Day 4.2: Tinkling of a Nightmare
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As I examined the shoe more closely, I noticed that it had several holes in it and was covered in dried blood.
It was unmistakably the Elder's shoe. Without hesitation, I quickened my pace and left the rest of the team behind, rushing deep into the forest.

*Swish* *Swish* *Swish*

I made my way through the thick underbrush, searching for the Village Elder.

*Swish* *Swish* *Swish*



A branch had wrapped around my feet and I tumbled to the ground.
As I picked myself up, I saw the Elder hugging Pickle under a nearby tree.
I hurried over to them.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

The Elder slowly lifted his head.
He was covered in blood.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" I asked urgently.
"Wolves... They attacked Pickle. *Cough* I jumped in to save him."
"Don't worry, you two are going to be okay. We brought bandages with us."
"You? Where are the others?"

I looked behind me and realized that nobody was following me.
Perhaps I had hurried too much and had left them behind.

"Don't try to walk. I'll bring the rest of the search group here."

I rushed inside the forest again and started shouting,

I shouted again and again, but nobody heard me.
I was already back at the place where we found Pickle's ribbon,
but nobody was here. Did they just give up and return?
This is outrageous!

"DAMN IT!" I thought.
"I don't have time for this. I will carry him back myself."

I returned to the Village Elder and ripped off my jacket to wrap his wounds.

"What's wrong? *Cough* *Cough* Where are the others?" he asked weakly.
"...It seems like... we didn't have enough medical supplies, so they returned to bring more," I lied.
"Is that so..." the Elder said weakly.
"Y-yes, let me carry you back to your house. It will be faster that way."
"What about Pickle?" he asked, concern etched on his face.
"I'm sorry, I can't carry the two of you at the same time. I'll return for him."
"No, you can't leave him here. What if the wolves come back?" The Elder protested.
"But it might be too late for both of you if we wait. I'm sorry."
" can't..." he said as he fainted.

I shook him but he gave no response, though he was still breathing.
I pushed Pickle, who was sleeping above him, away and managed to get the Elder on my back before standing up.
I turned to Pickle one last time and said,
"I'm sorry, I will definitely return for you. Please stay alive."

With the Elder on my back, I hurried back to the village.
I've set my destination to Rose's house, where everyone should be.
It's the longest possible route, but Rose's mother, a doctor, is there and can help.
Or with any luck, I'll be able to catch up with the rest of the search group.
If I do manage to find them, I have a few things to say.

*Sprint* *Sprint*

As I emerged from the forest, I scanned the area but didn't see anyone.
I picked up my pace and sprinted towards the Elder's house.

*Sprint* *Sprint*

As I ran past the house, I caught a glimpse of movement through a window.


It looked like a shadowy figure was disappearing inside the house.
I paused for a moment, questioning whether I had imagined it, but I didn't have time to investigate.
I resumed my sprint and continued on my way.

*Sprint* *Sprint*

I continued running towards the Village Center and didn't see anyone on the way.

*Sprint* *Sprint*

"I can see the house."
"Elder are you okay?"

There was no response from him, so I knew I had to hurry.
I made my way to the mansion and left the Elder by the entrance door before going inside to call for help.

"This is weird."
"Why is nobody here? it should have been crawling with people around here by now."

Never mind, I need to find help first.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I heard someone scream outside.

I recognized the voice and rushed over.
It was Rose; she was standing in front of me.

"Rose! Glad to see you. I know you're confused, but let's find help first, and I'll explain later."
"What happened to him?"
"I said I'll explain lat-"
"Never mind, let's go get my mom to help Pickle!"
"Pickle? What do you mean?"
"You brought him here, right? Wait here; I'll bring Mom."

She rushed inside, and I followed her with my eyes as she disappeared into the house, my head spinning with confusion.
Then I turned my head back to Eld-

"Pickle? What's Pickle doing here?" I asked myself, puzzled.

What is this?
Why is Pickle here?
Pickle is wearing the ribbon that Angel gave her.
However, that ribbon was supposed to be on the ground in the forest.

"I only brought the Elder. Where is he?"
"Did I leave him in the forest?"
"But I did check, and Pickle was there, lying on the ground," I reminded myself.

Without waiting for Rose's return, I hurriedly made my way back to the spot where I had found the Village Elder.
Doubt and confusion swirled through my mind as I tried to piece together what had happened.
Had I left Pickle behind in the forest?
But I distinctly remembered seeing him there, lying on the ground.
Determined to get to the bottom of this, I quickened my pace and focused on retracing my steps.

*Sprint* *Sprint*

As I was running past the Elder's house again, I noticed the door start to open.
I came to an abrupt stop, waiting eagerly for someone to come out.
As the door swung open and someone stepped outside, I heard a voice call out,
"Oh look who's here!" It was Miss Pearl.

"Miss Pearl, what are you doing here? And why did you leave me behind in the forest?"

Miss Pearl's expression shifted to one of mild irritation.

"What are you talking about? And you're being very rude right now, you know that you can't call me by my name."
"HUH? You're not the one who's supposed to get irritated!" I blurted out, feeling a surge of frustration.

But I quickly realized that this wasn't the time to start a fight with Miss Pearl.
"Never mind," I said, taking a deep breath to calm myself.
"I found Elder. He's me carry him back to Rose's house."
"You found Elder?" Miss Pearl asked, her irritation fading as she looked at me with concern.
"Yes, He's resting under a tree. Come on, follow me!"

