22. A Shitty Job
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As Bruno delved into the task assigned by Nathan, he quickly discovered its complexity. The thug's demands went beyond mere discomfort; he sought a concoction capable of inducing severe illness and, in certain instances, even death. The young alchemist aimed to stage an incident where the thug would inadvertently consume the poison he ordered, leading to a dramatic and fatal outcome.

The challenge proved arduous, but Bruno managed to navigate his commitments. Balancing his time between the little manufactory, Batraz's lessons, and other assigned tasks from fellow alchemists, he spared himself from the all-consuming dedication required to craft the elusive teapot based on a vague tale. Among the guild members, only Orfeo seemed openly hostile, while the others maintained a neutral stance or indifference. The boy yearned for the opportunity to delve deeper into the guild's affairs, gaining a clearer understanding of his own circumstances. However, for now, his focus was fixated on escaping Nathan's clutches and freeing himself from the thug's demands.

Several days passed, with the thief making a predictable appearance every morning and evening, serving as a constant reminder of his existence. Though annoying, Bruno was helpless in the face of these encounters. His primary objective was to develop the correct recipe, a task that demanded time and unwavering concentration.

Eventually, the boy resolved to confront Nathan directly. Spotting the thug in his customary spot shortly after leaving the main building, the young alchemist strode purposefully toward him.

On that windy day, as summer gave way to the encroaching autumn, Nathan wore a self-assured smirk, attempting to exude confidence. However, Bruno saw through the facade, recognizing the thug's underlying insecurity and the need to assert dominance.

"You do realize that this takes time, don't you?" The boy immediately addressed him, coming to a halt just in front of his face.

"I need it now," Nathan responded.

Sighing, Bruno replied, "Trust me. Right now, there's nothing I desire more than for you to stop showing up here. Some people in the guild are unhappy with our association. I will deliver what you seek, but I need time. We both answer to Billy, but this arrangement cannot continue as it is. We need to establish some ground rules. How about we discuss this later when I have the opportunity? I'm currently occupied with your request, but once I've completed it, we really should have a conversation."

The thief, projecting an intimidating demeanor, spat the chewing tobacco onto the ground, his narrowed eyes aiming to strike fear. It was precisely what the boy desired—to grant Nathan a false sense of triumph.

"Fine," the thug grumbled.

Bruno acknowledged his response with a nod and promptly departed, making his way directly to the manufactory. The hours of the day slipped away as he toiled, engrossed in his work. The final few hours were dedicated to his research, but alas, no significant breakthroughs were made.

The following day arrived, and to the boy's relief, Nathan was conspicuously absent. The weight that had burdened the young alchemist for the past few days gradually lifted. He proceeded with his usual routine, devoting his evening to closing up the manufactory and paying a visit to Batraz, seeking a lesson. The aged alchemist resided in the farthest reaches of the guild's main building, where his laboratory occupied a vast space. The room featured two grand windows adorned with protective bars, allowing ample natural light to illuminate the chamber. The remaining walls were lined with expansive shelves, reaching toward the ceiling, brimming with alchemical ingredients. Dry plants, powdered substances stored in pouches, preserved animal parts encased in jars, and peculiar liquids contained within bottles adorned the shelves. In one corner stood a tall ladder, indispensable for reaching the items positioned at the highest points.

Taking up the central space in the room, a series of tables stood side by side, teeming with an array of alchemical apparatus. Ornate glass bottles, intricate pipes, and other unfamiliar contrivances filled the space. Devices designed for heating, scales accompanied by weights for precise measurement, and countless other instruments populated the tables.

Yet, the room harbored more than just tables and shelves. Several enigmatic objects, too sizable to be accommodated elsewhere, huddled against the corners, ensuring unobstructed passage through the space.

"Good evening, Batraz. Do you have a moment to impart some knowledge?" Bruno inquired.

Pointing towards a piece of paper on the table, the old alchemist replied, "Here. It's a recipe I want you to follow."

