Chapter 15 – Together
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"Welcome to Haru High School! Would you like a little tour?" I said with somewhat of a flat tone, mimicking a flight attendant. Hinako smiled at me as she nodded. 

I was able to park our car in front of the school's entrance. I grabbed my two military vests and gave one to Hinako as I wore the other myself. I packed a lot of ammunition while carrying the heavy assault rifles of SGR-6, while Hinako held her staff. I left my railgun in the trunk since it was too heavy to carry. 

We waited for a wave of swordfish to pass as we managed to sneak towards the school entrance and into the school building. We both sighed in relief at the same time. 

"Why are we running from them? They don't look that tough," I asked while holding my trusty SGR-6. 

Hinako looked outside the window hallway as we walked, "Whenever one of them died, their mana and soul would pass onto the alive ones, making them stronger. They're weak now, but if we kill more of them, they would be almost as strong as Emily, the strongest fish out there."

"I see, what should we do then?" I asked. 

Hinako smiled at my question as she ran faster while holding my hand, her gaze was focused onto one specific course. 

"Fortunately they're dumb enough to not follow us into this building, and they lack the nutrients of mana to live in this world. If we leave them for a day, they should all die," Hinako smiled while explaining, "Which is why we should just eat that sweet stuff from last time!"

I reflexively smiled while holding my SGR-6 and wearing my military vest, "Yes, princess," I teasingly said. 


As we walked the hallway, Hinako's expression turned dark. She glanced outside while stopping in her tracks. Before long, she grabbed my hands while running in the hallway. 

"What's wrong?" I asked while following Hinako. 

A sudden burst of glass broke from the window hallway, revealing a pained looking swordfish as its sword destroyed a fiberglass. I immediately took some shots with my SGR-6 before it could do anything. 

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

It took four shots in the head before the swordfish stopped moving, even though the previous one only took a single shot. Hinako carefully approached the swordfish stained with green blood. 

A strange square mark was visible on the swordfish's belly, it looked exactly like the one on the shark's gill. Hinako tried to put her staff on the strange mark, until a sudden glow appeared. 

"Dammit…" Hinako muttered. 

I asked, "What's wrong?" with a confused look.

Hinako suddenly grabbed my hand once more as we ran away. We were climbing up the stairway, while Hinako's out of breath slowed her running. 

"That cursed mark… they're undead, even if we wait for a month, they won't die. It took them some time, but they managed to smell my mana, they're coming to us right now. Our best course of action is to wipe them all out in one spot," Hinako panickedly said. 

As we walked, it became clear what Hinako's plans were. It took us a lot of stops, but we managed to reach the school's rooftop with the cold wind approaching us. 

I could see a school of swordfish flying towards us from very far away. Hinako sighed, and told me to stay back while she was holding her staff.

"Oh Goddess of Death, with my little lifespan that I could exchange, I ask Goddess Yuzu, the one that reincarnates our life to give me power, wiping out my enemy-" Hinako stopped as I grabbed her hand. 

"What do you mean by 'lifespan', Hinako?" I asked worriedly. 

Hinako hid her glances as she ignored my concerned expression, she looked at the army of swordfish coming towards us. She smiled at me as she brushed me off, "it's nothing, it's just part of the spell incantation."

Hinako restarted her spell while she chanted it again, however I stopped it once more. I always listened to her incantation with amazement, yet this time I couldn't let her finish. 

"Sayoko, please, before they're here," Hinako's eyes were filled with a begging kitten as she held her staff. Even then, I stood strong. 

"No! No way would I let you do that!" I yelled. 

Hinako's eyes were giving a panicked expression as she glanced at the incoming horde of swordfish getting closer. 

"It's only four years of my life! It's better to do that than us dying here!" Hinako replied in the same loudness as me, her eyes were tearing up with desperation and determination. 

"Even then, I don't want you to do that, Hinako," I replied. 

Hinako's eyes were filled with disbelief, "What about those monsters?" she said while pointing towards the flying swordfish. 

"We'll deal with it together."

"B-but, they're so strong! Even a party of gold adventurers were struggling with just four of them!" Hinako screamed as she tried to persuade me. 

I smiled, "Even then, we'll deal with it together."

I fell asleep! I'm sorry for the late chapter. 

Fun fact, I slept at the bus and missed my stop yesterday, I ended up at literally the last stop of the bus. Pain yuzu.