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"I took a deep breath and cried out, "Kobold Workers!"

The kobolds around me barked in response. These creatures, upright dogs about the height of a boy with hands that resemble those of a human, were my subordinates and family. They were monsters from a world of stories that did not exist on Earth.

My dungeon had only one path, and it was narrow. I walked with a kobold on either side of me, unsure if we would encounter an intruder, but prepared nonetheless.

Suddenly, a voice could be heard from the darkness ahead of us. The enemy was finally here. I felt a tremor run through my legs, but I put strength in my belly, took a deep breath, and the kobolds on my left and right swung the stones in their hands. We barked in unison.


The three stones were thrown forward, each at a different speed, towards the enemy beyond the black and white field of vision in the darkness. The kobolds' stone throwing was frankly weak and, even if it hit, it would only hurt to a certain extent. But for me, it was different.

I watched in disbelief as the head of the goblin that had hit me shattered into pieces. The power I felt was unbelievable. My experience with baseball was only from my days as a student, and I had never even been on a boy's baseball team. Despite this, I managed to hit exactly where I aimed, even though I hadn't practiced much. Something indescribable crossed my mind, but I pushed it aside and focused on the battle.

I grabbed another stone from the kobold behind me and threw it with precision. Another goblin's head exploded. Many goblins had invaded, and I hoped the barrage of stone throws would have deterred them. However, it seemed to have little effect. Stepping over the fallen goblin, the next one advanced while yelling.

The kobolds of the barricade group were throwing stones, but it wasn't doing much damage. The goblins who had become dumplings also stood up while yelling.

The other goblins caught up and prepared a battle line. It seemed like they had the wisdom to consider the distance that wouldn't hit each other with weapons. They should have killed each other.

By the time I caught my breath, I was close to the barricade.

"Gah gah gah!"

"Don't be afraid! Thrust, thrust!"

"Wow! Wow!"

The goblins spat stinky saliva and thrust their weapons randomly. The kobolds of the robes commanded the shovels back to prevent the goblins from getting too close. Low-level offense and defense, and unrelated bystanders might laugh. But everyone, including me, was desperate.

No matter how many barricades there were, if this kept repeating, people would get injured. Stabbed and slashed kobolds retreated and were replaced by new ones in the battle line. There were thirty kobolds here, and they still had replacements. However, morale was visibly declining. A few kobolds knocked down their ears when they saw the brethren taking turns with the back row, their noses whistling.


In addition, a goblin with the same physique as a human appeared from the darkness. A hobgoblin. Different height, different muscles. I swung the club I was gripping and beat the goblin who was trying to run away to death as an example.

It must be the boss of these guys. If I defeat him, their morale will collapse. I thought that if I fought with all my might, I wouldn't lose.

"... you're cool"

Scared. Up until now, I had used up a little bit of courage to fight, but I was frightened by this pure murderous intent. Up until now, I had lived a life that was largely free from violence. People who grew up in such an environment should not be able to kill each other all of a sudden. If there is someone out there who can do it, he must have been born with an abnormality or been brainwashed in some way.