Chapter 3: A Shadow in a Bottle
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The first race to master the secrets of magic were the high elves of Synalarion. Their connection with the spirits of the Astral awakened all the different magical abilities in the elvenkind. Priests and shamans channeling the magic of gods and spirits of nature, witches and wizards unlocking the secrets of the arcana and occultists gaining power through pacts with controversial entities.

Soon the magic would spread among all mortal races. But what was supposed to be the Golden Age of Erdonya turned into a time of trouble. Magic users abused their power. Summoning shooting stars to destroy cities, unleashing storms capable of destroying entire fleets, turning armies to ashes with columns of fire that reach the skies. The very power to bend reality at will. This dark period in Erdonya's history became known as the Spellcasters' Warmongery. And it lasted until the gods established the Taboo of Magic.


City of Atalaia. About 100 km south of Castelmare.

Fayir walks through the cobblestone streets of the city towards a potion and enchantment shop. His group hurriedly returned from Velvet Leaves to Castelmare, but after reporting what had happened to the Guild, the buccaneer came to Atalaia to meet an old acquaintance. Endora, a witch Fayir has known for years. Shortly after he abandoned his father's ship at the age of 15, the buccaneer worked in her shop for two years until he met Valinzi and decided to found the Blue Wyvern. 

"Well, well, have you finally given up on this adventurer nonsense and decided to go back to work here at the shop?" The witch smiles at the sight of her former employee. Her appearance was that of a woman in her 50s, with tanned skin and black hair with gray streaks. But the spellcaster was much older than she looked.

"Not yet this time. I actually came here because I need your help."

"And how could an old witch like me help you?" She speaks after taking a drag on her pipe. The black artifact with gold accents is used as her spellcasting focus.

"I need information, Miss Endora." The ex-privateer politely addresses his former boss.

"Then let's go to the back." The caster speaks as she locks the entrance to the charm shop. Next, she takes Fayir to the back of the establishment, where potions and enchantments are made.

"What kind of information would make you come here and ask in person rather than sending a letter?" She asks serving a cup of tea to the guest.

"The last quest that my party had was in a settlement in the north of Mog-Madholia. We had to deal with shadow beasts that haunted a village."



"Perhaps the work of a necromancer experimenting or some group of cultists trying to get offerings." The witch theorizes.

"That's what I thought. But when I went to report to the Guild Council and request a new mission to go after the culprits, something suspicious happened. My request was denied. A gold rank adventurer was sent in our place."

"Well, that's very suspicious indeed…" The witch speaks as she takes a sip of her tea.

"Why would the Guild send a legendary adventurer to hunt down a group of cultists? Even though it's still bronze rank, my party would be more than enough to deal with this problem. Unless something else is going on."

"It sounds like it..."

"I'd like you to talk to your contacts to help me get leads on what might be going on."

"Well, there's something on my mind..."

"What would it be?"

"Just some rumors…" The witch gives a piercing look over her glasses.


"Things seem to be quite tumultuous on the Astral plane. Several spirits, including lesser gods, would have entered the material plane in the last few weeks."

The buccaneer's eyes widen. "Impossible!"

"Like I said, these are just rumours. But the same rumors are happening everywhere. From Halidom to Hanami." The spellcaster cites the common saying meaning "the whole world", as Halidom is in the far west of the world, while Hanami is in the far east.

"And the Clergy?"

"In the next few days I will be attending a meeting of my cabal in Halidom Nelight. Maybe I can get information on what the clergy are doing."

"A gathering of witches and occultists right in the Clergy's headquarters city?"

"It is prevention. A sign of good faith and trust."

"Prevention? It feels more like a provocation."

"The conflict between the Church of the Saints of the West and the Cabal of Galenia ended centuries ago. Only the cults of demons and the vilest gods remain banned in Koradel. This is a new world, Fayir. Furthermore, if something of this magnitude is really happening, the Saints of the West will have to put their pride aside and join forces with other congregations. Including our Cabal."

"Could something like this happen?"

"Never know. But it seems that the High Priest of Halidom has just left in a hurry towards Synalarion…"

"The kingdom of the high elves..."

"Yes… He went to meet personally with the High Priestess of the goddess Kyvriniol in New Oberes."

"Something is really going on... That's why I wanted you to introduce me to one of your acquaintances who has contact with Astral creatures."

"Do you want to deal with occultists?" Endora seems concerned.

"I know my way around!" The ex-pirate emphasizes.

"Listen, Fayir. Wizards are smart, witches and warlocks are wise and…" She starts to quote another saying, but is interrupted.

"...And occultists are cunning. I know. But don't worry, because I'm charming." He flashes a confident smile.

"I know you're charismatic, but they are more. Occultists make pacts with dangerous creatures from the Astral. Surely they will want something in return and you will end up giving in. Do not bargain with them." The witch advises.

"Then will you help me?" The buccaneer asks.

"I have a better solution. Which can benefit both of us." She lets out a sigh after taking a drag on her pipe, staring at the smoke that seemed to take shape.

After working out the details, Fayir says goodbye to her old boss and leaves back to Castelmare.

"Give my regards to Judith. And say that if one day she gives up the priesthood and wants to become a necromancer, I can take her as my ward."

"This is never going to happen!" The buccaneer responds with a smirk on his face.