Confusion crossed Miss Pearl's face.
"But I'm just standing here," she said.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" I said sweating.
"The Village Elder is standing right in front of you and she is just healty."
"I don't understand what you're saying," I said, feeling nervous.

Could she be trying to steal the Elder's title?
But the title is only given after the Elder dies.
Is that why she left me alone back then?
She knew that the Elder was either dead or badly injured after seeing that shoe.
She must have ordered everyone to return to the village, thinking the Elder was beyond help.

"This is not the time to make jokes. Someone is seriously injured here!"
"I am not joking. Aren't you the one who is making jokes?"

As we were arguing I heard a voice shouting,
"There you are!"

"I searched for you. Why did you leave Pickle behind?" Rose asked as she ran towards me.
"Elder is in danger. I need help to save him, and Miss Pearl has grown some horns," I explained urgently.
"Elder is in danger? She looks just fine to me." Rose asked in surprise, pointing to Miss Pearl.
"Huh? She is not the Elder!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, she is, She always has been the village Elder ever since we were born."
"No, the Elder I know is a fat old Cellurk turd smelling man, not a woman who abandons people to die," I replied firmly.
"That's not a very nice way to describe someone as beautiful as the Elder," Rose retorted.

This conversation is getting nowhere.

"I am not going to debate with you any further,I am going."
"To where?"

Without giving her an answer, I started running towards where I left Pickle - Elder?
I don't know, I hope I will when I am there.
I heard footsteps behind me, and realized Rose was following me, but I didn't pay her any attention.

*Swish* *Swish* *Swish*

"Almost there," I said, out of breath.
"Why did you come here? What's in here?" Rose asked, also out of breath.
"I am searching for the real Elder."
"She is back at her home!" she said getting mad.
"That's not the-"

*Swish* *Swish* *Swish*

My speech got cut off by the sound of bushes moving as if someone was walking towards us from the opposite direction.
We looked at each other in surprise and sneaked towards the bushes in front of us.

"It's those aliens again!" I exclaimed.

They were in the same weird outfits as before, and holding a strange black stick.

"What is that thing they're holding?" Rose whispered to me.
"I don't know. Be quiet, they might hear us."

The three of them were talking to each other:
two men and a Cellurk.
Wait! one of them was Pickle?

"That is Pickle?!" I exclaimed.
Rose didn't reply.
"What's going on here? That's definitely Pickle, wearing the ribbon Angel gave it."
Rose still didn't reply.
"Could it be another Cellurk with a red ribbon?"
Still no response from Rose.

"Why are you so silent? Just because I told you to be quiet, it doesn't mean-"

I turned my head and noticed that Rose wasn't with me anymore.
Did she run away?

"WAT IZ TAT!?" One of the men shouted in a weird language.
I turned my head towards them once again,one of the man was pointing the weird stick towards to Pickle.
He stomped his feet to the ground and shouted to scare Pickle I guess.

"Uh oh,they are gonna get bitten," I thought to myself.

Suddenly, Pickle leapt towards the first man and bit him on the hand, causing him to drop the weird stick.
Before I could react, Pickle lunged at the second man and bit him on the leg, causing him to stumble backwards.
Then, Pickle jumped in front of the tree that stood in front of the bush where I was hiding.
Pickle must have noticed me. It turned its head towards me.


A series of loud noises repeated themselves, causing me to cover my head with my hands and crouch down to the ground.
And when the noises stopped, I looked up and...

"What the-"

Pickle was standing there, with holes in its chest, bleeding all over its body.
After shaking back and forth, Pickle fell to the ground.
Pickle was dead.

*Swish* *Swish* *Swish*

I heard footsteps coming from the bushes to the right.

"Who is making this loud noise in the middle of the evening?" a familiar voice exclaimed.

A figure appeared from inside the bushes.
I recognized the person immediately - it was the real Elder.

"Who are you people?" Elder asked.

The two remained silent, but they once again pointed their weird stick towards the Elder.
Was that what they used to kill Pickle?

"PICKLE?!" Elder shouted.

He then ran towards the already lifeless animal.
It wasn't hard for him to realize what had happened.

"IS THIS YOUR FUCKING DOING?" he shouted as he walked towards them with rage.

This is bad I should stop him.
I tried to stand up but couldn't.
As if I was getting pulled down my body refused to budge.
Am I scared?
No... I am calmer than I ever was.
Then why I can't move???


While I was busy trying to get up the loud noise was once again echoed through the forest.
When I looked up I saw the Elder falling to the ground.
Suddenly, whatever was holding me back had released me, and I ran towards him.
But he was already gone by the time I reached him.
Same as Pickle, he had holes all over his body and was bleeding from them.
With tears in my eyes, I hugged his body.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

I lifted my head, still crying, and felt a cold sensation on my forehead.


I felt like all the strength I had had drained and fell to the ground.
My vision was getting blurry.


A tiny yellow cylinder fell to the ground.
After that, everything faded away.

*sniff* *sniff*

I can smell burning wood.
I open my eyes next to a campfire, and I was lying on the ground.

I heard Miss Pearl's voice,
"Oh, good morning, or should I say good afternoon? You've been sleeping for some time now, you know," she says as she giggles.

She was sitting on top of a rock.

"What happened?" I asked, feeling dizzy.
"You fainted after we found the shoe. We carried you here. We're just a bit far away from the place we found the shoe."

I suddenly came to a realization and jumped up from where I was lying.

"Is Elder safe?" I shouted.

She shook her head,
"No, we couldn't find him. We've been searching for him all day."
"I see..."
"But we have found this weird yellow tiny cylinder," she said, holding it up for me to see.

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