Entry 1: February 22nd, 2022
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I don’t really know how to start this. At the beginning I guess.

I started this journal because my old roommate recommended it. We were students at the time and under a lot of stress. He handled it much better than I did. I asked him how he dealt with it and he asked me if I could keep a secret. I could so he told me his secret was that he wrote in his diary almost every day. Even on top of all the writing he did for med school, it was important to write about his day, being honest about his feelings and any major issues that occurred. He said that it kept him grounded in rough times. He also said not to tell anyone about this cuz it’s some effeminate sounding shit and he didn’t want people thinking he was gay. Go figure.

I did really appreciate that moment of honesty though so I’m going to take his advice. I guess I can finish up by saying that I graduated last semester and moved out. An old friend of mine from high school actually lived up the street from where I had been renting. Since our leases were up and we were both headed out into the “real world” to seek employment, we got our own place together. 

We just finished moving all our stuff in today.