Background Check
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The boarding school where everything begins to unfold. It is surrounded by lush green forests(and mosquito repellant industries). One of the top private school in ××××××. It sees a yearly admission of impressive students including foreigners as teachers and students. It keeps pride in its academic performance.

It could be considered a small society as it provides everything available outside school borders such as cafeteria, dining halls, restaurants, shopping districts, spa, gym, park, and many more uncountable facilities.

Students have all the resources available to them if they wish to stay in the school hostel.

Senior students(9th,10th,11th,12th) are the most needed in NPS and hence recive upgraded facilities to ensure that they recive the perfect studying enviorment.



    The main character of the story. He comes from the lower level of middle class. He was born in U.A.E. because his father migrated from India with his mother and worked as a labourer once. He was sucessful in joining one of the most prestigious boarding school in ×××××× 4 years ago at class 9 which made his parents proud. It is his last academic year at NPS at present.

He has a small frame and weighs 58 kilo for his age category. He had jet black hair and brown eyes. He has a shy nature and prefers being quiet. He has a timid nature and says yes to everything. He thinks his communication skills are above average and wants to be popular one day. His biggest wish is to one day have a GF.

Oh yeah, he is also 5'8”…. Pretty small, yeah.

2》Thakur Sir

   A new teacher at NPS. He teaches accountancy,marketing and economics for class 11 and class 12 commerce batch. He is also the class teacher of Class 12 commerce with a total of 16 students.

He wants to enjoy his teacher life and is the chilled dude at NPS. He can handle more than two jokes. He loves his student like his friends.

Oh yeah, he is also 5'8”…. Pretty big, yeah.

3》Rose Madam

   She has been teaching Buisness Studies for 4 years to class 11 and class 12 commerce batch. 2 years ago she also taught English to class 9 and 10.

Other teachers notice that she is very talkative with the students of Andy's class. She is chubby yet has pretty noticeable curves but the best part is her radiant smile and those dimples. She also is a perfect sugarmomma as some boys say.She may be chubby but her personality all but covers it up.

She is 6'2”… what?

4》May madam

   She has been teaching English to senior students for over 9 years. She holds a position of respect at the school and is seeked for advice including the principal.

The boys and girls at school have wet dreams of her. She has long black hair up till her perked up bubbly butt that is given more detail by her long skirt. From the front, she looks even more majestic. Her tight sweater shows that she packs a lot. She may be strict at studies. But she loves enjoying festival times with students and understands the problems of a student.

She constantly talks about how annoying Andy is and his lax behaviour. She feels Andy could do better at English and constantly complains about it. She also hates the principal.

She is 6'4”…wha?

5》Dan Marthux

   Andy's close friend Dan is a big dude. He is the exact opposite of Andy. They say that there was a time Dan used to hate Andy but not anymore. They may be polar opposite but they are brothers. Though you could see Dan hitting Andy occasionally. They both are in commerce batch.

He is very popular for his tall and burly frame and is the one who connects introverted Andy to the public. He has blonde hair and brown eyes. He goes to the gym during holidays giving him a very fit body.

He is 6' . :(


   This Brazilian-African silent boy may look innocent but don't let that decive you. In school dress he may be a nerd( he actually is nerdy as hell) but on a date his sweet personality will butter you up… the good way. However Nathan wants to be noticed in a diffrent way. He actually wants to be a “ COLD, MERCILESS, SIGMA, GIGA CHAD ANIME VILLAIN “…Whatever, that's impossible and too cringe.

This commerce student knows how to handle money and girls all in one hand if he wanted to.

His red coloured hair and Amber eyes will enchant any girl.

Oh yeah, he is 6'5”…. Why?

6》Don xavier 

  He has a longer-menancing name, but despite that Don is the smallest , most depressed 12th Grader in the world. Don is a good friend of Andy. Infact, everyone loves Don. He stays silent and listens to your troubles anytime, clearly showing how many people are his friends…shady friends. He took science because he wants to be a chemistry teacher.

Also yeah he is too cute apparently to all boys. For some reason he never specifies his height at medical examination because he is not 69'420”.

7》Jimmy Dalton

   This motherfucker obnoxious dogshit is the most annoying mosquito to exist. He has every feature a girl needs. Height, beard, earrings, fair skin, smooth talk and whatnot. He can talk to literally any girl, and some boys heard him say he fucked a bubbly milf during last summer (goddayummm!).

Every junior looks up to him and everyone is friends with him just to get a good image with the girls…..deepdown everyone wants to stick a knife up his asss (Author: me too).

This boy can get laid in minutes the way he moves at girls but for some reason he is still a virgin.

Also he is 6'3”. Not fair.

8》Maddie Maddie

   Maddie may be fat and average in looks department. But that is nothing in comparison to her grades, personality and her incredible communication skills.

Maddie can start a conversation with anyone on anything. All the boys and girls like her in class because she connects everyone and makes the enviorment brighter. She is a good girl, one good girl and she deserves the best.

She is 5'5. Tooo big.

9》Natty patty

   Natty patty is good looking and she sneers at everyone. She loves gossip and makes fun of weak boys.

Thats all. Yeah. Nothing else. 5'7”.

10》Katherine Savic

    One look at this girl and you know some bunny ears will make her look sexy. This white haired russian girl is very silent but she is just sooooo adorable. People forgive her mistakes just due to her cuteness. 

She is small , has those big cute eyes, short smooth hair till her shoulders that curls inside and cups her face, those tiny legs and arms, those frail and white as snow hands. Gosh, such a elegant smart lass she must be…..Dumb as a brick(That's a plus point lads). Her Bf should spoil her rotten. 

And a adorable height of 5'2”.

And a rich dad.

And a rich mom.


11》Senorita Senry


     Poor girl is a war orphan of Afghanistan. But God must have given her justice because she holds the 2nd position in the◇ boys secret poll and voting of the top 10 most beatiful girls in school◇.

Senorita has an enticing and appealing body.

She has the perfect curves and the school clothes don't help at all. Boobs that ignore physics and a priceless bunda. Add one of the most serene and angelic looking faces that look like they could bless you just by glancing at you. Her cold red eyes and her black hair that reahes till her perfect waist. This girl is a demonic succubus with an angelic aura.

And a height of 6'

And a rumoured BF.

12》Deepika Chodhouary

   This Indian-choclate-tall-athletic-tomboy girl is a beast both outside the bed and in the bed.

She is a tiger with unparalleled stamina giving her the position of sports secretary at school.

This gossiping girl can also be called a gal (Author:… is that?gal?) according to weebs. She is popular and her laughs brighten up any rainy day.

It seems she hates Andy because he is weak and pathetic for some reason.

She is 6'5”. Ahhhh…

13》Hajra Khalifa


    An Arabian girl raised at England. Hajra has the nature of a civilzed lady. She is chubby and loves a good snack time to time.

She will gladly be your friend if you want to.

This simplistic girl with her black hair and brown eyes may not look appealing to perverts, but her hijab are hiding some gifted proportions. 

She used to bully Andy as kids during her childhood days at U.A.E. She is a new transfer and was introduced to NPS by Deepika.

She is in class 11 science.


14》Gustor- shitty author

Height: 4'

(AUTHOR: Huh….what? Nothing else? Hey? WHAT ABOUT THE 14 GIRLS I PLOWED THROUG-)