Chapter 25 – A Demon Viscount
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I had reached the rear of my squad mates, highlighting that the lion team had no casualties.

During the first blow that started the fight, 3 of our men died, among them were Paco, Jessy, and Marcus.

They just went off the deep end, however, we still had the advantage and the 3 demons hadn't come out yet.

In fact, to my senses, those 3 should be close to the core doing who knows what.

For my part, I was thinking about why my bullets were missed very often, for a moment it seemed to me that I was shooting water pistols, the shotgun was not a big problem because I shot it at a very short distance.

It didn't take me long to find out the reason behind this, during the combat and with me in the rear, I tried to observe how the firearms of Ferdus, who belonged to Lion's group, worked, and although it did not completely solve my doubt, it gave me an idea.

My conclusion is that the bullets he was making were not of the necessary caliber. In this way, I came up with a way to solve this issue and it was something that I had already practiced before.

Mana Compression…

It only remains to wait for my moment to fight again and from what I see, that moment could be very close.

At this point, both sides were already tired and with minor bruises or injuries, it could be seen clearly.

"Hey, aren't you planning to do anything?!" Lion asked me with an exhausted tone.

I had not moved since I placed myself behind him and of course, it would be a fact that would bother the others.

"I have other orders"

I answered him loud and clear.

"Shit, what's our superiors' idea of having him in our rear doing nothing?" Vermilia spoke leaning on her sword.

But just before someone said anything else, one of the demons shot several bolts in my direction.

Although my reaction seemed late, I easily deflected 3 beams with my bare hands and the last one dodged making a slight movement of my shoulder giving the impression that I had barely made it, although my funny face showed otherwise.

"That's all?" I asked the demon.

And of course, my action provoked a frown from the demon, if it was because of what he had just witnessed or because of my words, only he knew.

In contrast to the demon who was pondering how to respond, Lion and Vermilia were very focused on looking for the right moment to attack.

The demons couldn't fight me at this point since I was at the rear and the situation was very even.

The Captain with the other two superiors was still in hiding and while I don't dispute their decision-making, I was getting bored, at least until the hidden demons started to move.

Take the communicator and send the alert.

The only issue was that one of the 3 demons was not moving toward the battle, but instead was moving further and further away from where he could sense them.

He is escaping...

Whatever, that was my cue to go into action.

"Today is your lucky day, you won't have to go for me, I'll go for you"

I told the demon and taking advantage of the fact that everyone else was fighting.

"Hey, it's dangerous, where are you going?!"

Was what Vermilia said when she saw that I was stepping forward and wielding Nihila in my hand.

While the attention of others in the battle was slightly attracted by my entrance.

and it was really logical, they had already seen my arrival for a while and since I had not done anything until now, their suspicions in me were growing.

Regarding the demon, he was on guard with his sword in hand in anticipation of my next moves.

He was surely a bit tired so I didn't waste my time on unnecessary ideas.

In the blink of an eye, she was already face-to-face with him.


That was the thundering sound of our clash of swords, yet my obvious strength advantage caused the demon to be dragged several meters behind.

I placed my available hand on the blade to push it toward my opponent while the demon also did the same to try to counterbalance it.

With no time to be surprised, the demon is only capable of growling.


My amused expression hadn't changed until I felt something approaching my direction.

Turning around, I realize that one of the demons had thrown a dagger.

He quickly moved me slightly away from my opponent and I do a complete turn with which I manage to dodge the dagger.

The demon in front of me saw this and tried to seize the opportunity by attacking me, but at the same instant, I parried his sword with mine.

Only this time, no clash of swords, but his sword nearly flew out of his hand from the impact of my sword.

I immediately pulled out a gun with my free hand and started shooting.

The demon was able to dodge or stop some of the projectiles, but he couldn't escape even half of them, and although he managed to save his vital points, he was bleeding and was already on his knees.

Now I could tell the difference in calibrating the bullets well, it was even much more difficult for my opponent to dodge the shots.

I had also shot a few times at the demon that had thrown the dagger at me, but he was more attentive and at a distance where he could react properly so he dodged everything I fired at him.

Wielding Nihila once more, I decided to give the final touch.

But when I charged in his direction, I could see how the demons that remained hidden were already arriving, and I noticed even more that one of them in a small moment accelerated his pace at an extraordinary speed.

He was clearly pointing in my direction.

Between the short amount of time and the way I had charged into the kneeling demon, I managed to accommodate myself and parry the attack of the new opponent that was entering the battlefield.

It was not little, his weapon was a great ax and he managed to send me flying far behind.

"Wow, so the rats finally decided to come out of their burrow," I said, brushing off my clothes as if nothing had happened.

“Insolent human, you dare insult me…? A Viscount?!” The demon answered me with great irritation.

Just when he was planning to say something else, the other demon arrived and spoke.

"It is clear that this simple human insulted you, I don't know if they are more arrogant every day or they have already resigned themselves to fighting suicide"

In perspective, these demons seem to belong to the nobility, it was well known everywhere that the demons according to their power were assigned a rank within the nobility, Viscount were the demons whose power was ranked A Rank.

Surely these two who just arrived are in the same rank.

On the other hand, both Lion and his group were sweating cold before the arrival of both demons, and perhaps, they were waiting for the Captain's help to arrive.

The demon approached his colleague who was wielding a large axe.

“Take care of them quickly so we can go back, I don't think…”


He hadn't finished speaking when he had to deploy the halberd on his back to block my shots.

"And why don't you take care of it yourself? Fear?" I spoke pointing my pistols.

It wasn't for nothing, but from here I could already feel his murderous intent, with his gaze fixed on me he released a single sentence.

"Leave that waste to me, I'll take care of it myself"

However, the Great Ax demon retorts.

"No, I saw it first, I'm going to make him pay for insulting me"

When the demon heard his colleague, he turned his gaze towards him with a stern expression, only when he was going to say something...


“Are we going to fight or are they going to keep arguing like cats? You can come together if you want" I told them in a provocative tone after I fired another round at them.

My taunt was so effective that after my round of shots was blocked the demon with the great ax charged in my direction to evidently attack me no matter what his colleague thought.

They were already fuming and I honestly don't think I could fight them both, but it's fun to bother them.

Also, I'm not alone...

Before he could even get halfway there, he stopped and went on guard, but after a moment's observation, he backed away.

Yohan had come at full speed and hit a large mallet on the ground where the demon had been a second before backing away.

That act caused a huge explosion, followed by James and Captain Sanchez.

The first with a great sword while the captain with a Halberd.

James came up to me and addressed me "You are really crazy, but good job, where is the third one?"

"He didn't even move here, he just ran away." Answering her question, James nodded with a serious expression.

"Squad, it's time to retreat, we'll take care of the rest!" Said the Captain who had heard my conversation with James.

“Do you think that because we are outnumbered you already have it won?” asked one of the Viscount demons with a very serious tone.

None of the remaining devils other than those two I think would want to face an A-rank hunter, not to mention exhausted already, is suicide.

Lion and his party, though stunned, caught their breath upon hearing the Captain's order and distanced themselves from the field, the low demons still retreating.

I of course followed them, there was nothing else I could do.

Well, not everything has been a disappointment at the end of it all.