Chapter 33: Arlong Park
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Conomi islands - Arlong Park.

While Brain was dealing with the remaining Navy soldiers at Cocoyashi village shore, Sebas had just arrived outside Arlong Park, ready to finish his mission which was to fully exterminate the Arlong pirates.


Sebas examined the tall building and the gate in front of him and narrowed his eyes as he murmured in a low voice, " Now, Let's get started."

He clenched his fist and punched the gate in front of him. The entrance and the walls on both sides of it immediately shattered.

This display of strength stunned the fishmen on the other side. They were shocked to find a human, the one responsible for demolishing the gate and wall beside it.


Under the shocked gaze of the fishmen, Sebas stepped into the Park. He glanced around and examined the fishmen present, and sure enough, he recognized four of them based on their wanted posters.

The first is Arlong, a large, muscular, light blue saw-shark fish-man whose most distinctive trait is his saw-shaped nose.

The second was Kuroobi, with the typical appearance of a martial artist with a dark blue gi, a black belt, and his hair tied into a straight ponytail.

The third was Hatchan, an octopus fish-man with six arms, two legs, an octopus-like face, pink skin, and grey hair styled like five spikes.

The fourth and last one was Chew, a muscular blue-skinned fish-man with thick lips.

Hmm, it appears all the four individuals with bounties on their heads are here.' - Sebas smiled, thinking. - ' That's actually perfect. I was worried about what I should do if someone wasn't here and managed to escape.'

Sebas looked at Arlong, who was still sitting on his chair, and casually asked, "Are you Arlong ?!"


The question woke Arlong up from his daze. He quickly asked back, "Yes! Who the hell are you?!"

" A filth and scum like you don't deserve to know my name," Sebas said in a gentle but firm voice," You will die today anyway,"

"A lowly inferior creature dares to be so arrogant in front of me ... One of the fishmen ... the superior race... Shahahaha! " Arlong laughed, amused by Sebas's arrogance.

He has to admit that this Human is quite strong since he was able to shatter that gate easily, but that's it. Any regular Fishman can do the same if they use all their strength in one punch, unlike the weak humans, whose ordinary individuals couldn't even destroy a tree with their strength, let alone a wall of stones.

" What made you come here ?!" Arlong asked this 'special' Human.

" It's simple. I came to kill everyone here!" Sebas smiled and replied gently.

Despite his gentle voice, Arlong could clearly feel the hate and disgust in Sebas' voice toward him.

On the other hand, the other fishmen present started laughing at the Human's response and claim of coming here to kill them all.


Hatchan stepped forward, addressing Arlong, "Arlong-san, let's leave him to Momoo since he hasn't eaten yet."

"You are right! Call him to get his meal for today, Shahahaha! " Arlong agreed and laughed arrogantly.

Hatchan complied and summoned the sea monster by producing the sounds of a horn using his mouth.

Because he still remembered the boy from Gosa village mentioning a sea monster owned by Arlong pirates, Sebas smiled and didn't stop Hatchan from summoning that sea monster here.

Since he was tasked with cleaning all this garbage, he needed to be professional and take care of them all in one sweep, so it was to his advantage if that sea monster also came.

Shortly after the horn sounded, the water in the Park pool began to turbulent, and waves appeared on the sea as a giant monster emerged from the water.

The sea monster, Momoo, was a giant sea cow with a seal-like structure with a height of 36 meters (118'1" feet), a big round nose with a gold nose ring, a cow-like face, horns, and green spots throughout his body with fish-like scales covering his body from his neck to his stomach.

Sebas was quite surprised by the monster's unique appearance as he exclaimed, " Ho! So, that's the sea monster, Momoo!"

"Momoo, this is your food. Go get it," Hatchan said, pointing at Sebas.

The monster looked at his supposed 'prey' and moved dumbly toward it to eat his food. Alas, that action was destined to be the last act in his life.

" Finally! Everyone is here," Sebas smiled at the approaching sea monster.

He then moved toward the monster and kicked the air with all his might using his right leg, performing 'Rankyaku' ( Tempest Kick ), sending a slash of compressed air toward the sea monster.

