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Huguel and the leader of the Jacare Sul favela will be focusing on and realizing his goal to keep his community in control and get the bandits out of his favela. As a member of the favela community he can only do so much while in it; he has to have some sort of support structure. He doesn’t want anyone questioning him as to how he was able to take down such a large criminal group and make a success out of that feat. He needs someone to look up to him. He knows he could ask the leader but he also doesn’t want to bother him with things like this. The best solution is if he manages to bring down the entire bandit gang on his own and then he would tell everyone about it and maybe even get a small pat on the back from the leader for his efforts. It will take time to put together the plan however.
The whole favela community of the Jacare Sul is gathered around their leader and are all listening intently, waiting for what he has to say. Hugo is just as interested. They haven’t seen anything like this kind of thing before. They are always the last one to see an actual outlaw or criminal who had taken down a large group before they came into the favela community. They were usually scared off by the mere sight of them, fearing they might harm them. No wonder they kept quiet about everything, afraid they would upset their beloved leader with their complaining.
Aluguel clears his throat before speaking, “This is going to be dangerous. We have never fought a real fight against something like these before. This is a very large group we are dealing with here and they are not easy to catch or capture; we’re probably not going to survive. All I know about these guys is that they are bad news and we need to make sure they go straight away. If they decide to stick around and cause problems for us, we don’t stand a chance against them and we won’t win against all of them.” Aluguel pauses for breath and looks at everyone in his community who is nodding along, clearly agreeing with Aluguel. Hugo nods along too, silently agreeing with his leader. Everyone knows what he’s talking about. These bandits were hard to beat and no one has ever been able to catch a single one. “So we are going to have a little competition. Those who manage to get their hands on a few of the bandits, we will send them on their way after we finish our business with them; the rest of you are welcome to join in if you want. We will need all the help we can get.” Hugo nods and turns to smile at Aluguel when he sees his leader smiling back at him. The two boys turn back to the others.
“I’m ready! What do I have to do?” Someone shouts, jumping up excitedly. Hugo recognizes him as one of his fellow acolytes; he is actually very nice and Hugo likes him, which makes Hugo feel a bit bad about having such mean thoughts towards him. The other members of the group cheer loudly in agreement. Hugo knows he’ll make sure he gets those bandits today or die trying. His reputation as the smartest acolyte of all of the other acolytes is well known throughout the community and they respect that about him and he respects it about them.
“Okay, I am thinking…” Aluguel starts, thinking through the list they had made earlier today to figure out exactly what each person needed to do when they went out on their mission. The first person he assigns to go is Hugo. He is tall and lanky, with short brown hair and dark blue eyes. Hugo seems quite confident in himself when talking about his skills with swords and bows. While the other acolytes are eager to get out there and do battle, Hugo is more focused on what he’s going to do once he’s finished this task. Aluguel has seen him in action several times before and knows this boy isn’t going to let some bandit group stop him from doing what he thinks is right. “