Road to Velvet Leaves

"Why are we returning to this village? I thought the Guild had sent a goldy adventurer in our place." Brigia speaks without hiding her displeasure.

"This is an ‘outside’ mission." The party leader explains.

"What do you mean? Are we working under the table?"

"Sort of… This job was requested by an acquaintance of mine. She offered a lot of money for us to capture one of those shadows."

"So that's what it was about..."

"The money is for a good cause. As soon as we finish this quest, you will be in for a surprise.” He smiles at the group who didn't seem to understand what was going on. “Besides, I haven't forgotten my promise. After we're done with this quest, we'll head north."

"To the north?" Howell asks fearfully. “How far north?"

"Just far enough away..." The buccaneer replies with a smirk at Brigia. "Enough to get us to your homeland."

The dimacheer's eyes widen for a moment.

"Oh... Are we going to Paillard?" Howell regains his composure.

"Yes… Where else could it be." Fayir answers without quite understanding his companion's reaction.

"The gold-ranked adventurer must have already wiped out all the shadows, Fayir." Valinzi considers. "How are we going to find one before he does?"

"Endora gave me amulets to locate these types of creatures more easily. Let’s split up and count on luck."

"This plan sucks." Darneth grumbles. "And this Endora woman looks very suspicious. What does she want with that shadow?"

"She is doing me a favor."

"Is she helping us and paying us at the same time? Do you have an affair with her?"

"Not!" Fayir is disgusted. "She is old enough to be my mother."

"I am old enough to be your mother too." Darneth looks at the buccaneer with a withering glare.

"Old women are the most appetizing." The barbarian dwarf Bilos joins in the discussion. "I wouldn't trade my Marva for none rickety damsel with no callused hands."

"Age does not matter when there is love." Sarina gives her usual romantic take.

"Tell that to the militia." Brigia makes a bad joke.

"Enough! We are arriving." Fayir finishes off the discussion while his sister Judith laughs at the confusion.

Upon reaching the village, the adventurers enter the surrounding woods. The leader hands hematite crystal shards to the group members, who then disperse. These crystals glow a violet color when approaching necrotic creatures.

Luckily, Valinzi and Darneth find a cave full of shadow beasts. A lair where these creatures hide during the day.

After reuniting, the group enters the cave and is quickly faced with the hauntings.

"Get ready! The target will be the one that looks like a deer." The party leader shouts.

Bilos and Sarina intercept the moose-bear-shaped shadow, with Judith's support. The creature's antlers pin the knight-lady against the wall. But Judith protects her from damage with a magical shield.

Darneth and Valinzi handle the minor shadows. The paladin faces a wolf-shaped beast. However, to his surprise, the creature starts walking on two legs and attacks him with a sword. It looked like a distorted copy of the man-dog.

Fayir and Howell try to capture the deer. The swordsman provokes the shadow which viciously attacks him. He parries the blows one by one, but for a moment, the creature reminds him of a battle he had years ago. A battle in the village of Paillard. The dimacheer legs freeze as he remembers the entity he faced that day.

The deer hits him. But it was already too late. Fayir opens an enchanted obsidian bottle given by Endora. The buccaneer, who snuck up behind the beast, activates the magic item. The bottle sucks in the creature, trapping it.

"It is done, Brigia!" The warrior priestess, who until then had been waiting for the signal, activates her fiery aura, obliterating all shadows in the cave.

"Glad we managed to catch one before goldy-guy wiped them all out." Brigia celebrates.

"Indeed." Fayir agrees as he inspects the magic bottle. "A stroke of luck. But now is not the time to rest. Our journey is not over yet. We have a matter to settle in the village of Paillard."

"Yes!" Brigia vibrates.

And so the party departs for Paillard before nightfall, leaving the rest of the service to the Platinum Hero sent from the Guild.


Midarth Continent, Kingdom of Synalarion.

The old High Priest of Halidom walks slowly through the nephrite and black oak courtyard of the central temple of the capital of the high elven kingdom. He wears a holy white robe with red and gold trim as he is followed by his entourage.

Finally took place the solemn meeting between Your Holiness, highest authority of the Church of the Saints of the West and voice of the overgod Jahaya in Erdonya, and the High Priestess of Kyvriniol, goddess of magic and matron of the elvenkind.

"Your Holiness. I hope you had a good trip."

"No need for falsehoods. You've seen countless popes of Halidom acclaimed and died. You always made sure to treat us all with contempt."

The priestess lets out a condescending smile. She has a fair skin and wears a blue and green robe. Her hair is dyed in a lapis lazuli blue.

"I wonder what would make the proud elves of Synalarion call us to their lands." The old Pope had a sharp tongue. "I just hope it's not the end of the world."

"I'm afraid that is exactly what this is about." The High Priestess speaks to the astonishment of her fellow Pontiff. "But I will explain everything when you meet with the others."


"Yes." The elf speaks as the doors to an oval office open. There are several priests of different races and their entourages, coming from various parts of the world. From Halidom to Hanabi, with the exception of goblinoids and some tribes of beastmen, all of the world's major religious leaders were gathered.

"Forgive me for the lack of warning. But not everyone had confirmed it."

"What is all this about?"  The old priest was startled.

"This is a Council of War, Your Holiness."

"War?! Against who?"

"Against the Enemy of the World..."