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While they ( the Avengers) were at it continued my quest to horde and digest all I could find.

Manga- I had hired major mangakas to force write their stories, for much more money of course.

Anime I was the leading Anime studio, I was making all sorts of Anime.

I had bought a company named Web-novel and was giving away prizes to boost new authors.

WB, DC, Disney I had bought all of that and forced them t make movies, but quality ones only.

None of this was my money, it was for the most part from Stark and My gold reserves from Asgard.

I was also into the literature of origin Kree, Skrull, and even Nocva Empire stories I had read, all speedrun.

But now my interest lay not in the fantasies but the real world, or what I thought to be one.




* I have your attention please bring your ticket which you for no for the problems with passenger thank you.*

/Flashback end/

"Looks like it's time" I stood up to report on platform no... 12. It looks like I have the independence to at least choose the world I got to go into.

Beautiful lady all alone sitting behind the counter with no queue to answer.

"Here." I passed my ticket to her, and she eyed me up to down and then looked up her device for some confirmation about my case, after receiving a positive response I was given a new ticket with the destination left blank.

"Fill the destination world or vaguely describe similarities to any omniversal universe." She asked.

"A pen?"


[Name-  Mimirsen JIM

Destination- Planetos, Universe- GOT (see here for info), Year- 278 AC

Designation- new life new birth, multiversal traveler

Aim- Entertainment of R.O.B. and #40

Sanctioned under- R.O.B.

Talent/Cheat- Authorative area (circular, radius 20 meters), Animal allegiance, transmigration, not reincarnation, 1x World announcement probe (stealth)

Date of departure- Tomorrow]

That seems about right.

Why did I choose this particular world out of a trillion others?

Well even if I don't change anything, the bitchy Cerceim the hypocritical yet noble Starks, Targarean overseas, Dornish lemons, and Petyr BAelish are enough to keep my so-called superiors in good mood. I only have to do the minimal to get desired effects with the things I have in my arsenal.

Why did I ask for heaven-defying powers from the get-go from ROB?

Well his attitude was not exactly a welcome one, and what I already had with me was enough, the things I asked were low-level shit that won't replace the Odinforce in me.

I am afraid his blessing me with powers will be in his control, kinda like Odinforce as Thor was stripped out of power with the mere words of my brother Odin. The same conjecture I apply here, and I would choose Odinforce a hundred times over some power given to me by someone I met for 5 minutes.

Death is sometimes a blessing and I don't want to be in a situation where it is a blessing.

As for my powers why do I specifically choose them, Authoritative area gives me invincibility and safeguards my voyage t the world I know yet remains unknown to me.

Animal allegiance for henchman, they will do my bidding while I am in my haven, doing what needs to be done against my forceful inscription.

Transmigration, not reincarnation, I mean why would someone want to experience the birth, maybe with incentives where infancy power burst is a thing and if you train some mana core or shit in infancy, you get a head start, but I already am a peak Midgardian, better yet however bad my talent may be in Asgardian magic. to remain stronger than most beings in the world of the Dragons.

And the most important gift or straightaway cheat in any world possible, the World announcement probe, the stealth one to be precise.

This remains the strongest piece of weapon in existence within my reasoning if you want to conquer, not destroy. Fortunately, I am not interested in either but this remains my strongest weapon in the world.

To explain the premise it works on, the World announcement probe does what its name suggests, it announces something to the whole world, every living being in existence. If I speak using this probe that food is not meant to be eaten, every living being will resist its all might eating fruit, as it comes into their understanding that it is not meant to be eaten.

There are two types of this probe, one which reveals the existence of the speaker, which is useful if you want to play god in the said realm.

And the other, which I have, is the stealth probe which will embed my words in the subconscious minds of all the living beings, without their knowledge of whom the speaker is.

Very disastrous its power is.


Now I have like an hour before I am set to leave for my new world.

I should get ready with my luggage- oh I don't have luggage, just me and my clothes. Platform no. 12 was in sight, with no one ever nearing the foul place. Why is this so dirty? I am repulsed by its presence, but work is work. Have to get over it.

I pinched closed my nose and jumped in the well tearing my ticket one-handedly, like a pro.

Here I am to choose my new appearance if I want to. But who can improve what already is the epitome of outer beauty?


Mind you I am still a minor,