Chapter 3: Why me?
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Chapter 3: Why me?

*Avariena’s POV*

Exploring around the school, it was like I was in a completely different world… Well, technically, I am in a pocket dimension. So I really was in a different dimension…

Parts of the school that I’ve grown used to, look completely different now. Honestly, how I even managed to make it to the principles office, was an actual miracle.

Looking out the window, all I see is a blood red and cloudy sky. It seems like the longer I stay in this dimension, the worse everything gets.

Oddly, a few of the big monsters have just passed me by, without even bothering me at all. The small ones do bother me, though. It seems like the bigger ones only mess with groups.

At least, from the ones that I’ve met. Ah, there was this horrible thing that happened an hour ago…

I came to a classroom, there was a group of five students hiding there in it. Based on my own theories about the big ones, I did not decide to join their group. Once again, I was lucky.

After I left, all I heard was screaming. Despite my whole being screaming at me, I peeked back into the room. There was no one left in the classroom. Though, there was a locker, which was covered in blood and gore.

Huh… so I just barely escaped getting eaten by a locker… That was my thought at the time.

What am I thinking about now? Well, I am currently trapped inside a creature…

Said creature has a cage-like main body. How I got captured was pretty simple, it ambushed me by hiding at a turn in one of the corridor halls, and then swallowed me up.

It wasn’t lanky, but very fat. And the way it gets things trapped within it is by eating you with its large mouth. As for what it wants with me, I have no idea. It hasn’t killed me yet. Nor has it killed the eight other students trapped with me.

Ah, dammit! Me and my big mouth… As I was thinking that, a hole opened up at the bottom of the cage. I was holding on to the bars, so I didn’t fall into the hole.

Those that did, which was all of the other students besides me, were blended up. Ah, so it’s a cage blender monster. That’s fun…

Looking into the hole, I could see something that could possibly be its heart. This monster is super pissed off that I am not dead yet, as such, it’s flinging itself around, trying to get me to let go of the bars.

Taking my handgun out of my schoolbag, I took one shot at the heart. Which seems to have killed the monster easily. What wasn’t easy, was that it melted. With me in it!

Aaaaa! Now I was covered in monster flesh gunk… Why me?… Well, at least I am alive… Can’t say the same for my once fellow students.

*Hours later.*

This place was no longer a school. It was a nightmare world. A few minutes ago, the walls of the school started to melt. I managed to escape the school fast enough before it did.

Now the world around me was even worse. Think of the most fucked up kind of world that you can think of. This place was worse than that. It was a horror landscape.

Way above me, I could see monsters flying in the sky. It was a swarm of manta ray looking creatures. I figured that if I needed to, I could just shoot them down. I abandoned that thought, when a giant serpent-like creature just swallowed the manta monsters whole in one gulp…

Once I returned to reality, I realized that there were swarms of monsters coming my way. Without a second thought, I ran in the opposite direction of them.

After running for a bit, I came across a small cave. The entrance was only really big enough for a person, and I doubt even the small monsters could fit through the hole. It was my best bet, so I went into the hole.

Inside were other students. They didn’t look good at all, one was missing his arm, and I doubt that he would survive much longer. He clearly lost a shit ton of blood. Thinking back, he was with that group that I saved before. Though, it was only him. None of the others in that group seem to have survived…

Avariena: “The school melted, and I didn’t see any other students after it did. Are we only the only survivors?” I ask with a serious tone.

Not counting me or the one student that is sure to die soon, there are only five other students left. Around two thousand students went to my high school, the rest are either lost, or dead.

This was probably the highest number of people to die in one event that has happened in years… That being said, there is no telling if the rest of us will actually survive.

None of the other students replied to me at all. They all looked to be at a loss, or just have gone into a catatonic state.

Eventually, one of the students came up to me. It was the school princess. Well, it wasn’t that big of long shot, to call her that. Her name is Kaito Harada, heir to one of the most profitable business families in Japan.

Kaito is half-Japanese, half American. Due to that, she has long blond hair down to her waist. Her eyes are green, which makes her look like a famous model, or something like that. Well, she is just very beautiful, if I am being honest.

No one really knows much about her, besides her background. She mostly keeps to herself in class, and doesn’t seem to have any school friends. What I do know, is that she is in the same year as me, so she is most likely the same age as me as well.

Kaito: “Are you Avariena Inoue?” Kaito asked.

Avariena: “That’s right. And you’re Kaito Harada.” I reply.

Kaito: “That’s also right. May I borrow your handgun? I’ll return it quickly.” Kaito asked with a serious tone.

Not one to deny a pretty girl, I handed her my handgun without a fuss.

Avariena: “There is a round in the chamber, but the safety is on.” I say after handing her my handgun.

Kaito: “Thanks.” She said with a smile.

She then walked over to the boy with the missing arm, and shot him in the head. The other students were greatly shocked by what Kaito just did.

Some of them tried to rush her, she just shot them in their knees. The other students didn’t even bother to realize what had just happened, and were still huddling on the ground together.

Avariena: “Why did you kill him? I mean, he lost a lot of blood, and was unlikely to survive, but there still could have been a small chance.” I ask with a grim tone.

Kaito: “You think that I am horrible person? He told me that he wished to die, all I did was grant him that wish. Here’s your gun back.” Kaito said before handing me back my handgun.

That’s a good enough reason, I guess. Kaito didn’t bother stick around. She went to the cave entrance, and was about to leave, before I stopped her.

Avariena: “Where are you going? I was chased by a ton of monsters on my way to this cave.” I ask.

Kaito: “If you survived the school, you should know that so far, the big monsters don’t attack those not in groups. I’ll be fine. Oh, as long as the group is fewer than three people, they also won’t attack.” Kaito explained.

Avariena: “What is your plan?” I ask.

Kaito: “Find a way to survive. It’s been hours since we got trapped in this pocket dimension. I am getting hungry.” Kaito replied.

Avariena: “Where would we even get food?” I ask with a sigh.

Kaito: “It’s hard to say, but looking for food, sure as hell beats wasting away in this cave. You should come with me, you seem to be very capable.” Kaito proposed.

She’s right. The people in this cave have pretty much already given up. At least Kaito and I still wish to try to survive.

Avariena: “Alright, I’ll go with you.” I reply with a smile.

Like that, Kaito and I left the cave. We really have no idea what we will find, or even if we will survive. It’s still better to try in the end. Ah, I just want to see my mom again…