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I found myself to be far beyond what I considered possible. It was like my body kept sinking far below, into an endless, bottomless well.

It was for this reason that I kept my eyes sighting the white cage which kept shrinking at every passing moment. 

The distance between us kept increasing relentlessly as if the void enjoyed dragging me down.

Or was it up?

My sense of direction was in complete decline.

'I broke, didn't I?'

Figured this second chance had been quite short, unexpectedly so. 

Had it even reached one day?

Truly it didn't leave a favourable taste in my mouth. It left me thirsty as it left me hungry.

Painful sobbing left part of my ghastly self behind.

Through the darkness, these tears became the line that marked the distance I took.

They were just like little pebbles.

'I'm sorry Alice. I'm sorry for abandoning you.'

I grieved in torment, feeling restless, hoping to not cease existing. Perhaps a part of me didn't mind disappearing into the oblivion. Yet, I wanted to see her grow up. To see what kind of figure she'd become.

That massive burden piled on those tiny shoulders, I wanted to share it with her.

'I miss you Alice...'

Unknowingly to me, the child was about to undergo some sort of ceremony.

In the center of the golem room she stood sitting naked.

Around her, they drew three circles using blood. Intricate lines formed what looked like a crescent moon. A miniature version was added to her forehead.

The blood tickled her sensations, slowly depriving her of the usual sanity.

Despite the hardships coming her way, she did her best to resist, covering her mouth and nose with both hands. 

The lines around her were of the four shapes the moon took during the year. 

For Alice it felt proper, for the sun seemed to dislike her body.

The golem didn't seem to mind either, which made her think that he, too, adored the smiling moon.

"Am I the only one to have appeared here?" 

"Yes, lady Alice."

It made her wonder what was that information about buying and selling, if there were no other users willing to live here. 

'It is a dark place,' her wondering took the best approach an innocent child could think of. It was in this regard that she had chosen, remembering the much better places she had seen during the selection process.

'This was the worst one.'

"Do your best to not move, my lady," the woman in front of her fretted due to the markings she was making. Her finger tips had blood on it, allowing small dots, thin lines, and symbols to be made at ease.

The circle stood atop few of the mountain veins. It made Alice wonder if it had any meaning to it. 

In fact, what she pondered the most was what they were doing. It reminded her of the times she'd be punished by her mother whenever she drew or painted on the floor or the walls of her old home.

In a way, it gave her a sense of jealousy.

'How lucky.' 

Behind her stood Theseus in wait, grinning widely. For a being made of rock it looked like it had a lot of emotions and expressions. 

Alice figured initially it to be extremely scary. To be fair, even now she had some doubts about him.

But all it had taken was for her to be accepted was to tell him his name. Now it felt to her that she was being treated rather well.

They had promised her a new set of clothing similar to theirs. 

'Warm clothes,' had been the justification along with 'yours are too tattered.'Alice stated that she didn't need new ones but clearly she was in the wrong. They were unworthy for a child, especially when she was meant for more, much more indeed.

These people saw her for what she was in terms of age, but seemed quite unaware of what she was.

'Blood makes it hard for me,' she protested in her mind, realizing they should have used something else. 

'I...' this was when she started realizing that she didn't seem to mind blood. If anything it charmed her and caused happiness to surge within. Often more than not with hunger by its side.

She found this to be quite unique, something was influencing her at a great pace. 

But what could it be?

Without moving, she glimpsed at her information.

'I was human, right?' She asked despite being told many times before that she belonged to humanity. 

'Now I'm a vampire...' her eyes closed allowing a long sigh to follow.

How distinct could two races be?

What even made someone be one and not the other?

Was it merely the wish she opted for?

'I miss watching tv,' there had been an anime that she liked. It had this peculiar race as one of the factions, however, the world they lived in was far more peaceful. One without those evil creatures that broke her precious box.

'I should...' and she focused with all her might on a few options, furrowing her eyebrows in the process.

Race: It is what categorizes the user. Any traits that may surge will follow this designation as a base. 

Vampire: One of the night dwellers. A feeble being often portrayed as evil due to its need for blood. 

After thinking for a while she arrived at a conclusion, 'depending on what I am, my body will get different things...' 

Racial traits would come in handy if they were any good. But what if it was something bad, like the curse? Would she get stuck to it forever?

Unease shrouded her thoughts causing her to think on the unthinkable.

Everything seemed to become a little more complicated as time went on, for the possibilities in a child's mind were many.

The villagers brought many stones: each had a single red vine. 

Another thing that piqued her interest, Alice was in fact a very curious child.

"What is that?"

The man before her smiled and then whispered, "ignite."

A small flame sprouted from the ore, causing him to let go of it to avoid getting himself hurt.

The mineral then collided with the many circles, lightning up the blood that acted as fuel.

One after another, it created a drawing with fire, keeping me warm in the center.

'Are they going to cook me?' a little drop of sweat slipped down her face.