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Hiro woke up with a start, drenched in sweat. He couldn't remember the dream, but he knew it had been bad. He glanced at his alarm clock and saw that it was past midnight. He sighed and got up, knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep again.

As he walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water, he noticed his parents' bedroom door was open. That was strange; they always kept it closed. He peeked inside and saw that their bed was empty. They must have gone out for a late-night walk, he thought.

Hiro went back to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. As he drank, he felt a strange sensation wash over him, like his thoughts were being pulled out of his head, one by one. He tried to shake it off, but the feeling only grew stronger. Then, he heard footsteps. He turned around and saw a figure approaching him. It was a man in a black suit, his face obscured by a black mask. Hiro felt a sense of fear and confusion wash over him. Who was this person? what did they want?

The man spoke in a low, menacing voice. "You have it. You're coming with me." Hiro tried to move, but his legs felt like they were made of lead. He struggled to fight back, but the man was too strong. With a sudden jolt, Hiro felt a sharp pain in his neck, and everything went black.

When he came to, he was in a dimly lit room, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. They were all wearing masks, black masks, and Hiro couldn't see their expressions. He tried to speak, but his throat felt dry and scratchy. One of the masked figures stepped forward. "Welcome to our little group, Hiro. We've been waiting for you."

Hiro's heart raced as he tried to make sense of what was happening. He remembered the man in the black suit, and the feeling of his thoughts being pulled out of his head. Had they taken his memories? The masked figure seemed to read his thoughts. "Yes, we've taken some of your memories. But don't worry, it's for a good cause. We're fighting against a corrupt government that wants to control our minds and erase our individuality. We need people like you, people with the skills and intelligence, to help us in our cause."

Hiro was still trying to process what he was hearing. He had never heard of anything like this before. But he couldn't deny the feeling of curiosity that was starting to grow within him. Curiosity and anger. The feeling of weakness was not one he was very fond of. Perhaps this was his chance to make a difference, to fight against injustice and oppression. That's what they'd ideally want him to think. "What do you want me to do?" he asked.

The masked figure smiled. "We'll explain everything in due time. For now, rest and recover. You'll need your strength for what's to come." With that, the figure turned and left the room, leaving Hiro alone with his thoughts and a slight smirk he was attempting to hide. He was scared, but he also felt a sense of excitement. This could be his chance to not only make a real impact but to fight for something that mattered and for revenge.

He spent the next few days in the room, being cared for by the members of the group. They brought him food and water and made sure he was comfortable. They also started to teach him about their cause, and what they were fighting for. Hiro was amazed by what he learned. The government was indeed corrupt, and they were using advanced magi-tech to control people's thoughts and actions. The group he had joined was called "The Resistance", and they were dedicated to stopping the government's plans and preserving individual freedom and autonomy.

As he learned more, Hiro felt his resolve growing stronger. He knew that he had to do everything in his power to help the Resistance. He started training, both physically and mentally, preparing himself for the battles to come. It wasn't long before he was sent on his first mission. It was dangerous and risky, but Hiro was ready.