Chapter 0: Reality is that, which you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.
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Christ, I've had this in the works for two bloody years.

I have a character concept for all 6 of them! But obviously writing a story complete with exposition and character dialogue from scratch is more difficult than fanfiction, especially when it involves phone chats and time travel bullshit. I still have to make art for this too. Goddamnit.

That being said, if I don't publish this now, I never will- again, 2 goddamn years I've been sitting on this.

I present to you, without art as of 16/12/2019, the Futureproof Project's first chapter. Don't worry if you hate it- I do too.

Private Message - aeyyyla, freedumbfighter

aeyyyla: lonch?
freedumbfighter: no i'm still in class
aeyyyla: ya but im hungety
aeyyyla: hungery
freedumbfighter: why would you correct yourself if you're just going to spell it wrong the second time on purpose
aeyyyla: ding ding ding great observation 25 dollars to the guy with no fashion sense
freedumbfighter: pack it the fuck in you're dressed in a dress and a hoodie
aeyyyla: just tell me when ur done
freedumbfighter: :ok_hand:


12:03pm, 31/10/20xx

Aeila Garrison stands outside a classroom door, and it would be easy to mistake her for a teacher given her height, if it weren't for her hoodie, (probably dyed) blue hair, and floral dress, which no sane teacher would wear to school.

Moments later, a school bell rings, and she turns around in a half hopeful expression, while Jiyol Myers, a petite, almost to the point of scrawny, young man with unnatural, purple hair strolls out of the classroom as if taking a leisurely stroll. He wears a white button-up shirt with an orange tie, navy blue pants and black sneakers. He puts on his orange headphones and looks in the general direction of the canteen.

Jiyol idly starts a conversation. He always does. “Look, I know I saw you in that in the morning, but it still looks horrendous.”

Aeila seems annoyed at that sudden statement. “But I wear this every day. You telling me I dress ugly everyday?”



The two are in a canteen eating. Aeila's nabbed herself a big bowl of curry rice. Jiyol gets a plate of fish and chips. 

"Want some?" Aeila asks out of goodwill.

"Not really hungry."

“Welp, more for me, I guess. I'm coming over later tonight, by the way," Aeila says to Jiyol. He seems unfazed.

"You not showing up is the rare thing nowadays."

"I know! But my house is boring. And rented. Boring and rented, just like yours," Aeila quips on.

"Well, that makes two of us. I got Ultimate recently, by the way."

"You're assuming I didn't see you crying last night because you were getting your ass beat by a Kirby."



3:34pm, 31/10/20xx

It’s easier not to talk to people, Jiyol’s learned, as he sits quietly at his desk after a sigh of relief and a marketplace level of noise floods the classroom when the teacher leaves.

It’s easier not to have to think up of things to talk about.

Unfortunately, that makes him all the more an ideal conversation target for extremely social people.

Like Makai, for example. Grade A honor roll student, and the classical neighborhood “good kid”. His closet mostly consists of denim jackets, patterned T-shirts with rather generic logos on them, jeans and shoes too black to determine whether made from leather or fabric.

And social butterfly, obviously, because honor roll students somehow have to be either creepy, overenthusiastic, or both. Bless him for just being too enthusiastic, but god Jiyol would be lying if he said he wasn’t annoyed by the constant conversational attempts.

“…yeah?” Jiyol accidentally ends up putting the "curt" in "courteous".

Makai seems to take it well, however. “Uh, I was gonna go out for a movie. Doctor Strange just came out. Wanna tag?”

“Nah, it’s fine. You could ask some other person, movies aren’t my thing-“

“I already asked Karin and Tarah. They said yes. I couldn’t get Sakie, though. She’s still tough as a nut.”

“…why those three specifically?”

“Well, they’re the quieter ones, along with you, so… I was thinking, since it’s a movie and all-“

“Okay, I get it. I’m tired, but y’all have fun.”

Jiyol takes big strides out of the classroom with his bag hanging over a shoulder.

“Text us if you change your mind!”

He didn’t, but obviously he didn’t have to say that out loud.


3:42pm, 31/10/20xx

Jiyol is in the middle of walking to a meetup point, when he feels a tap from behind.


Aeila appears behind him, along with someone else.

“I thought we were supposed to meet at the canteen… ah, you brought Sakie along.”

“Yes, Sherlock. Nice." Sakie makes her first statement, and it bites painfully.

“Well, unless we’re waiting for something else? Let’s go,” Sakie said.

Of course, everyone looks at their phone while they walk home.


