Chapter 14 – Flying Sea Monster
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As I was about to pull the trigger on my SGR-6, a voice beside me interrupted, "Sayoko, stop! She's friendly!" 

The sounds of roar reverberated from the sky as the shark slowly descended towards us as if it was gliding without a parachute. Its glorious sharp teeth were showing, almost as if it was smiling. 

"Long time no see, Princess Hinako van Hellen la Vallière de Labianca VI," A soft voice entered my mind as if the voice came from an earphone. I looked at the shark with a tiara, its mouth wasn't moving, however the source of voice fit the image of the shark in front of me perfectly. 

I was about to make a remark on how long Hinako's name was, however I could see her holding out tears as she looked at the floating shark in front of her. 

Hinako smiled as she answered, "Long time no see, Emily."

A strange pattern appeared at the shark's gills, it was a square with a zig zag pattern in it. It glowed a crimson red as the shark wallowed in pain. The shark flew frantically everywhere as Hinako had a panicked expression on her face. 

"Emily?! What's wrong?!" asked Hinako worriedly. 

The shark mumbled something as the tiara she wore faded into nothingness, "I had… been cursed… by the Demon Lord."

Without warning, the entire shark's body was engulfed with blazing fire. The shark's eyes dilated intensely as its fin jolted, as if conveying its pain. Hinako quickly tried to point her staff into the Shark, "By the command of the Water Goddess, I seek permission to kill the flame in front of me, Water Dragon!" a blob of giant water appeared from the cloud as it took shape as a two headed dragon snake. It launched itself towards the shark with a tiara. 

Within seconds, the fire that filled the entirety of the shark disappeared, however the strange mark on its gill was still glowing. A high pitch frequency attacked my mind as I saw the pained look in the shark's eyes. 

Hinako's eyes were mixed with fury and fear, "Dear the Goddess of Life, the Goddess that started it all, please grant me strength to ease the suffering of my family, Lily Heal!"

However, nothing happened. 

"It's too late… the undead mark had… been placed within my soul… only death awaits me…" said the shark telepathically. 

Despite Hinako's failed attempts, and the shark's eyes as they fell into despair, Hinako kept on trying to ease the shark's suffering. Until finally, the shark closed its eyes. 

"If I ever come back… please destroy me…"

A familiar ray of light appeared inside of the shark's body. The light enlarged into the size of a small house. The shark's body entered the light, leaving nothing but wind. The light still persisted in the sky, however there was no shark floating in it. 

Hinako screamed on top of her lungs, "Emily!"

As if the portal responded to her call, a small army of swordfish marched as they showed up from the portal. The light from the portal disappeared after a couple of dozen swordfish appeared. 

Hinako's eyes widened, she quickly grabbed my hand as she ran. I awkwardly follow her while holding my SGR-6 as I occasionally glanced back towards the army of swordfish

All of them flew in the sky as if it was their natural habitat, two of them even flew higher than the clouds. I could glance at one of the swordfish flying towards our direction, Hinako took notice of that as she chanted a lightning spell. 

A faint presence of lightning appeared from Hinako's staff as it pierced the swordfish that tried to follow us.

"They're fast and strong! Let's get out of here!" commanded Hinako as she yelled. 

Three more swordfish took notice of our presence and started to fly towards us with terrifying speed. However, I was able to aim my SGR-6 with superhuman speed, and with a loud repeated bang, I was able to mow down all of the three swordfish in the blink of an eye. 

We quickly entered the purple car we parked near the water canal. Without wasting much time, I quickly stomped the pedal as we strolled away from the army of swordfish with a sense of urgency. 

"Where are we going?!" I asked with somewhat of a loud tone while driving.

Hinako took a heavy breath in order to calm her heartbeat and chaotic out of breath movement, "As long as we enter any building, they won't be able to hurt us, but they will still follow us. "

I could see a faint tear from Hinako's eyes and a slight crack from her voice. Even then, she tried her best to put on a smile. I wasn't sure exactly what the relationship between Hinako and that shark was, and my brain was too preoccupied for that, so I simply focused on driving. 

I thought for a moment while driving the purple car into the empty road, until a random place came into my mind. 

"Well, let's head to school then."

I'm starting to lose motivation to write, daily chapter is harder than I originally thought, just a heads up in case I wouldn't be able to continue.

Fun fact, despite their sharp sword, one of the main weakness about swordfish is that they can't survive on land.