Planet Story
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This is the story I wrote. This month we were creating our own planet and had to write a common story or history about our planet. So I wrote mines in the form of a fairy tale that's actually 100% accurate.


Its unedited, I wrote it in like 30 minutes and have not checked it and will not check it. So if there are mistakes :p

On my home planet Haveen there are hundreds of different species, however not a single one can compare to my people. My father always told me how we are the only ones in the WHOLE universe that can do what we do. He said that from his years of experience he has never seen a species as unique as us, and that that is something to be proud of.


Of all the stories he’s told us, the one about the creation of our planet is the most interesting by far. It’s a story passed down through the generations it’s even written down in all the history books and it’s the first thing you learn in school. It’s just that important. 


The story goes like this “Thousands of years ago, on this planet of ours there lived hundred of species living together. However there was one species that was better than the rest. They were faster, bigger, and stronger. They were different. Of all the species on the planet not one could live up to them, nor do what they could.


They could fly out into space, unharmed. They could fly up to the tallest trees without breaking a sweat. They lived in the treetops, on the clouds, flying high into the sky. They had wings, and five fingers and toes. Long legs and strong arms. They were the envy of all, and the pride of their planet.


But for the ones who could not fly, or fight, or run as fast as them. Who could not read or write, or become as smart as them. They were jealous. They hated these blessed people, considered them to be demons. They screamed curses and threw rocks, plucked out feathers of the young children who were learning to fly. 


When the people of the skies asked “Why do you treat us like this” the jealous and insignificant beings of the ground could only answer with “Because you are like that, you look down upon us for not being like you. You treat us like we are nothing!”


Then the people of the skies could only laugh, they laughed and laughed. And looked down upon the people on the ground and said, “When have we ever concerned ourselves with you. You injure our young, and keep us from your cities. You scream curses at us when we fly by and throw rocks when land. We have never bothered you, we have never cursed at you, we have not harmed you. Yet you feel the need to let yourselves be known as the insignificant people who live on the ground.” 


The people on the ground were hurt, they knew what the people of skies spoke was the truth but they didn’t listen. They trusted the people who came to our planet. Told them stories and lies to deceive them. They painted a picture of death, of hate. And when those people left and came back months later it was them who hunted us. It was them who destroyed our homes, and killed our young. 


The people on the ground became murderers.


Years later and the people of the skies never showed themselves. They stayed hidden, lying in wait for an opportunity to get their revenge. Years they waited, until finally it came. 


It came, hurtling towards their planet. A ball of flames that shook the earth. The people on the ground could do nothing. They couldn't escape, because where would they go. While the people of the skies reappeared. 


They laughed at the people on the ground, they threw rocks and cursed, Then they flew away, away from the ball of flame and watched as the people on the ground met their end. The ball hit their planet and they watched as it exploded. They watched as the people on the ground were gone and they waited. 


After waiting they came back to their planet. There were no people on the ground. But the planet became their home. It fit them all too perfectly, with islands in the sky, they flew to and from. They built homes and raised their kids. There were no more curses, or rocks flying at them. Their children lived in peace and they prospered.”