Group Message - We Don't Talk About The “We Don't Talk” Club

magay: Okay, so basically
aeyyyla: youre monky
magay: No.
magay: Anyway, the movie's on at Grand Unified Plaza, at the movie theatre.
aeyyyla: a movie, at a movie theatre. how could you do this to me. I thought we were friends
magay: We meet at the gantry at 7pm.
magay: the last time I invited you to a movie it was a disaster you wouldnt shut up and there was so much mustard
magay: oh god the mustard
marstars is online!
itssakienotsuckie is online!
diskarded is online!
magay: Everyone’s online!
magay: Off-topic, but jiyol's completely cold towards me when we're not in class
freedumbfighter: i'm cold to everyone what are you talking about
aeyyyla: ice ice baby
freedumbfighter: no
aeyyyla: owo whats this
freedumbfighter: good news everyone! furries are cancelled
magay: Really, though! You never speak to anyone but Aeila. And you even manage to talk to Sakie, too! Even though she's stone cold.
itssakienotsuckie: And what, exactly, are you implying?
magay: Nothing you'/r e a good person and I treasure you very mdhcuh
freedumbfighter: aeila's coming over to my house later, sadly
freedumbfighter: i'm gonna have to deal with her even if i'm not online, and you know what they say
freedumbfighter: "sorry, gentlemen, she's single"
freedumbfighter: you rn: :clown:
aeyyyla: ok fuck u too


6:52pm, 31/10/20xx

Jiyol sinks into his sofa, tired as all hell.

Sakie’s gone home, saying “my bed is a better friend than any of you all will ever be”.

Meanwhile, Aeila makes herself at home. In Jiyol’s home, right beside him, obviously, because according to her, “it’s fun when you mess up someone else’s house.”

A while passes while Aeila is trashing Jiyol in Smash on her victim's sofa. Nothing is out of the ordinary here- it’s been done for the past few years, and “they’re neighbors anyways”.

Jiyol can’t complain much either. It’s less lonely to have someone else around when you live in a rented place.


Group Message - We Don't Talk About The “We Don't Talk” Club

aeyyyla: mfw left keys at school
aeyyyla: whoneedstogohomeanyway.jpg
diskarded: That sucks
itssakienotsuckie: More importantly, Karin...
itssakienotsuckie: Aren't you all at the movies?
itssakienotsuckie: I'm surprised you all haven't been kicked out for using your phones in the theater.
magay: so im going to be late because of who i am as a person but im rushing there i swear
marstars: its okkk we decided to book a later timing for the movie!!
diskarded: Roaming around the shopping mall for now.
diskarded: At the magic shop
marstars: woah cool!!! o(^w^)o
freedumbfighter: nice emote
aeyyyla: so its not cool when I act like a furry but when SHe doesit
freedumbfighter: double standards only apply to you
aeyyyla: you're awful jiyol
aeyyyla: you wanna hear another joke
freedumbfighter: "i think we've had enough of your jokes.png"
aeyyyla: anyw brb
marstars: okay!! i'll look for @diskarded


8:14pm, 31/10/20xx

Moments later, Aeila jumps off the sofa. The screen displays Aeila beating Jiyol 3 to none.

“Well, I left my keys in school, so I guess I’ll have to get back there before I go back home!”

“And pull an all nighter again?”

“Yup. I’ll see you later! Or tomorrow. Either way. Goodnight!”

She scampers off, and Jiyol is left with but an enthusiastic, electronic voice coming from his television speakers.

He rests.


11:45pm, 31/10/20xx

The victory theme of Smash is playing softly on the television as Jiyol sleeps. It's currently late at night, yet all the lights are still on.
This is fine, Jiyol thinks. I'm too tired for any of this.
Until he hears a loud noise.

His school is smoking, and he sees it from a distance away. That's hilarious, he thinks. He messages Aeila.


Private Message - aeyyyla, freedumbfighter

freedumbfighter: yo did you see that shit
freedumbfighter: the school fuckin blew up i think
freedumbfighter: right after you got your shit lmao
freedumbfighter: no school YEET
aeyyyla: sorry. see you again. love you.
freedumbfighter: 1. sorry for what 2. yeah no shit 3. is that a confession in your pocket or are you just happy to see me
freedumbfighter: lmao fuckin apyr levels of cryptic
freedumbfighter: wait youre not kidding
freedumbfighter: OI TALK TO ME JACKASS
aeyyyla: im so sorry


12:10am, 1/11/20xx

He's hyperventilating as he runs to the school.

The first thing he sees is the building, holes on the wall, and he thinks to himself- "I've never seen the metal structures of a building so exposed before."

The second thing he sees is a blue tent in front of the remains of the school. For the first time in a while, his legs go numb, his heart is palpitating, and he's wondering what's happening to him.

Then he realises. It's fear. He can't bring himself to look in the tent, but he knows he has to. He yells at the firefighters and the medics, and then he stumbles in.

It's her.

He runs up to her and shakes her ten times, and then another twenty, yelling crying, screaming at her, before he limps outside and cries, and pukes, and snivels, and kneels, and forgets to breathe, and tries to breathe just to have sheer grief and exhaustion run through his body, and he collapses.

5 minutes left, something whispers to him.
he doesnt care. he ventures into the school (or what remained of it, anyway)
there's a bunch of chairs and tables on the ground and this is wrong, he thinks to himself, there were never any classrooms on the first level, but he continues walking anyway until someone yells at him and something falls on him and then


11:54am, 31/10/20xx

he wakes up looking at his phone.
"What the hell?"


Private Message - aeyyyla, freedumbfighter

aeyyyla: lonch?