Chapter 4: Food is Needed!
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Chapter 4: Food is Needed!

*Avariena’s POV*

Kaito and I walked on an uneven landscape for hours. We eventually came across a small town. The school melted, but the town did not. It seems like that door took in a lot of more the my dimension than I originally thought that it did.

Avariena: “Do you think that we’ll find food in the city?” I ask with an unsure tone.

Kaito: “It can’t hurt to try. By the way, where did you get that gun?” Kaito asked with a curious tone.

Avariena: “Remember how principle Yuna is said to be a Goddess in disguise?” I ask.

Kaito: “Yes?” Kaito said with a head tilt.

Ah… why do I find her tilting her head to be such a cute action?…

Avariena: “Well, I was betting on that being the truth, so I rushed to her office. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be found. But I managed to find this handgun in her desk.” I answer.

Kaito: “How lucky.” Kaito said with a small and cute giggle.

After that small conversation, we headed into the town. Once in the town, a new problem occurred. And it starts with a Z…

Avariena: “Did it really have to be zombies?” I say in a quiet tone.

Kaito: “It seems so. Your handgun should be enough to deal with them, though.” Kaito replied.

Avariena: “True. But I have limited ammo.” I say with a sigh.

I did use a decent amount of ammo on the small monsters already…

Kaito: “Then let’s only use it when necessary.” Kaito said.

Avariena: “Alright. Where should we go first?” I ask.

Kaito: “From our vantage point on this hill, I’d say that most of the town has been turned into zombies. We should raid a grocery store.” Kaito suggested.

Right. I forgot to mention that we are currently on a hill. On the hill, we can basically see the entire town.

Avariena: “Okay. That’s probably our best bet. I am hungry as well.” I reply.

We then walked down the hill, and went into the town. By being very quiet and sneaky, we managed to not alert any zombies.

Thirty minutes after arriving in town, we found a grocery store. Here’s the weird thing, well, apart from the zombies, and this entire situation, I mean. This town, I knew the name of it. It was a town that was miles, and miles away from our school. How it ended up here, and how we were quickly able to make it to it, is something we do not know the answer to.

Inside the store, there didn’t seem to be any zombies inside it at all. Though, we don’t know for sure. So we made sure to stay quiet.

Avariena: “What kind of food should we go for?” I ask in a hushed tone.

Kaito: “Fruit, or other types of food that we don’t have to cook. I doubt that there will be power in this dimension.” Kaito replied in a quiet voice.

With her suggestion, we went after energy bars, fruit, and other things like that. I filled up my schoolbag with food, and so did Kaito. With nothing else left to do, we decided to leave the store. But we were stopped…

???: “Who the hell do you think you two are? Stealing from my store!” A man yelled.

He looked to be the manager of the store. Doesn’t he know what kind of situation that we are in?

Kaito: “Why would stealing matter now? We’re trapped in a pocket dimension.” Kaito said with an annoyed tone.

???: “And that for some reason gives you the right to steal from me?” He yelled once again.

Avariena: “Sir, please, we will just take only this small bit. We need it to survive.” I say with a pleading tone.

The man didn’t respond, and instead, he walked over to one of the cash registers, and pulled the anti-theft alarm. A very loud alarm blared throughout the entire store.

???: “I see that there will be no more paying customers, so why not just die? Oh, you two can die along with me.” The man said with a crazy laugh.

This place will be swarmed by zombies in no time. As such, Kaito and I booked it to the back of the store. And went out the back door. There were already zombies appearing in the back, but most likely way less than at the front of the store.

I shot the heads of the ones blocking our path, so that we could escape without getting hurt. I really, really, don’t want to turn into a zombie. And I doubt that Kaito wants to either.

With some zombies in tow, we kept running, and running. We ran for an entire hour, and only stopped once we didn’t see any more zombies.

Avariena: “That was close…” I say while trying to catch my breath.

Kaito: “Yes, it was. The man was crazy.” Kaito said with a sigh.

Currently, we are hiding in a house. This area is a wealthy one, so there are fenced in houses. One of which we decided to hide in. Luckily, there weren’t any zombies inside it. We made sure of that. We also made sure there weren’t any other survivors. Lest something like earlier, with that store manager, happens to us once again.

Avariena: “I think that we need a better plan.” I say with a thinking pose.

Kaito: “A better plan will come to us tomorrow. Let’s eat, and then head to sleep.” Kaito suggested.

Hm… I guess eating isn’t that bad of a plan… We both took out some of the food that we took from the grocery store.

After eating an apple, and a few energy bars, I was somehow full. Maybe because I am in a very stressful situation? Who knows.

Kaito went to the kitchen, and turned on the sink. Apparently, the hot water still worked.

Kaito: “Let’s go take a shower before heading to bed.” Kaito said.

Avariena: “Alright, you go first.” I reply.

Kaito: “Surely you have watched many horror movies before, right? Splitting up, even for a second, is a bad idea. We’ll take a shower together, and sleep on the same bed. Make sure you bring your gun with us.” Kaito said.

With the way she said it, there really isn’t any way for me to rebuke her decision. Splitting up is always a bad move in situations like this. So I took my handgun with me into the shower.

Kaito was surprisingly not fazed at all by the prospect of taking a shower with me. I was honestly surprised…

Kaito: “What’s the look for? Don’t act like you haven’t looked up porn before. Seeing a nude woman isn’t something that special. Though, I’ll admit, seeing such a cutie like you in the nude, is something very special.” Kaito said with a teasing tone.

Avariena: “…”

I spent the rest of the shower with a blushed face, and wasn’t able to talk to Kaito at all. Look, I already know that I am a lesbian, and she isn’t helping at all… It also didn’t help that Kaito is stacked! Her breasts were at least a few cups above my own…

Though, luckily, Kaito didn’t tease me any more for the rest of the shower. We dried off together as well. Once dried, I realized that both of our uniforms are completely ruined…

Kaito: “Let’s look around for some clothes.” Kaito suggested.

Avariena: “Good idea.” I reply.

Walking around the house with only towels around our bodies, we eventually found some clothes to wear. It seems like a high-school girl lived here. Since there were clothes that someone our age would wear, and a few uniforms. Luckily, our lingerie wasn’t ruined, so all we needed were clothes to go over them.

Unfortunately, only the uniforms fit us. Well, the uniform fit me just fine. But Kaito complained that her dress shirt was tight around her chest. I wonder why…

Anyway, we then went to the master bedroom. Of course, we made sure the house was completely locked up first. The bed was big enough for us easily. And we won’t have to bunch up together.

Kaito: “We should get some sleep now. I am exhausted.” Kaito said with a sigh.

Avariena: “I am in the same boat.” I reply with a sigh of my own.

We are currently lying down in the bed. I’ll be honest, if it wasn’t for this whole fucked up situation, I would be very nervous to sleep on the same bed with a beautiful woman like Kaito.

Avariena: “Well, goodnight, I guess.” I say.

Kaito: “Yes, goodnight to you as well. Don’t have any nightmares.” Kaito said with a small laugh.

I am living a nightmare right now, why would I need to dream about one? Ah, now her little joking comment made me slightly upset. Now it will be hard to go to sleep…