The visible slash of compressed air passed through Momoo's neck, and before anyone could understand what that slash was, Momoo stopped moving. Shortly after, his head flew into the air, prompting the rest of his body to fall apart to the ground.

Sebas looked at Momoo's corpse and thought. - ' It would be surprising if he didn't die. I used all my might in that slash.' - He nodded in satisfaction.


The place was deadly silent, and everyone was shocked by what had just transpired. 

Sebas glanced at the fishmen, who were now looking at him with terrified expressions, and smiled a savage smile.

" Now, it's your turn. I hope you can last long." Sebas remarked.

He quickly used 'Soru' to appear before Arlong and kicked him in the chest with his leg using 'Rankyaku', sending him flying to the Park's main building.

Taking this chance of Arlong's absence, Sebas decided to kill as much as he could from the fishmen before the Shark-Fishman returned.

So he started using 'Soru' to appear before the fishmen and finished them quickly with 'Rankyaku'. With each slash Sebas performed, at least two fishmen would fall either dead or at least gravely injured. But even with his high efficiency, there were still many fishmen left, as over a hundred of them were present at the Park.


Kuroobi, Chew, and Hatchan decided to intervene and face this rampaging monster to buy sometime before Arlong returned.

Kuroobi was the first to intervene and take action by attacking with his Fishman-Karate. But Sebas easily dodged the attack with 'Kami-e' and counter-attacked with a powerful kick that sent Kuroobi flying to the nearby wall.

Taking this chance of Sebas focusing on Kuroobi, Hatchan and Chew attacked simultaneously as the former used his six-style sword while the latter used his mouth to spit water out like bullets.

Sebas dodged the upcoming strikes of the two using 'Soru' and reappeared behind Hatchan's back before kicking him on the back of his head, nealing him on the ground.

Deciding to take one of the officers out of the picture, Sebas chose the weakest, which was Chew. So he attacked him with multiple 'Rankyaku' until he was on the edge of death. 

And just as he was about to finish Chew, Hatchan stood up with blood dripping from his mouth and attacked again with his six-swords, forcing Sebas to avoid with 'Soru'.

Sebas appeared at a distance from Hatchan and glanced at Chew's state. Noticing that the latter wouldn't be able to move and was basically out of the picture due to all the injuries he had sustained, Sebas nodded in satisfaction and decided to focus again on the other fishmen and reduce their numbers.


But at this moment, Arlong emerged from the main building with a massive wound on his chest, clearly from Sebas' last kick with 'Rankyaku'.

After looking around, Arlong noticed dozens of his brothers' corpses scattered on the ground, prompting him to roar as he pounced at Sebas. " You inferior lifeform! I will rip your body apart today!"

"Tsk, he returned quickly." Sebas defended against the upcoming attacks with 'Tekkai', before using the same tactic he used previously on Arlong. He kicked the Shark-Fishman with all his might, sending him back flying again to the Park's main building.

Without wasting time, Sebas proceeded to use the combination of 'Soru' and 'Rankyaku' again to kill the rest of the fishmen quickly, while 'Tekkai' to defend against the upcoming attacks or 'Kami-e' to avoid them when he is surrounded by many.

Kuroobi returned again to attack, but this time Sebas didn't go easy on him and cut his two legs off with the same attack he had used previously on Momoo.

With the second officer down, Hatchan couldn't keep up and fell unconscious after receiving multiple powerful kicks in his head.

Petrified by the officers' quick defeat, some fishmen tried to run away. But Sebas didn't give them a chance and used 'Soru' to appear before them, blocking their path of retreat before slaughtering them all with his different 'Rokushiki' techniques.


Just like that, the one-sided slaughter continued. And ironically, the predator and the prey switched places this time. 

Instead of the humans running away and these fishmen chasing after them, this time, the fishmen were fleeing desperately for their lives and all that was against a sole predator ... a lone old gentle human.



Later, Arlong came out again from the building, but this time with more visible injuries.

Seeing the Shark-Fishman finally coming out of the building, Sebas grabbing the last fishmen alive by his neck, smiled evilly at the now furious Arlong, clearly taunting him.

" Do you know why you are the last one standing?!" Sebas grinned widely before snapping the neck of the Fishman he was holding and added, " It's because I wanted you to witness the death of your underlings, the death of your brothers in race."

