Chapter 10 – Some character interaction and lewd
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Bulma POV:

Bulma had been scared of the power that Artoria wielded. Of course that left her to side with Rumi Usigayama aka Mirko, a Heroine from another world. Bulma had helped Rumi by killing some monsters and getting her Status Screen. Her skills were basically helping her build things with less materials, something she was glad for. The only offensive skill she had was a skill that allowed her to blast her enemy with a mental attack.

Something she had begun to level up, she didn't want to be taken by surprise and killed due to it.

"So, how much longer?" She asked her only workable teammate. Rumi glanced at her and sighed.

"I dunno to be honest. I think we could destroy those nearby and then try to kill the boss monster. This world runs on video game knowledge no? Then there should be a boss to kill which should cause all monsters to stop attacking" Mirko started with a sigh as she punched another monster.

Mirko had an idea she didn't wanna share yet. What if they could find someone else to fight against Artoria? When she gave them the information she had she sounded confident as if nothing would be able to stop her and to be honest, when she showed off her power Mirko felt a bit of fear.

Granted she herself was powerful, her stats showed it off. But she had this feeling that if she fought Artoria she would lose. She wouldn't die since Artoria needed her but she wouldn't leave without getting an arm or leg broken....

Bulma sighed, she had her things with her. Her capsules and stuff but for now she needed to hide them. She didn't want high and mighty Artoria to destroy them since she couldn't exactly create more of them. And even if she could she didn't want Artoria to have it.

She didn't dislike the girl since Bulma knew that the girl had to have some sort of trauma to want to...kill another guy, a teenager at that. But, what did she know? Her IQ was only 400+...okay maybe not that high but she was still incredibly intelligent.

And being as such she could only trust Mirko...for now.

"Alright then. Let's go kill some monsters' ' Bulma agreed with Mirko. She agreed with her on one thing, they needed to grow stronger. And although she could create some powerful inventions she knew she couldn't handle someone that could casually destroy large buildings!

[End of POV]

Bulma and Mirko thus began to walk out of the building that they were in, their second day in this new and weird world where strength could be gained as easily as breathing if they were strong enough.

Bulma took out a futuristic looking gun, pointing it at one of the random monsters near their building she pulled the trigger and soon a blue blast of energy was shot out of the gun. The blast hit the monster causing it to be knocked back. Mirko then lunged forward far faster than any human normally could and punched the monster in the stomach.

Due to the difference in strength Mirko was about to punch it off causing Bulma's eye's to widen, surprised, but also wary of the amount of strength one person could have.

Instead of voicing this out she smiled.

"Wow, you're so strong, Mirko!" Bulma said as she also knew that with her as an ally she wouldn't worry as much as if they were enemies like Artoria then she would be. Instead they were just...random people stuck together dealing with someone like Artoria.


New POV:

A rescue attempt was done for Selina, Batman has lost so many people that seeing her gone was something that he hated. He hated the feeling of losing someone so close to him and now he realized what Superman aka Kal El aka Clark Kent felt. His cold heart beat softly for her and he wished he could have responded earlier.

"Do you really think this will work?" Powergirl, the future version of Kal-El, a woman who hated what her cousin had become. She was one of the volunteers to go to and try to find Selina.

"I'll go as well!" Supergirl shouted, she looked tired. The two Kryptonions had joined their side a bit later since Selina had vanished from the face of the universe. It has been a month and Batman could only grimace as he himself couldn't go and try to find her. He had work to do in this world he was about to disagree with before his eyes widened as a piece of kryptonite appeared in her hand. Supergirl flew out of the room and Batman realized this was kryptonite that could hurt his world's Kryptonian.

"How? I thought we destroyed them all" Batman said as he tried to stand up but failed to do so since his back was still hurting from the thrashing he got from his supposed best friend.

"I still kept some in case I was forced to fight a mind controlled Kal or Kara '' She admitted this caused Batman to nod his head. He too wished that Superman was under someone's control or influence but...he knew that was impossible. Many of their villains were now in the phantom zone where only Superman had access to.

