001. Prologue
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 Slowly opening my eyes to an unfamiliar surrounding, I was confused not because I had never seen this place nor because I had no recollection of anything who I was what I was, or where I was, but because of the scene in front of my eyes the place looked dark yet bright, chaotic yet calming and beautiful, I could not explain how it was just impossible to do so at least in a human language not that I knew any other. 

 I turned my head around or I thought I was until I realized I could not feel any part of my body, I couldn't even feel the gravity or my weight, it was as if I had just become a mere cloud. 

 As I was wondering what I was I saw a shadowy figure manifest in front of me, the only thing that indicated that it was a human was the fact that it had a young human appearance with a pair of glowing orbs that seemed to serve as his eyes. 

 It was then that I realized that my view might be a 360 view that might explain the fact that the world looked so chaotic.  

" you had a very interesting story even though it ended in failure, with no salvation not from others .... but from YOURSELF." the shadowy figure said while emphasizing the last word as if trying to hammer it to me that I was a really BIG failure. and his voice was .... then I realized that it wasn't a vice that I heard in fact I could not hear anything his words just appeared in my mind. 

 But his words were burning me even though I didn't have the slightest idea who I was, so I tried to voice out my thoughts. 

-Who was I? Was I a bad person? or was I even a person? who even are you anyway ?- 

 But I failed as no sound came out of my non-existent mouth.

"I know you have a lot of questions about who you were when you were still alive but I will not go over the past and instead talk about your future and I highly recommend you to do the same."

-What do you mean ?-  

"I mean let us talk about your next life."

-Wait, can you read my mind?-

"Nah I can't read your mind-"

-isn't that just admitting to it though ?-

"I can however predict your thoughts, after all, I was the one to create you, now onto the topic of your future, you will be reborn but in a different world, you might ask why are you given a second chance well everyone will be reborn .... well at least most do, but they are reborn in the same world then yes you might be an exception then what is the reason? it's because your life was for Naut you had almost zero control over your fate hence I'm letting you live another time but this time your fate is in your hands." 

-Wait! why didn't I have control over my fate in the first place ?- I had expected some good reasons but I received a great response.

"Entertainment," he said matter-of-catly, which stunned me.

-What?- I was lost and confused.

"Yes you heard me right I Only did it for entertainment, now I'm not looking for salvation or forgiveness, why should I? Like everyone, I do what I please with my possessions, and when someone threatens to take them from me I'll have to make a little sacrifice." 

-Wha...- I Was stomped was this gu- 'THING' even a god? Was this how a god would react?  was this the thing that people prayed to? 

"Now with that out of the way I think it's time for you to go chop-chop" he waved his hand casually and I started to lose consciousness, as if my very existence became heavy.

Then I had nightmares that I couldn't make anything out of and soon forgot.