1.27 – Please Believe Me
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Part 5

Akiza slammed the door shut before hurrying up to the porch. It was a relatively slow drive to Akeno’s but she’d made it in the end.

Not that it mattered. She knew how to drive. Sure she did. It was just that those driving test people kept failing her for stupid mistakes.

She banged on the door like a mad man until it finally opened to Akeno standing in the doorway looking surprised.


"What are you doing here, Izayoi?"

No! Akeno, it’s me!

I’m trapped in this filthy, horny body!

Akiza ached desperately to announce that she wasn’t Izayoi. She needed Akeno’s help to fix whatever this was. To get back to her real body. But coming right out and saying some unseen force had pushed her into her brother’s body…

That was the sort of thing that got people locked up.

I need to consider this carefully. Weigh up all the pros and cons. I need to ask myself what the chances are of—has Akeno’s boobs always been that tiny?

Akiza derided her male brain for deciding to focus on her best friend’s cup size rather than solving the problem at hand.

What the hell am I thinking?!

This is my best friend!

This thing between her legs began fidgeting.

Don’t tell me.

Izayoi’s penis was waking up.

This body is reacting to Akeno’s boobs—WHICH I AM STILL STARING AT! Come on!

"Well,” Akeno continued, sounding somewhat annoyed. “Are you gonna say something or stand there contemplating your purpose in life?"

No, she couldn’t risk causing more trouble for herself. Besides, Akeno would never believe it was really her.

“I uh...”

"What? Didn't catch that?" More of a mocking tone this time.

“Well I…”

"Look, you can waste Aki's time all you want, but I have a life to live so if you're not gonna say something, I'd like you to leave."

"Wait! I do, have something, I uh..."

"Yeah, got that part."

"I just, I wanted to ask you something."

"Do I think you're a freak? Yes, I do." Normally Akiza would applaud Akeno for telling Izayoi off, but…

It's me in here Akeno. It's Akiza!

"No, I'm looking for my sister. Is she here?" Akiza knew Izayoi was. This was where she’d been when this whole thing started.

"No, she isn't."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT! Where is he!? I mean 'she'. I mean—where did she go?"

Where did that disgusting pervert take my precious body?!


"Please! This is really important. I have to find her!"


"I can't explain it, but I really need to see her."

“Fine. She said something about going to the beach."

"The beach?"

Akiza wondered why Izayoi would take her body to the beach of all places.

"Did he—I mean did she tell you why she was going to the beach?"

"No! And I didn't ask. Look are you gonna leave or what?"

"Alright. Thank you. I really appreciate your—”


Akiza stared blankly at the shut door before recalling much bile she’d spouted about Izayoi over the last two years. She couldn’t blame Akeno for having such a low opinion of him.

I have to find that perv before he does something lewd to my body.


Driving to the beach took longer than Akiza wanted. She’d been tempted to go over the speed limit, but couldn’t bring herself to.

Scanning around the parking lot, she thanked her stars that there weren't a lot of people out today.

Still…no sign of Izayoi.

Maybe he's in the bathroom.

No! He wouldn't dare.

Oh god.

He would dare.

What if he was in the bathroom right now?

If that creep does anything to my body, I will skin him alive. He will regret popping out of his mother's womb if he so much as...

Akiza paused to calm down. Jumping to conclusions was pointless. Her best bet would be to check the beach.

Which she did…

There was no sign of Izayoi anywhere.

And not because he’d already left to do something perverse somewhere else. Akiza lamented over the situation. Akeno’s good intention was likely for her friend’s benefit, but this wild goose chase had wasted so much precious time.

I have no choice.


Knock! Knock!

The door swung open, revealing an exasperated looking Akeno.

“Look, I don’t know what to tell you. If Akiza isn’t at the—”

“Akeno, it’s alright. I know you were only trying to look out for me.”

“For you? Look, I don't have time for this.” Akeno moved to close the door when—

"Please! I don't know how it happened or why, but it's me in here. It's Akiza." The female-turned-male squeezed as much conviction as she could into her declaration.

"You are out of your mind,” Akeno spat back, her face twisting into a more malignant scowl.

"I’m not lying. I am Akiza. Izayoi and I swapped bodies…I think.”

“You think? What is this? Some kind of prank? I’m not in the mood.”

“Aki, please! I’m telling you the truth! I need help.”

“I agree. A lot of help. I can recommend a few good doctors.”

Akiza knew she had no other choice. She had to pull out the big guns.

Carefully, she leaned in to whisper something she knew only Akeno and herself knew. She couldn’t run the risk of anybody else finding out about this, even by accident. Finishing, Akiza pulled away in time to see Akeno’s scowl immediately be replaced by a wayward look of surprise.

And embarrassment.

Lots of embarrassment.

“Believe me now?”

Akeno gave a meek nod which let to Akiza letting out a sigh of relief.

This trope was common in movies about people needing to prove their identities using the ‘something only they would know’ technique. And usually Akiza couldn’t help but feel cheated by the resolution of the plot point because of the typical ‘A could have just told B that information to prank you’ argument.

Thankfully, this was different.

This plan hinged on Akeno drawing the conclusion that the real Akiza would never share something as deeply personal as ‘that’ with someone she so utterly despised that she would move out just to get away…for a silly prank.

“You’re doing the laundry for a month just for bringing that up after we agreed never to speak of it—ever!”

It was amusingly cute seeing Akeno be so mad…and flustered.

“Aki, if we can get me back to normal, I’ll do the laundry for the next year.”

Akiza followed her inside.

“I don’t understand. How did this even happen?”

“I. Don’t. Know. One minute I’m watching a movie with you and the next I’m in class getting—”

“Hold on! That wasn’t you in the…”

Akeno quickly stopped herself by turning away from Akiza.

“Wasn’t me in the what?”

What exactly did Izayoi do in my body while he was here?

This is the first part of my new Light Novel “My Life as an Ero-Magi Sucks! All Roads Lead to Perversion!!”. I will be posting updates periodically on here, as well as on my Patreon and WebNovel.

It has been a huge joy to work on this series and I’ve been careful to balance all the elements that make up great Light Novels: Fun, interesting characters, a nice-enough mystery and of course an excellent premise. 

If you can't wait to find out what happens next, you can grab Volume 1 for just $5.99 from