"Fine. But remember this is top secret if it gets out that we can travel to other worlds Superman may just try to kill us all for real" Batman warns causing Powergirl to nod. He grabbed a cube and handed it over to her. Powergirl nodded her head, although she was doing this to help Batman she was also doing this to be able to bring heroes or people that could help them to their world.

She walked out of the room and walked towards Kara, her current past self? She didn't know but Kara was her in this universe, she was the future version of a different but similar universe.

"Did he say yes?" Kara asked, being as strong as she was, she didn't need anyone's permission to do anything but she knew that Batman was far more realistic in views that she didn't understand...she didn't understand Earth that much but she would a slower pace due to the highly advanced information on her home planet and the far...less intelligent humans on Earth.

Powergirl aka Kara nodded her head. She knew how stubborn she was at her age so she knew that regardless she would somehow find a way to come along and she'd rather want Kara in her sights then if she somehow got on and got put in some other world. Although they were powerful, Magic still hurt them a lot.

"Lets go" Powergirl stated as she pressed open the box, she held out her hand and Supergirl grabbed it soon a blue portal appeared surrounding them and with a thunder boom they vanished from that universe. Selina's universe.



The World Will frowned as it found 2 unknown entities trying to break into it, it looked at them and 'smiled'. It Quickly began to make some preparations before using some of its power to cause an 'accident' leading to the machine's destruction. The two Kryptonions were then shot into the U.S specifically, California.

The two women were then knocked unconscious and turned into 'Boss's' and a dungeon was created around them. The World Will had plans for them. Various plans.


"Welp they died" I state casually but I was secretly awed at the power I wielded. I needed to know my limit or else I would use too much or too less power. I also didn't want to ACCIDENTALLY kill someone if im attacking them, IF their a cute girl.

"Master, I can't see any lizardmen in our area. We have to go meet up with the other girls in your harem" Garnet glanced around at the large crater that was created from the large blast of ki. She sighed, in her mind she knew Gwen wouldn't be as submissive as her. Even though the slave crest gave her absolute loyalty towards Kuro it wasn't something that she wasn't not used to.

She knew her place and if her Future Sight was correct they would have been killed if she didn't submit to him. Gwen would have tried to fight back but would get destroyed by the Vampire whose power was suppressed to 20% due to being a Vampire.

Plus her father is the God of Monsters and although Garnet wasn't technically a monster she could still be controlled by her being the Daughter of the God of Monsters.

"Alright let's see how my girls are doing. '' I had already thrown my 'loot' onto a pile so I could get them later on. I willed my wings out and flew into the sky towards where my other girls went.


Girls POV:

"So are we just going to attack the monsters?" Selina asked casually as if what she read about her universe didn't matter to her.

Felicia also looked as casual as someone who had learned the entire story or at least a summary of the stories written down.

"Maybe~" Mavis said as she glanced around the large campus her beloved finally used his Slave Crest perk. She had known about it during their...session. Chichi was soo cute when the they fucked like rabbits.

Although she hoped she got pregnant she also knew that it would be incredibly hard to have a baby. Being a Demi-Goddess Vampire, a human had a one in a hundred million chance to impregnate her. And although her beloved was much stronger and better than a normal human, she knew it would take a long time till he grew as strong as her and fully made her his.

" long have you known the guy?" Felicia asked. She said it causally since she herself knew how strong he was. The system gave her information and searched around plus with the Boss monster being as strong as she was she knew she was already his.

"Not that long" Mavis stated as she raised her hand and shot a blast of dark energy at a lizardman. The Level 3 just fucking died.

" what are we expected to do now that were in his harem?" Selina asked as she watched the demi-goddess shootout powerful blasts of dark energy, she only saw this level of power when watching meta-humans fight. Diana aka Wonderwomen was strong, strong enough to fight Superman but even she was beaten many times by villains or superheroes.

Powergirl was strong and trained in martial arts so she used her abilities and techniques to demolish Superman and Wonderwomen, at time's Selina could feel what Batman felt like commanding a group of literal God's whilst being only a normal human.

