Chapter 11 – A Little Nightmare
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"Hm, hm, I understand now," said Hinako as she filled the bathtub with water after I told her how it worked. 

I was teaching Hinako how to use modern appliances and furniture that I didn't realize that day turned into afternoon, so I put on my apron and cooked us dinner while Hinako went to take a bath. After a while, I heard footsteps coming from the bathroom. 

"Hmm, it smells delicious," said Hinako out of nowhere as she appeared from the bathroom. She walked naked around the living room as droplets of water fell down from her body. She lazily wiped her body with a towel while leaving a trace of wet floor. 

"Hey, don't just walk around naked! I taught you how to use a hair dryer, didn't I?" I scolded Hinako while putting a simple karaage recipe into the dinner table. 

Hinako rebutted, "I know, I know, but It'll dry anyway, also you didn't leave me any pajamas to wear."

I quickly apologized to Hinako, however she seemed more interested in the karaage I just made than wearing any clothing. She was eager to eat dinner while naked, however I quickly stopped her and grabbed a hair dryer. 

"My my, aren't you a spoiled princess," I teased her while gently stroking her hair while drying it out with a hair dryer. Hinako's expression was completely devoid of any stress as her lips twinkled with a satisfied motion. Hinako luxuriated herself in silence while closing her eyes for a few minutes. 

Hinako's hair dried up nicely as I gave it a little rustle. Hinako smiled at me as she thanked me, her naked voluptuous body showing without any embarrassment in her expression. She tried to rush towards the dinner table before I stopped her. 

"Don't forget your pajamas," I said while handing her my set of pajamas. At some point, I had to grab some clothes for Hinako from a clothing store. Hinako dressed up in the pajamas quickly as her stomach rumbled even more. 

A few moments later. 

"Thanks for the food," We said together at the same time.

I asked, "I will take a bath, what do you want to do, Hinako?"

Hinako answered while pointing her finger towards a familiar robot kitten, "I'll just go play with Chloe, while recovering my mana. I used a lot of mana today, after all."

I felt a distinct urge to ask even more questions, however I suppressed my curiosity while going to the bath. Usually, I could be here for an hour, however with Hinako in my house, I felt a sense of impatience or anxiety to be separated from her. 

I quickly got out of the bathtub and put on my pajamas, preparing to go to sleep. I could see Hinako sitting on the sofa in the living room while holding her staff. Strange particles of light appeared as some of the light pierced through Hinako's body in gentle motion. 

Hinako saw me and smiled as the flow of light completely dissipated, "Well, let's go to bed, shall we?"

Hinako and I went to my room as time outside the window became darker. Hinako completely jumped towards the bed with an exhausted look on her face, with her eyes closed. Just as I was about to reach out to her, I couldn't sense any awakeness from her. 

I hurried up laying down on the bed beside her as I went to sleep. I looked at Hinako for the last time. 

I took a deep breath while smiling reflexively, "Good night."

As I closed my eyes, I imagined a little scenery of spring. The sight of flowers rained as it filled my thoughts. Little memories of the past struck me without any warning. 

Before I knew it, my mind fell into the darkness, until the sky appeared. 

I kept falling from the sky, I tried to scream but no voice could be heard. I tried to rationalize myself, "Is this a dream?" before seeing a vast empty ocean below me. 

I naturally screamed as the sight of the water got closer and closer, until with a sudden splash, I sank down deep into the ocean. 

It didn't hurt, however I was struggling to breathe. I desperately swam back up. I swam and swam, until I was able to reach the surface of the ocean. There was no wet feeling, rather the feeling of burning temperature tried to strangle me. 

I looked around me, there was only the vast horizon of the ocean, and the bright blue sky with nothing in it except for passing clouds and the bright sun. I sighed in relief, however that relief was rudely interrupted as I saw a giant shark floating in the sky. 

Every tingling sense of my nerves were completely rigid. The frightening sight was enough to give me a petrified emotion, I desperately swam away from the floating shark as it approached me. 

It was a couple of meters above me, however I was too tired to continue swimming. my fright level was approaching its limit, I couldn't feel my leg anymore. 

Unexpectedly, the shark dissipated as it transformed itself into a cheerful girl as she fell down from the sky. As her body reached the surface of the water, it gave a water splash towards me. She was standing in the ocean as if she was in shallow water while I was desperately trying to keep my head above the water by flapping around my legs. 

The girl was wearing a middle school uniform, her purple hair was something I was used to admiring, and her face was someone I used to see. She was looking at me with simple eyes. Her warm demeanor was looking at me with a puzzled expression. 

"Hey, Sayoko. Why did you leave me?" The girl asked with an apathetic tone. 


"We were meant to be together, right?"

The girl stared at me with an impatient look, until suddenly she walked towards me. My energy was drained from the swimming I just did to get away from the floating shark. All I was able to do was to look at the girl without any resistance while flapping my legs in desperation to stay afloat. 

Suddenly, she flung her body towards me. We sank deep down into the deep dark of the ocean. I was desperately trying to breathe. 

"Akemi… Stop…"

A few moments later. 

"Hinako!" I screamed annoyedly while trying to control my breath circulation. Hinako woke up sleepily beside me while glancing at me with a puzzled look.

"It's still late at night, did something happen? or perhaps you had a nightmare?" Hinako asked warily. I sighed at her ignorant cheerful expression while her breasts were centimeters away from me. 

"You were suffocating me with your enormous boobs!" I bluntly said to the sleepy Hinako

Did I ever mention that the Japanese dialogs in the illustrations are based on the dialogs that happened right before or after the illustrations?