Arlong looked at Sebas with a furious and fearful look at the same time. 

But after he took another look at all the Fishmen's bodies on the ground and the heavily injured officers, his eyes flicked for a second and returned back to normal afterward.

Arlong's eyes which were filled earlier with anger and fear, now became full of hatred, insanity, savagery, and determination to kill.


Sebas, who was standing far away, noticed the change in Arlong's eyes and aura. And for the first time since he entered this Park, he felt a genuine sense of danger.

" Ho! As they say, a cornered rat is indeed dangerous! " Sebas frowned.

" It's been a long time since I have been this angry, Human. " Arlong clenched his fists tightly and added, " Even if I have to die today, I will definitely bring you down with me."

Arlong moved faster than before as he attacked with his right fist Sebas's head. The latter defended by using 'Tekkai', and for the first time since he began his onslaught, Sebas felt the impact of an attack. 

This didn't go unnoticed by Arlong, who champed Sebas' shoulder with his sharp teeth, and, surprisingly, his teeth did manage to pierce through Sebas's shoulder, albeit just slightly since the latter was using 'Tekkai'.

Sebas used 'Rankyaku' again and sent Arlong flying to the Park's building again. He then glanced at his wounds and narrowed his eyes. "It seems I will have to go all out, or I will be the one to get defeated instead."

Sebas then took off his upper body clothes because he didn't want them to get damaged in the upcoming fierce fight.


Unlike the previous occasions, this time, Arlong quickly came out of the building with his sword 'Kiribachi'.

He smiled savagely with blood dripping from his mouth and said, "Human! I will definitely drink your blood today."

Arlong attacked with his sword, prompting Sebas to dodge the upcoming sword with 'Soru' before counter-attacking with a kick using 'Rankyaku'. Arlong champed again with his teeth at Sebas's leg, which the latter avoided by using 'Kami-e' and retaliating with multiple 'Shigan'.

Arlong got pierced by Sebas's finger, but instead of retreating, he used this opportunity to attack with his shark nose, targeting Sebas's eyes, wanting to blind him. But alas, Sebas noticed his intentions and removed his finger quickly before retreating at a distance with 'Soru'.


Attack, defend, and counter-attack. These rounds of exchanges lasted for several minutes before Arlong, who was severely injured, fell to his knees, clinging to his sword tightly, trying to desperately stand up again.

On the other hand, Sebas wasn't unscathed either. He was also covered in wounds, albeit not as severe as Arlong's ones.

" This is it for you, Fishman. You have fought well, but unfortunately for you, you have gone too far with your hatred toward the humans," Sebas stated while walking casually toward the barely-standing Shark-Fishman.

" Don't... 'cough cough' ...rejoice yet ... Human!" Arlong looked up at Sebas with his bloodthirsty eyes and added with complicated emotions, " My brother Jinbei is one of the seven Warlords of the Sea ... 'cough cough'... He will definitely be coming for you after you slaughtered all the fishmen here."

"Hahahaha! I'm the weakest of our crew members." Sebas laughed at Arlong's fantasy and futile threats as he added, " Do you think your supposed brother can stand against my lord ?!"

"Fishman, you better pray that brother of yours doesn't stand in our lord's way. " Sebas paused as he grinned widely, adding, " Because, if he does, he won't end up in a better state than your current one."

Arlong's eyes quivered slightly at that scenario. He couldn't help but tremble in fear imagining Jinbei in his shoe, lying on the ground, gravely injured and barely alive.

But that thought lasted only for a moment before it dispatched. - ' Yeah! No way!' - Arlong thought and shook his head at that possibility because even if doesn't like it, he acknowledged Jinbei as a whole-level monster, even among the fishmen.

" You are just .. 'cough' ... talking nonsense!" Arlong said while coughing blood.

" Pathetic, really pathetic!" Sebas shook his head in disappointment. " I was going to finish you quickly in respect for your amazing performance in this battle."

" But now, I have changed my mind." Sebas walked toward Arlong and said with a serious face," I will play with you a little longer, scum!"



A/N: If you like to read some chapters in Advance, you can visit my Patreon page! You will find there up to 5 weeks' worth of Chapters in Advance.



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