Though he was beyond what humans were, be it mentally or physically.

"Your probably gonna get fucked and impregnated. The only reason I wasn't was because I'm a Vampire Demigoddess while my beloved is a Human" Mavis stated using flowery words to tell them to get ready to spread their legs.

Meanwhile Gwen who was following along narrowed her eye's.

"What about me then?" Gwen asked as she blasted a Lizardmen down with her mana and various other skills.

"You too" Mavis glanced at her and then towards the group of lizardmen. Each of them held onto a stone spear while staring at the group of girls just talking.

"..." Gwen glared but couldn't do anything else. The magic used to brand her as a slave was overpowering her sense of being, she would have tried to figure this crest out to save her and Garnet but something forced her to stop. When she tried to venture down that lane of thought she was forced out and intense feelings of loyalty and affection towards Kuro grew within her.

After the second time she firmly decided to stop and thus she conversed with the other girls in her group.

"Right so were gonna get fucked by the guy. What else? Is he gonna use us as cannon fodder or what?" She rolled her eye's as Mavis just told them that they were getting fucked, Selina had her flings with people here and their. Although she stopped once she set her eye's on Bruce aka Batman, she didn't exactly get much sex during their time because of Bruce's fellow heroes trying to kill them.

Sex was a weapon she was familiar with using against men. Kuro is a teenager no matter how supernaturally good he looked, she had a lot of experience in the sex department. She would do well to teach the honry teenager about the real wonders of sex with a mature woman and not a teenager like Mavis.

Even if Mavis's body made her jealous. She didn't get her sexy body by going to school, instead she trained herself and went on diets to perfect her curvaceous figure. And Mavis? Her bloodline alone helped her immensely, something that Selina knew she could use for help against the hero's turned villains. If she could gain the support of Kuro through her body then she would be able to use them to help her world out.

"Nope~ Husband is kind like that. You two might be above normal humans due to your boosts in becoming his but overall you're far too weak to be able to do anything" The group had stopped in front of a large group of Lizardmen. The lizardmen weren't varied in color, many of them were green like normal ones, others were brown or other colors.

Mavis closed her eyes and she began to drag out a large amount of energy, a burst of dark energy surrounded her body causing Selina, Felicia and Gwen to step back.

Gwen who knew a lot about magic could only watch with a grimace as Mavis gathered a large amount of dark energy into her hand, the orb grew larger and larger but also shrunk down into a tiny little dot.

She then flew into the sky as a bat before transforming back into a humanoid figure and throwing the small speck of energy into the group of lizardmen. She transformed back and rushed towards them. She picked the three of them up before running towards a building. By the time they even had time to open their mouths and question what she did or why she was carrying them, they heard a massive explosion.

"W-what was that?" Gwen asked for the first time since she entered this group. Mavis smiled while Selina and Felicia went pale. The strength that Mavis held be it Physical or Magical was immense...


As Gwen, Felicia and Selina walked out from behind the building they gaped as they saw a large hole, a massive crater created from a tiny speck of dark energy or whatever Mavis had done.

"W-what the fuck" Felicia shouted seeing the clear destruction caused by Mavis's magic. The small speck of dark or black magic had suddenly gone off and created such a powerful blast. Although she had stayed quiet while Selina did the talking it was mostly due to her being sleepy. She had went on various Youtube videos talking about the aftermath of Endgame or how they fought the titan Thanos, ect.

She also found the 'comic' version which caused her to fear Thanos instead of her version of thanos.

And so she went on a reading spree catching up on various comics, movies and more. She hated that she couldn't trust many of the comic iterations of her fellow heroes. 'MCU' Tony Stark was less of an asshole and more...helpful than hers. He actually gave up his life to save his universe, something that her universe's Tony Stark would never do.

Mavis just smirked.

"This is my magic! Being a demi-goddess Vampire I of course have powerful magic" as she proudly bragged about herself she glanced at the girls. Her eye's hardened, although she knew her husband was a lustful man if he could continue to grow stronger and stronger she didn't mind if he took in more and more girls into his ever expanding harem.

