Chapter 4 – Reimu accidentally closed the shrine.
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Reimu took a moment to savor the last bite of her sakura mochi before declaring, "I'm satisfied." She then got back to work on the rebuilding project. As she walked towards the entrance, she began to plan out what she needed to do next. "I should put a small table in the middle and put a carpet on it," she mused aloud. Before she could get to work on that, she decided to sound test the door. With a couple of squeaky sliding sounds, she opened and closed the door to make sure it was in proper working order.

Reimu took a moment to think and then cast a cleaning spell. She then tested the sliding door by opening and closing it, listening to the squeaky sound it made. "Hmm…," she murmured in thought, before nodding in affirmation.

Reimu continued her work on the shrine, focusing on the resting area. She fixed the floorboards, making sure to flourish them. Once they were secure, she added a drawer and placed tea cups on top along with utensils, plates, mugs, and a cup. "Entrance done," she said with satisfaction. Moving on to the resting area, she replaced the door with a sturdy one.

Reimu busily worked on the shrine's resting area, fixing the tatami mats and revitalizing the wood. She also fixed the ceiling and added a small table with some comfortable pillows. Satisfied with her work, she moved on to the kitchen, repairing the mats, ceiling, and wood enforcement. She reconstructed the fireplace and replaced the old dirt with white, fire-resistant material. She then added a shelf to the side and stocked it with the necessary kitchen utensils and supplies. "Now that the resting area and kitchen are done, it's time to move on to the next part," Reimu said to herself with determination.

Reimu realized that she forgot to put lights in her newly renovated shrine. She searched her inventory and found some mana switch light bulbs, which she installed in every room, including the warehouse. Satisfied with the lighting, she moved on to the next task at hand. Reimu went outside and began working on the steps leading towards the shrine house. Using her Earth manipulation abilities, she put down some stone tiles and even created a mini Tori gate to complete the entrance.

Reimu pondered how her shrine would look from above and remembered her special ability to fly. She recalled that her flight was unique, not just the typical ability to fly that many in Gensokyo possessed. Her flight was more like floating through life, a oneness with her surroundings that was akin to that of a hermit. She displayed superhuman instincts and incredible luck, always ending up on the path of least resistance through most situations. However, she knew that her edge could quickly fade if she became distracted or acted with impure motives.

Reimu reflected on Reimu's unique ability to float through life and display a level of oneness with her surroundings. While Reimu could somewhat replicate this ability, it was not as powerful as Reimu's. "A very complicated ability, if I say so myself," she remarked. She then decided to take to the skies to get a better view of her completed renovations.

Reimu let out a satisfied sigh as she admired her work. She then turned her attention to the steps leading down to the shrine. Landing on the ground, she started walking through the steps connecting to below. Utilizing her earth manipulation and life magic, she repeatedly cast the spells until she came across a beat-up Tori gate. She then shifted her focus to wood magic, using a combination of spells to fix the gate. Repeating the process, she cast earth and life magic, followed by earth, life, earth, life, life, earth, earth, life, life, earth, and finally, wood...


Reimu panted as she used wood magic to clear the path. "Finally!!!" she exclaimed. "After 15 minutes of walking and using magic for unknown periods of time, I finally hit the lowest point of the mountain." She looked around and noted that the path was long, but there was some space to walk before hitting the road.

As she looked around, she realized that no one knew there was a Shrine located here because the trees were blocking the gates, and the path was somewhat grassy. "I should clear the road," she thought to herself, "so my shrine can be accessible." With that in mind, she continued using her wood magic to clear the path and make the shrine more accessible to visitors.

After finishing all the renovations on the shrine, Reimu decides to create a barrier to protect the surrounding area. She starts by creating amulets in the air and applying a magic formation to each one, which includes concealment and reinforcement. She then places the amulets on the trees in a circular pattern, with a 5-meter gap between them, effectively circling the forest. This way, she can protect the shrine from unwanted intruders or any malicious spirits that might try to harm the area.


After finishing all the necessary preparations for her new barrier, Reimu now has to put the magic core in place. She scrolls through her inventory until she finds the Magic core of the God of Purity and Harvest, which she won by chance in a bet. Reimu contemplates how kind the god was to give her the core.

Reimu decides to put the core on the back side of the statue and starts to weave the spirit lines throughout the forest, connecting them one by one. The process takes some time, but eventually, she completes the task.

After finishing the construction of the shrine and the barrier, Reimu began to imbue some thoughts into the barrier. She decided that anyone who has the desire to harm the owner or living beings inside the barrier will be prevented from reaching their destination and shall walk without end. The barrier also served to isolate the shrine from the outer world, ensuring that the aura of the core doesn't leak and that her massive attacks won't attract unwanted attention. Additionally, the creatures and plants inside the barrier would thrive, providing Reimu with a nearby source of meat.

After finishing the setup of her shrine, Reimu pondered on her source of income. Suddenly, she realized her mistake and let out a frustrated shout. "Hmm… now that it's set up, what is my source of income," she questioned herself. "Wait… concealment, not attracting attention, a Shrine…" Reimu exclaimed. She then realized her oversight and called herself stupid. "Why!!!!!! I'm so stupid. I'm a Shrine maiden, yet I put a concealment on the entire shrine. No one can go inside the shrine when it's not seen," she lamented.

Reimu realized the mistake she had made, and it hit her hard. "A Shrine can run if there are people donating to it… but I just shot myself in the foot," she exclaimed, feeling frustrated with herself. She knew that she couldn't edit the amulets because they were part of the barrier, and she couldn't just destroy the core because its destruction would attract attention. Reimu couldn't help but cry, her tears feeling empty and her soul feeling heavy with regret. She wallowed in her sorrow, unsure of what to do next.