The Second Tail- Prologue
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Copyright © 2021 Taniko K Williams, all rights reserved.


Dear reader,


This is a snippet of "The Second Tail" of the Nine Tails of alchemy which is currently available for pre-order on Amazon and Audible, with its official release date being August 8th.


Thank you for your time and interest in our work.



Outback Quill

As the light of dawn broke across the horizon, the city of Rivera bustled to life. Friends gathered in the streets, excitedly discussing what their day would bring. Stall holders laid out their wares, calling out for all to see. Birds chirped, and the smell of freshly-baked bread filled the air.

"Today will be a good day," Lucas attempted to reassure himself, knowing it was unlikely to prove true.

Gazing at the clay jars and vials that cluttered his stall, Lucas let out a mournful sigh. He had thought that making potions and tinctures would lead him to prosperity, yet all it had brought so far was an empty coin purse. Perhaps he should give up and try another craft?

Lost in thought, he almost didn't notice when a dark shadow blotted out the sun. It was the rustling of paper and gasps from the crowd that made Lucas look up to see the large form of a Quetzalcoatlus. Its wings spanned the length of a city block and atop it rode a figure in dark clothing. 

The Quetzalcoatlus flew in wide loops around the city and its rider released what looked like confetti into the air—no, larger than confetti- full, letter sized pieces of paper fluttered down to the streets below; each one with a detailed drawing of an elderly man holding a staff on one side and lines of scripture on the reverse. 

 Lucas snatched up the paper that had drifted near his stall, curious to see what was being littered through the streets. 

I call to thee citizens of Kaledon, 

I call to thee citizens of Earth!

Behold thy God Trismegistus, 

And his domain of Natural philosophy!

Be you Alchemist, Transmuter or Astrologist,

He welcomes all with blessings of prosperity. 

Take a knee oh citizen,

Should this grand god's blessing you wish. 

Let this High Priestess's words be thy guide. 

With an open mind, oh citizen, call out to him. 

“Great Trismegistus, you who are all-knowing and wise, 

I plead to thee, teach me your ways. 

I seek your wisdom and insight, 

so I can walk a path of greater knowledge. 

In the name of thy High Priestess, 

I call to thee and plea. 

Let me go forth into the world,

Spreading thy knowledge of natural philosophy.”

As he read the words on the reverse side of the paper, Lucas realized, with a start, that it was an offer from the god of alchemy. Could this be his salvation?

Staring down at the paper, he murmured under his breath, "A god of alchemy? I didn't even know there was such a thing." Turning the page over again to look at the drawing, he repeated the words, "He welcomes all with blessings of prosperity."

With a feeling of new hope kindling inside him, Lucas knelt on the damp ground beside his stall and began reading aloud the words written on the paper. He knew that it was time for a change, and he was determined to make it happen.

“Great Trismegistus, you who are all-knowing,” warmth filled him as the last word left his lips, and soon after a tired-sounding feminine voice filled his ears.

“Trismegistus has heard your prayer, disciple. Now, I, the High Priestess of Philosophia Naturalis, shall bestow upon you a blessing. Do you seek the path of alchemy, transmutation, or astrology?” The voice sounded close, but as Lucas looked around, he didn't see anyone nearby.

"So, what will it be? Alchemy, Transmutation or Astrology?" the woman's voice hiked in pitch as she expressed her impatience.

“Uh, hello?” He called out hesitantly, not sure if he was the one to whom the voice was addressing.

"Yes, hello," the voice said. "I'm right here in your head; no need to speak out loud or people will think you're crazy. Let's make this quick, shall we? Just tell me which blessing you'd like and we can move on."

"Alchemy, please," he uttered perplexedly as he scratched his head. Could this be the priestess mentioned in the document? She sounded more like an irate, overworked customer service rep than a priestess. 

“Alchemy, a remarkable decision! I bestow upon you the blessing of alchemical sight! Oh and by all means, be sure to get yourself a copy of Basic Salves and Tinctures for the Every day Potioneer.”

As the priestess spoke, his gaze lit up with golden glimmers of light. "I shall! Thank you, priestess!" he exclaimed joyfully. When he turned to observe the vials before him, they too shone and flickered with light. 

He had been wrong; today was turning out to be spectacular, not merely good.