She would be happy if she was given a child, a boy or a girl. Yes, she wanted to surprise her Father but it was also because she deeply desired a child to take care of like how she was taking care of her husband.

'Hmph! Next time he shows up im going to drag him away and fuck him until he gives up!' Of course she meant after the dungeon exploring was over. This Dungeon would also grow in size like the last one and then the two of them and maybe his other girls would all fuck. Of course she wasn't Bi or anything like that but it got her so horny when her husband pinned down another women and fucked her all the while knowing that they were only 'lovers' and she was the Wife. In fact, apart from her and Chichi she was the Top or Main Bitch since Chichi is a submissive little girl.

As she looked around the destroyed lizardmen she spotted a couple tens of cores, and a lot of class fragments flew towards her and into her. Her class fragments shot up in number.

She was satisfied. But, her ears perked up as she heard a loud shockwave she turned towards where her husband had gone, along with that red skinned amazon that she knew her husband would find to be sexy.

She knew that she would be dubbed as a Shortstack seeing as her small frame held onto large breasts, massive one's even and a large ass. Of course even like that she still looked like a full course meal. Though being known as a shortstack wasn't...incorrect she was still fairly tall compared to other girls.

Above average height is what she dubbed herself to be.

"Hahah! He sure does incredible things huh?" She asked her fellow sister wives, most of the girls looked fairly confused and slightly scared. Seeing as they couldn't feel or see the shockwave like she could, she waited a bit and then the shockwave hit them.


The shockwave pushed them down and spread across the area where her Husband had thrown that powerful beam. If he were stronger the shockwave would be felt far into the distance since he still couldn't control his strength quite well.

"Well then. Isn't that interesting!" Mavis asked the girls who were slowly coming back into the actual world instead of worrying and being scared.

"Alright so he's gonna come to us so can you girls go and collect the cores?" She asked with an air of authority causing the girls to nod. Since her dark bomb didn't cause danger to her fellows she knew that they would survive.

'Haa~ I really want to hug Komi...maybe husband would like another mother-daughter pair? Fufufufu...' She giggled imagining her husband pushing her best friend onto the bed and fucking her all the while kissing Shouko...

Aa the girls began collecting the cores of the monsters killed, they put them into the chest they still had.

As she peered towards the distance she saw her husband carrying and groping the 7 '3 tall amazon of a woman. She was...blushing. Mavis stared for a bit before giggling to herself. Maybe Garnet would help relieve her husband's stress?

Chichi, Garnet, Helen and maybe Kim and Violet...they would surely be able to exhaust her husband! And if not? Then they would get more girls...girls from this college as well! She knew that college girls looked sexy, not as sexy as her but good enough for her husband to take a major interest in.

She would love to watch him dominate older women...

Just thinking about it made her want to just grab a few sexy girls and drag them into his bed before they all would tire him out.

'Hmph! Even with two dicks you won't be able to stop 10 girls!' Mavis thought as she watched her husband land in front of her with the red skinned amazon in his arms.

"Kuro~ Did you get another woman into the harem?" Mavis asked as she glanced at the blushing Garnet.

Kuro smirked, though his eye's did wander onto her breasts and she gladly pushed them up to give him a far better view.

"Most likely" Kuro stated as if she already got Garnet in the bag since she had an already boosted sense of loyalty. Of course Kuro dominated this woman. She was basically a submissive bitch because of the Slave Crest.

"Great~" As she said that the next group of girls that had split off returned. Helen, Violet, Kim and the MILF Priyanka had returned.

"Alright now then let's put the cores in the chest and go find out why there aren't any more monsters left" Kuro pointed towards the chest and let everyone put the cores inside. He then flew off with the chest and returned a few minutes later. The chest was now heavy and only those with enhanced strength could carry it.

"Time for the boss I guess" Violet meekly stated which caused Kuro to nod his head.

They then began to walk further into the dungeon.

It was now 8 in the morning. 2 hours have passed since the dungeon crawling began, though no crawling happened. They did find out where the boss where the mini-boss was.