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Every life begins the same, or so we were led to believe.  As over time the definition of life has shifts, but it is not the definition of life that we are in seek of, it is the definition of being.  The measure of sapience that is achieved by a species I wish to find the limit of sapience. The most knowledgeable being, an organism so magnificent that it starts to come close to my excellence.

So my fellow godudes and godets I created the Darwin System.  Named after the most prominent of thinkers of my Earthen realm whose wisdoms inspired this very quest.

Thus I present to you the journey of the most impressive being that would meet the afore-mentioned criteria.  The little human Alex Gailvun.   


Just started typing I have no Idea where this will go.

If for whatever reason you decided to read this let me know what you think of it.  Thanks