Chapter 1: Not What I Expected.
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“Hello Mr.Salem, I’ve been trying to reach you for an hour, but I can’t catch a signal. So I'm gonna leave this message. I arrived at the requested address, although I didn’t find the house. I found a nice grassy field with no one to be seen. So excuse my sarcasm but it would be nicer if you build the house first. ”. A man is standing next to his car in the middle of nowhere.

‘What the hell was I thinking? Of course there’s nothing in the middle of this barren land. Why did I even want to come here? I just wasted a whole work day for a stupid delivery. Maybe it’s best if I take it for myself’ The man thought to himself.

As he started to get inside of his car, he smelled something off, like the smell of gasoline mixed with dirt. When he investigated, to his shock, the entire gas tank was emptied on the ground and it left a trail, something must’ve hit it on the drive.

‘Great, now I have no gas left and I’m all out of patience. What a beautiful day to be alive! uh!’

This is an obvious sign of a totally healthy person.

“You look lost boy!” a man dressed in farmer clothes shouted from far away.

“This land is not for sale!”. ‘What’s this guy thinking? That I’d come all this way to buy his empty land? I guess I have no choice but to confront him and ask him for a ride.’

“I’m actually here for a delivery and got lost along the way! My car is toiled and I need a ride! Could a generous man like you help out a poor fella like me!” He shouted.

“Well then! I’ll come as quickly as I can”.

‘When the farmer arrived, I expected a very luxurious tractor, or maybe a great truck. What did I get instead? A man sitting on a donkey. Well if you hadn’t been so grumpy all morning you would’ve got something better’

Yeah, this man is going crazy.

“What’s yer name, boy?” The farmer asked.

“Uhhh, Joel! The name’s Joel!”.

‘Joel?! Really? You couldn’t even think of a better name than Joel?’ He argued with himself.

“Alright Joel, are ya goin’ to stare or are ya hoppin’ on my steed?” ‘This guy doesn’t have patience doesn’t he?’

“Alright I’m hoppin’ on '' - Snarky as always. “Joel” rode with the farmer. It took an hour or two until they arrived, and by that time, his car was surely stolen.

‘Finally! Civilization! I can call a taxi and get home!’

“Joel” quickly pulled his wallet to check for money, but there was no money. Did he expect it not to get stolen? but before he could ponder such life changing questions, The farmer ran off.

‘Great… Nothing like a good old farmer stealing your stuff. I’ll call a friend instead.’

He checks to see his phone, sadly it’s dead. the perks of having a knock-off cheap phone. He has no choice but to walk home.

‘This day has been the most interesting day of my life, I can’t believe the amount of events that occurred that utterly fucked my entire mood up. Thank God I still have my mind, only if I had listened to its sound judgment and sat home, watched some JP TV Crap™ and fell asleep, but noooo~. I decided it'd be best to work.’

He walks home from the outskirts of the city to a multi-story apartment downtown, it looks like an old abandoned ٍSoviet-Style building in Chernobyl, where only cockroaches live in them.

‘Home sweet home. After all the walk I can finally sleeeeeep~

“Joe” hurried to take off his shoes and threw all his dirty clothes in a clothes basket, took a shower, and then sat down to watch his favorite JP TV Crap. Then after midnight, he carried his body onto his bed and promptly fell asleep…

Next day. He woke up very late.

‘Shit, I slept for 14 hours? Hold on a minute, I slept at midnight, made an alarm for 8 A.M. and it’s 2 P.M… and the date is 13 not 14. What?’ When he finished deducing that somehow, the phone had reversed it’s internal clock, he realized something odd about his apartment, it’s just like how it was a year ago.

‘This doesn’t make any sense, I’m not dreaming yet it feels like i’m still--’  The phone started making sounds, a phone call from his boss that started from the end and played in reverse. The boss sounded like he’s arguing with “Joel”.

‘Wow, I’m so damn high’.

He stood up to wash his face, and noticed the wall clock running backwards. He got suspicious so he launched the TV expecting to catch some news, that was the moment when he realized that everything's running backwards. The same news station program from yesterday was running, but in reverse.

‘What’s making this? Did I swallow some expired soft drink and this is my hell? No, I’m losing my mind. I need to get out of here’.

Just as he opened the door, a bright light appeared, when his eyes adjusted. They rested on the view of a room, filled with glass equipment, even the floor and ceiling, the whole room was glass…