Curious, the boy swiftly approached the table to examine the written instructions. "What is it for?" he inquired.

"If you can successfully make it, then I'll find its purpose," the grandpa responded, a mysterious smile gracing his face.

Bruno simply nodded, ready to commence his work. He had come to learn that Batraz liked to arouse people's curiosity. The boy swiftly perused the text, gathering the necessary ingredients from the shelves within minutes. Though an hour or two of daylight remained, the ticking clock urged him to hasten his efforts before darkness descended.

Meanwhile, the old man, engrossed in his own projects, occasionally cast glances in Bruno's direction. The recipe itself harbored an element of vagueness, particularly regarding the preparation of certain ingredients that required refinement. However, armed with his knowledge and keen logical reasoning, the boy possessed the capacity to decipher the enigmatic details. All he required was a few precious minutes to meditate over the process.

"You're doing exceptionally well," the old man eventually remarked. "I must say... I've never encountered anyone as intelligent as you. Your memory is flawless, and you possess the ability to decipher even the most cryptic recipes. Normally, it takes years of experience, but you grasp it all immediately. You have a brilliant future ahead of you."

Pausing momentarily, Batraz's gaze held a deeper meaning. Bruno, observant as ever, detected an underlying message, prompting him to remain patiently silent.

"It would be a shame if you were to employ such talent for nefarious purposes," the old man continued. "I'm aware that Billy brought you here, and you likely owe him a great deal. However, he is not a good person, and in the future, he may request things from you that you wouldn't wish to do. It's best not to become too entangled with him. Your intellect is so remarkable that you could attend an academy and become someone truly exceptional. I can assist you with that."

"But aren't you working with Billy too?" Bruno inquired.

A smile crept across the old man's face. "I have no other choice. The pirates control all trade in this city, and my guild is too vast to sustain itself solely on local earnings. I have many individuals under my care. You see... fifteen years ago, it wasn't like this. We produced a wide range of goods and distributed them far and wide. However, with the pirates... they require a reliable source of medicine, and we need them to survive after parting ways with Hanza. So, we must cooperate, but that doesn't mean I approve of it."

Bruno couldn't help but find Batraz's explanation somewhat suspicious. If the old man detested the pirates to such an extent, he could have easily devised a plan to cripple them, enabling Hanza to eliminate them entirely, given the ongoing conflict between the two factions.

Rather than voicing his doubts, the boy simply nodded. It seemed safer to avoid probing too deeply or risking an ill-chosen remark.

With the conversation concluded, Batraz redirected his focus to completing the recipe. Amidst his work, Bruno realized that the mixture he was concocting held potent medicinal properties, likely intended to aid with erectile dysfunction.

"Is this for a nobleman?" he inquired, setting down a bottle filled with a dark liquid in a vacant space on the table, near the old man, who was engrossed in his own tasks.

"You've figured it out, haven't you?" Batraz replied.

Bruno merely nodded.

"Yes, it's for Lord Blackrock," he confirmed. The boy inspected the liquid, studying its appearance, inhaling its scent, and even dabbing a drop on his finger to taste.

"Mhm. It's good. Very well done," the old man commended, his smile radiating warmth. "You may leave now. It's already late, and I imagine you could use some rest."

"I need some time to read before retiring, yes," Bruno replied, promptly heading toward the exit.

The old man chuckled, watching him intently, the smile lingering on his face. As the door closed behind the boy, leaving Batraz alone, a contented sigh escaped his lips.

On his way to his quarters, the young alchemist encountered Orfeo, who shot him an angry glare but refrained from uttering a word. The boy paid the hostility no mind, as he had more pressing matters to contend with. The remainder of his time was spent immersed in reading, yet he failed to uncover the information he sought.

In the end, it took him three more days to devise a plan. The solution he came up with, though imperfect and carrying the risk of Nathan's survival, reached a point where Bruno simply couldn't wait any longer—he had to proceed.