8 –> The color of blood is green
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As I try to get my chaotic thoughts in order after hearing this whole thing somehow relating to Miss Mana, the man behind the microphone doesn't allow me such courtesy and reveals his sick plan to both of us tied to the chairs

[The game is very simple, it will be played in two sets]

[In the first set we shall determine which of you two is more willing to give us information on Miss Mana]

[The second set is, of course, you giving us said information or ... let's not discuss the "or" as I'm sure both of you are smart enough to not take that choice]

[If everything is clear, nod twice]

what the hell was he saying? The words that came out of his mouth didn't make any sense, I face forwards to see a similar bewildered look on my fellow classmate's face as we both locked eyes with each other, confusion visible in our eyes.

[Then I shall take silence as an agreement, well then, since we don't have much time to waste, let's get on with the first set]

[The first task determines which one of you has a more stronger will to live, thus in the simplest words possible, kill the other person before they kill you, accomplish this simple task and you advance forward]

Something so absurd was being said so casually and nonchalant manner that the soft voice echoing throughout the hall with the help of his microphone felt more chilling.

Registering his words in my mind, my entire body becomes stiff and tries to shake but was forced to restrict itself because of the metal cuffs that were part of the chair binding my limbs, this was not an ordinary metal chair.

As I fail to control my body, loud grunting noises come in front of me, the student trying to scream but his voice got muffled by the cloth wrapped around his mouth, and his despair on full display as his bloodshot eyes flow a stream of tears

But ignoring his cry for help, the man claps and another person dressed in a similar suit and the fox mask comes to my front and parks a food trolley in front with a covered plate on top of it, the person bows down to both of us and elegantly reveals the content of the plate

[Yes, what you see in front of you is a simple magnum gun with all six of its bullets filled]

[In exactly one minute, the metal binding just your arms will release, reach out to the prize and shoot the other, do this and you win]

[Your one minute to decide your strategy starts NOW]

what? what? what? was he serious? the gun looked quite real and just like he said, the plate was indeed within both of arm's reach. But there was no way I was going to follow his heinous orders, I mean what sane person would?

This is just a sick joke.

YEAH! It's just a joke, I'm sure this is some sort of elaborate prank for some reality t.v. yeah! That has to be it! I mean why am I even being subjected to such a cruel joke?! I haven't even done anything ever!

y-yeah there's no need to fret or panic, I sure soon they all will just walk out and laugh loudly as they reveal their prank


[Alright time's over! Now let's see some fun, shall we!!]

As he finishes speaking the metal cuffs binding my arms were released and they retracted inside the chair. Alright, it's over, now come out soon.

I glance forward and see my classmate not moving and just looking at my direction, I'm sure he also understands this whole setup that is going on around here, he's still crying but I'm sure that's just him feeling relieved

A few minutes pass and nothing happens, ok now, it's getting a little bit too dragged out, I don't like where this is going. Hiding behind my made up delusions was now starting to get harder every passing second, praying to let this delusion come to reality

But unfortunately, I was about to get a rude awakening.

the person beside me grabbed my arms and brought them back to the chair's armrest for them to be bound again.


A painful and haunting muffled screech escaped my mouth.

As tears start ruining running down my face, the muffled scream didn't stop and I conjured the courage to look down.

A thin nail was revealing its sharp edge through the back of my palm as blood starts gushing out of its sides that emerged into my skin.

My palm starts to sting with pain like thousands of needles were being constantly pushed in and out of my skin. The immense pain becomes unbearable as the inside of my head starts spinning and getting filled with a wavy mist making me unable to form a single thought or an image. 

My stomach starts churning as the feeling of vomit constantly strikes my throat, it was the first time in my 17 years of short life that I had felt such unbearable pain both physically and mentally.

It was a feeling I didn't want to become familiar with in the slightest. My survival instincts must have kicked in as even though my brain was a mush of sludge right now, my entire body was screaming at me to never experience such awfulness again.

It wanted me to do whatever to become free of it no matter the cost

Seconds later a scream not my own is heard and quickly trace it to the same nail impaling my classmate's hand.

[As I said before, we are short of time, in one minute time the arm binds will be released again]

[Sit comfortably as before and the next impalement might not be as generous]

The delusions I so haphazardly created were shattered into million pieces in a matter of seconds

This was not a prank or reality t.v.

Internally I laugh at myself and my overly sensitive body that at the slightest infliction of torture caved in to the disgusting freaks orchestrating this little play of theirs.

My entire soul screamed at me to survive.

I who didn't have any ambitions in life wanted to survive.

I who will not achieve anything great in life wanted to survive.

I who was a disappointment to my parents wanted to survive.

I who was inferior to my excellent big brother wanted to survive.

Maybe the other student before me is more excellent than me.

Maybe he wants to achieve something unlike me.

He who has goals, ambition, hope, and everything maybe deserved to live more than me

But this moment the blood gushing from my palm appears dark green and I find myself selfish to a fault

The weak me who was nothing wanted to live.