked next feeling worried about his foster parents and everyone else from his birthplace.


“The survivors already living here had already developed the needed anti-bodies. From there, we learned enough to create a vaccine. We were able to send samples back and they were given out freely as part of a free vaccine program on Earth for the past few decades. It will take just a few more decades to reach everyone worldwide, but we are doing our part to safeguard humanity from here. We even discuss the idea of closing the doorway between Earth and Eden all together. ” Julie replied back.


“Can that be done? Closing the doorway from here to there? ” Jones asked. It was Edward Night who answered the question.


“I'm told yes, but I really don't understand the science behind it. The machine that we used on the ship is called The Key. It has a big red button that will close the doorway if pressed while the portal is active. They had to dumb it down for me, but the portal we use is like a door that is slightly ajar and opens from time to time on its own. Over the past centuries ships, planes, and even submarines accidentally came here. Those lucky enough to survive took up residence right here or on the outer islands. Somehow, The Key stabilized the doorway allowing us sole access for now. I pity the ship caught halfway or partly through the portal if we ever have to close the portal. ” Edward explained and to make his point by breaking a loaf of bread in half.


“So Milo, tell us about your life before Eden? ” Julie asked and they talked mostly about him until the end of dinner. Brutus followed the conversation but remained eerily silent the entire time. The only time he made any type of noise when someone mentioned he owned his own aircraft. The grunt was the loudest noise he had made during dinner.


“Come, Milo Jones. We will have a drink in my study. ” Edward Knight said and motioned for him to follow.


Brutus and the women went to work clearing the table and Jones heard the girls talking to each other in low voices.


Jones followed and surprised as they passed through a DoJo style room that once been the living room area. A single plastic case was along one wall. The kitchen area was left untouched. Edward showed him around and saw the rooms had been converted to workrooms for the most part. A dozen tablets laid on a few tables and there was even some paperwork just lying around.


“Excuse the mess. ” Edward Knight said as he showed him around.


The master bedroom had hundreds of books that looked brand new and there was a sitting area that screamed this is my quiet place for reading.


Jones was generally surprised that Edward didn't break out some harder liquor, but pour out some wine instead.


“I suppose this is the part where I vaguely threaten you for dating my daughter and such. Let me be honest with you. I have been a decent father at best and my daughter is her own woman now. Everything she has done in her life was mostly on her own. Not once to my knowledge has she ever used the family name to bully someone into something or just to get her own way. I believe that I already know you pretty well, Milo Jones. You may think, I'm jumping the gun here, but my daughter is in love with you. Rarely, has she taken a serious interest in anyone. As a custom here on Eden, I'm giving you my blessing to court her and marry her if it is her wish as Eden tradition goes. ” Edward Knight said and extended his hand.


“I'm honored, sir,” Jones answered keeping his response respectful.


“Now, let us finish our wine and we see how good you are as a swordsman. ” Edward said next with a grin.


It took Jones far longer then he liked to remember the hard lessons his foster father sometimes gave in Kendo. Edward Knight liked to fight without armor and any serious injury would heal up in a matter of days or less.


Brutus came into the room minutes later and Edward offered to make things a bit more fair by having Brutus fight beside Jones.


A good ten rounds later and Edward had pretty much proven he was more skilled than the both of them.


“You did better then I thought you would. Your foster father must have started you young. ” Edward said grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He tossed Jones one then Brutus got the next plastic water bottle.


“Yeah, but he was kind enough to give me padded armor. ” Jones said rubbing at his shoulder and seeing the bruise fading away a little bit at a time.


Jones walked over to the plastic case seeing the Katana blade that Samuel had spoken about.


“Everyone who comes in here admires that sword. I even had a smaller version made for my daughter so she would stop playing with that blade when she was little. Personally, I like the Drac-ko carved bone handle. It has a good grip to it. Go ahead and get a feel for it. Not even Brutus here can damage that blade. ” Edward said and Jones lifted the lid and held the sword.


Like his knife, he checked the edge and took note of it. The cut healing up in under a minute. He wiped the blade clean using his shirt. The carving looked like a dragon without wings. It was bone white and looked as hard as a rock even after all these years.


“As you know I was given that as a reward for killing the Drac-ko and to replace the last blade that I lost. I was also given the job as a protector on the council if another Drac-ko ever gave us trouble. There are days, I wish someone else would bring in the head of a Drac-Ko. From the story, you think I marched into hell and killed the devil himself. ” Edward said watching Jones swing the sword a few times getting the feel of it.


“I'm shocked there are not more blades made from steel-x metal. ” Jones said putting the sword back.


“There were, but the metal has more value these days for making stronger buildings, vehicle armor, and outside wall spikes. Only a small fraction of metal here in Alpha City has been mined, but the demand for it is almost gone. The islands don't need it since they are protected by water and there is plenty of wood for building. Nobody wants to get up close with anything in that jungle. Personally, I don't care for the deep sea myself. ” Edward said with an amused smile.


“Just look out there. Nothing but deep water and filled with creatures. I hope never to meet alive. ” Edward said directing Jones to look out the balcony at what appeared to be an endless ocean of water.