Chapter 2: Survive?
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Chapter 2: Survive?

*Avariena’s POV*

What are we helpless high-school students to do in such a situation? Panic, scream, or pass out? Well, my fellow students were all doing a mix of three. Even the teachers were doing one of the three…

As for me, I got out from my seat, picked up my school bag, and exited the classroom. Which was a good fucking idea. Why? Because right as I was doing that, a scary looking tall and lanky creature with a pumpkin head, and chainsaws for hands, entered the classroom from the opposite door.

I actually just missed him… Hearing the sounds of screaming, chainsaws, and what I can only assume is, flesh being ripped and torn, I ran through the corridor.

There is no way to escape this pocket dimension. At least, not for us mortals. We have to wait for a higher being to deal with it.

Huh? What about my Goddess? I can’t rely on her for this situation. Why would she bother to manifest in this pocket dimension just for me? I am just a normal mortal. Not one that even has much value to her.

But she helped me with my bullies? Well, she did. But not because she cares about me. It was only because Sara and her lackeys were committing evil, and their prayers were slightly tainted due to it.

Wouldn’t you be pissed off if something like a fly landed in your food? That was basically the only reason she bothered to “help” me.

Right now, I am currently rushing to the principles office. The principle, she is rumored to be a Goddess in disguise. Which means my best bet is making it to her as soon as possible.

Surprisingly, I haven’t run into any other monsters. Granted, I came across various piles of bodies, of my former classmates. It seems like the monsters all split up, and entered the classrooms first.

The blood and gore around me, is quite disgusting. And I am proud at myself for not throwing up. As well as me keeping myself calm.

*Thirty minutes later.*

Annoyingly, the principles office is on the far wing of the school. And the class I attended was on the far opposite side of the school. As such, it took more thirty minutes just to make it halfway there. Why only halfway? Well, I have ended up in a bad situation.

There is a monster in front of me. It has no eyes, it also looked lanky like the last monster. A few fellow students of mine, where cowering with their backs to the wall.

This monster seems to be both blind, and unable to smell anything. Ah, Goddess bless that this school is so high class. If it was a normal school, the floor might make sounds when you step on it. Regardless of how careful you step.

That isn’t a problem with the floors in this school. Now, as for the monster, I picked up a small metal trash can. Making sure not to make any sound in the process. Then I threw the metal trash can into a vacant classroom.

I first checked to make sure there weren’t any students or teachers left in the room. Otherwise, I would be sending them to their deaths…

Anyway, after I threw the trash can, the monster broke through the wall to chase after the noise. I glanced to the three students, and then we quietly made our way further into the corridor.

We had no idea how good of hearing that thing has, so we didn’t speak to each other at all.

*Some time later.*

After walking for another thirty minutes, I finally made it to the principles office.

As for the students that I saved, they went their separate ways. They decided to take their chances alone. Well, not like I was able to offer them any safety.

They also weren’t keen on just going off of the rumor about the principle.

My main problem now, there was no one in her office at all. Either she left, or she wasn’t a Goddess at all, and was killed. It’s hard to say.

With nothing better to do, I decided to look around her office a bit. Oddly, I found a handgun in her desk. Why the hell a principle needed a handgun for, I have no idea. There was even a box of ammo stored in her desk.

You know… she didn’t even bother to lock the desk at all. Well, at least I got a weapon now. I know what you’re thinking. A high-school girl with a gun? This can’t end well!

But luckily, I have been to the US with my mom many times. On pretty much every trip, we ended up shooting firearms. Since Mom and I both really enjoy shooting them. My mom is really cool, you know. I wouldn’t be surprised if she managed to save me from this pocket dimension…

Ah, anyway, I checked the handgun. It was chambered in 45 ACP, and the rounds where hollow point rounds. Pretty good for scary monsters. There was no round loaded into the chamber, so I chambered one.

Now I had a decent weapon to defend myself with. Though, how effective it will be on the monsters, that I have no clue.

Dammit! Me and my big stupid fucking mouth! Right as I was thinking that, a small monster burst through the door. It was about the size of a basketball.

Taking aim, I shot it, and with a *splat!* it was turned into mush. Huh… even with hollow point rounds, it shouldn’t have died that easily…

Making sure there weren’t any other monsters trying to ambush me, I went back to the desk to check the ammo. And damn! These were holy rounds! These cost so much damn money to buy.

Even better, the rounds where Ruina rounds. Which means, me, as a worshiper of her, the rounds will be even more effective. Now, rather or not I could kill those two big monsters with it, I have no idea at all.

Yes, I know that it’s weird that a Goddess blessed bullets. But a lot of expensive products were blessed by various beings. It’s just standard marketing, I guess.

With such a bountiful luck! I grabbed the box of ammo and stuffed it into my school bag. Before doing that, I emptied it out. No need to carry extra unnecessary weight in this situation.

Fuck… what should I do now? Hiding out in her office, would not be a good idea at all. The door was smashed completely. Thinking about this, I wandered back out into the corridor.

Now I just need to have the luck to not run into any more monsters…